path: root/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
diff options
authorNick Daly <>2013-04-23 17:49:22 -0500
committerNick Daly <>2013-04-23 17:49:22 -0500
commitf55c7a48ea534e342e6efbd4c7edaf1b1e07f61b (patch)
treefec45d97e4e976ef7ba5dde83f538fcf19092bc0 /vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
parent157226f1b88bc090b677f9896aa62a0c734ebf14 (diff)
Merged with James's upstream.
Hope I did it right. If I screwed up, withsqlite is borked.
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 661 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/ b/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 79d5c3a..0000000
--- a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,661 +0,0 @@
-"""CPStats, a package for collecting and reporting on program statistics.
-Statistics about program operation are an invaluable monitoring and debugging
-tool. Unfortunately, the gathering and reporting of these critical values is
-usually ad-hoc. This package aims to add a centralized place for gathering
-statistical performance data, a structure for recording that data which
-provides for extrapolation of that data into more useful information,
-and a method of serving that data to both human investigators and
-monitoring software. Let's examine each of those in more detail.
-Data Gathering
-Just as Python's `logging` module provides a common importable for gathering
-and sending messages, performance statistics would benefit from a similar
-common mechanism, and one that does *not* require each package which wishes
-to collect stats to import a third-party module. Therefore, we choose to
-re-use the `logging` module by adding a `statistics` object to it.
-That `logging.statistics` object is a nested dict. It is not a custom class,
-because that would 1) require libraries and applications to import a third-
-party module in order to participate, 2) inhibit innovation in extrapolation
-approaches and in reporting tools, and 3) be slow. There are, however, some
-specifications regarding the structure of the dict.
- {
- +----"SQLAlchemy": {
- | "Inserts": 4389745,
- | "Inserts per Second":
- | lambda s: s["Inserts"] / (time() - s["Start"]),
- | C +---"Table Statistics": {
- | o | "widgets": {-----------+
- N | l | "Rows": 1.3M, | Record
- a | l | "Inserts": 400, |
- m | e | },---------------------+
- e | c | "froobles": {
- s | t | "Rows": 7845,
- p | i | "Inserts": 0,
- a | o | },
- c | n +---},
- e | "Slow Queries":
- | [{"Query": "SELECT * FROM widgets;",
- | "Processing Time": 47.840923343,
- | },
- | ],
- +----},
- }
-The `logging.statistics` dict has four levels. The topmost level is nothing
-more than a set of names to introduce modularity, usually along the lines of
-package names. If the SQLAlchemy project wanted to participate, for example,
-it might populate the item `logging.statistics['SQLAlchemy']`, whose value
-would be a second-layer dict we call a "namespace". Namespaces help multiple
-packages to avoid collisions over key names, and make reports easier to read,
-to boot. The maintainers of SQLAlchemy should feel free to use more than one
-namespace if needed (such as 'SQLAlchemy ORM'). Note that there are no case
-or other syntax constraints on the namespace names; they should be chosen
-to be maximally readable by humans (neither too short nor too long).
-Each namespace, then, is a dict of named statistical values, such as
-'Requests/sec' or 'Uptime'. You should choose names which will look
-good on a report: spaces and capitalization are just fine.
-In addition to scalars, values in a namespace MAY be a (third-layer)
-dict, or a list, called a "collection". For example, the CherryPy StatsTool
-keeps track of what each request is doing (or has most recently done)
-in a 'Requests' collection, where each key is a thread ID; each
-value in the subdict MUST be a fourth dict (whew!) of statistical data about
-each thread. We call each subdict in the collection a "record". Similarly,
-the StatsTool also keeps a list of slow queries, where each record contains
-data about each slow query, in order.
-Values in a namespace or record may also be functions, which brings us to:
-The collection of statistical data needs to be fast, as close to unnoticeable
-as possible to the host program. That requires us to minimize I/O, for example,
-but in Python it also means we need to minimize function calls. So when you
-are designing your namespace and record values, try to insert the most basic
-scalar values you already have on hand.
-When it comes time to report on the gathered data, however, we usually have
-much more freedom in what we can calculate. Therefore, whenever reporting
-tools (like the provided StatsPage CherryPy class) fetch the contents of
-`logging.statistics` for reporting, they first call `extrapolate_statistics`
-(passing the whole `statistics` dict as the only argument). This makes a
-deep copy of the statistics dict so that the reporting tool can both iterate
-over it and even change it without harming the original. But it also expands
-any functions in the dict by calling them. For example, you might have a
-'Current Time' entry in the namespace with the value "lambda scope: time.time()".
-The "scope" parameter is the current namespace dict (or record, if we're
-currently expanding one of those instead), allowing you access to existing
-static entries. If you're truly evil, you can even modify more than one entry
-at a time.
-However, don't try to calculate an entry and then use its value in further
-extrapolations; the order in which the functions are called is not guaranteed.
-This can lead to a certain amount of duplicated work (or a redesign of your
-schema), but that's better than complicating the spec.
-After the whole thing has been extrapolated, it's time for:
-The StatsPage class grabs the `logging.statistics` dict, extrapolates it all,
-and then transforms it to HTML for easy viewing. Each namespace gets its own
-header and attribute table, plus an extra table for each collection. This is
-NOT part of the statistics specification; other tools can format how they like.
-You can control which columns are output and how they are formatted by updating
-StatsPage.formatting, which is a dict that mirrors the keys and nesting of
-`logging.statistics`. The difference is that, instead of data values, it has
-formatting values. Use None for a given key to indicate to the StatsPage that a
-given column should not be output. Use a string with formatting (such as '%.3f')
-to interpolate the value(s), or use a callable (such as lambda v: v.isoformat())
-for more advanced formatting. Any entry which is not mentioned in the formatting
-dict is output unchanged.
-Although the HTML output takes pains to assign unique id's to each <td> with
-statistical data, you're probably better off fetching /cpstats/data, which
-outputs the whole (extrapolated) `logging.statistics` dict in JSON format.
-That is probably easier to parse, and doesn't have any formatting controls,
-so you get the "original" data in a consistently-serialized format.
-Note: there's no treatment yet for datetime objects. Try time.time() instead
-for now if you can. Nagios will probably thank you.
-Turning Collection Off
-It is recommended each namespace have an "Enabled" item which, if False,
-stops collection (but not reporting) of statistical data. Applications
-SHOULD provide controls to pause and resume collection by setting these
-entries to False or True, if present.
-To collect statistics on CherryPy applications:
- from cherrypy.lib import cpstats
- appconfig['/']['tools.cpstats.on'] = True
-To collect statistics on your own code:
- import logging
- # Initialize the repository
- if not hasattr(logging, 'statistics'): logging.statistics = {}
- # Initialize my namespace
- mystats = logging.statistics.setdefault('My Stuff', {})
- # Initialize my namespace's scalars and collections
- mystats.update({
- 'Enabled': True,
- 'Start Time': time.time(),
- 'Important Events': 0,
- 'Events/Second': lambda s: (
- (s['Important Events'] / (time.time() - s['Start Time']))),
- })
- ...
- for event in events:
- ...
- # Collect stats
- if mystats.get('Enabled', False):
- mystats['Important Events'] += 1
-To report statistics:
- root.cpstats = cpstats.StatsPage()
-To format statistics reports:
- See 'Reporting', above.
-# -------------------------------- Statistics -------------------------------- #
-import logging
-if not hasattr(logging, 'statistics'): logging.statistics = {}
-def extrapolate_statistics(scope):
- """Return an extrapolated copy of the given scope."""
- c = {}
- for k, v in list(scope.items()):
- if isinstance(v, dict):
- v = extrapolate_statistics(v)
- elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
- v = [extrapolate_statistics(record) for record in v]
- elif hasattr(v, '__call__'):
- v = v(scope)
- c[k] = v
- return c
-# --------------------- CherryPy Applications Statistics --------------------- #
-import threading
-import time
-import cherrypy
-appstats = logging.statistics.setdefault('CherryPy Applications', {})
- 'Enabled': True,
- 'Bytes Read/Request': lambda s: (s['Total Requests'] and
- (s['Total Bytes Read'] / float(s['Total Requests'])) or 0.0),
- 'Bytes Read/Second': lambda s: s['Total Bytes Read'] / s['Uptime'](s),
- 'Bytes Written/Request': lambda s: (s['Total Requests'] and
- (s['Total Bytes Written'] / float(s['Total Requests'])) or 0.0),
- 'Bytes Written/Second': lambda s: s['Total Bytes Written'] / s['Uptime'](s),
- 'Current Time': lambda s: time.time(),
- 'Current Requests': 0,
- 'Requests/Second': lambda s: float(s['Total Requests']) / s['Uptime'](s),
- 'Server Version': cherrypy.__version__,
- 'Start Time': time.time(),
- 'Total Bytes Read': 0,
- 'Total Bytes Written': 0,
- 'Total Requests': 0,
- 'Total Time': 0,
- 'Uptime': lambda s: time.time() - s['Start Time'],
- 'Requests': {},
- })
-proc_time = lambda s: time.time() - s['Start Time']
-class ByteCountWrapper(object):
- """Wraps a file-like object, counting the number of bytes read."""
- def __init__(self, rfile):
- self.rfile = rfile
- self.bytes_read = 0
- def read(self, size=-1):
- data =
- self.bytes_read += len(data)
- return data
- def readline(self, size=-1):
- data = self.rfile.readline(size)
- self.bytes_read += len(data)
- return data
- def readlines(self, sizehint=0):
- # Shamelessly stolen from StringIO
- total = 0
- lines = []
- line = self.readline()
- while line:
- lines.append(line)
- total += len(line)
- if 0 < sizehint <= total:
- break
- line = self.readline()
- return lines
- def close(self):
- self.rfile.close()
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def next(self):
- data =
- self.bytes_read += len(data)
- return data
-average_uriset_time = lambda s: s['Count'] and (s['Sum'] / s['Count']) or 0
-class StatsTool(cherrypy.Tool):
- """Record various information about the current request."""
- def __init__(self):
- cherrypy.Tool.__init__(self, 'on_end_request', self.record_stop)
- def _setup(self):
- """Hook this tool into cherrypy.request.
- The standard CherryPy request object will automatically call this
- method when the tool is "turned on" in config.
- """
- if appstats.get('Enabled', False):
- cherrypy.Tool._setup(self)
- self.record_start()
- def record_start(self):
- """Record the beginning of a request."""
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- if not hasattr(request.rfile, 'bytes_read'):
- request.rfile = ByteCountWrapper(request.rfile)
- request.body.fp = request.rfile
- r = request.remote
- appstats['Current Requests'] += 1
- appstats['Total Requests'] += 1
- appstats['Requests'][threading._get_ident()] = {
- 'Bytes Read': None,
- 'Bytes Written': None,
- # Use a lambda so the ip gets updated by tools.proxy later
- 'Client': lambda s: '%s:%s' % (r.ip, r.port),
- 'End Time': None,
- 'Processing Time': proc_time,
- 'Request-Line': request.request_line,
- 'Response Status': None,
- 'Start Time': time.time(),
- }
- def record_stop(self, uriset=None, slow_queries=1.0, slow_queries_count=100,
- debug=False, **kwargs):
- """Record the end of a request."""
- w = appstats['Requests'][threading._get_ident()]
- r = cherrypy.request.rfile.bytes_read
- w['Bytes Read'] = r
- appstats['Total Bytes Read'] += r
- if
- w['Bytes Written'] = 'chunked'
- else:
- cl = int(cherrypy.response.headers.get('Content-Length', 0))
- w['Bytes Written'] = cl
- appstats['Total Bytes Written'] += cl
- w['Response Status'] = cherrypy.response.status
- w['End Time'] = time.time()
- p = w['End Time'] - w['Start Time']
- w['Processing Time'] = p
- appstats['Total Time'] += p
- appstats['Current Requests'] -= 1
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Stats recorded: %s' % repr(w), 'TOOLS.CPSTATS')
- if uriset:
- rs = appstats.setdefault('URI Set Tracking', {})
- r = rs.setdefault(uriset, {
- 'Min': None, 'Max': None, 'Count': 0, 'Sum': 0,
- 'Avg': average_uriset_time})
- if r['Min'] is None or p < r['Min']:
- r['Min'] = p
- if r['Max'] is None or p > r['Max']:
- r['Max'] = p
- r['Count'] += 1
- r['Sum'] += p
- if slow_queries and p > slow_queries:
- sq = appstats.setdefault('Slow Queries', [])
- sq.append(w.copy())
- if len(sq) > slow_queries_count:
- sq.pop(0)
-import cherrypy = StatsTool()
-# ---------------------- CherryPy Statistics Reporting ---------------------- #
-import os
-thisdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
- import json
-except ImportError:
- try:
- import simplejson as json
- except ImportError:
- json = None
-missing = object()
-locale_date = lambda v: time.strftime('%c', time.gmtime(v))
-iso_format = lambda v: time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(v))
-def pause_resume(ns):
- def _pause_resume(enabled):
- pause_disabled = ''
- resume_disabled = ''
- if enabled:
- resume_disabled = 'disabled="disabled" '
- else:
- pause_disabled = 'disabled="disabled" '
- return """
- <form action="pause" method="POST" style="display:inline">
- <input type="hidden" name="namespace" value="%s" />
- <input type="submit" value="Pause" %s/>
- </form>
- <form action="resume" method="POST" style="display:inline">
- <input type="hidden" name="namespace" value="%s" />
- <input type="submit" value="Resume" %s/>
- </form>
- """ % (ns, pause_disabled, ns, resume_disabled)
- return _pause_resume
-class StatsPage(object):
- formatting = {
- 'CherryPy Applications': {
- 'Enabled': pause_resume('CherryPy Applications'),
- 'Bytes Read/Request': '%.3f',
- 'Bytes Read/Second': '%.3f',
- 'Bytes Written/Request': '%.3f',
- 'Bytes Written/Second': '%.3f',
- 'Current Time': iso_format,
- 'Requests/Second': '%.3f',
- 'Start Time': iso_format,
- 'Total Time': '%.3f',
- 'Uptime': '%.3f',
- 'Slow Queries': {
- 'End Time': None,
- 'Processing Time': '%.3f',
- 'Start Time': iso_format,
- },
- 'URI Set Tracking': {
- 'Avg': '%.3f',
- 'Max': '%.3f',
- 'Min': '%.3f',
- 'Sum': '%.3f',
- },
- 'Requests': {
- 'Bytes Read': '%s',
- 'Bytes Written': '%s',
- 'End Time': None,
- 'Processing Time': '%.3f',
- 'Start Time': None,
- },
- },
- 'CherryPy WSGIServer': {
- 'Enabled': pause_resume('CherryPy WSGIServer'),
- 'Connections/second': '%.3f',
- 'Start time': iso_format,
- },
- }
- def index(self):
- # Transform the raw data into pretty output for HTML
- yield """
- <title>Statistics</title>
-th, td {
- padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
- border: 1px solid #666699;
-table {
- border-collapse: collapse;
-table.stats1 {
- width: 100%;
-table.stats1 th {
- font-weight: bold;
- text-align: right;
- background-color: #CCD5DD;
-table.stats2, h2 {
- margin-left: 50px;
-table.stats2 th {
- font-weight: bold;
- text-align: center;
- background-color: #CCD5DD;
- for title, scalars, collections in self.get_namespaces():
- yield """
-<table class='stats1'>
- <tbody>
-""" % title
- for i, (key, value) in enumerate(scalars):
- colnum = i % 3
- if colnum == 0: yield """
- <tr>"""
- yield """
- <th>%(key)s</th><td id='%(title)s-%(key)s'>%(value)s</td>""" % vars()
- if colnum == 2: yield """
- </tr>"""
- if colnum == 0: yield """
- <th></th><td></td>
- <th></th><td></td>
- </tr>"""
- elif colnum == 1: yield """
- <th></th><td></td>
- </tr>"""
- yield """
- </tbody>
- for subtitle, headers, subrows in collections:
- yield """
-<table class='stats2'>
- <thead>
- <tr>""" % subtitle
- for key in headers:
- yield """
- <th>%s</th>""" % key
- yield """
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>"""
- for subrow in subrows:
- yield """
- <tr>"""
- for value in subrow:
- yield """
- <td>%s</td>""" % value
- yield """
- </tr>"""
- yield """
- </tbody>
- yield """
- = True
- def get_namespaces(self):
- """Yield (title, scalars, collections) for each namespace."""
- s = extrapolate_statistics(logging.statistics)
- for title, ns in sorted(s.items()):
- scalars = []
- collections = []
- ns_fmt = self.formatting.get(title, {})
- for k, v in sorted(ns.items()):
- fmt = ns_fmt.get(k, {})
- if isinstance(v, dict):
- headers, subrows = self.get_dict_collection(v, fmt)
- collections.append((k, ['ID'] + headers, subrows))
- elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
- headers, subrows = self.get_list_collection(v, fmt)
- collections.append((k, headers, subrows))
- else:
- format = ns_fmt.get(k, missing)
- if format is None:
- # Don't output this column.
- continue
- if hasattr(format, '__call__'):
- v = format(v)
- elif format is not missing:
- v = format % v
- scalars.append((k, v))
- yield title, scalars, collections
- def get_dict_collection(self, v, formatting):
- """Return ([headers], [rows]) for the given collection."""
- # E.g., the 'Requests' dict.
- headers = []
- for record in v.itervalues():
- for k3 in record:
- format = formatting.get(k3, missing)
- if format is None:
- # Don't output this column.
- continue
- if k3 not in headers:
- headers.append(k3)
- headers.sort()
- subrows = []
- for k2, record in sorted(v.items()):
- subrow = [k2]
- for k3 in headers:
- v3 = record.get(k3, '')
- format = formatting.get(k3, missing)
- if format is None:
- # Don't output this column.
- continue
- if hasattr(format, '__call__'):
- v3 = format(v3)
- elif format is not missing:
- v3 = format % v3
- subrow.append(v3)
- subrows.append(subrow)
- return headers, subrows
- def get_list_collection(self, v, formatting):
- """Return ([headers], [subrows]) for the given collection."""
- # E.g., the 'Slow Queries' list.
- headers = []
- for record in v:
- for k3 in record:
- format = formatting.get(k3, missing)
- if format is None:
- # Don't output this column.
- continue
- if k3 not in headers:
- headers.append(k3)
- headers.sort()
- subrows = []
- for record in v:
- subrow = []
- for k3 in headers:
- v3 = record.get(k3, '')
- format = formatting.get(k3, missing)
- if format is None:
- # Don't output this column.
- continue
- if hasattr(format, '__call__'):
- v3 = format(v3)
- elif format is not missing:
- v3 = format % v3
- subrow.append(v3)
- subrows.append(subrow)
- return headers, subrows
- if json is not None:
- def data(self):
- s = extrapolate_statistics(logging.statistics)
- cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
- return json.dumps(s, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
- = True
- def pause(self, namespace):
- logging.statistics.get(namespace, {})['Enabled'] = False
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('./')
- = True
- pause.cp_config = {'tools.allow.on': True,
- 'tools.allow.methods': ['POST']}
- def resume(self, namespace):
- logging.statistics.get(namespace, {})['Enabled'] = True
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('./')
- = True
- resume.cp_config = {'tools.allow.on': True,
- 'tools.allow.methods': ['POST']}