path: root/doc/speechrec.txt
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-The Asterisk Speech Recognition API
-The generic speech recognition engine is implemented in the module.
-This module connects through the API to speech recognition software, that is
-not included in the module.
-To use the API, you must load the module before any connectors.
-For your convenience, there is a preload line commented out in the modules.conf
-sample file.
-* Dialplan Applications:
-The dialplan API is based around a single speech utilities application file,
-which exports many applications to be used for speech recognition. These include an
-application to prepare for speech recognition, activate a grammar, and play back a
-sound file while waiting for the person to speak. Using a combination of these applications
-you can easily make a dialplan use speech recognition without worrying about what
-speech recognition engine is being used.
-- SpeechCreate(Engine Name):
-This application creates information to be used by all the other applications.
-It must be called before doing any speech recognition activities such as activating a
-grammar. It takes the engine name to use as the argument, if not specified the default
-engine will be used.
-If an error occurs are you are not able to create an object, the variable ERROR will be
-set to 1. You can then exit your speech recognition specific context and play back an
-error message, or resort to a DTMF based IVR.
-- SpeechLoadGrammar(Grammar Name|Path):
-Loads grammar locally on a channel. Note that the grammar is only available as long as the
-channel exists, and you must call SpeechUnloadGrammar before all is done or you may cause a
-memory leak. First argument is the grammar name that it will be loaded as and second
-argument is the path to the grammar.
-- SpeechUnloadGrammar(Grammar Name):
-Unloads a locally loaded grammar and frees any memory used by it. The only argument is the
-name of the grammar to unload.
-- SpeechActivateGrammar(Grammar Name):
-This activates the specified grammar to be recognized by the engine. A grammar tells the
-speech recognition engine what to recognize, and how to portray it back to you in the
-dialplan. The grammar name is the only argument to this application.
-- SpeechStart():
-Tell the speech recognition engine that it should start trying to get results from audio
-being fed to it. This has no arguments.
-- SpeechBackground(Sound File|Timeout):
-This application plays a sound file and waits for the person to speak. Once they start
-speaking playback of the file stops, and silence is heard. Once they stop talking the
-processing sound is played to indicate the speech recognition engine is working. Note it is
-possible to have more then one result. The first argument is the sound file and the second is the
-timeout. Note the timeout will only start once the sound file has stopped playing.
-- SpeechDeactivateGrammar(Grammar Name):
-This deactivates the specified grammar so that it is no longer recognized. The
-only argument is the grammar name to deactivate.
-- SpeechProcessingSound(Sound File):
-This changes the processing sound that SpeechBackground plays back when the speech
-recognition engine is processing and working to get results. It takes the sound file as the
-only argument.
-- SpeechDestroy():
-This destroys the information used by all the other speech recognition applications.
-If you call this application but end up wanting to recognize more speech, you must call
-SpeechCreate again before calling any other application. It takes no arguments.
-* Getting Result Information:
-The speech recognition utilities module exports several dialplan functions that you can use to
-examine results.
-- ${SPEECH(status)}:
-Returns 1 if SpeechCreate has been called. This uses the same check that applications do to see if a
-speech object is setup. If it returns 0 then you know you can not use other speech applications.
-- ${SPEECH(spoke)}:
-Returns 1 if the speaker spoke something, or 0 if they were silent.
-- ${SPEECH(results)}:
-Returns the number of results that are available.
-- ${SPEECH_SCORE(result number)}:
-Returns the score of a result.
-- ${SPEECH_TEXT(result number)}:
-Returns the recognized text of a result.
-- ${SPEECH_GRAMMAR(result number)}:
-Returns the matched grammar of the result.
-- SPEECH_ENGINE(name)=value
-Sets a speech engine specific attribute.
-* Dialplan Flow:
-1. Create a speech recognition object using SpeechCreate()
-2. Activate your grammars using SpeechActivateGrammar(Grammar Name)
-3. Call SpeechStart() to indicate you are going to do speech recognition immediately
-4. Play back your audio and wait for recognition using SpeechBackground(Sound File|Timeout)
-5. Check the results and do things based on them
-6. Deactivate your grammars using SpeechDeactivateGrammar(Grammar Name)
-7. Destroy your speech recognition object using SpeechDestroy()
-* Dialplan Examples:
-This is pretty cheeky in that it does not confirmation of results. As well the way the
-grammar is written it returns the person's extension instead of their name so we can
-just do a Goto based on the result text.
-- Grammar: company-directory.gram
-#ABNF 1.0;
-language en-US;
-mode voice;
-tag-format <lumenvox/1.0>;
-root $company_directory;
-$josh = ((Joshua | Josh) [Colp]):"6066";
-$mark = (Mark [Spencer] | Markster):"4569";
-$kevin = (Kevin [Fleming]):"2567";
-$company_directory = ($josh | $mark | $kevin) { $ = $$ };
-- Dialplan logic
- [dial-by-name]
- exten => s,1,SpeechCreate()
- exten => s,2,SpeechActivateGrammar(company-directory)
- exten => s,3,SpeechStart()
- exten => s,4,SpeechBackground(who-would-you-like-to-dial)
- exten => s,5,SpeechDeactivateGrammar(company-directory)
- exten => s,6,Goto(internal-extensions-${SPEECH_TEXT(0)})
-- Useful Dialplan Tidbits:
-A simple macro that can be used for confirm of a result. Requires some sound files.
-ARG1 is equal to the file to play back after "I heard..." is played.
- [macro-speech-confirm]
- exten => s,1,SpeechActivateGrammar(yes_no)
- exten => s,2,Set(OLDTEXT0=${SPEECH_TEXT(0)})
- exten => s,3,Playback(heard)
- exten => s,4,Playback(${ARG1})
- exten => s,5,SpeechStart()
- exten => s,6,SpeechBackground(correct)
- exten => s,7,Set(CONFIRM=${SPEECH_TEXT(0)})
- exten => s,8,GotoIf($["${SPEECH_TEXT(0)}" = "1"]?9:10)
- exten => s,9,Set(CONFIRM=yes)
- exten => s,10,Set(CONFIRMED=${OLDTEXT0})
- exten => s,11,SpeechDeactivateGrammar(yes_no)
-* The Asterisk Speech Recognition C API
-The module exports a C based API that any developer can use to speech
-recognize enable their application. The API gives greater control, but requires the
-developer to do more on their end in comparison to the dialplan speech utilities.
-For all API calls that return an integer value, a non-zero value indicates an error has occurred.
-- Creating a speech structure:
- struct ast_speech *ast_speech_new(char *engine_name, int format)
- struct ast_speech *speech = ast_speech_new(NULL, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR);
-This will create a new speech structure that will be returned to you. The speech recognition
-engine name is optional and if NULL the default one will be used. As well for now format should
-- Activating a grammar:
- int ast_speech_grammar_activate(struct ast_speech *speech, char *grammar_name)
- res = ast_speech_grammar_activate(speech, "yes_no");
-This activates the specified grammar on the speech structure passed to it.
-- Start recognizing audio:
- void ast_speech_start(struct ast_speech *speech)
- ast_speech_start(speech);
-This essentially tells the speech recognition engine that you will be feeding audio to it from
-then on. It MUST be called every time before you start feeding audio to the speech structure.
-- Send audio to be recognized:
- int ast_speech_write(struct ast_speech *speech, void *data, int len)
- res = ast_speech_write(speech, fr->data, fr->datalen);
-This writes audio to the speech structure that will then be recognized. It must be written
-signed linear only at this time. In the future other formats may be supported.
-- Checking for results:
-The way the generic speech recognition API is written is that the speech structure will
-undergo state changes to indicate progress of recognition. The states are outlined below:
- AST_SPEECH_STATE_NOT_READY - The speech structure is not ready to accept audio
- AST_SPEECH_STATE_READY - You may write audio to the speech structure
- AST_SPEECH_STATE_WAIT - No more audio should be written, and results will be available soon.
- AST_SPEECH_STATE_DONE - Results are available and the speech structure can only be used again by
- calling ast_speech_start
-It is up to you to monitor these states. Current state is available via a variable on the speech
-structure. (state)
-- Knowing when to stop playback:
-If you are playing back a sound file to the user and you want to know when to stop play back because the
-individual started talking use the following.
- ast_test_flag(speech, AST_SPEECH_QUIET) - This will return a positive value when the person has started talking.
-- Getting results:
- struct ast_speech_result *ast_speech_results_get(struct ast_speech *speech)
- struct ast_speech_result *results = ast_speech_results_get(speech);
-This will return a linked list of result structures. A result structure looks like the following:
- struct ast_speech_result {
- char *text; /*!< Recognized text */
- int score; /*!< Result score */
- char *grammar; /*!< Matched grammar */
- struct ast_speech_result *next; /*!< List information */
- };
-- Freeing a set of results:
- int ast_speech_results_free(struct ast_speech_result *result)
- res = ast_speech_results_free(results);
-This will free all results on a linked list. Results MAY NOT be used as the memory will have been freed.
-- Deactivating a grammar:
- int ast_speech_grammar_deactivate(struct ast_speech *speech, char *grammar_name)
- res = ast_speech_grammar_deactivate(speech, "yes_no");
-This deactivates the specified grammar on the speech structure.
-- Destroying a speech structure:
- int ast_speech_destroy(struct ast_speech *speech)
- res = ast_speech_destroy(speech);
-This will free all associated memory with the speech structure and destroy it with the speech recognition engine.
-- Loading a grammar on a speech structure:
- int ast_speech_grammar_load(struct ast_speech *speech, char *grammar_name, char *grammar)
- res = ast_speech_grammar_load(speech, "builtin:yes_no", "yes_no");
-- Unloading a grammar on a speech structure:
-If you load a grammar on a speech structure it is preferred that you unload it as well,
-or you may cause a memory leak. Don't say I didn't warn you.
- int ast_speech_grammar_unload(struct ast_speech *speech, char *grammar_name)
- res = ast_speech_grammar_unload(speech, "yes_no");
-This unloads the specified grammar from the speech structure.