path: root/codecs/ilbc/iLBC_decode.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'codecs/ilbc/iLBC_decode.c')
1 files changed, 519 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/codecs/ilbc/iLBC_decode.c b/codecs/ilbc/iLBC_decode.c
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2347ab83a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/codecs/ilbc/iLBC_decode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+ iLBC Speech Coder ANSI-C Source Code
+ iLBC_decode.c
+ Copyright (c) 2001,
+ Global IP Sound AB.
+ All rights reserved.
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "iLBC_define.h"
+#include "StateConstructW.h"
+#include "LPCdecode.h"
+#include "iCBConstruct.h"
+#include "doCPLC.h"
+#include "helpfun.h"
+#include "constants.h"
+#include "packing.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "enhancer.h"
+#include "hpOutput.h"
+#include "syntFilter.h"
+ * Initiation of decoder instance.
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+short initDecode( /* (o) Number of decoded
+ samples */
+ iLBC_Dec_Inst_t *iLBCdec_inst, /* (i/o) Decoder instance */
+ int use_enhancer /* (i) 1 to use enhancer
+ 0 to run without
+ enhancer */
+ int i;
+ memset((*iLBCdec_inst).syntMem, 0,
+ LPC_FILTERORDER*sizeof(float));
+ memcpy((*iLBCdec_inst).lsfdeqold, lsfmeanTbl,
+ LPC_FILTERORDER*sizeof(float));
+ memset((*iLBCdec_inst).old_syntdenum, 0,
+ ((LPC_FILTERORDER + 1)*NSUB)*sizeof(float));
+ for (i=0; i<NSUB; i++)
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).old_syntdenum[i*(LPC_FILTERORDER+1)]=1.0;
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).last_lag = 20;
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).prevLag = 120;
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).prevGain = 0.0;
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).consPLICount = 0;
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).prevPLI = 0;
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).prevLpc[0] = 1.0;
+ memset((*iLBCdec_inst).prevLpc+1,0,
+ LPC_FILTERORDER*sizeof(float));
+ memset((*iLBCdec_inst).prevResidual, 0, BLOCKL*sizeof(float));
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).seed=777;
+ memset((*iLBCdec_inst).hpomem, 0, 4*sizeof(float));
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).use_enhancer = use_enhancer;
+ memset((*iLBCdec_inst).enh_buf, 0, ENH_BUFL*sizeof(float));
+ for (i=0;i<ENH_NBLOCKS_TOT;i++)
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).enh_period[i]=(float)40.0;
+ iLBCdec_inst->prev_enh_pl = 0;
+ return (BLOCKL);
+ * frame residual decoder function (subrutine to iLBC_decode)
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void Decode(
+ float *decresidual, /* (o) decoded residual frame */
+ int start, /* (i) location of start state */
+ int idxForMax, /* (i) codebook index for the maximum
+ value */
+ int *idxVec, /* (i) codebook indexes for the samples
+ in the start state */
+ float *syntdenum, /* (i) the decoded synthesis filter
+ coefficients */
+ int *cb_index, /* (i) the indexes for the adaptive
+ codebook */
+ int *gain_index, /* (i) the indexes for the corresponding
+ gains */
+ int *extra_cb_index,/* (i) the indexes for the adaptive
+ codebook part of start state */
+ int *extra_gain_index, /* (i) the indexes for the corresponding
+ gains */
+ int state_first /* (i) 1 if non adaptive part of start
+ state comes first 0 if that part
+ comes last */
+ float reverseDecresidual[BLOCKL], mem[CB_MEML];
+ int k, meml_gotten, Nfor, Nback, i;
+ int diff, start_pos;
+ int subcount, subframe;
+ if (state_first == 1) {
+ start_pos = (start-1)*SUBL;
+ } else {
+ start_pos = (start-1)*SUBL + diff;
+ }
+ /* decode scalar part of start state */
+ StateConstructW(idxForMax, idxVec,
+ &syntdenum[(start-1)*(LPC_FILTERORDER+1)],
+ &decresidual[start_pos], STATE_SHORT_LEN);
+ if (state_first) { /* put adaptive part in the end */
+ /* setup memory */
+ memset(mem, 0, (CB_MEML-STATE_SHORT_LEN)*sizeof(float));
+ memcpy(mem+CB_MEML-STATE_SHORT_LEN, decresidual+start_pos,
+ STATE_SHORT_LEN*sizeof(float));
+ /* construct decoded vector */
+ iCBConstruct(&decresidual[start_pos+STATE_SHORT_LEN],
+ extra_cb_index, extra_gain_index, mem+CB_MEML-stMemLTbl,
+ stMemLTbl, diff, CB_NSTAGES);
+ }
+ else {/* put adaptive part in the beginning */
+ /* create reversed vectors for prediction */
+ for(k=0; k<diff; k++ ){
+ reverseDecresidual[k] =
+ decresidual[(start+1)*SUBL -1-(k+STATE_SHORT_LEN)];
+ }
+ /* setup memory */
+ meml_gotten = STATE_SHORT_LEN;
+ for( k=0; k<meml_gotten; k++){
+ mem[CB_MEML-1-k] = decresidual[start_pos + k];
+ }
+ memset(mem, 0, (CB_MEML-k)*sizeof(float));
+ /* construct decoded vector */
+ iCBConstruct(reverseDecresidual, extra_cb_index,
+ extra_gain_index, mem+CB_MEML-stMemLTbl, stMemLTbl,
+ diff, CB_NSTAGES);
+ /* get decoded residual from reversed vector */
+ for( k=0; k<diff; k++ ){
+ decresidual[start_pos-1-k] = reverseDecresidual[k];
+ }
+ }
+ /* counter for predicted subframes */
+ subcount=0;
+ /* forward prediction of subframes */
+ Nfor = NSUB-start-1;
+ if( Nfor > 0 ){
+ /* setup memory */
+ memset(mem, 0, (CB_MEML-STATE_LEN)*sizeof(float));
+ memcpy(mem+CB_MEML-STATE_LEN, decresidual+(start-1)*SUBL,
+ STATE_LEN*sizeof(float));
+ /* loop over subframes to encode */
+ for (subframe=0; subframe<Nfor; subframe++) {
+ /* construct decoded vector */
+ iCBConstruct(&decresidual[(start+1+subframe)*SUBL],
+ cb_index+subcount*CB_NSTAGES,
+ gain_index+subcount*CB_NSTAGES,
+ mem+CB_MEML-memLfTbl[subcount],
+ memLfTbl[subcount], SUBL, CB_NSTAGES);
+ /* update memory */
+ memcpy(mem, mem+SUBL, (CB_MEML-SUBL)*sizeof(float));
+ memcpy(mem+CB_MEML-SUBL,
+ &decresidual[(start+1+subframe)*SUBL],
+ SUBL*sizeof(float));
+ subcount++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* backward prediction of subframes */
+ Nback = start-1;
+ if( Nback > 0 ){
+ /* setup memory */
+ meml_gotten = SUBL*(NSUB+1-start);
+ if( meml_gotten > CB_MEML ) {
+ meml_gotten=CB_MEML;
+ }
+ for( k=0; k<meml_gotten; k++) {
+ mem[CB_MEML-1-k] = decresidual[(start-1)*SUBL + k];
+ }
+ memset(mem, 0, (CB_MEML-k)*sizeof(float));
+ /* loop over subframes to decode */
+ for (subframe=0; subframe<Nback; subframe++) {
+ /* construct decoded vector */
+ iCBConstruct(&reverseDecresidual[subframe*SUBL],
+ cb_index+subcount*CB_NSTAGES,
+ gain_index+subcount*CB_NSTAGES,
+ mem+CB_MEML-memLfTbl[subcount], memLfTbl[subcount],
+ /* update memory */
+ memcpy(mem, mem+SUBL, (CB_MEML-SUBL)*sizeof(float));
+ memcpy(mem+CB_MEML-SUBL,
+ &reverseDecresidual[subframe*SUBL],
+ SUBL*sizeof(float));
+ subcount++;
+ }
+ /* get decoded residual from reversed vector */
+ for (i = 0; i < SUBL*Nback; i++)
+ decresidual[SUBL*Nback - i - 1] =
+ reverseDecresidual[i];
+ }
+ * main decoder function
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void iLBC_decode(
+ float *decblock, /* (o) decoded signal block */
+ unsigned char *bytes, /* (i) encoded signal bits */
+ iLBC_Dec_Inst_t *iLBCdec_inst, /* (i/o) the decoder state
+ structure */
+ int mode /* (i) 0: bad packet, PLC,
+ 1: normal */
+ float data[BLOCKL];
+ float lsfdeq[LPC_FILTERORDER*LPC_N];
+ float PLCresidual[BLOCKL], PLClpc[LPC_FILTERORDER + 1];
+ float zeros[BLOCKL], one[LPC_FILTERORDER + 1];
+ int k, i, start, idxForMax, pos, lastpart, ulp;
+ int lag, ilag;
+ float cc, maxcc;
+ int idxVec[STATE_LEN];
+ int check;
+ int gain_index[NASUB*CB_NSTAGES], extra_gain_index[CB_NSTAGES];
+ int cb_index[CB_NSTAGES*NASUB], extra_cb_index[CB_NSTAGES];
+ int lsf_i[LSF_NSPLIT*LPC_N];
+ int state_first;
+ unsigned char *pbytes;
+ float weightdenum[(LPC_FILTERORDER + 1)*NSUB];
+ int order_plus_one;
+ float syntdenum[NSUB*(LPC_FILTERORDER+1)];
+ float decresidual[BLOCKL];
+ if (mode>0) { /* the data are good */
+ /* decode data */
+ pbytes=bytes;
+ pos=0;
+ /* Set everything to zero before decoding */
+ for (k=0;k<6;k++) {
+ lsf_i[k]=0;
+ }
+ start=0;
+ state_first=0;
+ idxForMax=0;
+ for (k=0; k<STATE_SHORT_LEN; k++) {
+ idxVec[k]=0;
+ }
+ for (k=0;k<CB_NSTAGES;k++) {
+ extra_cb_index[k]=0;
+ }
+ for (k=0;k<CB_NSTAGES;k++) {
+ extra_gain_index[k]=0;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<NASUB; i++) {
+ for (k=0; k<CB_NSTAGES; k++) {
+ cb_index[i*CB_NSTAGES+k]=0;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<NASUB; i++) {
+ for (k=0; k<CB_NSTAGES; k++) {
+ gain_index[i*CB_NSTAGES+k]=0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* loop over ULP classes */
+ for (ulp=0; ulp<3; ulp++) {
+ /* LSF */
+ for (k=0;k<6;k++) {
+ unpack( &pbytes, &lastpart,
+ ulp_lsf_bitsTbl[k][ulp], &pos);
+ packcombine(&lsf_i[k], lastpart,
+ ulp_lsf_bitsTbl[k][ulp]);
+ }
+ /* Start block info */
+ unpack( &pbytes, &lastpart,
+ ulp_start_bitsTbl[ulp], &pos);
+ packcombine(&start, lastpart,
+ ulp_start_bitsTbl[ulp]);
+ unpack( &pbytes, &lastpart,
+ ulp_startfirst_bitsTbl[ulp], &pos);
+ packcombine(&state_first, lastpart,
+ ulp_startfirst_bitsTbl[ulp]);
+ unpack( &pbytes, &lastpart,
+ ulp_scale_bitsTbl[ulp], &pos);
+ packcombine(&idxForMax, lastpart,
+ ulp_scale_bitsTbl[ulp]);
+ for (k=0; k<STATE_SHORT_LEN; k++) {
+ unpack( &pbytes, &lastpart,
+ ulp_state_bitsTbl[ulp], &pos);
+ packcombine(idxVec+k, lastpart,
+ ulp_state_bitsTbl[ulp]);
+ }
+ /* 22 sample block */
+ for (k=0;k<CB_NSTAGES;k++) {
+ unpack( &pbytes, &lastpart,
+ ulp_extra_cb_indexTbl[k][ulp], &pos);
+ packcombine(extra_cb_index+k, lastpart,
+ ulp_extra_cb_indexTbl[k][ulp]);
+ }
+ for (k=0;k<CB_NSTAGES;k++) {
+ unpack( &pbytes, &lastpart,
+ ulp_extra_cb_gainTbl[k][ulp], &pos);
+ packcombine(extra_gain_index+k, lastpart,
+ ulp_extra_cb_gainTbl[k][ulp]);
+ }
+ /* The four 40 sample sub blocks */
+ for (i=0; i<NASUB; i++) {
+ for (k=0; k<CB_NSTAGES; k++) {
+ unpack( &pbytes, &lastpart,
+ ulp_cb_indexTbl[i][k][ulp], &pos);
+ packcombine(cb_index+i*CB_NSTAGES+k, lastpart,
+ ulp_cb_indexTbl[i][k][ulp]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<NASUB; i++) {
+ for (k=0; k<CB_NSTAGES; k++) {
+ unpack( &pbytes, &lastpart,
+ ulp_cb_gainTbl[i][k][ulp], &pos);
+ packcombine(gain_index+i*CB_NSTAGES+k, lastpart,
+ ulp_cb_gainTbl[i][k][ulp]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for bit errors */
+ if( (start<1) || (start>5) )
+ mode = 0;
+ if (mode==1) { /* No bit errors was detected,
+ continue decoding */
+ /* adjust index */
+ index_conv_dec(cb_index);
+ /* decode the lsf */
+ SimplelsfDEQ(lsfdeq, lsf_i);
+ check=LSF_check(lsfdeq, LPC_FILTERORDER, LPC_N);
+ DecoderInterpolateLSF(syntdenum, weightdenum,
+ lsfdeq, LPC_FILTERORDER, iLBCdec_inst);
+ Decode(decresidual, start, idxForMax, idxVec,
+ syntdenum, cb_index, gain_index,
+ extra_cb_index, extra_gain_index,
+ state_first);
+ /* preparing the plc for a future loss! */
+ doThePLC(PLCresidual, PLClpc, 0, decresidual,
+ syntdenum + (LPC_FILTERORDER + 1)*(NSUB - 1),
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).last_lag, iLBCdec_inst);
+ memcpy(decresidual, PLCresidual, BLOCKL*sizeof(float));
+ }
+ }
+ if (mode == 0) {
+ /* the data is bad (either a PLC call
+ * was made or a bit error was detected)
+ */
+ /* packet loss conceal */
+ memset(zeros, 0, BLOCKL*sizeof(float));
+ one[0] = 1;
+ memset(one+1, 0, LPC_FILTERORDER*sizeof(float));
+ start=0;
+ doThePLC(PLCresidual, PLClpc, 1, zeros, one,
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).last_lag, iLBCdec_inst);
+ memcpy(decresidual, PLCresidual, BLOCKL*sizeof(float));
+ order_plus_one = LPC_FILTERORDER + 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < NSUB; i++) {
+ memcpy(syntdenum+(i*order_plus_one), PLClpc,
+ order_plus_one*sizeof(float));
+ }
+ }
+ if ((*iLBCdec_inst).use_enhancer == 1) {
+ /* post filtering */
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).last_lag =
+ enhancerInterface(data, decresidual, iLBCdec_inst);
+ /* synthesis filtering */
+ for (i=0; i < 2; i++) {
+ syntFilter(data + i*SUBL,
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).old_syntdenum +
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).syntMem);
+ }
+ for (i=2; i < NSUB; i++) {
+ syntFilter(data + i*SUBL,
+ syntdenum + (i-2)*(LPC_FILTERORDER+1), SUBL,
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).syntMem);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Find last lag */
+ lag = 20;
+ maxcc = xCorrCoef(&decresidual[BLOCKL-ENH_BLOCKL],
+ &decresidual[BLOCKL-ENH_BLOCKL-lag], ENH_BLOCKL);
+ for (ilag=21; ilag<120; ilag++) {
+ cc = xCorrCoef(&decresidual[BLOCKL-ENH_BLOCKL],
+ &decresidual[BLOCKL-ENH_BLOCKL-ilag], ENH_BLOCKL);
+ if (cc > maxcc) {
+ maxcc = cc;
+ lag = ilag;
+ }
+ }
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).last_lag = lag;
+ /* copy data and run synthesis filter */
+ memcpy(data, decresidual, BLOCKL*sizeof(float));
+ for (i=0; i < NSUB; i++) {
+ syntFilter(data + i*SUBL,
+ syntdenum + i*(LPC_FILTERORDER+1), SUBL,
+ (*iLBCdec_inst).syntMem);
+ }
+ }
+ /* high pass filtering on output if desired, otherwise
+ copy to out */
+ /*hpOutput(data, BLOCKL, decblock, (*iLBCdec_inst).hpomem);*/
+ memcpy(decblock,data,BLOCKL*sizeof(float));
+ memcpy((*iLBCdec_inst).old_syntdenum, syntdenum,
+ NSUB*(LPC_FILTERORDER+1)*sizeof(float));
+ iLBCdec_inst->prev_enh_pl=0;
+ if (mode==0) { /* PLC was used */
+ iLBCdec_inst->prev_enh_pl=1;
+ }