path: root/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
diff options
authorNick Daly <>2013-04-23 17:49:22 -0500
committerNick Daly <>2013-04-23 17:49:22 -0500
commitf55c7a48ea534e342e6efbd4c7edaf1b1e07f61b (patch)
treefec45d97e4e976ef7ba5dde83f538fcf19092bc0 /vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
parent157226f1b88bc090b677f9896aa62a0c734ebf14 (diff)
Merged with James's upstream.
Hope I did it right. If I screwed up, withsqlite is borked.
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 365 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/ b/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b701b5..0000000
--- a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-"""Code-coverage tools for CherryPy.
-To use this module, or the coverage tools in the test suite,
-you need to download '', either Gareth Rees' `original
-implementation <>`_
-or Ned Batchelder's `enhanced version:
-To turn on coverage tracing, use the following code::
- cherrypy.engine.subscribe('start', covercp.start)
-DO NOT subscribe anything on the 'start_thread' channel, as previously
-recommended. Calling start once in the main thread should be sufficient
-to start coverage on all threads. Calling start again in each thread
-effectively clears any coverage data gathered up to that point.
-Run your code, then use the ``covercp.serve()`` function to browse the
-results in a web browser. If you run this module from the command line,
-it will call ``serve()`` for you.
-import re
-import sys
-import cgi
-from cherrypy._cpcompat import quote_plus
-import os, os.path
-localFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "coverage.cache")
-the_coverage = None
- from coverage import coverage
- the_coverage = coverage(data_file=localFile)
- def start():
- the_coverage.start()
-except ImportError:
- # Setting the_coverage to None will raise errors
- # that need to be trapped downstream.
- the_coverage = None
- import warnings
- warnings.warn("No code coverage will be performed; could not be imported.")
- def start():
- pass
-start.priority = 20
-TEMPLATE_MENU = """<html>
- <title>CherryPy Coverage Menu</title>
- <style>
- body {font: 9pt Arial, serif;}
- #tree {
- font-size: 8pt;
- font-family: Andale Mono, monospace;
- white-space: pre;
- }
- #tree a:active, a:focus {
- background-color: black;
- padding: 1px;
- color: white;
- border: 0px solid #9999FF;
- -moz-outline-style: none;
- }
- .fail { color: red;}
- .pass { color: #888;}
- #pct { text-align: right;}
- h3 {
- font-size: small;
- font-weight: bold;
- font-style: italic;
- margin-top: 5px;
- }
- input { border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 2px; }
- .directory {
- color: #933;
- font-style: italic;
- font-weight: bold;
- font-size: 10pt;
- }
- .file {
- color: #400;
- }
- a { text-decoration: none; }
- #crumbs {
- color: white;
- font-size: 8pt;
- font-family: Andale Mono, monospace;
- width: 100%;
- background-color: black;
- }
- #crumbs a {
- color: #f88;
- }
- #options {
- line-height: 2.3em;
- border: 1px solid black;
- background-color: #eee;
- padding: 4px;
- }
- #exclude {
- width: 100%;
- margin-bottom: 3px;
- border: 1px solid #999;
- }
- #submit {
- background-color: black;
- color: white;
- border: 0;
- margin-bottom: -9px;
- }
- </style>
-<h2>CherryPy Coverage</h2>"""
-<div id="options">
-<form action='menu' method=GET>
- <input type='hidden' name='base' value='%(base)s' />
- Show percentages <input type='checkbox' %(showpct)s name='showpct' value='checked' /><br />
- Hide files over <input type='text' id='pct' name='pct' value='%(pct)s' size='3' />%%<br />
- Exclude files matching<br />
- <input type='text' id='exclude' name='exclude' value='%(exclude)s' size='20' />
- <br />
- <input type='submit' value='Change view' id="submit"/>
-<head><title>CherryPy coverage data</title></head>
-<frameset cols='250, 1*'>
- <frame src='menu?base=%s' />
- <frame name='main' src='' />
- <title>Coverage for %(name)s</title>
- <style>
- h2 { margin-bottom: .25em; }
- p { margin: .25em; }
- .covered { color: #000; background-color: #fff; }
- .notcovered { color: #fee; background-color: #500; }
- .excluded { color: #00f; background-color: #fff; }
- table .covered, table .notcovered, table .excluded
- { font-family: Andale Mono, monospace;
- font-size: 10pt; white-space: pre; }
- .lineno { background-color: #eee;}
- .notcovered .lineno { background-color: #000;}
- table { border-collapse: collapse;
- </style>
-<p>Coverage: %(pc)s%%</p>"""
-TEMPLATE_LOC_COVERED = """<tr class="covered">
- <td class="lineno">%s&nbsp;</td>
- <td>%s</td>
-TEMPLATE_LOC_NOT_COVERED = """<tr class="notcovered">
- <td class="lineno">%s&nbsp;</td>
- <td>%s</td>
-TEMPLATE_LOC_EXCLUDED = """<tr class="excluded">
- <td class="lineno">%s&nbsp;</td>
- <td>%s</td>
-TEMPLATE_ITEM = "%s%s<a class='file' href='report?name=%s' target='main'>%s</a>\n"
-def _percent(statements, missing):
- s = len(statements)
- e = s - len(missing)
- if s > 0:
- return int(round(100.0 * e / s))
- return 0
-def _show_branch(root, base, path, pct=0, showpct=False, exclude="",
- coverage=the_coverage):
- # Show the directory name and any of our children
- dirs = [k for k, v in root.items() if v]
- dirs.sort()
- for name in dirs:
- newpath = os.path.join(path, name)
- if newpath.lower().startswith(base):
- relpath = newpath[len(base):]
- yield "| " * relpath.count(os.sep)
- yield "<a class='directory' href='menu?base=%s&exclude=%s'>%s</a>\n" % \
- (newpath, quote_plus(exclude), name)
- for chunk in _show_branch(root[name], base, newpath, pct, showpct, exclude, coverage=coverage):
- yield chunk
- # Now list the files
- if path.lower().startswith(base):
- relpath = path[len(base):]
- files = [k for k, v in root.items() if not v]
- files.sort()
- for name in files:
- newpath = os.path.join(path, name)
- pc_str = ""
- if showpct:
- try:
- _, statements, _, missing, _ = coverage.analysis2(newpath)
- except:
- # Yes, we really want to pass on all errors.
- pass
- else:
- pc = _percent(statements, missing)
- pc_str = ("%3d%% " % pc).replace(' ','&nbsp;')
- if pc < float(pct) or pc == -1:
- pc_str = "<span class='fail'>%s</span>" % pc_str
- else:
- pc_str = "<span class='pass'>%s</span>" % pc_str
- yield TEMPLATE_ITEM % ("| " * (relpath.count(os.sep) + 1),
- pc_str, newpath, name)
-def _skip_file(path, exclude):
- if exclude:
- return bool(, path))
-def _graft(path, tree):
- d = tree
- p = path
- atoms = []
- while True:
- p, tail = os.path.split(p)
- if not tail:
- break
- atoms.append(tail)
- atoms.append(p)
- if p != "/":
- atoms.append("/")
- atoms.reverse()
- for node in atoms:
- if node:
- d = d.setdefault(node, {})
-def get_tree(base, exclude, coverage=the_coverage):
- """Return covered module names as a nested dict."""
- tree = {}
- runs =
- for path in runs:
- if not _skip_file(path, exclude) and not os.path.isdir(path):
- _graft(path, tree)
- return tree
-class CoverStats(object):
- def __init__(self, coverage, root=None):
- self.coverage = coverage
- if root is None:
- # Guess initial depth. Files outside this path will not be
- # reachable from the web interface.
- import cherrypy
- root = os.path.dirname(cherrypy.__file__)
- self.root = root
- def index(self):
- return TEMPLATE_FRAMESET % self.root.lower()
- = True
- def menu(self, base="/", pct="50", showpct="",
- exclude=r'python\d\.\d|test|tut\d|tutorial'):
- # The coverage module uses all-lower-case names.
- base = base.lower().rstrip(os.sep)
- yield TEMPLATE_FORM % locals()
- # Start by showing links for parent paths
- yield "<div id='crumbs'>"
- path = ""
- atoms = base.split(os.sep)
- atoms.pop()
- for atom in atoms:
- path += atom + os.sep
- yield ("<a href='menu?base=%s&exclude=%s'>%s</a> %s"
- % (path, quote_plus(exclude), atom, os.sep))
- yield "</div>"
- yield "<div id='tree'>"
- # Then display the tree
- tree = get_tree(base, exclude, self.coverage)
- if not tree:
- yield "<p>No modules covered.</p>"
- else:
- for chunk in _show_branch(tree, base, "/", pct,
- showpct=='checked', exclude, coverage=self.coverage):
- yield chunk
- yield "</div>"
- yield "</body></html>"
- = True
- def annotated_file(self, filename, statements, excluded, missing):
- source = open(filename, 'r')
- buffer = []
- for lineno, line in enumerate(source.readlines()):
- lineno += 1
- line = line.strip("\n\r")
- empty_the_buffer = True
- if lineno in excluded:
- elif lineno in missing:
- elif lineno in statements:
- else:
- empty_the_buffer = False
- buffer.append((lineno, line))
- if empty_the_buffer:
- for lno, pastline in buffer:
- yield template % (lno, cgi.escape(pastline))
- buffer = []
- yield template % (lineno, cgi.escape(line))
- def report(self, name):
- filename, statements, excluded, missing, _ = self.coverage.analysis2(name)
- pc = _percent(statements, missing)
- yield TEMPLATE_COVERAGE % dict(name=os.path.basename(name),
- fullpath=name,
- pc=pc)
- yield '<table>\n'
- for line in self.annotated_file(filename, statements, excluded,
- missing):
- yield line
- yield '</table>'
- yield '</body>'
- yield '</html>'
- = True
-def serve(path=localFile, port=8080, root=None):
- if coverage is None:
- raise ImportError("The coverage module could not be imported.")
- from coverage import coverage
- cov = coverage(data_file = path)
- cov.load()
- import cherrypy
- cherrypy.config.update({'server.socket_port': int(port),
- 'server.thread_pool': 10,
- 'environment': "production",
- })
- cherrypy.quickstart(CoverStats(cov, root))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- serve(*tuple(sys.argv[1:]))