path: root/doc/tex/partymanip.tex
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-This chapter aims to explain how to use some of the features available to
-manipulate party ID information. It will not delve into specific channel
-configuration options described in the respective sample configuration
-files. The party ID information can consist of Caller ID, Connected Line
-ID, redirecting to party ID information, and redirecting from party ID
-information. Meticulous control is needed particularly when
-interoperating between different channel technologies.
-\item Caller ID: The Caller ID information describes who is originating a
-\item Connected Line ID: The Connected Line ID information describes who
-is connected to the other end of a call while a call is established.
-Unlike Caller ID, the connected line information can change over the life
-of a call when call transfers are performed. The connected line
-information can also change in either direction because either end could
-transfer the call. For ISDN it is known as Connected Line Identification
-Presentation (COLP), Connected Line Identification Restriction (COLR), and
-Explicit Call Transfer (ECT). For SIP it is known either as
-P-Asserted-Identity or Remote-Party-Id.
-\item Redirecting information: When a call is forwarded, the call
-originator is informed that the call is redirecting-to a new destination.
-The new destination is also informed that the incoming call is
-redirecting-from the forwarding party. A call can be forwarded repeatedly
-until a new destination answers it or a forwarding limit is reached.
-\section{Tools available}
-Asterisk contains several tools for manipulating the party ID information
-for a call. Additional information can be found by using the 'core show
-function' or 'core show application' console commands at the Asterisk CLI.
-The following list identifies some of the more common tools for
-manipulating the party ID information:
-\item CALLERID(datatype[,caller-id])
-\item CONNECTEDLINE(datatype[,i])
-\item REDIRECTING(datatype[,i])
-\item Dial() and Queue() dialplan application 'I' option
-\item Interception macros
-\item Channel driver specific configuration options.
-\subsection{CALLERID dialplan function}
-The CALLERID function has been around for quite a while and its use is
-straightforward. It is used to examine and alter the caller information
-that came into the dialplan with the call. Then the call with it's caller
-information passes on to the destination using the Dial() or Queue()
-The CALLERID information is passed during the initial call setup.
-However, depending on the channel technology, the caller name may be
-delayed. Q.SIG is an example where the caller name may be delayed so your
-dialplan may need to wait for it.
-\subsection{CONNECTEDLINE dialplan function}
-The CONNECTEDLINE function does the opposite of the CALLERID function.
-CONNECTEDLINE can be used to setup connected line information to be sent when the
-call is answered. You can use it to send new connected line information
-to the remote party on the channel when a call is transferred. The
-CONNECTEDLINE information is passed when the call is answered and when the
-call is transferred.
-Since the connected line information can be sent while a call is
-connected, you may need to prevent the channel driver from acting on a
-partial update. The 'i' option is used to inhibit the channel driver from
-sending the changed information immediately.
-\subsection{REDIRECTING dialplan function}
-The REDIRECTING function allows you to report information about
-forwarded/deflected calls to the caller and to the new destination. The
-use of the REDIRECTING function is the most complicated of the party
-information functions.
-The REDIRECTING information is passed during the initial call setup and
-while the call is being routed through the network. Since the redirecting
-information is sent before a call is answered, you need to prevent the
-channel driver from acting on a partial update. The 'i' option is used to
-inhibit the channel driver from sending the changed information
-The incoming call may have already been redirected. An incoming call has
-already been redirected if the REDIRECTING(count) is not zero. (Alternate
-indications are if the REDIRECTING(from-num-valid) is non-zero or if the
-REDIRECTING(from-num) is not empty.)
-There are several things to do when a call is forwarded by the dialplan:
-\item Setup the REDIRECTING(to-xxx) values to be sent to the caller.
-\item Setup the REDIRECTING(from-xxx) values to be sent to the new
-\item Increment the REDIRECTING(count).
-\item Set the REDIRECTING(reason).
-\item Dial() the new destination.
-\subsection{Special REDIRECTING considerations for ISDN}
-Special considerations for Q.SIG and ISDN point-to-point links are needed
-to make the DivertingLegInformation1, DivertingLegInformation2, and
-DivertingLegInformation3 messages operate properly.
-You should manually send the COLR of the redirected-to party for an
-incoming redirected call if the incoming call could experience further
-redirects. For chan_misdn, just set the REDIRECTING(to-num,i) =
-\$\{EXTEN\} and set the REDIRECTING(to-num-pres) to the COLR. For
-chan_dahdi, just set the REDIRECTING(to-num,i) = CALLERID(dnid) and set
-the REDIRECTING(to-num-pres) to the COLR. (Setting the
-REDIRECTING(to-num,i) value may not be necessary since the channel driver
-has already attempted to preset that value for automatic generation of the
-needed DivertingLegInformation3 message.)
-For redirected calls out a trunk line, you need to use the 'i' option on
-all of the REDIRECTING statements before dialing the redirected-to party.
-The call will update the redirecting-to presentation (COLR) when it
-becomes available.
-\subsection{Dial() and Queue() dialplan application 'I' option}
-In the dialplan applications Dial() and Queue(), the 'I' option is a brute
-force option to block connected line and redirecting information updates
-while the application is running. Blocking the updates prevents the
-update from overwriting any CONNECTEDLINE or REDIRECTING values you may
-have setup before running the application.
-The option blocks all redirecting updates since they should only happen
-before a call is answered. The option only blocks the connected line
-update from the initial answer. Connected line updates resulting from
-call transfers happen after the application has completed. Better control
-of connected line and redirecting information is obtained using the
-interception macros.
-\subsection{Interception macros}
-The interception macros give the administrator an opportunity to alter
-connected line and redirecting information before the channel driver is
-given the information. If the macro does not change a value then that is
-what is going to be passed to the channel driver.
-The tag string available in CALLERID, CONNECTEDLINE, and REDIRECTING is
-useful for the interception macros to provide some information about where
-the information originally came from.
-The 'i' option of the CONNECTEDLINE dialplan function should always be
-used in the CONNECTED_LINE interception macros. The interception macro
-always passes the connected line information on to the channel driver when
-the macro exits. Similarly, the 'i' option of the REDIRECTING dialplan
-function should always be used in the REDIRECTING interception macros.
- Macro to call before sending a redirecting update to the callee.
- This macro may never be needed since the redirecting updates
- should only go from the callee to the caller direction. It is
- available for completeness.
- Arguments to pass to ${REDIRECTING_CALLEE_SEND_MACRO}.
- Macro to call before sending a redirecting update to the caller.
- Arguments to pass to ${REDIRECTING_CALLER_SEND_MACRO}.
- Macro to call before sending a connected line update to the callee.
- Arguments to pass to ${CONNECTED_LINE_CALLEE_SEND_MACRO}.
- Macro to call before sending a connected line update to the caller.
- Arguments to pass to ${CONNECTED_LINE_CALLER_SEND_MACRO}.
-\section{Manipulation examples}
-The following examples show several common scenarios in which you may need
-to manipulate party ID information from the dialplan.
-\subsection{Simple recording playback}
-exten => 1000,1,NoOp
-; The CONNECTEDLINE information is sent when the call is answered.
-exten => 1000,n,Set(CONNECTEDLINE(name,i)="Company Name")
-exten => 1000,n,Set(CONNECTEDLINE(name-pres,i)=allowed)
-exten => 1000,n,Set(CONNECTEDLINE(num,i)=5551212)
-exten => 1000,n,Set(CONNECTEDLINE(num-pres)=allowed)
-exten => 1000,n,Answer
-exten => 1000,n,Playback(tt-weasels)
-exten => 1000,n,Hangup
-\subsection{Straightforward dial through}
-exten => 1000,1,NoOp
-; The CONNECTEDLINE information is sent when the call is answered.
-exten => 1000,n,Set(CONNECTEDLINE(name,i)="Company Name")
-exten => 1000,n,Set(CONNECTEDLINE(name-pres,i)=allowed)
-exten => 1000,n,Set(CONNECTEDLINE(num,i)=5551212)
-exten => 1000,n,Set(CONNECTEDLINE(num-pres)=allowed)
-; The I option prevents overwriting the CONNECTEDLINE information
-; set above when the call is answered.
-exten => 1000,n,Dial(SIP/1000,20,I)
-exten => 1000,n,Hangup
-\subsection{Use of interception macro}
-; ARG1 is the prefix to add.
-; ARG2 is the number of digits at the end to add the prefix to.
-; When the macro ends the CONNECTEDLINE data is passed to the
-; channel driver.
-exten => s,1,NoOp(Add prefix to connected line)
-exten => s,n,Set(NOPREFIX=${CONNECTEDLINE(number):-${ARG2}})
-exten => s,n,Set(CONNECTEDLINE(num,i)=${ARG1}${NOPREFIX})
-exten => s,n,MacroExit
-exten => 1000,1,NoOp
-exten => 1000,n,Set(__CONNECTED_LINE_CALLER_SEND_MACRO=add_pfx)
-exten => 1000,n,Set(__CONNECTED_LINE_CALLER_SEND_MACRO_ARGS=45,4)
-exten => 1000,n,Dial(SIP/1000,20)
-exten => 1000,n,Hangup
-\subsection{Simple redirection}
-exten => 1000,1,NoOp
-; For Q.SIG or ISDN point-to-point we should determine the COLR for this
-; extension and send it if the call was redirected here.
-exten => 1000,n,GotoIf($[${REDIRECTING(count)}>0]?redirected:notredirected)
-exten => 1000,n(redirected),Set(REDIRECTING(to-num,i)=${CALLERID(dnid)})
-exten => 1000,n,Set(REDIRECTING(to-num-pres)=allowed)
-exten => 1000,n(notredirected),NoOp
-; Determine that the destination has forwarded the call.
-; ...
-exten => 1000,n,Set(REDIRECTING(from-num,i)=1000)
-exten => 1000,n,Set(REDIRECTING(from-num-pres,i)=allowed)
-exten => 1000,n,Set(REDIRECTING(to-num,i)=2000)
-; The DivertingLegInformation3 message is needed because at this point
-; we do not know the presentation (COLR) setting of the redirecting-to
-; party.
-exten => 1000,n,Set(REDIRECTING(count,i)=$[${REDIRECTING(count)} + 1])
-exten => 1000,n,Set(REDIRECTING(reason,i)=cfu)
-; The call will update the redirecting-to presentation (COLR) when it
-; becomes available with a redirecting update.
-exten => 1000,n,Dial(DAHDI/g1/2000,20)
-exten => 1000,n,Hangup
-\section{Ideas for usage}
-The following is a list of ideas in which the manipulation of party ID
-information would be beneficial.
-\item IVR that updates connected name on each selection made.
-\item Disguise the true number of an individual with a generic company
-\item Use interception macros to make outbound connected number E.164
-\item You can do a lot more in an interception macro than just manipulate
-party information...
-\section{Troubleshooting tips}
-\item For CONNECTEDLINE and REDIRECTING, check the usage of the 'i'
-\item Check channel configuration settings. The default settings may not
-be what you want or expect.
-\item Check packet captures. Your equipment may not support what Asterisk
-\section{For further reading...}
-\item Relevant ETSI ISDN redirecting specification: EN 300 207-1
-\item Relevant ETSI ISDN COLP specification: EN 300 097-1
-\item Relevant ETSI ISDN ECT specification: EN 300 369-1
-\item Relevant Q.SIG ISDN redirecting specification: ECMA-174
-\item Relevant Q.SIG ISDN COLP specification: ECMA-148
-\item Relevant Q.SIG ISDN ECT specification: ECMA-178
-\item Relevant SIP RFC for P-Asserted-Id: RFC3325
-\item The expired draft (draft-ietf-sip-privacy-04.txt) defines
-Remote-Party-Id. Since Remote-Party-Id has not made it into an RFC at
-this time, its use is non-standard by definition.