path: root/documentation/tutorial.html
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authorEmiel Bruijntjes <>2013-11-03 23:13:36 -0800
committerEmiel Bruijntjes <>2013-11-03 23:13:36 -0800
commit4d85e028c2f05ea1dfc8c5797db4703deb6c698e (patch)
tree8cccabddd54afbf6bbc293cd2bd8f920da03a25d /documentation/tutorial.html
parentf96fc6c53bc8bd8888aeb291441f61a65b439413 (diff)
added initial setup for tutorial
Diffstat (limited to 'documentation/tutorial.html')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/tutorial.html b/documentation/tutorial.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e0a23e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/tutorial.html
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+<h1>Loading native extensions</h1>
+ Native PHP extensions are compiled into *.so files, and can be enabled by adding
+ a line to the core php.ini configuration file - or one of the additional
+ configuration files that are loaded by PHP. If you do not know where you can
+ find the PHP configuration file(s) on your system, you can run the following
+ command from the command line:
+ <code><pre>
+ php --ini
+ </pre></code>
+ Extensions are enabled by adding "" lines to the
+ configuration file - where 'name' should of course be replaced by the name of
+ your extension. A default PHP installation already comes with many default
+ extensions, so in the configuration file(s) on your system you will certainly
+ find a number of these "" lines.
+ The extension lines either take an absolute path ("extension=/path/to/")
+ or a relative path (""). If you'd like to use relative
+ paths, you must make sure that you've copied your extension *.so file to the
+ default extension directory, so that PHP can find it. To find out this default
+ extension directory, use the following command line instruction:
+ <code><pre>
+ php -i|grep extension_dir
+ </pre></code>
+ When PHP starts, it loads its configuration file(s) and for each ""
+ line in it, it will open the appropriate library, and call the "get_module()"
+ function from it. Each extension library must therefore define and implement
+ this "get_module()" C function. The function is called by PHP right after
+ the library is loaded (and thus way before pageviews are handled), and it
+ should return a memory address that points to a structure that holds information
+ about all functions, classes, variables and constants that are made available
+ by the extension.
+ The structure that the get_module() returns is defined in the header files of
+ the Zend engine, but it is a pretty complicated structure without good documentation.
+ Luckily, the PHP-CPP library makes life easier for you, and offers an Extension
+ class that can be used instead.
+ <code><pre>
+ #include &lt;phpcpp.h&gt;
+ extern "C" {
+ PHPCPP_EXPORT void *get_module() {
+ static Php::Extension myExtension("my_extension", "1.0");
+ return myExtension.module();
+ }
+ }
+ </pre></code>
+ In the example above you see a very straightforward implementation of the
+ get_module() function. A number of elements require special attention. For a
+ start, the only header file that you see is the phpcpp.h header
+ file. If you're using the PHP-CPP library to build your own extensions,
+ you do not have to include the complicated, unstructured, and mostly undocumented
+ header files of the Zend engine - all you need is the single header file of
+ the PHP-CPP library. If you insist, you are of course free to also include the header
+ files of the core PHP engine - but you do not have to.
+ The PHP-CPP library is a C++ library, and you can use all features
+ of this language. However, PHP expects your library, and especially your
+ get_module() function, to be implemented in C and not in C++. That's why we've
+ wrapped the get_module() function in an 'extern "C"' block. This will instruct
+ the C++ compiler that the get_module() is a regular C function, and
+ no C++ name mangling should be applied to it.
+ The PHP-CPP library defines a "PHPCPP_EXPORT" macro that should be placed
+ in front of the get_module() function. This macro makes sure that the get_module()
+ function is publicly exported, and thus callable by PHP. The macro has a different
+ implementation based on the compiler and operating system.
+ Inside the get_module() function the Extension object is instantiated, and the
+ Extension::module() method is called. It is crucial that you make a <i>static</i>
+ instance of this Extension class, because the object should exist for the entire
+ lifetime of the PHP process, and not only for the duration of the get_module()
+ call. The constructor takes two arguments: the name of your extension and
+ its version number. The Extension::module() method returns the memory address
+ that PHP needs to initialize the library.
+ Note that the example above does not yet make any native functions or
+ native classes available in PHP - it only creates the extension.
+<h1>Exporting native functions</h1>
+ An extension is of course only useful if you define functions and/or
+ classes that can be accessed from PHP scripts. For functions you can do this
+ by adding your native function implementations to the Extension object:
+ <code><pre>
+ #include &lt;phpcpp.h&gt;
+ extern void example1();
+ extern void example2(Php::Parameters &params);
+ extern Php::Value example3();
+ extern Php::Value example4(Php::Parameters &params);
+ extern "C" {
+ PHPCPP_EXPORT void *get_module() {
+ static Php::Extension myExtension("my_extension", "1.0");
+ myExtension.add("native1", example1);
+ myExtension.add("native2", example2);
+ myExtension.add("native3", example3);
+ myExtension.add("native4", example4);
+ return myExtension.module();
+ }
+ }
+ </pre></code>
+ What do we see here? We've added four function declarations ("example1",
+ "example2", "example3" and "example4") to the source code of our extension.
+ The reason why we've only declared the functions, and not fully implemented
+ them is to keep the example code relatively small. We assume that the
+ four example functions are implemented in a different file. In a real world
+ example you could just as well remove the "extern" keyword and implement the
+ four functions in the same source file as the get_module() call.
+ The four functions all have a different signature: Some return a value, while
+ others do not return anything. And some take parameters, while others do not.
+ Despite the different signature of the functions, they can all be made
+ available in PHP by adding them to the extension object, by simply calling
+ the myExtension.add() method. This method takes two parameters: the name by
+ which the function should be accessible in PHP, and the actual native
+ function.
+ In the example above we've used different names for the native functions
+ ("example1" up to "example4") as for the PHP functions ("native1" to
+ "native4"). This is legal - you do not have to use the same names for your
+ native functions as for your PHP functions. The following PHP script can be
+ used to call the four native functions:
+ <code><pre>
+ &lt;?php
+ native1();
+ native2("a","b");
+ $x = native3();
+ $y = native4(1,2);
+ ?&gt;
+ </pre></code>
+ The signature of the four example functions are exactly the signatures that
+ are supported by the PHP-CPP libraries. Every native function that returns
+ void or a Php::Value object, and that either accepts a Php::Parameters object
+ or no parameters at all, can be added to the extension object and can thus
+ be exported to PHP.
+<h1>Working with variables</h1>
+ Variables in PHP are non-typed. A variable can thus hold any possible type:
+ an integer, string, a floating point number, and even an object or an array.
+ C++ on the other hand is a typed language. In C++ an integer variable always
+ has a numeric value, and a string variable always hold a string value.
+ When you mix native code and PHP code, you will need to convert the non-typed
+ PHP variables into native variables, and the other way round: convert native
+ variables back into non-typed PHP variables. The PHP-CPP library offers the
+ "Value" class that makes this a very simple task.
+ \ No newline at end of file