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1 files changed, 121 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/gbp-pq b/gbp-pq
index d7560e4..138abfc 100755
--- a/gbp-pq
+++ b/gbp-pq
@@ -35,6 +35,123 @@ PQ_BRANCH_PREFIX = "patch-queue/"
PATCH_DIR = "debian/patches/"
SERIES_FILE = os.path.join(PATCH_DIR,"series")
+class GbpPatch(object):
+ """
+ A patch in a patchqueue
+ @ivar path: path to the patch
+ @type path: string
+ @ivar topic: the topic of the patch
+ @type topic: string
+ @ivar strip: path components to strip (think patch -p<strip>)
+ @type strip: integer
+ """
+ def __init__(self, path, topic=None, strip=None):
+ self.path = path
+ self.topic = topic
+ self.strip = strip
+ def __repr__(self):
+ repr = "<gbp_pq.GbpPatch path='%s' " % self.path
+ if self.topic:
+ repr += "topic='%s' " % self.topic
+ if self.strip != None:
+ repr += "strip=%d " % self.strip
+ repr += ">"
+ return repr
+class GbpPatchQueue(list):
+ @classmethod
+ def read_series_file(klass, seriesfile):
+ """Read a series file into GbpPatch objects"""
+ patch_dir = os.path.dirname(seriesfile)
+ try:
+ s = file(seriesfile)
+ except Exception, err:
+ raise GbpError("Cannot open series file: %s" % err)
+ queue = klass._read_series(s, patch_dir)
+ s.close()
+ return queue
+ @classmethod
+ def _read_series(klass, series, patch_dir):
+ """
+ Read patch series
+ @param series: series of patches in quilt format
+ @type series: iterable of strings
+ @param patch_dir: path prefix to prepend to each patch path
+ @type patch_dir: string
+ >>> GbpPatchQueue._read_series(['a/b', \
+ 'a -p1', \
+ 'a/b -p2'], '.') # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ [<gbp_pq.GbpPatch path='./a/b' topic='a' >,
+ <gbp_pq.GbpPatch path='./a' strip=1 >,
+ <gbp_pq.GbpPatch path='./a/b' topic='a' strip=2 >]
+ """
+ queue = GbpPatchQueue()
+ for line in series:
+ queue.append(klass._parse_line(line, patch_dir))
+ return queue
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_topic(line):
+ """
+ Get the topic from the path's path
+ >>> GbpPatchQueue._get_topic("a/b c")
+ 'a'
+ >>> GbpPatchQueue._get_topic("asdf")
+ >>> GbpPatchQueue._get_topic("/asdf")
+ """
+ topic = os.path.dirname(line)
+ if topic in [ '', '/' ]:
+ topic = None
+ return topic
+ @staticmethod
+ def _split_strip(line):
+ """
+ Separate the -p<num> option from the patch name
+ >>> GbpPatchQueue._split_strip("asdf -p1")
+ ('asdf', 1)
+ >>> GbpPatchQueue._split_strip("a/nice/patch")
+ ('a/nice/patch', None)
+ >>> GbpPatchQueue._split_strip("asdf foo")
+ ('asdf foo', None)
+ """
+ patch = line
+ strip = None
+ split = line.rsplit(None, 1)
+ if len(split) > 1:
+ m = re.match('-p(?P<level>[0-9]+)', split[1])
+ if m:
+ patch = split[0]
+ strip = int('level'))
+ return (patch, strip)
+ @classmethod
+ def _parse_line(klass, line, patch_dir):
+ """
+ Parse a single line from a patch file
+ >>> GbpPatchQueue._parse_line("a/b -p1", '/tmp/patches')
+ <gbp_pq.GbpPatch path='/tmp/patches/a/b' topic='a' strip=1 >
+ >>> GbpPatchQueue._parse_line("a/b", '.')
+ <gbp_pq.GbpPatch path='./a/b' topic='a' >
+ """
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ topic = klass._get_topic(line)
+ (patch, split) = klass._split_strip(line)
+ return GbpPatch(os.path.join(patch_dir, patch), topic, split)
def is_pq_branch(branch):
is branch a patch-queue branch?
@@ -181,25 +298,10 @@ def import_quilt_patches(repo, branch, series):
% pq_branch)
- if not os.path.exists(series):
-"Found no series file at '%s'. No patches to add to patch-queue branch."
- % series)
- return
- else:
- patch_dir = os.path.dirname(series)
- try:
- s = file(series)
- except Exception, err:
- raise GbpError("Cannot open series file: %s" % err)
- for patch in s:
- patch = patch[:-1]
- topic = os.path.dirname(patch)
- if topic == '' or topic == '/':
- topic = None
- apply_and_commit_patch(repo, os.path.join(patch_dir, patch), topic)
- s.close()
+ queue = GbpPatchQueue.read_series_file(series)
+ for patch in queue:
+ gbp.log.debug("Applying %s" % patch.path)
+ apply_and_commit_patch(repo, patch.path, patch.topic)
def get_mailinfo(patch):