#!/usr/bin/env python # This is the fabric file I've been using to deploy things on my box # and my freedombox. # # fab install should take you from base freedom-maker install to # plinth box import os,sys, subprocess import simplejson as json import fabric.api from fabric.api import local, env, cd, put, get, task import cfg fb_ip = "" BINDIR = "/usr/local/bin" # defaults env.user = 'root' @task def fb(): "Use this to set host to our freedombox (e.g.: fab fb deploy)" env.hosts = [fb_ip] @task def all_hosts(): "Use this to set host to both localhost and freedombox" env.hosts = ["localhost", ""] def remote_dir(): if env.host == fb_ip: return "/usr/local/share/plinth" else: return "/home/james/src/plinth" def run(*args, **kwargs): if env.host == "localhost" or env.host=="": return local(*args, **kwargs) else: return fabric.api.run(*args, **kwargs) def sudo(*args, **kwargs): if env.host == "localhost" or env.host=="": return run("sudo %s" % args[0], *args[1:], **kwargs) elif env.user == "root": return run(*args, **kwargs) else: return fabric.api.sudo(*args, **kwargs) @task def get_remote_data_dir(): with cd(remote_dir()): data_dir = run('python -c "import cfg; print cfg.data_dir"') env.remote_data_dir = os.path.join(remote_dir(), data_dir) sudo('mkdir -p %s' % env.remote_data_dir) return env.remote_data_dir @task def move_data(): "Move install's data dir to where cfg specifies it should be" get_remote_data_dir() with cd(remote_dir()): sudo('mv data %s' % os.path.split(env.remote_data_dir)[0]) @task def make(): "Run the makefile, which generates docs and templates" with cd(remote_dir()): sudo('make') def make_link_unless_exists(src, dest): sudo('test -f %s || ln -s %s %s' % (dest, src, dest)) def link(src, dest): sudo('ln -fs %s %s' % (src, dest)) @task def santiago(): "Setup the Santiago port" santiago_port = 52854 sudo('ifconfig lo up') # or else tor start fails sudo('apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends tor curl ntp') # tor needs accurate clock sudo('date -s "%s"' % subprocess.check_output("date").rstrip()) # create tor hidden service dir santiago_dir = os.path.join(get_remote_data_dir(), "santiago", "tor") tor_dir = os.path.join(santiago_dir, "general") sudo("mkdir -p " + tor_dir) sudo("chown debian-tor:debian-tor " + tor_dir) # ensure hidden service config is in torrc local("rm -rf __fab__torrc") get("/etc/tor/torrc", "__fab__torrc") with open ("__fab__torrc", 'r') as INF: rc = INF.read() local("rm -rf __fab__torrc") hidden_service_config = "HiddenServiceDir %s\nHiddenServicePort 80" % (tor_dir, santiago_port) if not hidden_service_config in rc: sudo("echo '%s' >> /etc/tor/torrc" % hidden_service_config) sudo('service tor restart') def backslash_path(f): if not f.startswith('/'): f = os.path.abs(f) if f == '/': return '' path, ret = os.path.split(f) return backslash_path(path) + '\/' + ret @task def apache(): "configure apache to find reverse proxy for plinth" sudo('apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y apache2 libapache2-mod-proxy-html apache2-utils openssl ssl-cert') sudo('a2enmod proxy_http rewrite ssl') sudo('touch /var/log/apache2/rewrite.log') ## ssl key and cert ssl_target = "/etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem" sudo('mkdir -p %s' % os.path.split(ssl_target)[0]) sudo('test -f %s || echo "US\nNY\nNYC\nFBox\n\n\n" | openssl req -new -x509 -days 999 -nodes -out %s -keyout %s' % (ssl_target, ssl_target, ssl_target)) conf_path = os.path.join(remote_dir(), "share/apache2/plinth.conf") sudo("mkdir -p " + os.path.split(conf_path)[0]) sudo("touch "+ conf_path) sudo(r"sed -i 's/\(\s*\)DocumentRoot.*/\1DocumentRoot %s/g' %s" % ( backslash_path(os.path.join(remote_dir(), "static")), conf_path)) link(conf_path, "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/plinth.conf") sudo('rm -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default') sudo('service apache2 restart') @task def deps(): "Basic plinth dependencies" sudo('apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y python make python-cheetah pandoc python-simplejson python-pyme') @task def update(): "Copy modified git-tracked files from this branch to remote" with cd(remote_dir()): ## Get .fab contents sudo("touch .fab") fab = run("cat .fab") if not fab: fab = {} ## Make list of files to put try: fab = json.loads(fab) except: fab={} branch = [a[2:] for a in local("git branch", capture=True).split("\n") if a.startswith('*')][0] files = local("git ls-tree -r --name-only %s" % branch, capture=True).split("\n") else: files = local("git diff --stat " + fab['last_update_from_commit'], capture=True).split("\n")[:-1] files = [f.lstrip().split("|")[0].rstrip() for f in files] ## Put the files, one by one, respecting directories dirs = {} for pathspec in files: d,fname = os.path.split(pathspec) if not d in dirs.keys(): dirs[d]=[] dirs[d].append(pathspec) if dirs: sudo('mkdir -p %s' % ' '.join([os.path.join(remote_dir(), d) for d in dirs.keys()])) for d in dirs: for f in dirs[d]: if os.path.islink(f): linked = local("ls -l %s" % f, capture=True).split("-> ")[1] #link(os.path.join(remote_dir(), linked), os.path.join(remote_dir(), d, os.path.basename(f))) put(f, os.path.join(remote_dir(), d),mirror_local_mode=True) if f.endswith(".py"): run("rm -f " + os.path.join(remote_dir(), d, os.path.basename)+"c") ## restart make() sudo('/etc/init.d/plinth restart') ## Record activity so we only put changed files next time commit = local("git log -n 1", capture=True).split("\n")[0].split(" ")[1] fab['last_update_from_commit'] = commit with open(".fab", 'w') as OUTF: OUTF.write(json.dumps(fab)) put(".fab", os.path.join(remote_dir(),".fab")) local("rm -f .fab") @task def link_bin(): "Link executable and init.d script" # todo: set daemon to point to currect binary sudo('rm -rf ' + os.path.join(BINDIR, 'plinth.py')) link(os.path.join(remote_dir(), "plinth.py"), os.path.join(BINDIR, 'plinth.py')) sudo('rm -rf /etc/init.d/plinth') link(os.path.join(remote_dir(), "share/init.d/plinth"), "/etc/init.d/plinth") @task def restart(): "Run plinth" run('/etc/init.d/plinth restart') @task def stop(): "Stop plinth" run('/etc/init.d/plinth stop') @task def proxy(): put("proxy_up.py", remote_dir()) @task def deploy(): "Deploy plinth" deps() link_bin() santiago() update() apache()