path: root/tests/cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/cpp')
38 files changed, 0 insertions, 2016 deletions
diff --git a/tests/cpp/Makefile b/tests/cpp/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 90b3946..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile template
-# This is an example Makefile that can be used by anyone who is building
-# his or her own PHP extensions using the PHP-CPP library.
-# In the top part of this file we have included variables that can be
-# altered to fit your configuration, near the bottom the instructions and
-# dependencies for the compiler are defined. The deeper you get into this
-# file, the less likely it is that you will have to change anything in it.
-# Name of your extension
-# This is the name of your extension. Based on this extension name, the
-# name of the library file ( and the name of the config file (name.ini)
-# are automatically generated
-NAME = extfortest
-# Php.ini directories
-# In the past, PHP used a single php.ini configuration file. Today, most
-# PHP installations use a conf.d directory that holds a set of config files,
-# one for each extension. Use this variable to specify this directory.
-# in our case it is not required
-#INI_DIR = /etc/php5/conf.d
-# The extension dirs
-# This is normally a directory like /usr/lib/php5/20121221 (based on the
-# PHP version that you use. We make use of the command line 'php-config'
-# instruction to find out what the extension directory is, you can override
-# this with a different fixed directory
-EXTENSION_DIR = $(shell php-config --extension-dir)
-# The name of the extension and the name of the .ini file
-# These two variables are based on the name of the extension. We simply add
-# a certain extension to them (.so or .ini)
-# in our case it is not required
-#INI = ${NAME}.ini
-# Compiler
-# By default, the GNU C++ compiler is used. If you want to use a different
-# compiler, you can change that here. You can change this for both the
-# compiler (the program that turns the c++ files into object files) and for
-# the linker (the program that links all object files into the single .so
-# library file. By default, g++ (the GNU C++ compiler) is used for both.
-LINKER = g++
-# Compiler and linker flags
-# This variable holds the flags that are passed to the compiler. By default,
-# we include the -O2 flag. This flag tells the compiler to optimize the code,
-# but it makes debugging more difficult. So if you're debugging your application,
-# you probably want to remove this -O2 flag. At the same time, you can then
-# add the -g flag to instruct the compiler to include debug information in
-# the library (but this will make the final file much bigger, so
-# you want to leave that flag out on production servers).
-# If your extension depends on other libraries (and it does at least depend on
-# one: the PHP-CPP library), you should update the LINKER_DEPENDENCIES variable
-# with a list of all flags that should be passed to the linker.
-LIB_DIR=$(shell cd ../.. && pwd)
-COMPILER_FLAGS = -Wall -c -O2 -std=c++11 -fpic -I"${LIB_DIR}/tests/include/lib" -I"${LIB_DIR}/tests/include/zts" -o
-LINKER_FLAGS = -shared -L"${LIB_DIR}"
-# Command to remove files, copy files and create directories.
-# I've never encountered a *nix environment in which these commands do not work.
-# So you can probably leave this as it is
-RM = rm -f
-CP = cp -f
-MKDIR = mkdir -p
-# All source files are simply all *.cpp files found in the current directory
-# A builtin Makefile macro is used to scan the current directory and find
-# all source files. The object files are all compiled versions of the source
-# file, with the .cpp extension being replaced by .o.
-SOURCES = $(wildcard *.cpp)
-OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:%.cpp=%.o)
-# From here the build instructions start
- ${COMPILER} ${COMPILER_FLAGS} $@ ${@:%.o=%.cpp}
-# Do not install this extension
-# ${CP} ${INI} ${INI_DIR}
diff --git a/tests/cpp/h/Classes_and_objects.h b/tests/cpp/h/Classes_and_objects.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8404c69..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/h/Classes_and_objects.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- *
- *
- * Classes_and_objects.h
- *
- */
-#include "../include/class_obj/001-002.h"
-#include "../include/class_obj/003-comparable.h"
-#include "../include/class_obj/004-static-funct.h"
-//#include "../include/class_obj/.h"
-//#include "../include/class_obj/.h"
-//#include "../include/class_obj/.h"
diff --git a/tests/cpp/h/ValueIterator.h b/tests/cpp/h/ValueIterator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b430008..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/h/ValueIterator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- *
- * TestValueIterator
- *
- */
-#include "../include/valueiterator/001-006.h"
-#include "../include/valueiterator/007.h"
diff --git a/tests/cpp/h/ini_entries.h b/tests/cpp/h/ini_entries.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a6fb10e..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/h/ini_entries.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test ini entries
- *
- */
-#include "../include/ini_entries/001.h"
-//#include "../include/ini_entries/.h"
-//#include "../include/ini_entries/.h"
diff --git a/tests/cpp/h/variables.h b/tests/cpp/h/variables.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b684dd..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/h/variables.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- *
- */
-#include "../include/doubl2str.h"
-#include "../include/bool2str.h"
-#include "../include/variables/001-process_globals.h"
-#include "../include/variables/002-get_complex_array.h"
-#include "../include/variables/003-value-types.h"
-#include "../include/variables/004-store-scalar-variables.h"
-#include "../include/variables/005-cast-objects-to-scalars.h"
-#include "../include/variables/006-casting-obj2str.h"
-#include "../include/variables/007-overloaded-operators.h"
-#include "../include/variables/008-value-arrays.h"
-#include "../include/variables/009-010-value-object.h"
-#include "../include/variables/011-012-value-casting-operators.h"
-#include "../include/variables/013-018-calling-php-functions.h"
-#include "../include/variables/019-HashMember-1.h"
-#include "../include/variables/020-HashMember-2.h"
-#include "../include/variables/021-HashMember-3.h"
-#include "../include/variables/022-HashMember-4.h"
-#include "../include/variables/023-cookie.h"
-#include "../include/variables/024-get-post.h"
-#include "../include/variables/025-post-raw1.h"
-#include "../include/variables/026-post-raw2.h"
-#include "../include/variables/027-env.h"
-#include "../include/variables/028-029-compare.h"
-//#include "../include/variables/.h"
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/bool2str.h b/tests/cpp/include/bool2str.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 26aac80..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/bool2str.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- *
- * bool -> string
- *
- */
-std::string bool2str(bool b)
- return b ? "Yes" : "No";
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/class_obj/001-002.h b/tests/cpp/include/class_obj/001-002.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a3b4df..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/class_obj/001-002.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test Classes and objects
- * 001.phpt
- * 002.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestBaseClass {
- class MyCustomClass : public Php::Base, public Php::Countable
- {
- private:
- int _x = 3;
- public:
- MyCustomClass()
- {
- std::cerr << "MyCustomClass::MyCustomClass()" << std::endl;
- }
- MyCustomClass(int value) : _x(value)
- {
- std::cerr << "MyCustomClass::MyCustomClass(" << value << ")" << std::endl;
- }
- MyCustomClass(const MyCustomClass &that)
- {
- //std::cerr << "MyCustomClass::MyCustomClass copy constructor" << std::endl;
- }
- virtual ~MyCustomClass()
- {
- std::cerr << "MyCustomClass::~MyCustomClass" << std::endl;
- }
- virtual long int count() override
- {
- return 33;
- }
- Php::Value myMethod(Php::Parameters &params)
- {
- // check number of parameters
- //if (params.size() != 1) throw Php::Exception("Invalid number of parameters supplied");
- Php::out << "myMethod is called for object " << _x << std::endl;
- return 5;
- }
- };
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/class_obj/003-comparable.h b/tests/cpp/include/class_obj/003-comparable.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a384dc..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/class_obj/003-comparable.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test Classes and objects
- * 003-comparable.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestBaseClass {
- /**
- * Test custom comparison operator
- */
- class Comparable : public Php::Base
- {
- private:
- /**
- * Internal value of the class
- * @var int
- */
- static int count;
- int _nom;
- int _value;
- public:
- /**
- * C++ constructor
- */
- Comparable()
- {
- // start with random value
- //_value = rand();
- _nom = ++count;
- _value = _nom%2+1;
- }
- /**
- * C++ destructor
- */
- virtual ~Comparable() {}
- /**
- * Cast the object to a string
- * @return std::string
- */
- std::string __toString()
- {
- return "Obj#" + std::to_string(_nom) + "(" + std::to_string(_value) + ")";
- }
- /**
- * Compare with a different object
- * @param that
- * @return int
- */
- int __compare(const Comparable &that) const
- {
- return _value - that._value;
- }
- };
- int Comparable::count = 0;
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/class_obj/004-static-funct.h b/tests/cpp/include/class_obj/004-static-funct.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d6816ab..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/class_obj/004-static-funct.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test Classes and objects
- * 004-static-funct.phpt
- * test static functions
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestBaseClass {
- /**
- * Regular function
- *
- * Because a regular function does not have a 'this' pointer,
- * it has the same signature as static methods
- *
- * @param params Parameters passed to the function
- */
- void testStaticRegFunc(Php::Parameters &params)
- {
- Php::out << "testStatic regular function"<< std::endl;
- }
- /**
- * A very simple class that will not be exported to PHP
- */
- class testStaticPrivClass
- {
- public:
- /**
- * C++ constructor and destructor
- */
- testStaticPrivClass() {}
- virtual ~testStaticPrivClass() {}
- /**
- * Static method
- *
- * A static method also has no 'this' pointer and has
- * therefore a signature identical to regular functions
- *
- * @param params Parameters passed to the method
- */
- static void staticMethod(Php::Parameters &params)
- {
- Php::out << "testStaticPrivClass::staticMethod()"<< std::endl;
- }
- };
- /**
- * A very simple class that will be exported to PHP
- */
- class testStaticPubClass : public Php::Base
- {
- public:
- /**
- * C++ constructor and destructor
- */
- testStaticPubClass() {}
- virtual ~testStaticPubClass() {}
- /**
- * Another static method
- *
- * This static has exactly the same signature as the
- * regular function and static method that were mentioned
- * before
- *
- * @param params Parameters passed to the method
- */
- static void staticMethod(Php::Parameters &params)
- {
- Php::out << "testStaticPubClass::staticMethod()"<< std::endl;
- }
- };
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/class_obj/tpl.h b/tests/cpp/include/class_obj/tpl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dfdcfc..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/class_obj/tpl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test Classes and objects
- * phptname.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestBaseClass {
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/doubl2str.h b/tests/cpp/include/doubl2str.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c7f208..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/doubl2str.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- *
- * double -> string
- *
- */
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-std::string double2str(long double d)
- std::ostringstream strs;
- strs << std::setprecision(16) << d;
- return strs.str();
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/ini_entries/001.h b/tests/cpp/include/ini_entries/001.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a4c5ca..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/ini_entries/001.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test ini entries
- * test ini_entries/001.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestIniEntries {
- // will be retrieved at boot extension
- double ini6val = 0.0;
- void iniTest1(Php::Parameters &params)
- {
- Php::out << "ini_get(ini1) = " << Php::ini_get("ini1") << std::endl;
- Php::out << "ini_get(ini2) = " << Php::ini_get("ini2") << std::endl;
- Php::out << "ini_get(ini3) = " << Php::ini_get("ini3") << std::endl;
- Php::out << "ini_get(ini4) = " << Php::ini_get("ini4") << std::endl;
- Php::out << "ini_get(ini5) = " << Php::ini_get("ini5") << std::endl;
- Php::out << "ini_get(ini6) = " << Php::ini_get("ini6") << std::endl;
- Php::out << "ini6val = " << ini6val << std::endl;
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/valueiterator/001-006.h b/tests/cpp/include/valueiterator/001-006.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dc6778..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/valueiterator/001-006.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- *
- * TestValueIterator
- * test valueiterator/001.phpt-valueiterator/006.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestValueIterator {
- void loopValue(Php::Parameters &params)
- {
- std::cout << "Array/Object contains " << params[0].size() << " items" << std::endl;
- for (auto it=params[0].begin(), itend = params[0].end(); it != itend; ++it) {
- std::cout << "["<< it->first << "]="<< it->second << std::endl;
- //std::cout << "["<< it->key() << "]="<< it->value() << std::endl;
- }
- return;
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/valueiterator/007.h b/tests/cpp/include/valueiterator/007.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cfcb59..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/valueiterator/007.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * TestValueIterator
- * test valueiterator/007.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestValueIterator {
- void loopArray(void)
- {
- Php::Value value;
- /*
- If we fill the array in this form, we get the following:
- *** Error in `/usr/bin/php': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000001956d60 ***
- value[0] = "val0";
- value[1] = "val1";
- value["third"] = "val3";
- value["fourth"] = "val3";
- */
- value.set(0 , "val0");
- value.set(1 , "val1");
- value.set("third" , "val3");
- value.set("fourth", "val3");
- std::cout << "Array/Object contains " << value.size() << " items" << std::endl;
- // assum the value variable holds an array or object, it then
- // is possible to iterator over the values or properties
- for (auto &iter : value)
- {
- // output key and value
- Php::out << "["<< iter.first << "]="<< iter.second << std::endl;
- }
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/001-process_globals.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/001-process_globals.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ae930d2..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/001-process_globals.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- * 001-process_globals.phpt
- * Global variables in PHP-CPP
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /**
- * process_globals()
- *
- * This function reads and modifies global variables
- */
- Php::Value process_globals()
- {
- // all global variables can be accessed via the Php::GLOBALS variable,
- // which is more or less the same as the PHP $_GLOBALS variable
- // set a global variable
- Php::GLOBALS["a"] = 1;
- // increment a global variable
- Php::GLOBALS["b"] += 1;
- // set a global variable to be an array
- Php::GLOBALS["c"] = Php::Array();
- // add a member to an array
- Php::GLOBALS["c"]["member"] = 123;
- // and increment it
- Php::GLOBALS["c"]["member"] += 77;
- // change value e
- Php::GLOBALS["e"] = Php::GLOBALS["e"][0]("hello");
- // if a global variable holds a function, we can call it
- return Php::GLOBALS["d"](1,2,3);
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/002-get_complex_array.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/002-get_complex_array.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b12e5ee..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/002-get_complex_array.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- * 002-get_complex_array.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /**
- * This function returns complex array
- */
- Php::Value get_complex_array()
- {
- Php::Value r;
- r["a"] = 123;
- r["b"] = 456;
- r["c"][0] = "nested value";
- r["c"][1] = "example";
- r["c"][2] = 7;
- return r;
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/003-value-types.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/003-value-types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d24549b..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/003-value-types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- * 003-value-types.phpt
- *
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /*
- * Check type of value
- * @param array
- */
- void value_types(Php::Parameters &params)
- {
- if (params.size() == 0) return;
- Php::Value arr = params[0];
- Php::out << "Null: " << bool2str( arr.get("Null").isNull() ) << std::endl;
- Php::out << "Numeric: " << bool2str( arr.get("Numeric").isNumeric()) << std::endl;
- Php::out << "Float: " << bool2str( arr.get("Float").isFloat() ) << std::endl;
- Php::out << "Bool: " << bool2str( arr.get("Bool").isBool() ) << std::endl;
- Php::out << "Array: " << bool2str( arr.get("Array").isArray() ) << std::endl;
- Php::out << "Object: " << bool2str( arr.get("Object").isObject() ) << std::endl;
- Php::out << "String: " << bool2str( arr.get("String").isString() ) << std::endl;
- Php::out << "Resource: " << bool2str( arr.get("Resource").type() == Php::Type::Resource ) << std::endl;
- Php::out << "Constant: " << bool2str( arr.get("Constant").type() == Php::Type::Constant ) << std::endl;
- Php::out << "ConstantArray: " << bool2str( arr.get("ConstantArray").type() == Php::Type::ConstantArray ) << std::endl;
- Php::out << "Callable1: " << bool2str( arr.get("Callable1").isCallable() ) << std::endl;
- Php::out << "Callable2: " << bool2str( arr.get("Callable2").isCallable() ) << std::endl;
- Php::out << "Callable3: " << bool2str( arr.get("Callable3").isCallable() ) << std::endl;
- Php::out << "Callable4: " << bool2str( arr.get("Callable4").isCallable() ) << std::endl;
- }
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/004-store-scalar-variables.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/004-store-scalar-variables.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ce82e5..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/004-store-scalar-variables.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- * 004-store-scalar-variables.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /*
- * Test variables defined in PHP-CPP
- */
- Php::Value scalar_store(void) {
- Php::Value value1 = 1234;
- Php::Value value2 = "this is a string";
- Php::Value value3 = std::string("another string");
- Php::Value value4 = nullptr;
- Php::Value value5 = 123.45;
- Php::Value value6 = true;
- Php::Value r;
- r[0] = value1;
- r[1] = value2;
- r[2] = value3;
- r[3] = value4;
- r[4] = value5;
- r[5] = value6;
- r[6] = 1234;
- r[7] = "this is a string";
- r[8] = std::string("another string");
- r[9] = nullptr;
- r[10] = Php::Value();
- r[11] = 123.45;
- r[12] = false;
- return r;
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/005-cast-objects-to-scalars.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/005-cast-objects-to-scalars.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f053c4d..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/005-cast-objects-to-scalars.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- * 005-cast-objects-to-scalars.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /**
- * A sample class, with methods to cast objects to scalars
- */
- class Obj2Scalar : public Php::Base
- {
- public:
- /**
- * C++ constructor and C++ destructpr
- */
- Obj2Scalar() {}
- virtual ~Obj2Scalar() {}
- /**
- * Cast to a string
- *
- * Note that now we use const char* as return value, and not Php::Value.
- * The __toString function is detected at compile time, and it does
- * not have a fixed signature. You can return any value that can be picked
- * up by a Php::Value object.
- *
- * @return const char *
- */
- const char *__toString()
- {
- return "Mount Meru, also called Sumeru (Sanskrit)";
- }
- /**
- * Cast to a integer
- * @return long
- */
- long __toInteger()
- {
- return 27032014;
- }
- /**
- * Cast to a floating point number
- * @return double
- */
- double __toFloat()
- {
- return 3.14159265359;
- }
- /**
- * Cast to a boolean
- * @return bool
- */
- bool __toBool()
- {
- return true;
- }
- };
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/006-casting-obj2str.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/006-casting-obj2str.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 879683d..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/006-casting-obj2str.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- * 006-casting-obj2str.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /*
- * Test Php::Value casting operators
- */
- void value_cast2str(Php::Parameters &params)
- {
- std::string value = params[0];
- Php::out << value << std::endl;
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/007-overloaded-operators.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/007-overloaded-operators.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 88b3117..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/007-overloaded-operators.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- * 007-overloaded-operators.phpt
- *
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /*
- * Test Php::Value overloaded operators
- */
- void overloaded_op(Php::Parameters &params)
- {
- Php::Value value = params[0];
- if (value == "some string")
- {
- Php::out << "value == 'some string'" << std::endl;
- }
- if (value == 12)
- {
- Php::out << "value == 12" << std::endl;
- }
- else if (value > 100)
- {
- Php::out << "value > 100" << std::endl;
- }
- value += 10;
- Php::out << value << std::endl;
- int r1 = value - 8;
- Php::out << r1 << std::endl;
- double r2 = value*123.45;
- Php::out << r2 << std::endl;
- double r3 = value/123.45;
- Php::out << r3 << std::endl;
- }
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/008-value-arrays.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/008-value-arrays.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 937f79a..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/008-value-arrays.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- * 008-value-arrays.phpt
- *
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /*
- * Test Php::Value arrays
- */
- Php::Value value_arrays(void)
- {
- // create a regular array
- Php::Value array;
- array[0] = "apple";
- array[1] = "banana";
- array[2] = "tomato";
- // an initializer list can be used to create a filled array
- Php::Value filled({ "a", "b", "c", "d"});
- // create an associative array
- Php::Value assoc;
- assoc["apple"] = "green";
- assoc["banana"] = "yellow";
- assoc["tomato"] = "green";
- // the variables in an array do not all have to be of the same type
- Php::Value assoc2;
- assoc2["x"] = "";
- assoc2["y"] = nullptr;
- assoc2["z"] = 123;
- // nested arrays are possible too
- Php::Value assoc3;
- assoc3["x"] = "";
- assoc3["y"] = nullptr;
- assoc3["z"][0] = "a";
- assoc3["z"][1] = "b";
- assoc3["z"][2] = "c";
- Php::Value r;
- r["array"] = array;
- r["filled"] = filled;
- r["assoc"] = assoc;
- r["assoc2"] = assoc2;
- r["assoc3"] = assoc3;
- return r;
- }
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/009-010-value-object.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/009-010-value-object.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e3eba85..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/009-010-value-object.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- * 009-value-object.phpt
- * 010-value-object2.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /*
- * Test Php::Value object
- */
- Php::Value value_object1(void)
- {
- // create empty object of type stdClass
- Php::Object object;
- // object properties can be accessed with square brackets
- object["property1"] = "value1";
- object["property2"] = "value2";
- // Php::Value is the base class, so you can assign Php::Object objects
- //Php::Value value = object;
- return object;
- }
- /*
- * Test Php::Value object
- */
- Php::Value value_object2(void)
- {
- // create empty object of type stdClass
- Php::Object object;
- // to create an object of a different type, pass in the class name
- // to the constructor with optional constructor parameters
- //object = Php::Object("DateTime", "2014-03-27 00:37:15.638276");
- auto timeZone = Php::Object("DateTimeZone", "Europe/Amsterdam");
- object = Php::Object("DateTime", "2014-03-27 00:37:15", timeZone);
- // methods can be called with the call() method
- Php::out <<"format", "Y-m-d H:i:s") << std::endl;
- // all these methods can be called on a Php::Value object too
- Php::Value value = Php::Object("DateTime", "2016-03-31 15:48:00", timeZone);
- Php::out <<"format", "Y-m-d H:i:s") << std::endl;
- Php::out <<"getOffset") << std::endl;
- return object;
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/011-012-value-casting-operators.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/011-012-value-casting-operators.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d791b2..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/011-012-value-casting-operators.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- * 011-value-casting-operators.phpt
- * 012-value-casting-operators-double.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /*
- * Test Php::Value casting operators
- */
- void value_casting(Php::Parameters &params)
- {
- Php::Value value = params[0];
- int64_t value1 = value;
- std::string value2 = value;
- bool value4 = value;
- Php::out << " long:" << value1 << "\n string:" << value2 << "\n bool:" << bool2str(value4) << std::endl;
- }
- /*
- * Test Php::Value casting operators
- */
- void value_cast2double(Php::Parameters &params)
- {
- Php::Value value = params[0];
- double value3 = value;
- /*
- * The remark (from valmat).
- * Somehow std::to_string truncates the tail of numbers of type `double` when converting it to a string.
- * So I wrote my own function `double2str()`, which does not have this drawback.
- */
- Php::out << double2str(value3) << std::endl;
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/013-018-calling-php-functions.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/013-018-calling-php-functions.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a77408..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/013-018-calling-php-functions.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test call function
- * 013-calling-php-functions.phpt
- * ...
- * 018-calling-php-functions.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /*
- * Test call function from user space
- */
- void fnFromUserSpace(void)
- {
- Php::out << "fnFromUserSpace" << std::endl;
- Php::Value param5;
- param5.set(0, "param5");
- param5.set(1, 3.14159265359);
- param5.set(2, 28032014);
- param5.set("key", "value");
- auto timeZone = Php::Object("DateTimeZone", "Asia/Yekaterinburg");
- Php::Value param6 = Php::Object("DateTime", "2014-03-28 19:42:15", timeZone);
- // call a function from user space
- Php::call("some_function", "param1");
- Php::call("some_function", "param1", "param2");
- Php::call("some_function", "param1", "param2", "param3");
- Php::call("some_function", "param1", "param2", "param3", "param4");
- Php::call("some_function", "param1", "param2", "param3", "param4", param5);
- Php::call("some_function", "param1", "param2", "param3", "param4", param5, param6);
- Php::call("some_function", "param1", "param2", "param3", "param4", "param5", "param6", "param7");
- Php::call("some_function", "param1", "param2", "param3", "param4", "param5", "param6", "param7", "param8");
- Php::call("some_function", "param1", "param2", "param3", "param4", "param5", "param6", "param7", "param8", "param9");
- Php::call("some_function", "param1", "param2", "param3", "param4", "param5", "param6", "param7", "param8", "param9", "param10");
- }
- /*
- * Test call callback
- */
- void fnCallback(Php::Parameters &params)
- {
- Php::out << "call callback" << std::endl;
- Php::Value callback = params[0];
- Php::Value param5;
- param5.set(0, "param5");
- param5.set(1, 3.14159265359);
- param5.set(2, 28032014);
- param5.set("key", "value");
- auto timeZone = Php::Object("DateTimeZone", "Asia/Yekaterinburg");
- Php::Value param6 = Php::Object("DateTime", "2014-03-28 19:42:15", timeZone);
- // call a function from user space
- callback("param1");
- callback("param1", "param2");
- callback("param1", "param2", "param3");
- callback("param1", "param2", "param3", "param4");
- callback("param1", "param2", "param3", "param4", param5);
- callback("param1", "param2", "param3", "param4", param5, param6);
- callback("param1", "param2", "param3", "param4", "param5", "param6", "param7");
- callback("param1", "param2", "param3", "param4", "param5", "param6", "param7", "param8");
- callback("param1", "param2", "param3", "param4", "param5", "param6", "param7", "param8", "param9");
- callback("param1", "param2", "param3", "param4", "param5", "param6", "param7", "param8", "param9", "param10");
- }
- /*
- * Test
- */
- void fnFromUserSpace2(void)
- {
- // create an object (this will also call __construct())
- Php::Object time("DateTime", "2014-03-28 21:22:15", Php::Object("DateTimeZone", "Asia/Irkutsk"));
- // call a method on the datetime object
- Php::out <<"format", "Y-m-d H:i:s") << std::endl;
- // in PHP it is possible to create an array with two parameters, the first
- // parameter being an object, and the second parameter should be the name
- // of the method, we can do that in PHP-CPP too
- Php::Array time_format({time, "format"});
- // call the method that is stored in the array
- Php::out << time_format("Y-m-d H:i:s") << std::endl;
- // call method of class from user space
- Php::Object usrspcl("usrspClass", "Mount Meru");
- Php::Array usrspcl_meth({usrspcl, "someMethod"});
- // call the method that is stored in the array
- Php::out << usrspcl_meth("is in the Arctics") << std::endl;
- // call callable object of class from user space
- Php::Object clbl("CallableClass", "Arctics around mount Meru");
- Php::out << clbl("is the birthplace of the Hyperboreans") << std::endl;
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/019-HashMember-1.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/019-HashMember-1.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 28003f0..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/019-HashMember-1.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- * 019-HashMember-1.phpt
- * Test HashMember
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /**
- * This function returns complex array
- */
- Php::Value test_HashMember_1()
- {
- Php::Value r, tmp(Php::Type::Array);
- r["key1"] = tmp;
- r["key1"]["key2"] = "val2";
- r["key1"]["key3"] = "val3";
- return r;
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/020-HashMember-2.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/020-HashMember-2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dfa95c2..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/020-HashMember-2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- * 019-HashMember-2.phpt
- * Test HashMember
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /**
- * This function returns complex array
- */
- Php::Value test_HashMember_2()
- {
- Php::Value r, empty_array(Php::Type::Array);
- r["k1"]["k3"] = "v1";
- r["k1"]["k2"]["k4"] = "v2";
- r["k5"][1] = "v3";
- r[2]["k6"][1] = "v4";
- r[3][4][1] = "v5";
- r[3][4][2][5][7][11] = "v5";
- r[3][4][2][5][7]["k"] = "v5";
- r["c"][0] = "nested value";
- r["c"][1] = nullptr;
- r["c"][2] = empty_array;
- r["c"][3] = "example";
- return r;
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/021-HashMember-3.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/021-HashMember-3.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f7c0914..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/021-HashMember-3.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- * 019-HashMember-3.phpt
- * Test HashMember
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /**
- * This function returns complex array
- */
- Php::Value test_HashMember_3()
- {
- Php::Value r, tmp(Php::Type::Array);
- //Php::Value tmp;
- tmp.set("key2", "val1-2");
- r.set("key1", tmp);
- r.get("key1").set("key3", "val1-3");
- // expect to receive the same as when recording:
- //r["key1"]["key2"] = "val1-2";
- //r["key1"]["key3"] = "val1-3";
- return r;
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/022-HashMember-4.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/022-HashMember-4.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e51eb3a..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/022-HashMember-4.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- * 019-HashMember-4.phpt
- * Test HashMember
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /**
- * This function returns complex array
- */
- Php::Value test_HashMember_4()
- {
- Php::Value r1;
- Php::Value tmp1,tmp2;
- tmp2.set("key3", "val");
- tmp1.set("key2", tmp2);
- r1.set("key1", tmp1);
- // this should be equivalent to:
- // r1["key1"]["key2"]["key3"] = "val";
- Php::Value r2;
- r2.set("str1", "example");
- r2.set("str2", r2.get("str1"));
- // this should be equivalent to:
- // r2["str1"] = "example";
- // r2["str2"] = r2["str1"];
- // i.e.
- // r2["str1"] = "example";
- // r2["str2"] = "example";
- Php::Value r3;
- Php::Value tmp;
- tmp.set("str2", "val1-2");
- tmp.set("str3", "val1-3");
- r3.set("str1", tmp);
- // this should be equivalent to:
- // r3["str1"]["str2"] = "val1-2";
- // r3["str1"]["str3"] = "val1-3";
- Php::Value r;
- r[0] = r1;
- r[1] = r2;
- r[2] = r3;
- return r;
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/023-cookie.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/023-cookie.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f74883..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/023-cookie.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test superglobal variables _COOKIE
- * 023-cookie.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /*
- * Test
- */
- void getCookie(void)
- {
- Php::out << "_COOKIE[peace] = " << Php::COOKIE["peace"] << std::endl;
- Php::out << "_COOKIE[freedom] = " << Php::COOKIE["freedom"] << std::endl;
- Php::out << "_COOKIE[empty] = " << Php::COOKIE["empty"] << std::endl;
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/024-get-post.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/024-get-post.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e615f0f..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/024-get-post.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test superglobal variables _GET & _POST
- * 024-get-post.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /*
- * Test
- */
- void get_post(void)
- {
- Php::out << "_GET[a] = " << Php::GET["a"] << std::endl;
- Php::out << "_GET[b] = " << Php::GET["b"] << std::endl;
- Php::out << "_GET[ar][elm1] = " << Php::GET["ar"]["elm1"] << std::endl;
- Php::out << "_GET[ar][elm2] = " << Php::GET["ar"]["elm2"] << std::endl;
- Php::out << "_POST[c] = " << Php::POST["c"] << std::endl;
- Php::out << "_POST[d] = " << Php::POST["d"] << std::endl;
- Php::out << "_POST[e] = " << Php::POST["e"] << std::endl;
- Php::out << "_POST[e][0] = " << Php::POST["e"][0] << std::endl;
- Php::out << "_POST[e][1] = " << Php::POST["e"][1] << std::endl;
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/025-post-raw1.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/025-post-raw1.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 37c6ae1..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/025-post-raw1.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test superglobal variables _POST
- * 025-post-raw1.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- using namespace Php;
- /*
- * Test
- */
- void post_raw1(void)
- {
- out << "username => "<< POST["username"] << std::endl;
- out << "text => "<< POST["text"] << std::endl;
- /*
- XXX TODO: conversion from ‘Php::Super’ to ‘Php::Value‘
- Value v = POST;
- out << "Array/Object contains " << v.size() << " items" << std::endl;
- for (auto it=v.begin(), itend = v.end(); it != itend; ++it) {
- out << "["<< it->first << "]="<< it->second << std::endl;
- }
- */
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/026-post-raw2.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/026-post-raw2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d250dc8..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/026-post-raw2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test superglobal variables _POST
- * 026-post-raw2.phpt
- *
- */
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- using namespace Php;
- /*
- * Test
- */
- void post_raw2(void)
- {
- out << "name1 : "<< FILES["flnm"]["name"][0] << std::endl;
- out << "name2 : "<< FILES["flnm"]["name"][1] << std::endl;
- out << "type1 : "<< FILES["flnm"]["type"][0] << std::endl;
- out << "type2 : "<< FILES["flnm"]["type"][1] << std::endl;
- out << "error1 : "<< FILES["flnm"]["error"][0] << std::endl;
- out << "error2 : "<< FILES["flnm"]["error"][1] << std::endl;
- out << "size1 : "<< FILES["flnm"]["size"][0] << std::endl;
- out << "size2 : "<< FILES["flnm"]["size"][1] << std::endl;
- int length0 = FILES["flnm"]["size"][0];
- int length1 = FILES["flnm"]["size"][1];
- char *buffer0, *buffer1;
- std::ifstream file0, file1;
- std::string filename0 = FILES["flnm"]["tmp_name"][0];
- std::string filename1 = FILES["flnm"]["tmp_name"][1];
-, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
-, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
- if(!file0.is_open() || !file1.is_open()) {
- out << "Cannot open file." << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- //allocate memory
- buffer0 = new char[length0];
- buffer1 = new char[length1];
- //read data as a block to buffer
-, length0);
-, length1);
- file0.close();
- file1.close();
- out << "content1 : ";
- out.write(buffer0, length0);
- out << std::endl;
- out << "content2 : "<< buffer1 << std::endl;
- delete[] buffer0;
- delete[] buffer1;
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/027-env.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/027-env.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b8455b4..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/027-env.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test superglobal variables _ENV
- * 027-env.phpt
- *
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /*
- * Test
- */
- void test_env(void)
- {
- Php::out << "HTTP_USER_AGENT => " << Php::SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] << std::endl;
- Php::out << "ENVVAR1 => " << Php::SERVER["ENVVAR1"] << std::endl;
- Php::out << "HTTP_REFERER => " << Php::SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] << std::endl;
- Php::out << "REQUEST_METHOD => " << Php::SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] << std::endl;
- Php::out << "HTTP_HOST => " << Php::SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] << std::endl;
- }
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/028-029-compare.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/028-029-compare.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bd95298..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/028-029-compare.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- * phptname.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /*
- * Test bool Value::operator==(const Value &value) const
- */
- void test_compare1()
- {
- Php::Value v1(5), v2(5.0), v3("5"), v4("5.0");
- Php::out << "true:" << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 == v2) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 == v3) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 == v4) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 == v1) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 == v3) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 == v4) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 == v1) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 == v2) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 == v4) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 == v1) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 == v2) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 == v3) << std::endl;
- Php::Value v5(6), v6(6.0), v7("6"), v8("6.0");
- Php::out << "false:" << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 == v5) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 == v6) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 == v7) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 == v8) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 == v5) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 == v6) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 == v7) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 == v8) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 == v5) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 == v6) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 == v7) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 == v8) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 == v5) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 == v6) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 == v7) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 == v8) << std::endl;
- Php::Value v9, v10, v11, v12;
- v9[0] = 5;
- v9[1] = 6;
- v10[0] = 5;
- v10[1] = "Hello!";
- v11[0] = 5;
- v11[1] = 6;
- v12[0] = 5;
- Php::out << "Compare array:" << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 == v9) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v5 == v9) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v9 == v10) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v11 == v9) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v12 == v9) << std::endl;
- Php::Value v13 = false, v14, v15 = 0;
- Php::out << "Compare NULL:" << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 == v13) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 == v14) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 == v15) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v13 == v14) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v13 == v15) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v14 == v15) << std::endl;
- }
- /*
- * Test bool Value::operator< (const Value &value) const
- */
- void test_compare2()
- {
- Php::Value v1(5), v2(5.0), v3("5"), v4("5.0");
- Php::out << "false:" << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 < v2) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 < v3) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 < v4) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 < v1) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 < v3) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 < v4) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 < v1) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 < v2) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 < v4) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 < v1) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 < v2) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 < v3) << std::endl;
- Php::Value v5(6), v6(6.0), v7("6"), v8("6.0");
- Php::out << "true:" << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 < v5) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 < v6) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 < v7) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 < v8) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 < v5) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 < v6) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 < v7) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 < v8) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 < v5) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 < v6) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 < v7) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 < v8) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 < v5) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 < v6) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 < v7) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 < v8) << std::endl;
- Php::out << "false:" << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 > v5) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 > v6) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 > v7) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 > v8) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 > v5) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 > v6) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 > v7) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v2 > v8) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 > v5) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 > v6) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 > v7) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v3 > v8) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 > v5) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 > v6) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 > v7) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v4 > v8) << std::endl;
- Php::Value v9, v10, v11, v12;
- v9[0] = 5;
- v9[1] = 6;
- v10[0] = 5;
- v10[1] = "Hello!";
- v11[0] = 5;
- v11[1] = 6;
- v12[0] = 5;
- Php::out << "Compare array:" << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 < v9) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v5 < v9) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v9 < v10) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v9 > v10) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v11 < v9) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v12 < v9) << std::endl;
- Php::Value v13 = false, v14, v15 = 0;
- Php::out << "Compare NULL:" << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 < v13) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 < v14) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 < v15) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 > v13) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 > v14) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v1 > v15) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v13 < v14) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v13 < v15) << std::endl;
- Php::out << (v14 < v15) << std::endl;
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/include/variables/tpl.h b/tests/cpp/include/variables/tpl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0df5892..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/include/variables/tpl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Test variables
- * phptname.phpt
- *
- */
- * Set up namespace
- */
-namespace TestVariables {
- /*
- * Test
- */
- void fnname(Php::Parameters &params)
- {
- }
- * End of namespace
- */
diff --git a/tests/cpp/main.cpp b/tests/cpp/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 47cd90d..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
- *
- * An example file to show the working of using a C++ class in PHP.
- */
-#include <string>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <phpcpp.h>
-// Test includes
-#include "h/ValueIterator.h"
-#include "h/Classes_and_objects.h"
-#include "h/variables.h"
-#include "h/ini_entries.h"
-// Symbols are exported according to the "C" language
-extern "C"
- // export the "get_module" function that will be called by the Zend engine
- PHPCPP_EXPORT void *get_module()
- {
- // create extension
- static Php::Extension extension("extension_for_tests","0.1");
- // build an interface
- //Php::Interface interface("MyInterface");
- // add methods to the interface
- //interface.method("method1");
- //interface.method("method2");
- // add the interface to the extension
- //extension.add(interface);
- /**
- * Classes and objects
- *
- */
- // we are going to define a class
- Php::Class<TestBaseClass::MyCustomClass> customClass("TestBaseClass\\MyClass");
- // add methods to it
- customClass.method("myMethod", &TestBaseClass::MyCustomClass::myMethod, Php::Final, {});
-"property1", "prop1");
-"property2", "prop2", Php::Protected);
-"CONSTANT1", "some string", Php::Const);
-"EXP", 2.718281828459, Php::Const);
-"CONSTANT2", -2582341, Php::Const);
-"CONSTANT3", true, Php::Const);
-"StatProp1", "some string", Php::Static);
-"Exp", 2.718281828459, Php::Static);
-"StatProp2", -2582341, Php::Static);
-"StatProp3", true, Php::Static);
- // add the class to the extension
- extension.add(customClass);
- // Comparable
- extension.add( Php::Class<TestBaseClass::Comparable>("TestBaseClass\\Comparable") );
- // test static functions
- //
- // description of the class so that PHP knows which methods are accessible
- Php::Class<TestBaseClass::testStaticPubClass> ClassWithStatic("TestBaseClass\\ClassWithStatic");
- // register the testStaticPubClass::staticMethod to be a static method callable from PHP
- ClassWithStatic.method("static1", &TestBaseClass::testStaticPubClass::staticMethod);
- // regular functions have the same signatures as static methods. So nothing forbids you to register a normal function as static method too
- ClassWithStatic.method("static2", TestBaseClass::testStaticRegFunc);
- // and even static methods from completely different classes have the same function signature and can thus be registered
- ClassWithStatic.method("static3", &TestBaseClass::testStaticPrivClass::staticMethod);
- // add the class to the extension
- extension.add(std::move(ClassWithStatic));
- // In fact, because a static method has the same signature
- // as a regular function, you can also register static
- // C++ methods as regular global PHP functions
- extension.add("TestBaseClass\\staticFun1", &TestBaseClass::testStaticPrivClass::staticMethod);
- /**
- * tests for Iterators
- *
- */
- // add function to extension
- //extension.add("TestValueIterator\\loopValue", TestValueIterator::loopValue/*, {
- extension.add("TestValueIterator\\loopValue", TestValueIterator::loopValue);
- extension.add("TestValueIterator\\loopArray", TestValueIterator::loopArray);
- /**
- * tests for variables
- *
- */
- // create a nested namespace
- extension.add("TestVariables\\process_globals", TestVariables::process_globals);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\get_complex_array", TestVariables::get_complex_array);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\value_types", TestVariables::value_types);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\scalar_store", TestVariables::scalar_store);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\value_casting", TestVariables::value_casting);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\value_cast2double", TestVariables::value_cast2double);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\value_cast2str", TestVariables::value_cast2str);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\overloaded_op", TestVariables::overloaded_op);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\value_arrays", TestVariables::value_arrays);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\value_object1", TestVariables::value_object1);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\value_object2", TestVariables::value_object2);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\fnFromUserSpace", TestVariables::fnFromUserSpace);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\fnFromUserSpace2", TestVariables::fnFromUserSpace2);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\fnCallback", TestVariables::fnCallback);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\test_HashMember_1", TestVariables::test_HashMember_1);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\test_HashMember_2", TestVariables::test_HashMember_2);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\test_HashMember_3", TestVariables::test_HashMember_3);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\test_HashMember_4", TestVariables::test_HashMember_4);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\getCookie", TestVariables::getCookie);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\get_post", TestVariables::get_post);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\post_raw1", TestVariables::post_raw1);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\post_raw2", TestVariables::post_raw2);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\test_env", TestVariables::test_env);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\test_compare1", TestVariables::test_compare1);
- extension.add("TestVariables\\test_compare2", TestVariables::test_compare2);
- // A sample class, with methods to cast objects to scalars
- Php::Class<TestVariables::Obj2Scalar> cObj2Scalar("TestVariables\\Obj2Scalar");
- extension.add(std::move(cObj2Scalar));
- /**
- * tests ini entries
- *
- */
- extension
- .add(Php::Ini("ini1", "valIni1"))
- .add(Php::Ini("ini2", "valIni2", "OrigValIni2"))
- .add(Php::Ini("ini3", "valIni3", "OrigValIni3", Php::Ini::System))
- .add(Php::Ini("ini4", true, false, Php::Ini::Place::User))
- .add(Php::Ini("ini5", false));
- Php::Ini ini6("ini6", 55, 11);
- extension
- .add(ini6)
- .add(Php::Ini("ini7", 74,5));
- Php::Ini ini8("ini8", 3.1415926, 6.2831852);
- Php::Ini ini9("ini9", 2.7182818, 5.4365636, Php::Ini::User);
- //extension.add(Php::Ini("ini9", 0.333333, 0.777777, Php::Ini::Perdir));
- extension.add(ini8);
- extension.add(std::move(ini9));
- extension.add("TestIniEntries\\iniTest1", TestIniEntries::iniTest1);
- extension.onStartup([](){
- // Retrieve a value at boot extension
- TestIniEntries::ini6val = Php::ini_get("ini6");
- });
- // return the extension module
- return extension;
- }
diff --git a/tests/cpp/readme b/tests/cpp/readme
deleted file mode 100644
index c3743ce..0000000
--- a/tests/cpp/readme
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-This extension is written with a single purpose - all tests will be conducted through it.
-No installation required!