path: root/third_party/BaseClasses/refclock.cpp
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authorLiong Sauw Ming <>2012-04-18 02:38:42 +0000
committerLiong Sauw Ming <>2012-04-18 02:38:42 +0000
commitbe78f596a56580ae6984895355168376d49d9099 (patch)
tree7ebce483258005e403f973dac299c435675b53bf /third_party/BaseClasses/refclock.cpp
parent64f7c5f55ec54621141ba3676298510dcf0bdb70 (diff)
Fixed #1276: Add baseclasses sample in third_party directory required by dshow_dev
git-svn-id: 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/BaseClasses/refclock.cpp')
1 files changed, 402 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/BaseClasses/refclock.cpp b/third_party/BaseClasses/refclock.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ae25f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/BaseClasses/refclock.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+// File: RefClock.cpp
+// Desc: DirectShow base classes - implements the IReferenceClock interface.
+// Copyright (c) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+#include <streams.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#ifdef DXMPERF
+#include "dxmperf.h"
+#endif // DXMPERF
+// 'this' used in constructor list
+#pragma warning(disable:4355)
+STDMETHODIMP CBaseReferenceClock::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(
+ REFIID riid,
+ __deref_out void ** ppv)
+ if (riid == IID_IReferenceClock)
+ {
+ hr = GetInterface((IReferenceClock *) this, ppv);
+ }
+ else if (riid == IID_IReferenceClockTimerControl)
+ {
+ hr = GetInterface((IReferenceClockTimerControl *) this, ppv);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hr = CUnknown::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid, ppv);
+ }
+ return hr;
+#ifdef DXMPERF
+ PERFLOG_DTOR( L"CBaseReferenceClock", (IReferenceClock *) this );
+#endif // DXMPERF
+ if (m_TimerResolution) timeEndPeriod(m_TimerResolution);
+ if (m_pSchedule)
+ {
+ m_pSchedule->DumpLinkedList();
+ }
+ if (m_hThread)
+ {
+ m_bAbort = TRUE;
+ TriggerThread();
+ WaitForSingleObject( m_hThread, INFINITE );
+ EXECUTE_ASSERT( CloseHandle(m_hThread) );
+ m_hThread = 0;
+ EXECUTE_ASSERT( CloseHandle(m_pSchedule->GetEvent()) );
+ delete m_pSchedule;
+ }
+// A derived class may supply a hThreadEvent if it has its own thread that will take care
+// of calling the schedulers Advise method. (Refere to CBaseReferenceClock::AdviseThread()
+// to see what such a thread has to do.)
+CBaseReferenceClock::CBaseReferenceClock( __in_opt LPCTSTR pName,
+ __inout_opt LPUNKNOWN pUnk,
+ __inout HRESULT *phr,
+ __inout_opt CAMSchedule * pShed )
+: CUnknown( pName, pUnk )
+, m_rtLastGotTime(0)
+, m_TimerResolution(0)
+, m_bAbort( FALSE )
+, m_pSchedule( pShed ? pShed : new CAMSchedule(CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL)) )
+, m_hThread(0)
+#ifdef DXMPERF
+ PERFLOG_CTOR( pName ? pName : L"CBaseReferenceClock", (IReferenceClock *) this );
+#endif // DXMPERF
+ ASSERT(m_pSchedule);
+ if (!m_pSchedule)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Set up the highest resolution timer we can manage
+ m_TimerResolution = (TIMERR_NOERROR == timeGetDevCaps(&tc, sizeof(tc)))
+ ? tc.wPeriodMin
+ : 1;
+ timeBeginPeriod(m_TimerResolution);
+ /* Initialise our system times - the derived clock should set the right values */
+ m_dwPrevSystemTime = timeGetTime();
+ m_rtPrivateTime = (UNITS / MILLISECONDS) * m_dwPrevSystemTime;
+ #ifdef PERF
+ m_idGetSystemTime = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("CBaseReferenceClock::GetTime"));
+ #endif
+ if ( !pShed )
+ {
+ DWORD ThreadID;
+ m_hThread = ::CreateThread(NULL, // Security attributes
+ (DWORD) 0, // Initial stack size
+ AdviseThreadFunction, // Thread start address
+ (LPVOID) this, // Thread parameter
+ (DWORD) 0, // Creation flags
+ &ThreadID); // Thread identifier
+ if (m_hThread)
+ {
+ SetThreadPriority( m_hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *phr = E_FAIL;
+ EXECUTE_ASSERT( CloseHandle(m_pSchedule->GetEvent()) );
+ delete m_pSchedule;
+ m_pSchedule = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CBaseReferenceClock::Restart (IN REFERENCE_TIME rtMinTime)
+ Lock();
+ m_rtLastGotTime = rtMinTime ;
+ Unlock();
+STDMETHODIMP CBaseReferenceClock::GetTime(__out REFERENCE_TIME *pTime)
+ if (pTime)
+ {
+ Lock();
+ rtNow = GetPrivateTime();
+ if (rtNow > m_rtLastGotTime)
+ {
+ m_rtLastGotTime = rtNow;
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hr = S_FALSE;
+ }
+ *pTime = m_rtLastGotTime;
+ Unlock();
+ MSR_INTEGER(m_idGetSystemTime, LONG((*pTime) / (UNITS/MILLISECONDS)) );
+#ifdef DXMPERF
+ PERFLOG_GETTIME( (IReferenceClock *) this, *pTime );
+#endif // DXMPERF
+ }
+ else hr = E_POINTER;
+ return hr;
+/* Ask for an async notification that a time has elapsed */
+STDMETHODIMP CBaseReferenceClock::AdviseTime(
+ REFERENCE_TIME baseTime, // base reference time
+ REFERENCE_TIME streamTime, // stream offset time
+ HEVENT hEvent, // advise via this event
+ __out DWORD_PTR *pdwAdviseCookie)// where your cookie goes
+ CheckPointer(pdwAdviseCookie, E_POINTER);
+ *pdwAdviseCookie = 0;
+ // Check that the event is not already set
+ ASSERT(WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitForSingleObject(HANDLE(hEvent),0));
+ const REFERENCE_TIME lRefTime = baseTime + streamTime;
+ if ( lRefTime <= 0 || lRefTime == MAX_TIME )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *pdwAdviseCookie = m_pSchedule->AddAdvisePacket( lRefTime, 0, HANDLE(hEvent), FALSE );
+ hr = *pdwAdviseCookie ? NOERROR : E_OUTOFMEMORY;
+ }
+ return hr;
+/* Ask for an asynchronous periodic notification that a time has elapsed */
+STDMETHODIMP CBaseReferenceClock::AdvisePeriodic(
+ REFERENCE_TIME StartTime, // starting at this time
+ REFERENCE_TIME PeriodTime, // time between notifications
+ HSEMAPHORE hSemaphore, // advise via a semaphore
+ __out DWORD_PTR *pdwAdviseCookie) // where your cookie goes
+ CheckPointer(pdwAdviseCookie, E_POINTER);
+ *pdwAdviseCookie = 0;
+ if (StartTime > 0 && PeriodTime > 0 && StartTime != MAX_TIME )
+ {
+ *pdwAdviseCookie = m_pSchedule->AddAdvisePacket( StartTime, PeriodTime, HANDLE(hSemaphore), TRUE );
+ hr = *pdwAdviseCookie ? NOERROR : E_OUTOFMEMORY;
+ }
+ else hr = E_INVALIDARG;
+ return hr;
+STDMETHODIMP CBaseReferenceClock::Unadvise(DWORD_PTR dwAdviseCookie)
+ return m_pSchedule->Unadvise(dwAdviseCookie);
+REFERENCE_TIME CBaseReferenceClock::GetPrivateTime()
+ CAutoLock cObjectLock(this);
+ /* If the clock has wrapped then the current time will be less than
+ * the last time we were notified so add on the extra milliseconds
+ *
+ * The time period is long enough so that the likelihood of
+ * successive calls spanning the clock cycle is not considered.
+ */
+ DWORD dwTime = timeGetTime();
+ {
+ m_rtPrivateTime += Int32x32To64(UNITS / MILLISECONDS, (DWORD)(dwTime - m_dwPrevSystemTime));
+ m_dwPrevSystemTime = dwTime;
+ }
+ return m_rtPrivateTime;
+/* Adjust the current time by the input value. This allows an
+ external time source to work out some of the latency of the clock
+ system and adjust the "current" time accordingly. The intent is
+ that the time returned to the user is synchronised to a clock
+ source and allows drift to be catered for.
+ For example: if the clock source detects a drift it can pass a delta
+ to the current time rather than having to set an explicit time.
+STDMETHODIMP CBaseReferenceClock::SetTimeDelta(const REFERENCE_TIME & TimeDelta)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // Just break if passed an improper time delta value
+ LONGLONG llDelta = TimeDelta > 0 ? TimeDelta : -TimeDelta;
+ if (llDelta > UNITS * 1000) {
+ DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 0, TEXT("Bad Time Delta")));
+ //DebugBreak();
+ }
+ // We're going to calculate a "severity" for the time change. Max -1
+ // min 8. We'll then use this as the debug logging level for a
+ // debug log message.
+ const LONG usDelta = LONG(TimeDelta/10); // Delta in micro-secs
+ DWORD delta = abs(usDelta); // varying delta
+ // Severity == 8 - ceil(log<base 8>(abs( micro-secs delta)))
+ int Severity = 8;
+ while ( delta > 0 )
+ {
+ delta >>= 3; // div 8
+ Severity--;
+ }
+ // Sev == 0 => > 2 second delta!
+ DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, Severity < 0 ? 0 : Severity,
+ TEXT("Sev %2i: CSystemClock::SetTimeDelta(%8ld us) %lu -> %lu ms."),
+ Severity, usDelta, DWORD(ConvertToMilliseconds(m_rtPrivateTime)),
+ DWORD(ConvertToMilliseconds(TimeDelta+m_rtPrivateTime)) ));
+ // Don't want the DbgBreak to fire when running stress on debug-builds.
+ if (Severity < 0)
+ DbgBreakPoint(TEXT("SetTimeDelta > 16 seconds!"),
+ TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__);
+ #endif
+ CAutoLock cObjectLock(this);
+ m_rtPrivateTime += TimeDelta;
+ // If time goes forwards, and we have advises, then we need to
+ // trigger the thread so that it can re-evaluate its wait time.
+ // Since we don't want the cost of the thread switches if the change
+ // is really small, only do it if clock goes forward by more than
+ // 0.5 millisecond. If the time goes backwards, the thread will
+ // wake up "early" (relativly speaking) and will re-evaluate at
+ // that time.
+ if ( TimeDelta > 5000 && m_pSchedule->GetAdviseCount() > 0 ) TriggerThread();
+ return NOERROR;
+// Thread stuff
+DWORD __stdcall CBaseReferenceClock::AdviseThreadFunction(__in LPVOID p)
+ return DWORD(reinterpret_cast<CBaseReferenceClock*>(p)->AdviseThread());
+HRESULT CBaseReferenceClock::AdviseThread()
+ // The first thing we do is wait until something interesting happens
+ // (meaning a first advise or shutdown). This prevents us calling
+ // GetPrivateTime immediately which is goodness as that is a virtual
+ // routine and the derived class may not yet be constructed. (This
+ // thread is created in the base class constructor.)
+ while ( !m_bAbort )
+ {
+ // Wait for an interesting event to happen
+ DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 3, TEXT("CBaseRefClock::AdviseThread() Delay: %lu ms"), dwWait ));
+ WaitForSingleObject(m_pSchedule->GetEvent(), dwWait);
+ if (m_bAbort) break;
+ // There are several reasons why we need to work from the internal
+ // time, mainly to do with what happens when time goes backwards.
+ // Mainly, it stop us looping madly if an event is just about to
+ // expire when the clock goes backward (i.e. GetTime stop for a
+ // while).
+ const REFERENCE_TIME rtNow = GetPrivateTime();
+ DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 3,
+ TEXT("CBaseRefClock::AdviseThread() Woke at = %lu ms"),
+ ConvertToMilliseconds(rtNow) ));
+ // We must add in a millisecond, since this is the resolution of our
+ // WaitForSingleObject timer. Failure to do so will cause us to loop
+ // franticly for (approx) 1 a millisecond.
+ m_rtNextAdvise = m_pSchedule->Advise( 10000 + rtNow );
+ LONGLONG llWait = m_rtNextAdvise - rtNow;
+ ASSERT( llWait > 0 );
+ llWait = ConvertToMilliseconds(llWait);
+ // DON'T replace this with a max!! (The type's of these things is VERY important)
+ dwWait = (llWait > REFERENCE_TIME(UINT_MAX)) ? UINT_MAX : DWORD(llWait);
+ };
+ return NOERROR;
+HRESULT CBaseReferenceClock::SetDefaultTimerResolution(
+ REFERENCE_TIME timerResolution // in 100ns
+ )
+ CAutoLock cObjectLock(this);
+ if( 0 == timerResolution ) {
+ if( m_TimerResolution ) {
+ timeEndPeriod( m_TimerResolution );
+ m_TimerResolution = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ DWORD dwMinResolution = (TIMERR_NOERROR == timeGetDevCaps(&tc, sizeof(tc)))
+ ? tc.wPeriodMin
+ : 1;
+ DWORD dwResolution = max( dwMinResolution, DWORD(timerResolution / 10000) );
+ if( dwResolution != m_TimerResolution ) {
+ timeEndPeriod(m_TimerResolution);
+ m_TimerResolution = dwResolution;
+ timeBeginPeriod( m_TimerResolution );
+ }
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT CBaseReferenceClock::GetDefaultTimerResolution(
+ __out REFERENCE_TIME* pTimerResolution // in 100ns
+ )
+ if( !pTimerResolution ) {
+ return E_POINTER;
+ }
+ CAutoLock cObjectLock(this);
+ *pTimerResolution = m_TimerResolution * 10000;
+ return S_OK;