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1 files changed, 3017 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/dahdi/opvxa1200.c b/drivers/dahdi/opvxa1200.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c66dc0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/dahdi/opvxa1200.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3017 @@
+ * OpenVox A1200P FXS/FXO Interface Driver for DAHDI Telephony interface
+ *
+ * Modify from wctdm.c by MiaoLin<>
+ *
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ */
+/* Rev histroy
+ *
+ * Rev 0.10 initial version
+ * Rev 0.11
+ * fixed the led light on/off bug.
+ * modify some wctdm print to opvxa1200
+ * support firmware version 1.2, faster i/o operation, and better LED control.
+ *
+ * Rev 0.12 patched to support new pci id 0x8519
+ * Rev 0.13 patched to remove the warning during compile under kernel 2.6.22
+ * Rev 0.14 patched to remove the bug for ZAP_IRQ_SHARED , 3/9/2007
+ * Rev 0.15 patched to support new pci ID 0X9532 by james.zhu, 23/10/2007
+ * Rev 0.16 support new pci id 0x9559 by Miao Lin 21/3/2008
+ * Rev 0.17
+ * patched a few bugs,
+ * add hwgain support.
+ * fixed A800P version check
+ * Rev
+ * Only generate 8 channels for A800P
+ * Version number synced to zaptel distribution.
+ * Rev
+ * Fixed freeregion.
+ *
+ * Rev
+ * Add cid before first ring support.
+ * New Paremeters:
+ * cidbeforering : set to 1 will cause the card enable cidbeforering function. default 0
+ * cidbuflen : length of cid buffer, in msec, default 3000 msec.
+ * cidtimeout : time out of a ring, default 6000msec
+ * User must set cidstart=polarity in zapata.conf to use with this feature
+ * cidsignalling = signalling format send before 1st ring. most likely dtmf.
+ *
+ * Rev
+ * add driver parameter cidtimeout.
+ *
+ * Rev
+ * add debug stuff to test fxs power alarm
+ *
+ * Rev 1.4.11
+ * Support enhanced full scale tx/rx for FXO required by europe standard (Register 30, acim) (module parm fxofullscale)
+ *
+ * Rev 1.4.12 2008/10/17
+ * Fixed bug cause FXS module report fake power alarm.
+ * Power alarm debug stuff removed.
+ *
+ * Rev 2.0 DAHDI 2008/10/17
+ *
+ * Rev 2.0.1 add new pci id 0x9599
+ * Re 2.0.2 12/01/2009
+ add fixedtimepolarity: set time(ms) when send polarity after 1st ring happen.
+ * Sometimes the dtmf cid is sent just after first ring off, and the system do not have
+ * enough time to start detect 1st dtmf.
+ * 0 means send polarity at the end of 1st ring.
+ * x means send ploarity after x ms of 1st ring begin.
+ *
+ * Rev 2.0.3 12/01/2009
+ * Add touch_softlockup_watchdog() in wctdm_hardware_init, to avoid cpu softlockup system message for FXS.
+ *
+ *
+ * Rev 17/04/2009 James.zhu
+ * Changed wctdm_voicedaa_check_hook() to detect FXO battery and solved the problem with dial(dahdi/go/XXXXXXXXXX)
+ * add alarm detection for FXO
+ *
+ * Rev 01/10/2009 james.zhu
+ * Add jiffies for 5 second in wctdm_hardware_init
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/pci.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include "proslic.h"
+/* MiaoLin debug start */
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h> /* get_fs(), set_fs(), KERNEL_DS */
+#include <linux/file.h> /* fput() */
+/* MiaoLin debug end */
+ * Define for audio vs. register based ring detection
+ *
+ */
+/* #define AUDIO_RINGCHECK */
+ Experimental max loop current limit for the proslic
+ Loop current limit is from 20 mA to 41 mA in steps of 3
+ (according to datasheet)
+ So set the value below to:
+ 0x00 : 20mA (default)
+ 0x01 : 23mA
+ 0x02 : 26mA
+ 0x03 : 29mA
+ 0x04 : 32mA
+ 0x05 : 35mA
+ 0x06 : 37mA
+ 0x07 : 41mA
+static int loopcurrent = 20;
+static int reversepolarity = 0;
+static alpha indirect_regs[] =
+//{26,13,"RECV_DIGITAL_GAIN",0x4000}, // playback volume set lower
+{26,13,"RECV_DIGITAL_GAIN",0x2000}, // playback volume set lower
+#include <dahdi/kernel.h>
+#include <dahdi/wctdm_user.h>
+#include "fxo_modes.h"
+#define NUM_FXO_REGS 60
+#define WC_MAX_IFACES 128
+#define WC_OFFSET 4 /* Offset between transmit and receive, in bytes. */
+#define WC_SYNCFLAG 0xca1ef1ac
+#define WC_CNTL 0x00
+#define WC_OPER 0x01
+#define WC_AUXC 0x02
+#define WC_AUXD 0x03
+#define WC_MASK0 0x04
+#define WC_MASK1 0x05
+#define WC_INTSTAT 0x06
+#define WC_AUXR 0x07
+#define WC_DMAWS 0x08
+#define WC_DMAWI 0x0c
+#define WC_DMAWE 0x10
+#define WC_DMARS 0x18
+#define WC_DMARI 0x1c
+#define WC_DMARE 0x20
+#define WC_AUXFUNC 0x2b
+#define WC_SERCTL 0x2d
+#define WC_FSCDELAY 0x2f
+#define WC_REGBASE 0xc0
+#define WC_VER 0x0
+#define WC_CS 0x1
+#define WC_SPICTRL 0x2
+#define WC_SPIDATA 0x3
+#define BIT_SPI_BYHW (1 << 0)
+#define BIT_SPI_BUSY (1 << 1) // 0=can read/write spi, 1=spi working.
+#define BIT_SPI_START (1 << 2)
+#define BIT_LED_CLK (1 << 0) // MiaoLin add to control the led.
+#define BIT_LED_DATA (1 << 1) // MiaoLin add to control the led.
+#define BIT_CS (1 << 2)
+#define BIT_SCLK (1 << 3)
+#define BIT_SDI (1 << 4)
+#define BIT_SDO (1 << 5)
+#define FLAG_EMPTY 0
+#define FLAG_WRITE 1
+#define FLAG_READ 2
+#define DEFAULT_RING_DEBOUNCE 64 /* Ringer Debounce (64 ms) */
+#define POLARITY_DEBOUNCE 64 /* Polarity debounce (64 ms) */
+#define OHT_TIMER 6000 /* How long after RING to retain OHT */
+#define FLAG_3215 (1 << 0)
+#define FLAG_A800 (1 << 7)
+#define MAX_NUM_CARDS 12
+#define NUM_CARDS 12
+#define NUM_FLAG 4 /* number of flag channels. */
+enum cid_hook_state {
+/* if you want to record the last 8 sec voice before the driver unload, uncomment it and rebuild. */
+/* #define TEST_LOG_INCOME_VOICE */
+#define voc_buffer_size (8000*8)
+#define MAX_ALARMS 10
+#define MOD_TYPE_FXS 0
+#define MOD_TYPE_FXO 1
+#define MINPEGTIME 10 * 8 /* 30 ms peak to peak gets us no more than 100 Hz */
+#define PEGTIME 50 * 8 /* 50ms peak to peak gets us rings of 10 Hz or more */
+#define PEGCOUNT 5 /* 5 cycles of pegging means RING */
+#define NUM_CAL_REGS 12
+struct calregs {
+ unsigned char vals[NUM_CAL_REGS];
+enum proslic_power_warn {
+enum battery_state {
+struct wctdm {
+ struct pci_dev *dev;
+ char *variety;
+ struct dahdi_span span;
+ unsigned char ios;
+ int usecount;
+ unsigned int intcount;
+ int dead;
+ int pos;
+ int flags[MAX_NUM_CARDS];
+ int freeregion;
+ int alt;
+ int curcard;
+ int cardflag; /* Bit-map of present cards */
+ enum proslic_power_warn proslic_power;
+ spinlock_t lock;
+ union {
+ struct fxo {
+ unsigned int pegtimer;
+ int pegcount;
+ int peg;
+ int ring;
+ int wasringing;
+ int lastrdtx;
+ int ringdebounce;
+ int offhook;
+ unsigned int battdebounce;
+ unsigned int battalarm;
+ enum battery_state battery;
+ int lastpol;
+ int polarity;
+ int polaritydebounce;
+ } fxo;
+ struct fxs {
+ int oldrxhook;
+ int debouncehook;
+ int lastrxhook;
+ int debounce;
+ int ohttimer;
+ int idletxhookstate; /* IDLE changing hook state */
+ int lasttxhook;
+ int palarms;
+ struct calregs calregs;
+ } fxs;
+ } mod[MAX_NUM_CARDS];
+ /* Receive hook state and debouncing */
+ int modtype[MAX_NUM_CARDS];
+ unsigned char reg0shadow[MAX_NUM_CARDS];
+ unsigned char reg1shadow[MAX_NUM_CARDS];
+ unsigned long ioaddr;
+ unsigned long mem_region; /* 32 bit Region allocated to tiger320 */
+ unsigned long mem_len; /* Length of 32 bit region */
+ volatile unsigned long mem32; /* Virtual representation of 32 bit memory area */
+ dma_addr_t readdma;
+ dma_addr_t writedma;
+ volatile unsigned char *writechunk; /* Double-word aligned write memory */
+ volatile unsigned char *readchunk; /* Double-word aligned read memory */
+ /*struct dahdi_chan chans[MAX_NUM_CARDS];*/
+ struct dahdi_chan _chans[NUM_CARDS];
+ struct dahdi_chan *chans[NUM_CARDS];
+ char * voc_buf[MAX_NUM_CARDS + NUM_FLAG];
+ int voc_ptr[MAX_NUM_CARDS + NUM_FLAG];
+ int lastchan;
+ unsigned short ledstate;
+ unsigned char fwversion;
+ int max_cards;
+ char *card_name;
+ char *cid_history_buf[MAX_NUM_CARDS];
+ int cid_history_ptr[MAX_NUM_CARDS];
+ int cid_history_clone_cnt[MAX_NUM_CARDS];
+ enum cid_hook_state cid_state[MAX_NUM_CARDS];
+ int cid_ring_on_time[MAX_NUM_CARDS];
+static char* A1200P_Name = "A1200P";
+static char* A800P_Name = "A800P";
+struct wctdm_desc {
+ char *name;
+ int flags;
+static struct wctdm_desc wctdme = { "OpenVox A1200P/A800P", 0 };
+static int acim2tiss[16] = { 0x0, 0x1, 0x4, 0x5, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x3 };
+static struct wctdm *ifaces[WC_MAX_IFACES];
+static void wctdm_release(struct wctdm *wc);
+static unsigned int battdebounce;
+static unsigned int battalarm;
+static unsigned int battthresh;
+static int ringdebounce = DEFAULT_RING_DEBOUNCE;
+static int fwringdetect = 0;
+static int debug = 0;
+static int robust = 0;
+static int timingonly = 0;
+static int lowpower = 0;
+static int boostringer = 0;
+static int fastringer = 0;
+static int _opermode = 0;
+static char *opermode = "FCC";
+static int fxshonormode = 0;
+static int alawoverride = 0;
+static int fastpickup = 0;
+static int fxotxgain = 0;
+static int fxorxgain = 0;
+static int fxstxgain = 0;
+static int fxsrxgain = 0;
+/* special h/w control command */
+static int spibyhw = 1;
+static int usememio = 1;
+static int cidbeforering = 0;
+static int cidbuflen = 3000; /* in msec, default 3000 */
+static int cidtimeout = 6*1000; /* in msec, default 6000 */
+static int fxofullscale = 0; /* fxo full scale tx/rx, register 30, acim */
+static int fixedtimepolarity=0; /* time delay in ms when send polarity after rise edge of 1st ring.*/
+static int wctdm_init_proslic(struct wctdm *wc, int card, int fast , int manual, int sane);
+static void wctdm_set_led(struct wctdm* wc, int card, int onoff)
+ int i;
+ unsigned char c;
+ wc->ledstate &= ~(0x01<<card);
+ wc->ledstate |= (onoff<<card);
+ c = (inb(wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD)&~BIT_LED_CLK)|BIT_LED_DATA;
+ outb( c, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ for(i=MAX_NUM_CARDS-1; i>=0; i--)
+ {
+ if(wc->ledstate & (0x0001<<i))
+ if(wc->fwversion == 0x11)
+ c &= ~BIT_LED_DATA;
+ else
+ c |= BIT_LED_DATA;
+ else
+ if(wc->fwversion == 0x11)
+ c |= BIT_LED_DATA;
+ else
+ c &= ~BIT_LED_DATA;
+ outb( c, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ outb( c|BIT_LED_CLK, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ outb( (c&~BIT_LED_CLK)|BIT_LED_DATA, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ }
+static inline void wctdm_transmitprep(struct wctdm *wc, unsigned char ints)
+ int x, y, chan_offset, pos;
+ volatile unsigned char *txbuf;
+ if (ints & /*0x01*/ 0x04)
+ /* Write is at interrupt address. Start writing from normal offset */
+ txbuf = wc->writechunk;
+ else
+ txbuf = wc->writechunk + DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE * (MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG);
+ /* Calculate Transmission */
+ dahdi_transmit(&wc->span);
+ if(wc->lastchan == -1) // not in sync.
+ return;
+ chan_offset = (wc->lastchan*4 + 4 ) % (MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG);
+ for (y=0;y<DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE;y++) {
+#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
+ // operation pending...
+ for (x=0;x<(MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG);x++) {
+ pos = y * (MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG) + ((x + chan_offset + MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG - WC_OFFSET)&0x0f);
+ if(x<wc->max_cards/*MAX_NUM_CARDS*/)
+ txbuf[pos] = wc->chans[x]->writechunk[y];
+ else
+ txbuf[pos] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+static inline void ring_check(struct wctdm *wc, int card)
+ int x;
+ short sample;
+ if (wc->modtype[card] != MOD_TYPE_FXO)
+ return;
+ wc->mod[card].fxo.pegtimer += DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE;
+ for (x=0;x<DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE;x++) {
+ /* Look for pegging to indicate ringing */
+ sample = DAHDI_XLAW(wc->chans[card].readchunk[x], (&(wc->chans[card])));
+ if ((sample > 10000) && (wc->mod[card].fxo.peg != 1)) {
+ if (debug > 1) printk(KERN_DEBUG "High peg!\n");
+ if ((wc->mod[card].fxo.pegtimer < PEGTIME) && (wc->mod[card].fxo.pegtimer > MINPEGTIME))
+ wc->mod[card].fxo.pegcount++;
+ wc->mod[card].fxo.pegtimer = 0;
+ wc->mod[card].fxo.peg = 1;
+ } else if ((sample < -10000) && (wc->mod[card].fxo.peg != -1)) {
+ if (debug > 1) printk(KERN_DEBUG "Low peg!\n");
+ if ((wc->mod[card].fxo.pegtimer < (PEGTIME >> 2)) && (wc->mod[card].fxo.pegtimer > (MINPEGTIME >> 2)))
+ wc->mod[card].fxo.pegcount++;
+ wc->mod[card].fxo.pegtimer = 0;
+ wc->mod[card].fxo.peg = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wc->mod[card].fxo.pegtimer > PEGTIME) {
+ /* Reset pegcount if our timer expires */
+ wc->mod[card].fxo.pegcount = 0;
+ }
+ /* Decrement debouncer if appropriate */
+ if (wc->mod[card].fxo.ringdebounce)
+ wc->mod[card].fxo.ringdebounce--;
+ if (!wc->mod[card].fxo.offhook && !wc->mod[card].fxo.ringdebounce) {
+ if (!wc->mod[card].fxo.ring && (wc->mod[card].fxo.pegcount > PEGCOUNT)) {
+ /* It's ringing */
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "RING on %d/%d!\n", wc->span.spanno, card + 1);
+ if (!wc->mod[card].fxo.offhook)
+ dahdi_hooksig(&wc->chans[card], DAHDI_RXSIG_RING);
+ wc->mod[card].fxo.ring = 1;
+ }
+ if (wc->mod[card].fxo.ring && !wc->mod[card].fxo.pegcount) {
+ /* No more ring */
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "NO RING on %d/%d!\n", wc->span.spanno, card + 1);
+ dahdi_hooksig(&wc->chans[card], DAHDI_RXSIG_OFFHOOK);
+ wc->mod[card].fxo.ring = 0;
+ }
+ }
+static inline void wctdm_receiveprep(struct wctdm *wc, unsigned char ints)
+ volatile unsigned char *rxbuf;
+ int x, y, chan_offset;
+ if (ints & 0x08/*0x04*/)
+ /* Read is at interrupt address. Valid data is available at normal offset */
+ rxbuf = wc->readchunk;
+ else
+ rxbuf = wc->readchunk + DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE * (MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG);
+ for(x=0; x<4; x++)
+ if( *(int*)(rxbuf+x*4) == WC_SYNCFLAG)
+ break;
+ if(x==4)
+ {
+ printk("buffer sync misseed!\n");
+ wc->lastchan = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(wc->lastchan != x)
+ {
+ printk("buffer re-sync occur from %d to %d\n", wc->lastchan, x);
+ wc->lastchan = x;
+ }
+ chan_offset = (wc->lastchan*4 + 4 ) % (MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG);
+ for (x=0;x<DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE;x++) {
+#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
+ // operation pending...
+ for (y=0;y<wc->max_cards/*MAX_NUM_CARDS*/;y++) {
+ if (wc->cardflag & (1 << y))
+ wc->chans[y]->readchunk[x] = rxbuf[(MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG) * x + ((y + chan_offset ) & 0x0f)];
+ wc->voc_buf[y][wc->voc_ptr[y]] = rxbuf[(MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG) * x + ((y + chan_offset) & 0x0f)];
+ wc->voc_ptr[y]++;
+ if(wc->voc_ptr[y] >= voc_buffer_size)
+ wc->voc_ptr[y] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(cidbeforering)
+ {
+ for(x=0; x<wc->max_cards; x++)
+ {
+ if (wc->modtype[wc->chans[x]->chanpos - 1] == MOD_TYPE_FXO)
+ if(wc->mod[wc->chans[x]->chanpos - 1].fxo.offhook == 0)
+ {
+ /*unsigned int *p_readchunk, *p_cid_history;
+ p_readchunk = (unsigned int*)wc->chans[x].readchunk;
+ p_cid_history = (unsigned int*)(wc->cid_history_buf[x] + wc->cid_history_ptr[x]);*/
+ if(wc->cid_state[x] == CID_STATE_IDLE) /* we need copy data to the cid voice buffer */
+ {
+ memcpy(wc->cid_history_buf[x] + wc->cid_history_ptr[x], wc->chans[x]->readchunk, DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE);
+ wc->cid_history_ptr[x] = (wc->cid_history_ptr[x] + DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE)%(cidbuflen * DAHDI_MAX_CHUNKSIZE);
+ }
+ else if (wc->cid_state[x] == CID_STATE_RING_ON)
+ wc->cid_history_clone_cnt[x] = cidbuflen;
+ else if (wc->cid_state[x] == CID_STATE_RING_OFF)
+ {
+ if(wc->cid_history_clone_cnt[x])
+ {
+ memcpy(wc->chans[x]->readchunk, wc->cid_history_buf[x] + wc->cid_history_ptr[x], DAHDI_MAX_CHUNKSIZE);
+ wc->cid_history_clone_cnt[x]--;
+ wc->cid_history_ptr[x] = (wc->cid_history_ptr[x] + DAHDI_MAX_CHUNKSIZE)%(cidbuflen * DAHDI_MAX_CHUNKSIZE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wc->cid_state[x] = CID_STATE_WAIT_RING_FINISH;
+ wc->cid_history_clone_cnt[x] = cidtimeout; /* wait 6 sec, if no ring, return to idle */
+ }
+ }
+ else if(wc->cid_state[x] == CID_STATE_WAIT_RING_FINISH)
+ {
+ if(wc->cid_history_clone_cnt[x] > 0)
+ wc->cid_history_clone_cnt[x]--;
+ else
+ {
+ wc->cid_state[x] = CID_STATE_IDLE;
+ wc->cid_history_ptr[x] = 0;
+ wc->cid_history_clone_cnt[x] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (x=0;x<wc->max_cards;x++)
+ ring_check(wc, x);
+ /* XXX We're wasting 8 taps. We should get closer :( */
+ for (x = 0; x < wc->max_cards/*MAX_NUM_CARDS*/; x++) {
+ if (wc->cardflag & (1 << x))
+ dahdi_ec_chunk(wc->chans[x], wc->chans[x]->readchunk, wc->chans[x]->writechunk);
+ }
+ dahdi_receive(&wc->span);
+static void wctdm_stop_dma(struct wctdm *wc);
+static void wctdm_reset_tdm(struct wctdm *wc);
+static void wctdm_restart_dma(struct wctdm *wc);
+static unsigned char __wctdm_getcreg(struct wctdm *wc, unsigned char reg);
+static void __wctdm_setcreg(struct wctdm *wc, unsigned char reg, unsigned char val);
+static inline void __write_8bits(struct wctdm *wc, unsigned char bits)
+ if(spibyhw == 0)
+ {
+ int x;
+ /* Drop chip select */
+ wc->ios |= BIT_SCLK;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ wc->ios &= ~BIT_CS;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ for (x=0;x<8;x++) {
+ /* Send out each bit, MSB first, drop SCLK as we do so */
+ if (bits & 0x80)
+ wc->ios |= BIT_SDI;
+ else
+ wc->ios &= ~BIT_SDI;
+ wc->ios &= ~BIT_SCLK;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ /* Now raise SCLK high again and repeat */
+ wc->ios |= BIT_SCLK;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ bits <<= 1;
+ }
+ /* Finally raise CS back high again */
+ wc->ios |= BIT_CS;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __wctdm_setcreg(wc, WC_SPIDATA, bits);
+ __wctdm_setcreg(wc, WC_SPICTRL, BIT_SPI_BYHW | BIT_SPI_START);
+ while ((__wctdm_getcreg(wc, WC_SPICTRL) & BIT_SPI_BUSY) != 0);
+ __wctdm_setcreg(wc, WC_SPICTRL, BIT_SPI_BYHW);
+ }
+static inline void __reset_spi(struct wctdm *wc)
+ __wctdm_setcreg(wc, WC_SPICTRL, 0);
+ /* Drop chip select and clock once and raise and clock once */
+ wc->ios |= BIT_SCLK;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ wc->ios &= ~BIT_CS;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ wc->ios |= BIT_SDI;
+ wc->ios &= ~BIT_SCLK;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ /* Now raise SCLK high again and repeat */
+ wc->ios |= BIT_SCLK;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ /* Finally raise CS back high again */
+ wc->ios |= BIT_CS;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ /* Clock again */
+ wc->ios &= ~BIT_SCLK;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ /* Now raise SCLK high again and repeat */
+ wc->ios |= BIT_SCLK;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ __wctdm_setcreg(wc, WC_SPICTRL, spibyhw);
+static inline unsigned char __read_8bits(struct wctdm *wc)
+ unsigned char res=0, c;
+ int x;
+ if(spibyhw == 0)
+ {
+ wc->ios &= ~BIT_CS;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ /* Drop chip select */
+ wc->ios &= ~BIT_CS;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ for (x=0;x<8;x++) {
+ res <<= 1;
+ /* Get SCLK */
+ wc->ios &= ~BIT_SCLK;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ /* Read back the value */
+ c = inb(wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXR);
+ if (c & BIT_SDO)
+ res |= 1;
+ /* Now raise SCLK high again */
+ wc->ios |= BIT_SCLK;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ }
+ /* Finally raise CS back high again */
+ wc->ios |= BIT_CS;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ wc->ios &= ~BIT_SCLK;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __wctdm_setcreg(wc, WC_SPICTRL, BIT_SPI_BYHW | BIT_SPI_START);
+ while ((__wctdm_getcreg(wc, WC_SPICTRL) & BIT_SPI_BUSY) != 0);
+ res = __wctdm_getcreg(wc, WC_SPIDATA);
+ __wctdm_setcreg(wc, WC_SPICTRL, BIT_SPI_BYHW);
+ }
+ /* And return our result */
+ return res;
+static void __wctdm_setcreg_mem(struct wctdm *wc, unsigned char reg, unsigned char val)
+ unsigned int *p = (unsigned int*)(wc->mem32 + WC_REGBASE + ((reg & 0xf) << 2));
+ *p = val;
+static unsigned char __wctdm_getcreg_mem(struct wctdm *wc, unsigned char reg)
+ unsigned int *p = (unsigned int*)(wc->mem32 + WC_REGBASE + ((reg & 0xf) << 2));
+ return (*p)&0x00ff;
+static void __wctdm_setcreg(struct wctdm *wc, unsigned char reg, unsigned char val)
+ if(usememio)
+ __wctdm_setcreg_mem(wc, reg, val);
+ else
+ outb(val, wc->ioaddr + WC_REGBASE + ((reg & 0xf) << 2));
+static unsigned char __wctdm_getcreg(struct wctdm *wc, unsigned char reg)
+ if(usememio)
+ return __wctdm_getcreg_mem(wc, reg);
+ else
+ return inb(wc->ioaddr + WC_REGBASE + ((reg & 0xf) << 2));
+static inline void __wctdm_setcard(struct wctdm *wc, int card)
+ if (wc->curcard != card) {
+ __wctdm_setcreg(wc, WC_CS, card);
+ wc->curcard = card;
+ //printk("Select card %d\n", card);
+ }
+static void __wctdm_setreg(struct wctdm *wc, int card, unsigned char reg, unsigned char value)
+ __wctdm_setcard(wc, card);
+ if (wc->modtype[card] == MOD_TYPE_FXO) {
+ __write_8bits(wc, 0x20);
+ __write_8bits(wc, reg & 0x7f);
+ } else {
+ __write_8bits(wc, reg & 0x7f);
+ }
+ __write_8bits(wc, value);
+static void wctdm_setreg(struct wctdm *wc, int card, unsigned char reg, unsigned char value)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&wc->lock, flags);
+ __wctdm_setreg(wc, card, reg, value);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wc->lock, flags);
+static unsigned char __wctdm_getreg(struct wctdm *wc, int card, unsigned char reg)
+ __wctdm_setcard(wc, card);
+ if (wc->modtype[card] == MOD_TYPE_FXO) {
+ __write_8bits(wc, 0x60);
+ __write_8bits(wc, reg & 0x7f);
+ } else {
+ __write_8bits(wc, reg | 0x80);
+ }
+ return __read_8bits(wc);
+static inline void reset_spi(struct wctdm *wc, int card)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&wc->lock, flags);
+ __wctdm_setcard(wc, card);
+ __reset_spi(wc);
+ __reset_spi(wc);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wc->lock, flags);
+static unsigned char wctdm_getreg(struct wctdm *wc, int card, unsigned char reg)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ unsigned char res;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&wc->lock, flags);
+ res = __wctdm_getreg(wc, card, reg);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wc->lock, flags);
+ return res;
+static int __wait_access(struct wctdm *wc, int card)
+ unsigned char data = 0;
+ long origjiffies;
+ int count = 0;
+ #define MAX 6000 /* attempts */
+ origjiffies = jiffies;
+ /* Wait for indirect access */
+ while (count++ < MAX)
+ {
+ data = __wctdm_getreg(wc, card, I_STATUS);
+ if (!data)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(count > (MAX-1)) printk(KERN_NOTICE " ##### Loop error (%02x) #####\n", data);
+ return 0;
+static unsigned char translate_3215(unsigned char address)
+ int x;
+ for (x=0;x<sizeof(indirect_regs)/sizeof(indirect_regs[0]);x++) {
+ if (indirect_regs[x].address == address) {
+ address = indirect_regs[x].altaddr;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return address;
+static int wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(struct wctdm *wc, int card, unsigned char address, unsigned short data)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ int res = -1;
+ /* Translate 3215 addresses */
+ if (wc->flags[card] & FLAG_3215) {
+ address = translate_3215(address);
+ if (address == 255)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&wc->lock, flags);
+ if(!__wait_access(wc, card)) {
+ __wctdm_setreg(wc, card, IDA_LO,(unsigned char)(data & 0xFF));
+ __wctdm_setreg(wc, card, IDA_HI,(unsigned char)((data & 0xFF00)>>8));
+ __wctdm_setreg(wc, card, IAA,address);
+ res = 0;
+ };
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wc->lock, flags);
+ return res;
+static int wctdm_proslic_getreg_indirect(struct wctdm *wc, int card, unsigned char address)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ int res = -1;
+ char *p=NULL;
+ /* Translate 3215 addresses */
+ if (wc->flags[card] & FLAG_3215) {
+ address = translate_3215(address);
+ if (address == 255)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&wc->lock, flags);
+ if (!__wait_access(wc, card)) {
+ __wctdm_setreg(wc, card, IAA, address);
+ if (!__wait_access(wc, card)) {
+ unsigned char data1, data2;
+ data1 = __wctdm_getreg(wc, card, IDA_LO);
+ data2 = __wctdm_getreg(wc, card, IDA_HI);
+ res = data1 | (data2 << 8);
+ } else
+ p = "Failed to wait inside\n";
+ } else
+ p = "failed to wait\n";
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&wc->lock, flags);
+ if (p)
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s", p);
+ return res;
+static int wctdm_proslic_init_indirect_regs(struct wctdm *wc, int card)
+ unsigned char i;
+ for (i=0; i<sizeof(indirect_regs) / sizeof(indirect_regs[0]); i++)
+ {
+ if(wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc, card, indirect_regs[i].address,indirect_regs[i].initial))
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int wctdm_proslic_verify_indirect_regs(struct wctdm *wc, int card)
+ int passed = 1;
+ unsigned short i, initial;
+ int j;
+ for (i=0; i<sizeof(indirect_regs) / sizeof(indirect_regs[0]); i++)
+ {
+ if((j = wctdm_proslic_getreg_indirect(wc, card, (unsigned char) indirect_regs[i].address)) < 0) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Failed to read indirect register %d\n", i);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ initial= indirect_regs[i].initial;
+ if ( j != initial && (!(wc->flags[card] & FLAG_3215) || (indirect_regs[i].altaddr != 255)))
+ {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "!!!!!!! %s iREG %X = %X should be %X\n",
+ indirect_regs[i].name,indirect_regs[i].address,j,initial );
+ passed = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (passed) {
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Init Indirect Registers completed successfully.\n");
+ } else {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE " !!!!! Init Indirect Registers UNSUCCESSFULLY.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static inline void wctdm_proslic_recheck_sanity(struct wctdm *wc, int card)
+ int res;
+ /* Check loopback */
+ res = wc->reg1shadow[card];
+ if (!res && (res != wc->mod[card].fxs.lasttxhook)) // read real state from register By wx
+ res=wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 64);
+ if (!res && (res != wc->mod[card].fxs.lasttxhook)) {
+ res = wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 8);
+ if (res) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Ouch, part reset, quickly restoring reality (%d)\n", card);
+ wctdm_init_proslic(wc, card, 1, 0, 1);
+ } else {
+ if (wc->mod[card].fxs.palarms++ < MAX_ALARMS) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Power alarm on module %d, resetting!\n", card + 1);
+ if (wc->mod[card].fxs.lasttxhook == 4)
+ wc->mod[card].fxs.lasttxhook = 1;
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 64, wc->mod[card].fxs.lasttxhook);
+ } else {
+ if (wc->mod[card].fxs.palarms == MAX_ALARMS)
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Too many power alarms on card %d, NOT resetting!\n", card + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static inline void wctdm_voicedaa_check_hook(struct wctdm *wc, int card)
+#define MS_PER_CHECK_HOOK 16
+ unsigned char res;
+ signed char b;
+ int errors = 0;
+ struct fxo *fxo = &wc->mod[card].fxo;
+ /* Try to track issues that plague slot one FXO's */
+ b = wc->reg0shadow[card];
+ if ((b & 0x2) || !(b & 0x8)) {
+ /* Not good -- don't look at anything else */
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Error (%02x) on card %d!\n", b, card + 1);
+ errors++;
+ }
+ b &= 0x9b;
+ if (fxo->offhook) {
+ if (b != 0x9)
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 5, 0x9);
+ } else {
+ if (b != 0x8)
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 5, 0x8);
+ }
+ if (errors)
+ return;
+ if (!fxo->offhook) {
+ if(fixedtimepolarity) {
+ if ( wc->cid_state[card] == CID_STATE_RING_ON && wc->cid_ring_on_time[card]>0)
+ {
+ if(wc->cid_ring_on_time[card]>=fixedtimepolarity )
+ {
+ dahdi_qevent_lock(wc->chans[card], DAHDI_EVENT_POLARITY);
+ wc->cid_ring_on_time[card] = -1; /* the polarity already sent */
+ }
+ else
+ wc->cid_ring_on_time[card] += 16;
+ }
+ if (fwringdetect) {
+ res = wc->reg0shadow[card] & 0x60;
+ if (fxo->ringdebounce) {
+ --fxo->ringdebounce;
+ if (res && (res != fxo->lastrdtx) &&
+ (fxo->battery == BATTERY_PRESENT)) {
+ if (!fxo->wasringing) {
+ fxo->wasringing = 1;
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "RING on %d/%d!\n", wc->span.spanno, card + 1);
+ if(cidbeforering)
+ {
+ if(wc->cid_state[card] == CID_STATE_IDLE)
+ {
+ wc->cid_state[card] = CID_STATE_RING_ON;
+ wc->cid_ring_on_time[card] = 16; /* check every 16ms */
+ }
+ else
+ dahdi_hooksig(wc->chans[card], DAHDI_RXSIG_RING);
+ }
+ else
+ dahdi_hooksig(wc->chans[card], DAHDI_RXSIG_RING);
+ }
+ fxo->lastrdtx = res;
+ fxo->ringdebounce = 10;
+ } else if (!res) {
+ if ((fxo->ringdebounce == 0) && fxo->wasringing) {
+ fxo->wasringing = 0;
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "NO RING on %d/%d!\n", wc->span.spanno, card + 1);
+ if(cidbeforering)
+ {
+ if(wc->cid_state[card] == CID_STATE_RING_ON)
+ {
+ if(fixedtimepolarity==0)
+ dahdi_qevent_lock(wc->chans[card], DAHDI_EVENT_POLARITY);
+ wc->cid_state[card] = CID_STATE_RING_OFF;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(wc->cid_state[card] == CID_STATE_WAIT_RING_FINISH)
+ wc->cid_history_clone_cnt[card] = cidtimeout;
+ dahdi_hooksig(wc->chans[card], DAHDI_RXSIG_OFFHOOK);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ dahdi_hooksig(wc->chans[card], DAHDI_RXSIG_OFFHOOK);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (res && (fxo->battery == BATTERY_PRESENT)) {
+ fxo->lastrdtx = res;
+ fxo->ringdebounce = 10;
+ }
+ } else {
+ res = wc->reg0shadow[card];
+ if ((res & 0x60) && (fxo->battery == BATTERY_PRESENT)) {
+ fxo->ringdebounce += (DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE * 16);
+ if (fxo->ringdebounce >= DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE * ringdebounce) {
+ if (!fxo->wasringing) {
+ fxo->wasringing = 1;
+ if(cidbeforering)
+ {
+ if(wc->cid_state[card] == CID_STATE_IDLE)
+ {
+ wc->cid_state[card] = CID_STATE_RING_ON;
+ wc->cid_ring_on_time[card] = 16; /* check every 16ms */
+ }
+ else
+ dahdi_hooksig(wc->chans[card], DAHDI_RXSIG_RING);
+ }
+ else
+ dahdi_hooksig(wc->chans[card], DAHDI_RXSIG_RING);
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "RING on %d/%d!\n", wc->span.spanno, card + 1);
+ }
+ fxo->ringdebounce = DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE * ringdebounce;
+ }
+ } else {
+ fxo->ringdebounce -= DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE * 4;
+ if (fxo->ringdebounce <= 0) {
+ if (fxo->wasringing) {
+ fxo->wasringing = 0;
+ if(cidbeforering)
+ {
+ if(wc->cid_state[card] == CID_STATE_RING_ON)
+ {
+ if(fixedtimepolarity==0)
+ dahdi_qevent_lock(wc->chans[card], DAHDI_EVENT_POLARITY);
+ wc->cid_state[card] = CID_STATE_RING_OFF;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(wc->cid_state[card] == CID_STATE_WAIT_RING_FINISH)
+ wc->cid_history_clone_cnt[card] = cidtimeout;
+ dahdi_hooksig(wc->chans[card], DAHDI_RXSIG_OFFHOOK);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ dahdi_hooksig(wc->chans[card], DAHDI_RXSIG_OFFHOOK);
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "NO RING on %d/%d!\n", wc->span.spanno, card + 1);
+ }
+ fxo->ringdebounce = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ b = wc->reg1shadow[card];
+ if (abs(b) < battthresh) {
+ /* possible existing states:
+ battery lost, no debounce timer
+ battery lost, debounce timer (going to battery present)
+ battery present or unknown, no debounce timer
+ battery present or unknown, debounce timer (going to battery lost)
+ */
+ if (fxo->battery == BATTERY_LOST) {
+ if (fxo->battdebounce) {
+ /* we were going to BATTERY_PRESENT, but battery was lost again,
+ so clear the debounce timer */
+ fxo->battdebounce = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (fxo->battdebounce) {
+ /* going to BATTERY_LOST, see if we are there yet */
+ if (--fxo->battdebounce == 0) {
+ fxo->battery = BATTERY_LOST;
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "NO BATTERY on %d/%d!\n", wc->span.spanno, card + 1);
+#ifdef JAPAN
+ if (!wc->ohdebounce && wc->offhook) {
+ dahdi_hooksig(&wc->chans[card], DAHDI_RXSIG_ONHOOK);
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Signalled On Hook\n");
+ wc->onhook++;
+ }
+ dahdi_hooksig(wc->chans[card], DAHDI_RXSIG_ONHOOK);
+ /* set the alarm timer, taking into account that part of its time
+ period has already passed while debouncing occurred */
+ fxo->battalarm = (battalarm - battdebounce) / MS_PER_CHECK_HOOK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* start the debounce timer to verify that battery has been lost */
+ fxo->battdebounce = battdebounce / MS_PER_CHECK_HOOK;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* possible existing states:
+ battery lost or unknown, no debounce timer
+ battery lost or unknown, debounce timer (going to battery present)
+ battery present, no debounce timer
+ battery present, debounce timer (going to battery lost)
+ */
+ if (fxo->battery == BATTERY_PRESENT) {
+ if (fxo->battdebounce) {
+ /* we were going to BATTERY_LOST, but battery appeared again,
+ so clear the debounce timer */
+ fxo->battdebounce = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (fxo->battdebounce) {
+ /* going to BATTERY_PRESENT, see if we are there yet */
+ if (--fxo->battdebounce == 0) {
+ fxo->battery = BATTERY_PRESENT;
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "BATTERY on %d/%d (%s)!\n", wc->span.spanno, card + 1,
+ (b < 0) ? "-" : "+");
+ if (wc->onhook) {
+ wc->onhook = 0;
+ dahdi_hooksig(&wc->chans[card], DAHDI_RXSIG_OFFHOOK);
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Signalled Off Hook\n");
+ }
+ dahdi_hooksig(wc->chans[card], DAHDI_RXSIG_OFFHOOK);
+ /* set the alarm timer, taking into account that part of its time
+ period has already passed while debouncing occurred */
+ fxo->battalarm = (battalarm - battdebounce) / MS_PER_CHECK_HOOK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* start the debounce timer to verify that battery has appeared */
+ fxo->battdebounce = battdebounce / MS_PER_CHECK_HOOK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (fxo->lastpol >= 0) {
+ if (b < 0) {
+ fxo->lastpol = -1;
+ fxo->polaritydebounce = POLARITY_DEBOUNCE / MS_PER_CHECK_HOOK;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fxo->lastpol <= 0) {
+ if (b > 0) {
+ fxo->lastpol = 1;
+ fxo->polaritydebounce = POLARITY_DEBOUNCE / MS_PER_CHECK_HOOK;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fxo->battalarm) {
+ if (--fxo->battalarm == 0) {
+ /* the alarm timer has expired, so update the battery alarm state
+ for this channel */
+ dahdi_alarm_channel(wc->chans[card], fxo->battery == BATTERY_LOST ? DAHDI_ALARM_RED : DAHDI_ALARM_NONE);
+ }
+ }
+ if (fxo->polaritydebounce) {
+ if (--fxo->polaritydebounce == 0) {
+ if (fxo->lastpol != fxo->polarity) {
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "%lu Polarity reversed (%d -> %d)\n", jiffies,
+ fxo->polarity,
+ fxo->lastpol);
+ if (fxo->polarity)
+ dahdi_qevent_lock(wc->chans[card], DAHDI_EVENT_POLARITY);
+ fxo->polarity = fxo->lastpol;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static inline void wctdm_proslic_check_hook(struct wctdm *wc, int card)
+ char res;
+ int hook;
+ /* For some reason we have to debounce the
+ hook detector. */
+ res = wc->reg0shadow[card];
+ hook = (res & 1);
+ if (hook != wc->mod[card].fxs.lastrxhook) {
+ /* Reset the debounce (must be multiple of 4ms) */
+ wc->mod[card].fxs.debounce = 8 * (4 * 8);
+#if 0
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Resetting debounce card %d hook %d, %d\n", card, hook, wc->mod[card].fxs.debounce);
+ } else {
+ if (wc->mod[card].fxs.debounce > 0) {
+ wc->mod[card].fxs.debounce-= 16 * DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE;
+#if 0
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Sustaining hook %d, %d\n", hook, wc->mod[card].fxs.debounce);
+ if (!wc->mod[card].fxs.debounce) {
+#if 0
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Counted down debounce, newhook: %d...\n", hook);
+ wc->mod[card].fxs.debouncehook = hook;
+ }
+ if (!wc->mod[card].fxs.oldrxhook && wc->mod[card].fxs.debouncehook) {
+ /* Off hook */
+#if 1
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "opvxa1200: Card %d Going off hook\n", card);
+ dahdi_hooksig(wc->chans[card], DAHDI_RXSIG_OFFHOOK);
+ if (robust)
+ wctdm_init_proslic(wc, card, 1, 0, 1);
+ wc->mod[card].fxs.oldrxhook = 1;
+ } else if (wc->mod[card].fxs.oldrxhook && !wc->mod[card].fxs.debouncehook) {
+ /* On hook */
+#if 1
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "opvxa1200: Card %d Going on hook\n", card);
+ dahdi_hooksig(wc->chans[card], DAHDI_RXSIG_ONHOOK);
+ wc->mod[card].fxs.oldrxhook = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wc->mod[card].fxs.lastrxhook = hook;
+ struct wctdm *wc = dev_id;
+ unsigned char ints;
+ int x, y, z;
+ int mode;
+ ints = inb(wc->ioaddr + WC_INTSTAT);
+ if (!ints)
+ return IRQ_NONE;
+ outb(ints, wc->ioaddr + WC_INTSTAT);
+ if (ints & 0x10) {
+ /* Stop DMA, wait for watchdog */
+ printk(KERN_INFO "TDM PCI Master abort\n");
+ wctdm_stop_dma(wc);
+ return IRQ_RETVAL(1);
+ }
+ if (ints & 0x20) {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "PCI Target abort\n");
+ return IRQ_RETVAL(1);
+ }
+ for (x=0;x<wc->max_cards/*4*3*/;x++) {
+ if (wc->cardflag & (1 << x) &&
+ (wc->modtype[x] == MOD_TYPE_FXS)) {
+ if (wc->mod[x].fxs.lasttxhook == 0x4) {
+ /* RINGing, prepare for OHT */
+ wc->mod[x].fxs.ohttimer = OHT_TIMER << 3;
+ if (reversepolarity)
+ wc->mod[x].fxs.idletxhookstate = 0x6; /* OHT mode when idle */
+ else
+ wc->mod[x].fxs.idletxhookstate = 0x2;
+ } else {
+ if (wc->mod[x].fxs.ohttimer) {
+ wc->mod[x].fxs.ohttimer-= DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE;
+ if (!wc->mod[x].fxs.ohttimer) {
+ if (reversepolarity)
+ wc->mod[x].fxs.idletxhookstate = 0x5; /* Switch to active */
+ else
+ wc->mod[x].fxs.idletxhookstate = 0x1;
+ if ((wc->mod[x].fxs.lasttxhook == 0x2) || (wc->mod[x].fxs.lasttxhook == 0x6)) {
+ /* Apply the change if appropriate */
+ if (reversepolarity)
+ wc->mod[x].fxs.lasttxhook = 0x5;
+ else
+ wc->mod[x].fxs.lasttxhook = 0x1;
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, x, 64, wc->mod[x].fxs.lasttxhook);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ints & 0x0f) {
+ wc->intcount++;
+ z = wc->intcount & 0x3;
+ mode = wc->intcount & 0xc;
+ for(y=0; y<wc->max_cards/4/*3*/; y++)
+ {
+ x = z + y*4;
+ if (wc->cardflag & (1 << x ) )
+ {
+ switch(mode)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ /* Rest */
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ /* Read first shadow reg */
+ if (wc->modtype[x] == MOD_TYPE_FXS)
+ wc->reg0shadow[x] = wctdm_getreg(wc, x, 68);
+ else if (wc->modtype[x] == MOD_TYPE_FXO)
+ wc->reg0shadow[x] = wctdm_getreg(wc, x, 5);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ /* Read second shadow reg */
+ if (wc->modtype[x] == MOD_TYPE_FXS)
+ wc->reg1shadow[x] = wctdm_getreg(wc, x, 64);
+ else if (wc->modtype[x] == MOD_TYPE_FXO)
+ wc->reg1shadow[x] = wctdm_getreg(wc, x, 29);
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ /* Perform processing */
+ if (wc->modtype[x] == MOD_TYPE_FXS) {
+ wctdm_proslic_check_hook(wc, x);
+ if (!(wc->intcount & 0xf0))
+ wctdm_proslic_recheck_sanity(wc, x);
+ } else if (wc->modtype[x] == MOD_TYPE_FXO) {
+ wctdm_voicedaa_check_hook(wc, x);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(wc->intcount % 10000)) {
+ /* Accept an alarm once per 10 seconds */
+ for (x=0;x<wc->max_cards/*4*3*/;x++)
+ if (wc->modtype[x] == MOD_TYPE_FXS) {
+ if (wc->mod[x].fxs.palarms)
+ wc->mod[x].fxs.palarms--;
+ }
+ }
+ wctdm_receiveprep(wc, ints);
+ wctdm_transmitprep(wc, ints);
+ }
+ return IRQ_RETVAL(1);
+static int wctdm_voicedaa_insane(struct wctdm *wc, int card)
+ int blah;
+ blah = wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 2);
+ if (blah != 0x3)
+ return -2;
+ blah = wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 11);
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "VoiceDAA System: %02x\n", blah & 0xf);
+ return 0;
+static int wctdm_proslic_insane(struct wctdm *wc, int card)
+ int blah,insane_report;
+ insane_report=0;
+ blah = wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 0);
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "ProSLIC on module %d, product %d, version %d\n", card, (blah & 0x30) >> 4, (blah & 0xf));
+#if 0
+ if ((blah & 0x30) >> 4) {
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "ProSLIC on module %d is not a 3210.\n", card);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (((blah & 0xf) == 0) || ((blah & 0xf) == 0xf)) {
+ /* SLIC not loaded */
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ((blah & 0xf) < 2) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "ProSLIC 3210 version %d is too old\n", blah & 0xf);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 1) & 0x80)
+ /* ProSLIC 3215, not a 3210 */
+ wc->flags[card] |= FLAG_3215;
+ blah = wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 8);
+ if (blah != 0x2) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "ProSLIC on module %d insane (1) %d should be 2\n", card, blah);
+ return -1;
+ } else if ( insane_report)
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "ProSLIC on module %d Reg 8 Reads %d Expected is 0x2\n",card,blah);
+ blah = wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 64);
+ if (blah != 0x0) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "ProSLIC on module %d insane (2)\n", card);
+ return -1;
+ } else if ( insane_report)
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "ProSLIC on module %d Reg 64 Reads %d Expected is 0x0\n",card,blah);
+ blah = wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 11);
+ if (blah != 0x33) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "ProSLIC on module %d insane (3)\n", card);
+ return -1;
+ } else if ( insane_report)
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "ProSLIC on module %d Reg 11 Reads %d Expected is 0x33\n",card,blah);
+ /* Just be sure it's setup right. */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 30, 0);
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "ProSLIC on module %d seems sane.\n", card);
+ return 0;
+static int wctdm_proslic_powerleak_test(struct wctdm *wc, int card)
+ unsigned long origjiffies;
+ unsigned char vbat;
+ /* Turn off linefeed */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 64, 0);
+ /* Power down */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 14, 0x10);
+ /* Wait for one second */
+ origjiffies = jiffies;
+ while((vbat = wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 82)) > 0x6) {
+ if ((jiffies - origjiffies) >= (HZ/2))
+ break;;
+ }
+ if (vbat < 0x06) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Excessive leakage detected on module %d: %d volts (%02x) after %d ms\n", card,
+ 376 * vbat / 1000, vbat, (int)((jiffies - origjiffies) * 1000 / HZ));
+ return -1;
+ } else if (debug) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Post-leakage voltage: %d volts\n", 376 * vbat / 1000);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int wctdm_powerup_proslic(struct wctdm *wc, int card, int fast)
+ unsigned char vbat;
+ unsigned long origjiffies;
+ int lim;
+ /* Set period of DC-DC converter to 1/64 khz */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 92, 0xff /* was 0xff */);
+ /* Wait for VBat to powerup */
+ origjiffies = jiffies;
+ /* Disable powerdown */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 14, 0);
+ /* If fast, don't bother checking anymore */
+ if (fast)
+ return 0;
+ while((vbat = wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 82)) < 0xc0) {
+ /* Wait no more than 500ms */
+ if ((jiffies - origjiffies) > HZ/2) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vbat < 0xc0) {
+ if (wc->proslic_power == PROSLIC_POWER_UNKNOWN)
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "ProSLIC on module %d failed to powerup within %d ms (%d mV only)\n\n -- DID YOU REMEMBER TO PLUG IN THE HD POWER CABLE TO THE A1200P??\n",
+ card, (int)(((jiffies - origjiffies) * 1000 / HZ)),
+ vbat * 375);
+ wc->proslic_power = PROSLIC_POWER_WARNED;
+ return -1;
+ } else if (debug) {
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "ProSLIC on module %d powered up to -%d volts (%02x) in %d ms\n",
+ card, vbat * 376 / 1000, vbat, (int)(((jiffies - origjiffies) * 1000 / HZ)));
+ }
+ wc->proslic_power = PROSLIC_POWER_ON;
+ /* Proslic max allowed loop current, reg 71 LOOP_I_LIMIT */
+ /* If out of range, just set it to the default value */
+ lim = (loopcurrent - 20) / 3;
+ if ( loopcurrent > 41 ) {
+ lim = 0;
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Loop current out of range! Setting to default 20mA!\n");
+ }
+ else if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Loop current set to %dmA!\n",(lim*3)+20);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc,card,LOOP_I_LIMIT,lim);
+ /* Engage DC-DC converter */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 93, 0x19 /* was 0x19 */);
+#if 0
+ origjiffies = jiffies;
+ while(0x80 & wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 93)) {
+ if ((jiffies - origjiffies) > 2 * HZ) {
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Timeout waiting for DC-DC calibration on module %d\n", card);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ /* Wait a full two seconds */
+ while((jiffies - origjiffies) < 2 * HZ);
+ /* Just check to be sure */
+ vbat = wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 82);
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "ProSLIC on module %d powered up to -%d volts (%02x) in %d ms\n",
+ card, vbat * 376 / 1000, vbat, (int)(((jiffies - origjiffies) * 1000 / HZ)));
+ return 0;
+static int wctdm_proslic_manual_calibrate(struct wctdm *wc, int card){
+ unsigned long origjiffies;
+ unsigned char i;
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 21, 0);//(0) Disable all interupts in DR21
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 22, 0);//(0)Disable all interupts in DR21
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 23, 0);//(0)Disable all interupts in DR21
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 64, 0);//(0)
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 97, 0x18); //(0x18)Calibrations without the ADC and DAC offset and without common mode calibration.
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 96, 0x47); //(0x47) Calibrate common mode and differential DAC mode DAC + ILIM
+ origjiffies=jiffies;
+ while( wctdm_getreg(wc,card,96)!=0 ){
+ if((jiffies-origjiffies)>80)
+ return -1;
+ }
+//Initialized DR 98 and 99 to get consistant results.
+// 98 and 99 are the results registers and the search should have same intial conditions.
+/*******************************The following is the manual gain mismatch calibration****************************/
+/*******************************This is also available as a function *******************************************/
+ // Delay 10ms
+ origjiffies=jiffies;
+ while((jiffies-origjiffies)<1);
+ wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc, card, 88,0);
+ wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc,card,89,0);
+ wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc,card,90,0);
+ wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc,card,91,0);
+ wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc,card,92,0);
+ wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc,card,93,0);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 98,0x10); // This is necessary if the calibration occurs other than at reset time
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 99,0x10);
+ for ( i=0x1f; i>0; i--)
+ {
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 98,i);
+ origjiffies=jiffies;
+ while((jiffies-origjiffies)<4);
+ if((wctdm_getreg(wc,card,88)) == 0)
+ break;
+ } // for
+ for ( i=0x1f; i>0; i--)
+ {
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 99,i);
+ origjiffies=jiffies;
+ while((jiffies-origjiffies)<4);
+ if((wctdm_getreg(wc,card,89)) == 0)
+ break;
+ }//for
+/*******************************The preceding is the manual gain mismatch calibration****************************/
+/**********************************The following is the longitudinal Balance Cal***********************************/
+ wctdm_setreg(wc,card,64,1);
+ while((jiffies-origjiffies)<10); // Sleep 100?
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 64, 0);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 23, 0x4); // enable interrupt for the balance Cal
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 97, 0x1); // this is a singular calibration bit for longitudinal calibration
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 96,0x40);
+ wctdm_getreg(wc,card,96); /* Read Reg 96 just cause */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 21, 0xFF);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 22, 0xFF);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 23, 0xFF);
+ /**The preceding is the longitudinal Balance Cal***/
+ return(0);
+#if 1
+static int wctdm_proslic_calibrate(struct wctdm *wc, int card)
+ unsigned long origjiffies;
+ int x;
+ /* Perform all calibrations */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 97, 0x1f);
+ /* Begin, no speedup */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 96, 0x5f);
+ /* Wait for it to finish */
+ origjiffies = jiffies;
+ while(wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 96)) {
+ if ((jiffies - origjiffies) > 2 * HZ) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Timeout waiting for calibration of module %d\n", card);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (debug) {
+ /* Print calibration parameters */
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Calibration Vector Regs 98 - 107: \n");
+ for (x=98;x<108;x++) {
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "%d: %02x\n", x, wctdm_getreg(wc, card, x));
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void wait_just_a_bit(int foo)
+ long newjiffies;
+ newjiffies = jiffies + foo;
+ while(jiffies < newjiffies);
+ * Set the hwgain on the analog modules
+ *
+ * card = the card position for this module (0-23)
+ * gain = gain in dB x10 (e.g. -3.5dB would be gain=-35)
+ * tx = (0 for rx; 1 for tx)
+ *
+ *******************************************************************/
+static int wctdm_set_hwgain(struct wctdm *wc, int card, __s32 gain, __u32 tx)
+ if (!(wc->modtype[card] == MOD_TYPE_FXO)) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Cannot adjust gain. Unsupported module type!\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (tx) {
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "setting FXO tx gain for card=%d to %d\n", card, gain);
+ if (gain >= -150 && gain <= 0) {
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 38, 16 + (gain/-10));
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 40, 16 + (-gain%10));
+ } else if (gain <= 120 && gain > 0) {
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 38, gain/10);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 40, (gain%10));
+ } else {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "FXO tx gain is out of range (%d)\n", gain);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else { /* rx */
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "setting FXO rx gain for card=%d to %d\n", card, gain);
+ if (gain >= -150 && gain <= 0) {
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 39, 16+ (gain/-10));
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 41, 16 + (-gain%10));
+ } else if (gain <= 120 && gain > 0) {
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 39, gain/10);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 41, (gain%10));
+ } else {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "FXO rx gain is out of range (%d)\n", gain);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int wctdm_init_voicedaa(struct wctdm *wc, int card, int fast, int manual, int sane)
+ unsigned char reg16=0, reg26=0, reg30=0, reg31=0;
+ long newjiffies;
+ wc->modtype[card] = MOD_TYPE_FXO;
+ /* Sanity check the ProSLIC */
+ reset_spi(wc, card);
+ if (!sane && wctdm_voicedaa_insane(wc, card))
+ return -2;
+ /* Software reset */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 1, 0x80);
+ /* Wait just a bit */
+ wait_just_a_bit(HZ/10);
+ /* Enable PCM, ulaw */
+ if (alawoverride)
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 33, 0x20);
+ else
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 33, 0x28);
+ /* Set On-hook speed, Ringer impedence, and ringer threshold */
+ reg16 |= (fxo_modes[_opermode].ohs << 6);
+ reg16 |= (fxo_modes[_opermode].rz << 1);
+ reg16 |= (fxo_modes[_opermode].rt);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 16, reg16);
+ if(fwringdetect) {
+ /* Enable ring detector full-wave rectifier mode */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 18, 2);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 24, 0);
+ } else {
+ /* Set to the device defaults */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 18, 0);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 24, 0x19);
+ }
+ /* Set DC Termination:
+ Tip/Ring voltage adjust, minimum operational current, current limitation */
+ reg26 |= (fxo_modes[_opermode].dcv << 6);
+ reg26 |= (fxo_modes[_opermode].mini << 4);
+ reg26 |= (fxo_modes[_opermode].ilim << 1);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 26, reg26);
+ /* Set AC Impedence */
+ reg30 = (fxofullscale==1) ? (fxo_modes[_opermode].acim|0x10) : (fxo_modes[_opermode].acim);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 30, reg30);
+ /* Misc. DAA parameters */
+ if (fastpickup)
+ reg31 = 0xb3;
+ else
+ reg31 = 0xa3;
+ reg31 |= (fxo_modes[_opermode].ohs2 << 3);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 31, reg31);
+ /* Set Transmit/Receive timeslot */
+ //printk("set card %d to %d\n", card, (3-(card%4)) * 8 + (card/4) * 64);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 34, (3-(card%4)) * 8 + (card/4) * 64);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 35, 0x00);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 36, (3-(card%4)) * 8 + (card/4) * 64);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 37, 0x00);
+ /* Enable ISO-Cap */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 6, 0x00);
+ if (fastpickup)
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 17, wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 17) | 0x20);
+ /* Wait 1000ms for ISO-cap to come up */
+ newjiffies = jiffies;
+ newjiffies += 2 * HZ;
+ while((jiffies < newjiffies) && !(wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 11) & 0xf0))
+ wait_just_a_bit(HZ/10);
+ if (!(wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 11) & 0xf0)) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "VoiceDAA did not bring up ISO link properly!\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "ISO-Cap is now up, line side: %02x rev %02x\n",
+ wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 11) >> 4,
+ (wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 13) >> 2) & 0xf);
+ /* Enable on-hook line monitor */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 5, 0x08);
+ /* Take values for fxotxgain and fxorxgain and apply them to module */
+ wctdm_set_hwgain(wc, card, fxotxgain, 1);
+ wctdm_set_hwgain(wc, card, fxorxgain, 0);
+ /* NZ -- crank the tx gain up by 7 dB */
+ if (!strcmp(fxo_modes[_opermode].name, "NEWZEALAND")) {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Adjusting gain\n");
+ wctdm_set_hwgain(wc, card, 7, 1);
+ }
+ if(debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "DEBUG fxotxgain:%i.%i fxorxgain:%i.%i\n", (wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 38)/16)?-(wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 38) - 16) : wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 38), (wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 40)/16)? -(wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 40) - 16):wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 40), (wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 39)/16)? -(wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 39) - 16) : wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 39),(wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 41)/16)?-(wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 41) - 16):wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 41));
+ return 0;
+static int wctdm_init_proslic(struct wctdm *wc, int card, int fast, int manual, int sane)
+ unsigned short tmp[5];
+ unsigned char r19, r9;
+ int x;
+ int fxsmode=0;
+ /* Sanity check the ProSLIC */
+ if (!sane && wctdm_proslic_insane(wc, card))
+ return -2;
+ /* By default, don't send on hook */
+ if (reversepolarity)
+ wc->mod[card].fxs.idletxhookstate = 5;
+ else
+ wc->mod[card].fxs.idletxhookstate = 1;
+ if (sane) {
+ /* Make sure we turn off the DC->DC converter to prevent anything from blowing up */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 14, 0x10);
+ }
+ if (wctdm_proslic_init_indirect_regs(wc, card)) {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Indirect Registers failed to initialize on module %d.\n", card);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Clear scratch pad area */
+ wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc, card, 97,0);
+ /* Clear digital loopback */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 8, 0);
+ /* Revision C optimization */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 108, 0xeb);
+ /* Disable automatic VBat switching for safety to prevent
+ Q7 from accidently turning on and burning out. */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 67, 0x07); /* Note, if pulse dialing has problems at high REN loads
+ change this to 0x17 */
+ /* Turn off Q7 */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 66, 1);
+ /* Flush ProSLIC digital filters by setting to clear, while
+ saving old values */
+ for (x=0;x<5;x++) {
+ tmp[x] = wctdm_proslic_getreg_indirect(wc, card, x + 35);
+ wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc, card, x + 35, 0x8000);
+ }
+ /* Power up the DC-DC converter */
+ if (wctdm_powerup_proslic(wc, card, fast)) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Unable to do INITIAL ProSLIC powerup on module %d\n", card);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!fast) {
+ /* Check for power leaks */
+ if (wctdm_proslic_powerleak_test(wc, card)) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "ProSLIC module %d failed leakage test. Check for short circuit\n", card);
+ }
+ /* Power up again */
+ if (wctdm_powerup_proslic(wc, card, fast)) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Unable to do FINAL ProSLIC powerup on module %d\n", card);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Perform calibration */
+ if(manual) {
+ if (wctdm_proslic_manual_calibrate(wc, card)) {
+ //printk(KERN_NOTICE "Proslic failed on Manual Calibration\n");
+ if (wctdm_proslic_manual_calibrate(wc, card)) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Proslic Failed on Second Attempt to Calibrate Manually. (Try -DNO_CALIBRATION in Makefile)\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Proslic Passed Manual Calibration on Second Attempt\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(wctdm_proslic_calibrate(wc, card)) {
+ //printk(KERN_NOTICE "ProSlic died on Auto Calibration.\n");
+ if (wctdm_proslic_calibrate(wc, card)) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Proslic Failed on Second Attempt to Auto Calibrate\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Proslic Passed Auto Calibration on Second Attempt\n");
+ }
+ }
+ /* Perform DC-DC calibration */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 93, 0x99);
+ r19 = wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 107);
+ if ((r19 < 0x2) || (r19 > 0xd)) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "DC-DC cal has a surprising direct 107 of 0x%02x!\n", r19);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 107, 0x8);
+ }
+ /* Save calibration vectors */
+ for (x=0;x<NUM_CAL_REGS;x++)
+ wc->mod[card].fxs.calregs.vals[x] = wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 96 + x);
+ } else {
+ /* Restore calibration registers */
+ for (x=0;x<NUM_CAL_REGS;x++)
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 96 + x, wc->mod[card].fxs.calregs.vals[x]);
+ }
+ /* Calibration complete, restore original values */
+ for (x=0;x<5;x++) {
+ wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc, card, x + 35, tmp[x]);
+ }
+ if (wctdm_proslic_verify_indirect_regs(wc, card)) {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Indirect Registers failed verification.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+#if 0
+ /* Disable Auto Power Alarm Detect and other "features" */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 67, 0x0e);
+ blah = wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 67);
+#if 0
+ if (wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc, card, 97, 0x0)) { // Stanley: for the bad recording fix
+ printk(KERN_INFO "ProSlic IndirectReg Died.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (alawoverride)
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 1, 0x20);
+ else
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 1, 0x28);
+ // U-Law 8-bit interface
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 2, (3-(card%4)) * 8 + (card/4) * 64); // Tx Start count low byte 0
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 3, 0); // Tx Start count high byte 0
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 4, (3-(card%4)) * 8 + (card/4) * 64); // Rx Start count low byte 0
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 5, 0); // Rx Start count high byte 0
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 18, 0xff); // clear all interrupt
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 19, 0xff);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 20, 0xff);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 73, 0x04);
+ if (fxshonormode) {
+ fxsmode = acim2tiss[fxo_modes[_opermode].acim];
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 10, 0x08 | fxsmode);
+ if (fxo_modes[_opermode].ring_osc)
+ wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc, card, 20, fxo_modes[_opermode].ring_osc);
+ if (fxo_modes[_opermode].ring_x)
+ wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc, card, 21, fxo_modes[_opermode].ring_x);
+ }
+ if (lowpower)
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 72, 0x10);
+#if 0
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 21, 0x00); // enable interrupt
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 22, 0x02); // Loop detection interrupt
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 23, 0x01); // DTMF detection interrupt
+#if 0
+ /* Enable loopback */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 8, 0x2);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 14, 0x0);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 64, 0x0);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 1, 0x08);
+ if (fastringer) {
+ /* Speed up Ringer */
+ wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc, card, 20, 0x7e6d);
+ wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc, card, 21, 0x01b9);
+ /* Beef up Ringing voltage to 89V */
+ if (boostringer) {
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 74, 0x3f);
+ if (wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc, card, 21, 0x247))
+ return -1;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Boosting fast ringer on slot %d (89V peak)\n", card + 1);
+ } else if (lowpower) {
+ if (wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc, card, 21, 0x14b))
+ return -1;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Reducing fast ring power on slot %d (50V peak)\n", card + 1);
+ } else
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Speeding up ringer on slot %d (25Hz)\n", card + 1);
+ } else {
+ /* Beef up Ringing voltage to 89V */
+ if (boostringer) {
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 74, 0x3f);
+ if (wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc, card, 21, 0x1d1))
+ return -1;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Boosting ringer on slot %d (89V peak)\n", card + 1);
+ } else if (lowpower) {
+ if (wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc, card, 21, 0x108))
+ return -1;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Reducing ring power on slot %d (50V peak)\n", card + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if(fxstxgain || fxsrxgain) {
+ r9 = wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 9);
+ switch (fxstxgain) {
+ case 35:
+ r9+=8;
+ break;
+ case -35:
+ r9+=4;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (fxsrxgain) {
+ case 35:
+ r9+=2;
+ break;
+ case -35:
+ r9+=1;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ }
+ wctdm_setreg(wc,card,9,r9);
+ }
+ if(debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "DEBUG: fxstxgain:%s fxsrxgain:%s\n",((wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 9)/8) == 1)?"3.5":(((wctdm_getreg(wc,card,9)/4) == 1)?"-3.5":"0.0"),((wctdm_getreg(wc, card, 9)/2) == 1)?"3.5":((wctdm_getreg(wc,card,9)%2)?"-3.5":"0.0"));
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, card, 64, 0x01);
+ return 0;
+static int wctdm_ioctl(struct dahdi_chan *chan, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long data)
+ struct wctdm_stats stats;
+ struct wctdm_regs regs;
+ struct wctdm_regop regop;
+ struct wctdm_echo_coefs echoregs;
+ struct dahdi_hwgain hwgain;
+ struct wctdm *wc = chan->pvt;
+ int x;
+ switch (cmd) {
+ if (wc->modtype[chan->chanpos - 1] != MOD_TYPE_FXS)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (get_user(x, (__user int *)data))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos - 1].fxs.ohttimer = x << 3;
+ if (reversepolarity)
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos - 1].fxs.idletxhookstate = 0x6; /* OHT mode when idle */
+ else
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos - 1].fxs.idletxhookstate = 0x2;
+ if (wc->mod[chan->chanpos - 1].fxs.lasttxhook == 0x1 || wc->mod[chan->chanpos - 1].fxs.lasttxhook == 0x5) {
+ /* Apply the change if appropriate */
+ if (reversepolarity)
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos - 1].fxs.lasttxhook = 0x6;
+ else
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos - 1].fxs.lasttxhook = 0x2;
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 64, wc->mod[chan->chanpos - 1].fxs.lasttxhook);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (get_user(x, (__user int *)data))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ if (wc->modtype[chan->chanpos - 1] != MOD_TYPE_FXS)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ /* Can't change polarity while ringing or when open */
+ if ((wc->mod[chan->chanpos -1 ].fxs.lasttxhook == 0x04) ||
+ (wc->mod[chan->chanpos -1 ].fxs.lasttxhook == 0x00))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if ((x && !reversepolarity) || (!x && reversepolarity))
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos - 1].fxs.lasttxhook |= 0x04;
+ else
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos - 1].fxs.lasttxhook &= ~0x04;
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 64, wc->mod[chan->chanpos - 1].fxs.lasttxhook);
+ break;
+ if (wc->modtype[chan->chanpos - 1] == MOD_TYPE_FXS) {
+ stats.tipvolt = wctdm_getreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 80) * -376;
+ stats.ringvolt = wctdm_getreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 81) * -376;
+ stats.batvolt = wctdm_getreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 82) * -376;
+ } else if (wc->modtype[chan->chanpos - 1] == MOD_TYPE_FXO) {
+ stats.tipvolt = (signed char)wctdm_getreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 29) * 1000;
+ stats.ringvolt = (signed char)wctdm_getreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 29) * 1000;
+ stats.batvolt = (signed char)wctdm_getreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 29) * 1000;
+ } else
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (copy_to_user((__user void *)data, &stats, sizeof(stats)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ break;
+ if (wc->modtype[chan->chanpos - 1] == MOD_TYPE_FXS) {
+ for (x=0;x<NUM_INDIRECT_REGS;x++)
+ regs.indirect[x] = wctdm_proslic_getreg_indirect(wc, chan->chanpos -1, x);
+ for (x=0;x<NUM_REGS;x++)
+[x] = wctdm_getreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, x);
+ } else {
+ memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
+ for (x=0;x<NUM_FXO_REGS;x++)
+[x] = wctdm_getreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, x);
+ }
+ if (copy_to_user((__user void *)data, &regs, sizeof(regs)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ break;
+ if (copy_from_user(&regop, (__user void *)data, sizeof(regop)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ if (regop.indirect) {
+ if (wc->modtype[chan->chanpos - 1] != MOD_TYPE_FXS)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Setting indirect %d to 0x%04x on %d\n", regop.reg, regop.val, chan->chanpos);
+ wctdm_proslic_setreg_indirect(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, regop.reg, regop.val);
+ } else {
+ regop.val &= 0xff;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Setting direct %d to %04x on %d\n", regop.reg, regop.val, chan->chanpos);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, regop.reg, regop.val);
+ }
+ break;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "-- Setting echo registers: \n");
+ if (copy_from_user(&echoregs, (__user void *)data, sizeof(echoregs)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ if (wc->modtype[chan->chanpos - 1] == MOD_TYPE_FXO) {
+ /* Set the ACIM register */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 30, (fxofullscale==1) ? (echoregs.acim|0x10) : echoregs.acim);
+ /* Set the digital echo canceller registers */
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 45, echoregs.coef1);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 46, echoregs.coef2);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 47, echoregs.coef3);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 48, echoregs.coef4);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 49, echoregs.coef5);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 50, echoregs.coef6);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 51, echoregs.coef7);
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 52, echoregs.coef8);
+ printk(KERN_INFO "-- Set echo registers successfully\n");
+ break;
+ } else {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (copy_from_user(&hwgain, (__user void *) data, sizeof(hwgain)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ wctdm_set_hwgain(wc, chan->chanpos-1, hwgain.newgain, hwgain.tx);
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Setting hwgain on channel %d to %d for %s direction\n",
+ chan->chanpos-1, hwgain.newgain, hwgain.tx ? "tx" : "rx");
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -ENOTTY;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int wctdm_open(struct dahdi_chan *chan)
+ struct wctdm *wc = chan->pvt;
+ if (!(wc->cardflag & (1 << (chan->chanpos - 1))))
+ return -ENODEV;
+ if (wc->dead)
+ return -ENODEV;
+ wc->usecount++;
+ try_module_get(THIS_MODULE);
+ return 0;
+static int wctdm_watchdog(struct dahdi_span *span, int event)
+ printk(KERN_INFO "opvxa1200: Restarting DMA\n");
+ wctdm_restart_dma(span->pvt);
+ return 0;
+static int wctdm_close(struct dahdi_chan *chan)
+ struct wctdm *wc = chan->pvt;
+ wc->usecount--;
+ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
+ if (wc->modtype[chan->chanpos - 1] == MOD_TYPE_FXS) {
+ if (reversepolarity)
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos - 1].fxs.idletxhookstate = 5;
+ else
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos - 1].fxs.idletxhookstate = 1;
+ }
+ /* If we're dead, release us now */
+ if (!wc->usecount && wc->dead)
+ wctdm_release(wc);
+ return 0;
+static int wctdm_hooksig(struct dahdi_chan *chan, enum dahdi_txsig txsig)
+ struct wctdm *wc = chan->pvt;
+ int reg=0;
+ if (wc->modtype[chan->chanpos - 1] == MOD_TYPE_FXO) {
+ /* XXX Enable hooksig for FXO XXX */
+ switch(txsig) {
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos - 1].fxo.offhook = 1;
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 5, 0x9);
+ if(cidbeforering)
+ {
+ wc->cid_state[chan->chanpos - 1] = CID_STATE_IDLE;
+ wc->cid_history_clone_cnt[chan->chanpos - 1] = 0;
+ wc->cid_history_ptr[chan->chanpos - 1] = 0;
+ memset(wc->cid_history_buf[chan->chanpos - 1], DAHDI_LIN2X(0, chan), cidbuflen * DAHDI_MAX_CHUNKSIZE);
+ }
+ break;
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos - 1].fxo.offhook = 0;
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 5, 0x8);
+ break;
+ default:
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "wcfxo: Can't set tx state to %d\n", txsig);
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch(txsig) {
+ switch(chan->sig) {
+ case DAHDI_SIG_EM:
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos-1].fxs.lasttxhook = wc->mod[chan->chanpos-1].fxs.idletxhookstate;
+ break;
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos-1].fxs.lasttxhook = 3;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ switch(chan->sig) {
+ case DAHDI_SIG_EM:
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos-1].fxs.lasttxhook = 5;
+ break;
+ default:
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos-1].fxs.lasttxhook = wc->mod[chan->chanpos-1].fxs.idletxhookstate;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos-1].fxs.lasttxhook = 4;
+ break;
+ wc->mod[chan->chanpos-1].fxs.lasttxhook = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "opvxa1200: Can't set tx state to %d\n", txsig);
+ }
+ if (debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Setting FXS hook state to %d (%02x)\n", txsig, reg);
+#if 1
+ wctdm_setreg(wc, chan->chanpos - 1, 64, wc->mod[chan->chanpos-1].fxs.lasttxhook);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int wctdm_initialize(struct wctdm *wc)
+ int x;
+ /* Dahdi stuff */
+ sprintf(wc->, "OPVXA1200/%d", wc->pos);
+ snprintf(wc->span.desc, sizeof(wc->span.desc)-1, "%s Board %d", wc->variety, wc->pos + 1);
+ snprintf(wc->span.location, sizeof(wc->span.location) - 1,
+ "PCI Bus %02d Slot %02d", wc->dev->bus->number, PCI_SLOT(wc->dev->devfn) + 1);
+ wc->span.manufacturer = "OpenVox";
+ dahdi_copy_string(wc->span.devicetype, wc->variety, sizeof(wc->span.devicetype));
+ if (alawoverride) {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "ALAW override parameter detected. Device will be operating in ALAW\n");
+ wc->span.deflaw = DAHDI_LAW_ALAW;
+ } else
+ wc->span.deflaw = DAHDI_LAW_MULAW;
+ x = __wctdm_getcreg(wc, WC_VER);
+ wc->fwversion = x;
+ if( x & FLAG_A800)
+ {
+ wc->card_name = A800P_Name;
+ wc->max_cards = 8;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wc->card_name = A1200P_Name;
+ wc->max_cards = 12;
+ }
+ for (x = 0; x < wc->max_cards/*MAX_NUM_CARDS*/; x++) {
+ sprintf(wc->chans[x]->name, "OPVXA1200/%d/%d", wc->pos, x);
+ wc->chans[x]->chanpos = x+1;
+ wc->chans[x]->pvt = wc;
+ }
+ wc->span.chans = wc->chans;
+ wc->span.channels = wc->max_cards; /*MAX_NUM_CARDS;*/
+ wc->span.hooksig = wctdm_hooksig;
+ wc->span.irq = wc->dev->irq;
+ wc-> = wctdm_open;
+ wc->span.close = wctdm_close;
+ wc->span.flags = DAHDI_FLAG_RBS;
+ wc->span.ioctl = wctdm_ioctl;
+ wc->span.watchdog = wctdm_watchdog;
+ init_waitqueue_head(&wc->span.maintq);
+ wc->span.pvt = wc;
+ if (dahdi_register(&wc->span, 0)) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Unable to register span with Dahdi\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void wctdm_post_initialize(struct wctdm *wc)
+ int x;
+ /* Finalize signalling */
+ for (x = 0; x < wc->max_cards/*MAX_NUM_CARDS*/; x++) {
+ if (wc->cardflag & (1 << x)) {
+ if (wc->modtype[x] == MOD_TYPE_FXO)
+ else
+ } else if (!(wc->chans[x]->sigcap & DAHDI_SIG_BROKEN)) {
+ wc->chans[x]->sigcap = 0;
+ }
+ }
+static int wctdm_hardware_init(struct wctdm *wc)
+ /* Hardware stuff */
+ unsigned char ver;
+ unsigned char x,y;
+ int failed;
+ long origjiffies; //ml.
+ /* Signal Reset */
+ printk("before raise reset\n");
+ outb(0x01, wc->ioaddr + WC_CNTL);
+ /* Wait for 5 second */
+ origjiffies = jiffies;
+ while(1)
+ {
+ if ((jiffies - origjiffies) >= (HZ*5))
+ break;;
+ }
+ /* printk(KERN_INFO "after raise reset\n");*/
+ /* Check OpenVox chip */
+ x=inb(wc->ioaddr + WC_CNTL);
+ ver = __wctdm_getcreg(wc, WC_VER);
+ wc->fwversion = ver;
+ /*if( ver & FLAG_A800)
+ {
+ wc->card_name = A800P_Name;
+ wc->max_cards = 8;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wc->card_name = A1200P_Name;
+ wc->max_cards = 12;
+ }*/
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "OpenVox %s version: %01x.%01x\n", wc->card_name, (ver&(~FLAG_A800))>>4, ver&0x0f);
+ failed = 0;
+ if (ver != 0x00) {
+ for (x=0;x<16;x++) {
+ /* Test registers */
+ __wctdm_setcreg(wc, WC_CS, x);
+ y = __wctdm_getcreg(wc, WC_CS) & 0x0f;
+ if (x != y) {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "%02x != %02x\n", x, y);
+ failed++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!failed) {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "OpenVox %s passed register test\n", wc->card_name);
+ } else {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "OpenVox %s failed register test\n", wc->card_name);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "No OpenVox chip %02x\n", ver);
+ }
+ if (spibyhw)
+ __wctdm_setcreg(wc, WC_SPICTRL, BIT_SPI_BYHW); // spi controled by hw MiaoLin;
+ else
+ __wctdm_setcreg(wc, WC_SPICTRL, 0);
+ /* Reset PCI Interface chip and registers (and serial) */
+ outb(0x06, wc->ioaddr + WC_CNTL);
+ /* Setup our proper outputs for when we switch for our "serial" port */
+ wc->ios = BIT_CS | BIT_SCLK | BIT_SDI;
+ outb(wc->ios, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXD);
+ /* Set all to outputs except AUX 5, which is an input */
+ outb(0xdf, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXC);
+ /* Select alternate function for AUX0 */ /* Useless in OpenVox by MiaoLin. */
+ /* outb(0x4, wc->ioaddr + WC_AUXFUNC); */
+ /* Wait 1/4 of a sec */
+ wait_just_a_bit(HZ/4);
+ /* Back to normal, with automatic DMA wrap around */
+ outb(0x30 | 0x01, wc->ioaddr + WC_CNTL);
+ wc->ledstate = 0;
+ wctdm_set_led(wc, 0, 0);
+ /* Make sure serial port and DMA are out of reset */
+ outb(inb(wc->ioaddr + WC_CNTL) & 0xf9, wc->ioaddr + WC_CNTL);
+ /* Configure serial port for MSB->LSB operation */
+ outb(0xc1, wc->ioaddr + WC_SERCTL);
+ /* Delay FSC by 0 so it's properly aligned */
+ outb(0x01, wc->ioaddr + WC_FSCDELAY); /* Modify to 1 by MiaoLin */
+ /* Setup DMA Addresses */
+ outl(wc->writedma, wc->ioaddr + WC_DMAWS); /* Write start */
+ outl(wc->writedma + DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE * 4 * 4 - 4, wc->ioaddr + WC_DMAWI); /* Middle (interrupt) */
+ outl(wc->writedma + DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE * 8 * 4 - 4, wc->ioaddr + WC_DMAWE); /* End */
+ outl(wc->readdma, wc->ioaddr + WC_DMARS); /* Read start */
+ outl(wc->readdma + DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE * 4 * 4 - 4, wc->ioaddr + WC_DMARI); /* Middle (interrupt) */
+ outl(wc->readdma + DAHDI_CHUNKSIZE * 8 * 4 - 4, wc->ioaddr + WC_DMARE); /* End */
+ /* Clear interrupts */
+ outb(0xff, wc->ioaddr + WC_INTSTAT);
+ /* Wait 1/4 of a second more */
+ wait_just_a_bit(HZ/4);
+ for (x = 0; x < wc->max_cards/*MAX_NUM_CARDS*/; x++) {
+ int sane=0,ret=0,readi=0;
+#if 1
+ touch_softlockup_watchdog(); // avoid showing CPU softlock message
+ /* Init with Auto Calibration */
+ if (!(ret=wctdm_init_proslic(wc, x, 0, 0, sane))) {
+ wc->cardflag |= (1 << x);
+ if (debug) {
+ readi = wctdm_getreg(wc,x,LOOP_I_LIMIT);
+ printk("Proslic module %d loop current is %dmA\n",x,
+ ((readi*3)+20));
+ }
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Module %d: Installed -- AUTO FXS/DPO\n",x);
+ wctdm_set_led(wc, (unsigned int)x, 1);
+ } else {
+ if(ret!=-2) {
+ sane=1;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Init ProSlic with Manual Calibration \n");
+ /* Init with Manual Calibration */
+ if (!wctdm_init_proslic(wc, x, 0, 1, sane)) {
+ wc->cardflag |= (1 << x);
+ if (debug) {
+ readi = wctdm_getreg(wc,x,LOOP_I_LIMIT);
+ printk("Proslic module %d loop current is %dmA\n",x,
+ ((readi*3)+20));
+ }
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Module %d: Installed -- MANUAL FXS\n",x);
+ } else {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Module %d: FAILED FXS (%s)\n", x, fxshonormode ? fxo_modes[_opermode].name : "FCC");
+ wc->chans[x]->sigcap = __DAHDI_SIG_FXO | DAHDI_SIG_BROKEN;
+ }
+ } else if (!(ret = wctdm_init_voicedaa(wc, x, 0, 0, sane))) {
+ wc->cardflag |= (1 << x);
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Module %d: Installed -- AUTO FXO (%s mode)\n",x, fxo_modes[_opermode].name);
+ wctdm_set_led(wc, (unsigned int)x, 1);
+ } else
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Module %d: Not installed\n", x);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Return error if nothing initialized okay. */
+ if (!wc->cardflag && !timingonly)
+ return -1;
+ /*__wctdm_setcreg(wc, WC_SYNC, (wc->cardflag << 1) | 0x1); */ /* removed by MiaoLin */
+ return 0;
+static void wctdm_enable_interrupts(struct wctdm *wc)
+ /* Clear interrupts */
+ outb(0xff, wc->ioaddr + WC_INTSTAT);
+ /* Enable interrupts (we care about all of them) */
+ outb(0x3c, wc->ioaddr + WC_MASK0);
+ /* No external interrupts */
+ outb(0x00, wc->ioaddr + WC_MASK1);
+static void wctdm_restart_dma(struct wctdm *wc)
+ /* Reset Master and TDM */
+ outb(0x01, wc->ioaddr + WC_CNTL);
+ outb(0x01, wc->ioaddr + WC_OPER);
+static void wctdm_start_dma(struct wctdm *wc)
+ /* Reset Master and TDM */
+ outb(0x0f, wc->ioaddr + WC_CNTL);
+ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
+ schedule_timeout(1);
+ outb(0x01, wc->ioaddr + WC_CNTL);
+ outb(0x01, wc->ioaddr + WC_OPER);
+static void wctdm_stop_dma(struct wctdm *wc)
+ outb(0x00, wc->ioaddr + WC_OPER);
+static void wctdm_reset_tdm(struct wctdm *wc)
+ /* Reset TDM */
+ outb(0x0f, wc->ioaddr + WC_CNTL);
+static void wctdm_disable_interrupts(struct wctdm *wc)
+ outb(0x00, wc->ioaddr + WC_MASK0);
+ outb(0x00, wc->ioaddr + WC_MASK1);
+static int __devinit wctdm_init_one(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent)
+ int res;
+ struct wctdm *wc;
+ struct wctdm_desc *d = (struct wctdm_desc *)ent->driver_data;
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ static int initd_ifaces=0;
+ if(initd_ifaces){
+ memset((void *)ifaces,0,(sizeof(struct wctdm *))*WC_MAX_IFACES);
+ initd_ifaces=1;
+ }
+ for (x=0;x<WC_MAX_IFACES;x++)
+ if (!ifaces[x]) break;
+ if (x >= WC_MAX_IFACES) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Too many interfaces\n");
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ if (pci_enable_device(pdev)) {
+ res = -EIO;
+ } else {
+ wc = kmalloc(sizeof(struct wctdm), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (wc) {
+ int cardcount = 0;
+ wc->lastchan = -1; /* first channel offset = -1; */
+ wc->ledstate = 0;
+ ifaces[x] = wc;
+ memset(wc, 0, sizeof(struct wctdm));
+ for (x=0; x < sizeof(wc->chans)/sizeof(wc->chans[0]); ++x) {
+ wc->chans[x] = &wc->_chans[x];
+ }
+ spin_lock_init(&wc->lock);
+ wc->curcard = -1;
+ wc->ioaddr = pci_resource_start(pdev, 0);
+ wc->mem_region = pci_resource_start(pdev, 1);
+ wc->mem_len = pci_resource_len(pdev, 1);
+ wc->mem32 = (unsigned long)ioremap(wc->mem_region, wc->mem_len);
+ wc->dev = pdev;
+ wc->pos = x;
+ wc->variety = d->name;
+ for (y=0;y<MAX_NUM_CARDS;y++)
+ wc->flags[y] = d->flags;
+ /* Keep track of whether we need to free the region */
+ if (request_region(wc->ioaddr, 0xff, "opvxa1200"))
+ wc->freeregion = 1;
+ else
+ wc->freeregion = 0;
+ if (request_mem_region(wc->mem_region, wc->mem_len, "opvxa1200"))
+ wc->freeregion |= 0x02;
+ /* Allocate enough memory for two zt chunks, receive and transmit. Each sample uses
+ 8 bits. */
+ wc->writechunk = pci_alloc_consistent(pdev, DAHDI_MAX_CHUNKSIZE * (MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG) * 2 * 2, &wc->writedma);
+ if (!wc->writechunk) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "opvxa1200: Unable to allocate DMA-able memory\n");
+ if (wc->freeregion & 0x01)
+ release_region(wc->ioaddr, 0xff);
+ if (wc->freeregion & 0x02)
+ {
+ release_mem_region(wc->mem_region, wc->mem_len);
+ iounmap((void *)wc->mem32);
+ }
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ wc->readchunk = wc->writechunk + DAHDI_MAX_CHUNKSIZE * (MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG) * 2; /* in bytes */
+ wc->readdma = wc->writedma + DAHDI_MAX_CHUNKSIZE * (MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG) * 2; /* in bytes */
+ if (wctdm_initialize(wc)) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "opvxa1200: Unable to intialize FXS\n");
+ /* Set Reset Low */
+ x=inb(wc->ioaddr + WC_CNTL);
+ outb((~0x1)&x, wc->ioaddr + WC_CNTL);
+ /* Free Resources */
+ free_irq(pdev->irq, wc);
+ if (wc->freeregion & 0x01)
+ release_region(wc->ioaddr, 0xff);
+ if (wc->freeregion & 0x02)
+ {
+ release_mem_region(wc->mem_region, wc->mem_len);
+ iounmap((void *)wc->mem32);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Enable bus mastering */
+ pci_set_master(pdev);
+ /* Keep track of which device we are */
+ pci_set_drvdata(pdev, wc);
+ if (request_irq(pdev->irq, wctdm_interrupt, DAHDI_IRQ_SHARED, "opvxa1200", wc)) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "opvxa1200: Unable to request IRQ %d\n", pdev->irq);
+ if (wc->freeregion & 0x01)
+ release_region(wc->ioaddr, 0xff);
+ if (wc->freeregion & 0x02)
+ {
+ release_mem_region(wc->mem_region, wc->mem_len);
+ iounmap((void *)wc->mem32);
+ }
+ pci_free_consistent(pdev, DAHDI_MAX_CHUNKSIZE * (MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG) * 2 * 2, (void *)wc->writechunk, wc->writedma);
+ pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
+ kfree(wc);
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ if (wctdm_hardware_init(wc)) {
+ unsigned char w;
+ /* Set Reset Low */
+ w=inb(wc->ioaddr + WC_CNTL);
+ outb((~0x1)&w, wc->ioaddr + WC_CNTL);
+ /* Free Resources */
+ free_irq(pdev->irq, wc);
+ if (wc->freeregion & 0x01)
+ release_region(wc->ioaddr, 0xff);
+ if (wc->freeregion & 0x02)
+ {
+ release_mem_region(wc->mem_region, wc->mem_len);
+ iounmap((void *)wc->mem32);
+ }
+ pci_free_consistent(pdev, DAHDI_MAX_CHUNKSIZE * (MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG) * 2 * 2, (void *)wc->writechunk, wc->writedma);
+ pci_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
+ dahdi_unregister(&wc->span);
+ kfree(wc);
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ for(x=0; x<MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG; x++)
+ {
+ wc->voc_buf[x] = kmalloc(voc_buffer_size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ wc->voc_ptr[x] = 0;
+ }
+ if(cidbeforering)
+ {
+ int len = cidbuflen * DAHDI_MAX_CHUNKSIZE;
+ if(debug)
+ printk("cidbeforering support enabled, length is %d msec\n", cidbuflen);
+ for (x = 0; x < wc->max_cards/*MAX_NUM_CARDS*/; x++)
+ {
+ wc->cid_history_buf[x] = kmalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL);
+ wc->cid_history_ptr[x] = 0;
+ wc->cid_history_clone_cnt[x] = 0;
+ wc->cid_state[x] = CID_STATE_IDLE;
+ }
+ }
+ wctdm_post_initialize(wc);
+ /* Enable interrupts */
+ wctdm_enable_interrupts(wc);
+ /* Initialize Write/Buffers to all blank data */
+ memset((void *)wc->writechunk,0, DAHDI_MAX_CHUNKSIZE * (MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG) * 2 * 2);
+ /* Start DMA */
+ wctdm_start_dma(wc);
+ for (x = 0; x < wc->max_cards/*MAX_NUM_CARDS*/; x++) {
+ if (wc->cardflag & (1 << x))
+ cardcount++;
+ }
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Found an OpenVox %s: Version %x.%x (%d modules)\n", wc->card_name, (wc->fwversion&(~FLAG_A800))>>4, wc->fwversion&0x0f, cardcount);
+ if(debug)
+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "OpenVox %s debug On\n", wc->card_name);
+ res = 0;
+ } else
+ res = -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ return res;
+static void wctdm_release(struct wctdm *wc)
+ struct file * f = NULL;
+ mm_segment_t orig_fs;
+ int i;
+ char fname[20];
+ dahdi_unregister(&wc->span);
+ if (wc->freeregion & 0x01)
+ release_region(wc->ioaddr, 0xff);
+ if (wc->freeregion & 0x02)
+ {
+ release_mem_region(wc->mem_region, wc->mem_len);
+ iounmap((void *)wc->mem32);
+ }
+ for(i=0; i<MAX_NUM_CARDS + NUM_FLAG; i++)
+ {
+ sprintf(fname, "//usr//%d.pcm", i);
+ f = filp_open(fname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 00);
+ if (!f || !f->f_op || !f->f_op->read)
+ {
+ printk("WARNING: File (read) object is a null pointer!!!\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ f->f_pos = 0;
+ orig_fs = get_fs();
+ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
+ if(wc->voc_buf[i])
+ {
+ f->f_op->write(f, wc->voc_buf[i], voc_buffer_size, &f->f_pos);
+ kfree(wc->voc_buf[i]);
+ }
+ set_fs(orig_fs);
+ fput(f);
+ }
+ if(cidbeforering)
+ {
+ int x;
+ for (x = 0; x < wc->max_cards/*MAX_NUM_CARDS*/; x++)
+ kfree(wc->cid_history_buf[x]);
+ }
+ kfree(wc);
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Freed a OpenVox A1200 card\n");
+static void __devexit wctdm_remove_one(struct pci_dev *pdev)
+ struct wctdm *wc = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
+ if (wc) {
+ /* Stop any DMA */
+ wctdm_stop_dma(wc);
+ wctdm_reset_tdm(wc);
+ /* In case hardware is still there */
+ wctdm_disable_interrupts(wc);
+ /* Immediately free resources */
+ pci_free_consistent(pdev, DAHDI_MAX_CHUNKSIZE * (MAX_NUM_CARDS+NUM_FLAG) * 2 * 2, (void *)wc->writechunk, wc->writedma);
+ free_irq(pdev->irq, wc);
+ /* Reset PCI chip and registers */
+ if(wc->fwversion > 0x11)
+ outb(0x0e, wc->ioaddr + WC_CNTL);
+ else
+ {
+ wc->ledstate = 0;
+ wctdm_set_led(wc,0,0); // power off all leds.
+ }
+ /* Release span, possibly delayed */
+ if (!wc->usecount)
+ wctdm_release(wc);
+ else
+ wc->dead = 1;
+ }
+static struct pci_device_id wctdm_pci_tbl[] = {
+ { 0xe159, 0x0001, 0x9100, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (unsigned long) &wctdme },
+ { 0xe159, 0x0001, 0x9519, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (unsigned long) &wctdme },
+ { 0xe159, 0x0001, 0x95D9, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (unsigned long) &wctdme },
+ { 0xe159, 0x0001, 0x9500, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (unsigned long) &wctdme },
+ { 0xe159, 0x0001, 0x9532, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (unsigned long) &wctdme },
+ { 0xe159, 0x0001, 0x8519, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (unsigned long) &wctdme },
+ { 0xe159, 0x0001, 0x9559, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (unsigned long) &wctdme },
+ { 0xe159, 0x0001, 0x9599, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (unsigned long) &wctdme },
+ { 0 }
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, wctdm_pci_tbl);
+static struct pci_driver wctdm_driver = {
+ .name = "opvxa1200",
+ .probe = wctdm_init_one,
+ .remove = __devexit_p(wctdm_remove_one),
+ .suspend = NULL,
+ .resume = NULL,
+ .id_table = wctdm_pci_tbl,
+static int __init wctdm_init(void)
+ int res;
+ int x;
+ for (x=0;x<(sizeof(fxo_modes) / sizeof(fxo_modes[0])); x++) {
+ if (!strcmp(fxo_modes[x].name, opermode))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (x < sizeof(fxo_modes) / sizeof(fxo_modes[0])) {
+ _opermode = x;
+ } else {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "Invalid/unknown operating mode '%s' specified. Please choose one of:\n", opermode);
+ for (x=0;x<sizeof(fxo_modes) / sizeof(fxo_modes[0]); x++)
+ printk(KERN_INFO " %s\n", fxo_modes[x].name);
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Note this option is CASE SENSITIVE!\n");
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(fxo_modes[_opermode].name, "AUSTRALIA")) {
+ boostringer=1;
+ fxshonormode=1;
+ if (battdebounce == 0) {
+ battdebounce = fxo_modes[_opermode].battdebounce;
+ }
+ if (battalarm == 0) {
+ battalarm = fxo_modes[_opermode].battalarm;
+ }
+ if (battthresh == 0) {
+ battthresh = fxo_modes[_opermode].battthresh;
+ }
+ res = dahdi_pci_module(&wctdm_driver);
+ if (res)
+ return -ENODEV;
+ return 0;
+static void __exit wctdm_cleanup(void)
+ pci_unregister_driver(&wctdm_driver);
+module_param(debug, int, 0600);
+module_param(loopcurrent, int, 0600);
+module_param(reversepolarity, int, 0600);
+module_param(robust, int, 0600);
+module_param(opermode, charp, 0600);
+module_param(timingonly, int, 0600);
+module_param(lowpower, int, 0600);
+module_param(boostringer, int, 0600);
+module_param(fastringer, int, 0600);
+module_param(fxshonormode, int, 0600);
+module_param(battdebounce, uint, 0600);
+module_param(battthresh, uint, 0600);
+module_param(battalarm, uint, 0600);
+module_param(ringdebounce, int, 0600);
+module_param(fwringdetect, int, 0600);
+module_param(alawoverride, int, 0600);
+module_param(fastpickup, int, 0600);
+module_param(fxotxgain, int, 0600);
+module_param(fxorxgain, int, 0600);
+module_param(fxstxgain, int, 0600);
+module_param(fxsrxgain, int, 0600);
+module_param(spibyhw, int, 0600);
+module_param(usememio, int, 0600);
+module_param(cidbeforering, int, 0600);
+module_param(cidbuflen, int, 0600);
+module_param(cidtimeout, int, 0600);
+module_param(fxofullscale, int, 0600);
+module_param(fixedtimepolarity, int, 0600);
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("OpenVox A1200 Driver");
+MODULE_AUTHOR("MiaoLin <>");