path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-12-26document per-app socket pathsbnewbold
2012-12-26can't change permissions if non-rootbnewbold
2012-12-26add user socket ownership optionbnewbold
2012-12-26more rigorous socket clobbering checksbnewbold
2012-12-25add atexit socket cleanupbnewbold
2012-12-25hash secret keys all over the placebnewbold
2012-12-25comment socket code; enforce only one client connectionbnewbold
2012-12-25refactor auth checks with a decorator; fail fastbnewbold
2012-11-12update license at request of ndalybnewbold
2012-07-25add timezone setting hookbnewbold
2012-07-25apt-get wrappersbnewbold
2012-07-24add group flagbnewbold
2012-07-24pep8 compliance (mostly)bnewbold
2012-07-24remove deprecated optparsebnewbold
2012-07-12pidfile not pid_file; no auth okbnewbold
2012-07-12documentation, cleanupbnewbold
2012-07-11close methods, quiet mode, more testsbnewbold
2012-07-11basic client librarybnewbold
2012-07-11root checkbnewbold
2012-07-11permissions, working testbnewbold
2012-07-10initial scafoldingbnewbold