path: root/main/stringfields.c
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-04-13stringfields: Update extended string fields for master only.George Joseph
In 13, the new ast_string_field_header structure had to be dynamically allocated and assigned to a pointer in ast_string_field_mgr to preserve ABI compatability. In master, it can be converted to being a structure-in-place in ast_string_field_mgr to eliminate the extra alloc and free calls. Change-Id: Ia97c5345eec68717a15dc16fe2e6746ff2a926f4
2016-04-04stringfields: Refactor to allow fields to be added to the end of structuresGeorge Joseph
String fields are great, except that you can't add new ones without breaking ABI compatibility because it shifts down everything else in the structure. The only alternative is to add your own char * field to the end of the structure and manage the memory yourself which isn't ideal, especially since you then can't use the OPT_STRINGFIELD_T type. Background: The reason string fields had to be declared inside the AST_DECLARE_STRING_FIELDS block was to facilitate iteration over all declared fields for initialization, compare and copy. Since AST_DECLARE_STRING_FIELDS declared the pool, then the fields, then the manager, you could use the offsets of the pool and manager and iterate over the sequential addresses in between to access the fields. The actual pool, field allocation and field set operations don't actually care where the field is. It's just iteration over the fields that was the problem. Solution: Extended String Fields An extended string field is one that is declared outside the AST_DECLARE_STRING_FIELDS block but still (anywhere) inside the parent structure. Other than using AST_STRING_FIELD_EXTENDED instead of AST_STRING_FIELD, it looks the same as other string fields. It's storage comes from the pool and it participates in string field compare and copy operations peformed on the parent structure. It's also a valid target for the OPT_STRINGFIELD_T aco option type. Implementation: To keep track of the extended fields and make sure that ABI isn't broken, the existing embedded_pool pointer in the manager structure was repurposed to be a pointer to a separate header structure that contains the embedded_pool pointer plus a vector of fields. The length of the manager structure didn't change and the embedded_pool pointer isn't used in the macros, only the stringfields C code. A side benefit of this is that changing the header structure in the future won't break ABI. ast_string_fields_init initializes the normal string fields and appends them to the vector, and subsequent calls to ast_string_field_init_extended initialize and append the extended fields. Cleanup, ast_string_fields_cmp, and ast_string_fields_copy can now work on the vector instead of sequentially traversing the addresses between the pool and manager. The total size of a structure using string fields didn't change, whether using extended fields or not, nor have the offsets of any structure members, either inside the original block or outside. Adding an extended field to the end of a structure is the same as adding a char *. Details: The stringfield C code was pulled out from utils.c and into stringfields.c. It just made sense. Additional work was done in ast_string_field_init and ast_calloc_with_stringfields to handle the allocation of the new header structure and the vector, and the associated cleanup. In the process some additional NULL pointer checking was added. A lot of work was done in stringfields.h since the logic for compare and copy is there. Documentation was added as well as somne additional NULL checking. The ability to call ast_calloc_with_stringfields with a number of structures greater than 1 never really worked. Well, the calloc worked but there was no way to access the additional structures or clean them up. It was agreed that there was no use case for requesting more than 1 structure so an ast_assert was added to prevent it and the iteration code removed. Testing: The stringfield unit tests were updated to test both normal and extended fields. Tests for ast_string_field_ptr_set_by_fields and ast_calloc_with_stringfields were also added. As an ABI test, 13 was compiled from git and the res_pjsip_* modules, except res_pjsip itself, saved off. The patch was then added and a full compile and install was performed. Then the older res_pjsip_* moduled were copied over the installed versions so res_pjsip was new and the rest were old. No issues. contact->aor, which is a char * at the end of contact, was then changed to an extended string field and a recompile and reinstall was performed, again leaving stock versions of the the res_pjsip_* modules. Again, no issues with the res_pjsip_* modules using the old stringfield implementation and with contact->aor as a char *, and res_pjsip itself using the new stringfield implementation and contact->aor being an extended string field. Finally, several existing string fields were converted to extended string fields to test OPT_STRINGFIELD_T. Again, no issues. Change-Id: I235db338c5b178f5a13b7946afbaa5d4a0f91d61