path: root/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py3/cherrypy/test/
diff options
authorNick Daly <>2013-04-23 17:49:22 -0500
committerNick Daly <>2013-04-23 17:49:22 -0500
commitf55c7a48ea534e342e6efbd4c7edaf1b1e07f61b (patch)
treefec45d97e4e976ef7ba5dde83f538fcf19092bc0 /vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py3/cherrypy/test/
parent157226f1b88bc090b677f9896aa62a0c734ebf14 (diff)
Merged with James's upstream.
Hope I did it right. If I screwed up, withsqlite is borked.
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py3/cherrypy/test/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 403 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py3/cherrypy/test/ b/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py3/cherrypy/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 087fb1e..0000000
--- a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py3/cherrypy/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-import cherrypy
-from cherrypy._cptree import Application
-from cherrypy.test import helper
-script_names = ["", "/foo", "/users/fred/blog", "/corp/blog"]
-class ObjectMappingTest(helper.CPWebCase):
- def setup_server():
- class Root:
- def index(self, name="world"):
- return name
- = True
- def foobar(self):
- return "bar"
- = True
- def default(self, *params, **kwargs):
- return "default:" + repr(params)
- = True
- def other(self):
- return "other"
- = True
- def extra(self, *p):
- return repr(p)
- = True
- def redirect(self):
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('dir1/', 302)
- = True
- def notExposed(self):
- return "not exposed"
- def confvalue(self):
- return cherrypy.request.config.get("user")
- = True
- def redirect_via_url(self, path):
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(cherrypy.url(path))
- = True
- def translate_html(self):
- return "OK"
- = True
- def mapped_func(self, ID=None):
- return "ID is %s" % ID
- = True
- setattr(Root, "Von B\xfclow", mapped_func)
- class Exposing:
- def base(self):
- return "expose works!"
- cherrypy.expose(base)
- cherrypy.expose(base, "1")
- cherrypy.expose(base, "2")
- class ExposingNewStyle(object):
- def base(self):
- return "expose works!"
- cherrypy.expose(base)
- cherrypy.expose(base, "1")
- cherrypy.expose(base, "2")
- class Dir1:
- def index(self):
- return "index for dir1"
- = True
- def myMethod(self):
- return "myMethod from dir1, path_info is:" + repr(cherrypy.request.path_info)
- = True
- myMethod._cp_config = {'tools.trailing_slash.extra': True}
- def default(self, *params):
- return "default for dir1, param is:" + repr(params)
- = True
- class Dir2:
- def index(self):
- return "index for dir2, path is:" + cherrypy.request.path_info
- = True
- def script_name(self):
- return cherrypy.tree.script_name()
- = True
- def cherrypy_url(self):
- return cherrypy.url("/extra")
- = True
- def posparam(self, *vpath):
- return "/".join(vpath)
- = True
- class Dir3:
- def default(self):
- return "default for dir3, not exposed"
- class Dir4:
- def index(self):
- return "index for dir4, not exposed"
- class DefNoIndex:
- def default(self, *args):
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("contact")
- = True
- # MethodDispatcher code
- class ByMethod:
- exposed = True
- def __init__(self, *things):
- self.things = list(things)
- def GET(self):
- return repr(self.things)
- def POST(self, thing):
- self.things.append(thing)
- class Collection:
- default = ByMethod('a', 'bit')
- Root.exposing = Exposing()
- Root.exposingnew = ExposingNewStyle()
- Root.dir1 = Dir1()
- Root.dir1.dir2 = Dir2()
- Root.dir1.dir2.dir3 = Dir3()
- Root.dir1.dir2.dir3.dir4 = Dir4()
- Root.defnoindex = DefNoIndex()
- Root.bymethod = ByMethod('another')
- Root.collection = Collection()
- d = cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher()
- for url in script_names:
- conf = {'/': {'user': (url or "/").split("/")[-2]},
- '/bymethod': {'request.dispatch': d},
- '/collection': {'request.dispatch': d},
- }
- cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(), url, conf)
- class Isolated:
- def index(self):
- return "made it!"
- = True
- cherrypy.tree.mount(Isolated(), "/isolated")
- class AnotherApp:
- exposed = True
- def GET(self):
- return "milk"
- cherrypy.tree.mount(AnotherApp(), "/app", {'/': {'request.dispatch': d}})
- setup_server = staticmethod(setup_server)
- def testObjectMapping(self):
- for url in script_names:
- prefix = self.script_name = url
- self.getPage('/')
- self.assertBody('world')
- self.getPage("/dir1/myMethod")
- self.assertBody("myMethod from dir1, path_info is:'/dir1/myMethod'")
- self.getPage("/this/method/does/not/exist")
- self.assertBody("default:('this', 'method', 'does', 'not', 'exist')")
- self.getPage("/extra/too/much")
- self.assertBody("('too', 'much')")
- self.getPage("/other")
- self.assertBody('other')
- self.getPage("/notExposed")
- self.assertBody("default:('notExposed',)")
- self.getPage("/dir1/dir2/")
- self.assertBody('index for dir2, path is:/dir1/dir2/')
- # Test omitted trailing slash (should be redirected by default).
- self.getPage("/dir1/dir2")
- self.assertStatus(301)
- self.assertHeader('Location', '%s/dir1/dir2/' % self.base())
- # Test extra trailing slash (should be redirected if configured).
- self.getPage("/dir1/myMethod/")
- self.assertStatus(301)
- self.assertHeader('Location', '%s/dir1/myMethod' % self.base())
- # Test that default method must be exposed in order to match.
- self.getPage("/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/index")
- self.assertBody("default for dir1, param is:('dir2', 'dir3', 'dir4', 'index')")
- # Test *vpath when default() is defined but not index()
- # This also tests HTTPRedirect with default.
- self.getPage("/defnoindex")
- self.assertStatus((302, 303))
- self.assertHeader('Location', '%s/contact' % self.base())
- self.getPage("/defnoindex/")
- self.assertStatus((302, 303))
- self.assertHeader('Location', '%s/defnoindex/contact' % self.base())
- self.getPage("/defnoindex/page")
- self.assertStatus((302, 303))
- self.assertHeader('Location', '%s/defnoindex/contact' % self.base())
- self.getPage("/redirect")
- self.assertStatus('302 Found')
- self.assertHeader('Location', '%s/dir1/' % self.base())
- if not getattr(cherrypy.server, "using_apache", False):
- # Test that we can use URL's which aren't all valid Python identifiers
- # This should also test the %XX-unquoting of URL's.
- self.getPage("/Von%20B%fclow?ID=14")
- self.assertBody("ID is 14")
- # Test that %2F in the path doesn't get unquoted too early;
- # that is, it should not be used to separate path components.
- # See ticket #393.
- self.getPage("/page%2Fname")
- self.assertBody("default:('page/name',)")
- self.getPage("/dir1/dir2/script_name")
- self.assertBody(url)
- self.getPage("/dir1/dir2/cherrypy_url")
- self.assertBody("%s/extra" % self.base())
- # Test that configs don't overwrite each other from diferent apps
- self.getPage("/confvalue")
- self.assertBody((url or "/").split("/")[-2])
- self.script_name = ""
- # Test absoluteURI's in the Request-Line
- self.getPage('http://%s:%s/' % (self.interface(), self.PORT))
- self.assertBody('world')
- self.getPage('http://%s:%s/abs/?service=' %
- (self.interface(), self.PORT))
- self.assertBody("default:('abs',)")
- self.getPage('/rel/?service=')
- self.assertBody("default:('rel',)")
- # Test that the "isolated" app doesn't leak url's into the root app.
- # If it did leak, Root.default() would answer with
- # "default:('isolated', 'doesnt', 'exist')".
- self.getPage("/isolated/")
- self.assertStatus("200 OK")
- self.assertBody("made it!")
- self.getPage("/isolated/doesnt/exist")
- self.assertStatus("404 Not Found")
- # Make sure /foobar maps to Root.foobar and not to the app
- # mounted at /foo. See
- self.getPage("/foobar")
- self.assertBody("bar")
- def test_translate(self):
- self.getPage("/translate_html")
- self.assertStatus("200 OK")
- self.assertBody("OK")
- self.getPage("/translate.html")
- self.assertStatus("200 OK")
- self.assertBody("OK")
- self.getPage("/translate-html")
- self.assertStatus("200 OK")
- self.assertBody("OK")
- def test_redir_using_url(self):
- for url in script_names:
- prefix = self.script_name = url
- # Test the absolute path to the parent (leading slash)
- self.getPage('/redirect_via_url?path=./')
- self.assertStatus(('302 Found', '303 See Other'))
- self.assertHeader('Location', '%s/' % self.base())
- # Test the relative path to the parent (no leading slash)
- self.getPage('/redirect_via_url?path=./')
- self.assertStatus(('302 Found', '303 See Other'))
- self.assertHeader('Location', '%s/' % self.base())
- # Test the absolute path to the parent (leading slash)
- self.getPage('/redirect_via_url/?path=./')
- self.assertStatus(('302 Found', '303 See Other'))
- self.assertHeader('Location', '%s/' % self.base())
- # Test the relative path to the parent (no leading slash)
- self.getPage('/redirect_via_url/?path=./')
- self.assertStatus(('302 Found', '303 See Other'))
- self.assertHeader('Location', '%s/' % self.base())
- def testPositionalParams(self):
- self.getPage("/dir1/dir2/posparam/18/24/hut/hike")
- self.assertBody("18/24/hut/hike")
- # intermediate index methods should not receive posparams;
- # only the "final" index method should do so.
- self.getPage("/dir1/dir2/5/3/sir")
- self.assertBody("default for dir1, param is:('dir2', '5', '3', 'sir')")
- # test that extra positional args raises an 404 Not Found
- # See
- self.getPage("/dir1/dir2/script_name/extra/stuff")
- self.assertStatus(404)
- def testExpose(self):
- # Test the cherrypy.expose function/decorator
- self.getPage("/exposing/base")
- self.assertBody("expose works!")
- self.getPage("/exposing/1")
- self.assertBody("expose works!")
- self.getPage("/exposing/2")
- self.assertBody("expose works!")
- self.getPage("/exposingnew/base")
- self.assertBody("expose works!")
- self.getPage("/exposingnew/1")
- self.assertBody("expose works!")
- self.getPage("/exposingnew/2")
- self.assertBody("expose works!")
- def testMethodDispatch(self):
- self.getPage("/bymethod")
- self.assertBody("['another']")
- self.assertHeader('Allow', 'GET, HEAD, POST')
- self.getPage("/bymethod", method="HEAD")
- self.assertBody("")
- self.assertHeader('Allow', 'GET, HEAD, POST')
- self.getPage("/bymethod", method="POST", body="thing=one")
- self.assertBody("")
- self.assertHeader('Allow', 'GET, HEAD, POST')
- self.getPage("/bymethod")
- self.assertBody("['another', 'one']")
- self.assertHeader('Allow', 'GET, HEAD, POST')
- self.getPage("/bymethod", method="PUT")
- self.assertErrorPage(405)
- self.assertHeader('Allow', 'GET, HEAD, POST')
- # Test default with posparams
- self.getPage("/collection/silly", method="POST")
- self.getPage("/collection", method="GET")
- self.assertBody("['a', 'bit', 'silly']")
- # Test custom dispatcher set on app root (see #737).
- self.getPage("/app")
- self.assertBody("milk")
- def testTreeMounting(self):
- class Root(object):
- def hello(self):
- return "Hello world!"
- = True
- # When mounting an application instance,
- # we can't specify a different script name in the call to mount.
- a = Application(Root(), '/somewhere')
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, cherrypy.tree.mount, a, '/somewhereelse')
- # When mounting an application instance...
- a = Application(Root(), '/somewhere')
- # ...we MUST allow in identical script name in the call to mount...
- cherrypy.tree.mount(a, '/somewhere')
- self.getPage('/somewhere/hello')
- self.assertStatus(200)
- # ...and MUST allow a missing script_name.
- del cherrypy.tree.apps['/somewhere']
- cherrypy.tree.mount(a)
- self.getPage('/somewhere/hello')
- self.assertStatus(200)
- # In addition, we MUST be able to create an Application using
- # script_name == None for access to the wsgi_environ.
- a = Application(Root(), script_name=None)
- # However, this does not apply to tree.mount
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, cherrypy.tree.mount, a, None)