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1 files changed, 77 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4cb352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Prepare computer for SSH tunneling
+* apt-get install realpath
+* Create a new user named "support" (can be anything else).
+* Disable password login (put "*" in /etc/passwd instead of "x").
+* cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_support_config
+* vi /etc/ssh/sshd_support_config
+ o Port 2222
+ o Protocol 2
+ o PermitEmptyPasswords no
+ o PasswordAuthentication no
+ o X11Forwarding no
+ o PrintLastLog no
+ o UsePAM no
+ o AllowUsers support
+ /usr/sbin/sshd -f /etc/ssh/sshd_support_config
+ su - support
+ mkdir -m 700 .ssh
+ touch .ssh/authorized_keys
+ mkdir .ssh/sock
+ cat > .ssh/config <<EOF
+ Host *
+ StrictHostKeyChecking no
+ ControlMaster auto
+ ControlPath ~/.ssh/sock/%r@%h:%p
+* Optionally create a public/private key for local login and place the
+ public one in .ssh/authorized_keys.
+* Copy the following files to /usr/local/bin:
+ o create-invitation
+ o finish-ra
+ o prepare-connect
+* Change the required parameters in create-invitation (host, port and user).
+* mkdir bin
+* Copy from-remote to ~/bin.
+1. Connect to the intermediate computer as root and then switch to user
+ "support":
+ * su - support
+2. Create invitation:
+ * create-invitation <port> <comment>
+ where,
+ <port> is a local port on the intermediate computer through which
+ connection to the remote system will be made.
+ <comment> a single word that must be unique among other current remote
+ support connections.
+ * remote-access.tar.gz will be created in current directory. This
+ file should be mailed to the client.
+3. Enable login with this invitation:
+ * The command to enter will be printed upon invitation creation.
+4. Check who can login:
+ * cat .ssh/authorized_keys
+5. Check who is currently logged in:
+ * ps aux | grep sleep-ra
+6. Prepare connection back to the client (should be done once after the client logs in and before being able to connect back):
+ * prepare-connect <comment>
+7. Connect to the client:
+ * ssh ra-<comment>
+ * scp ra-<comment>:blabla .
+ * If you want to have remote access to the GUI then:
+ ssh -g -L <port1>: ra-<comment>
+ where, port1 is any local port on intermediate computer.
+ You can point your Firefox to the following address:
+ http://<intermediate_computer_address>:<port1>/asterisk/static/config/cfgbasic.html
+8. Disconnect from the client:
+ * Quit all ssh and scp sessions.
+ * ps aux | grep sleep-ra, kill the appropriate process
+9. Disallow further logins via this invitation:
+ * finish-ra <comment>