path: root/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib
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-"""CherryPy Library"""
-# Deprecated in CherryPy 3.2 -- remove in CherryPy 3.3
-from cherrypy.lib.reprconf import _Builder, unrepr, modules, attributes
-class file_generator(object):
- """Yield the given input (a file object) in chunks (default 64k). (Core)"""
- def __init__(self, input, chunkSize=65536):
- self.input = input
- self.chunkSize = chunkSize
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def __next__(self):
- chunk =
- if chunk:
- return chunk
- else:
- if hasattr(self.input, 'close'):
- self.input.close()
- raise StopIteration()
- next = __next__
-def file_generator_limited(fileobj, count, chunk_size=65536):
- """Yield the given file object in chunks, stopping after `count`
- bytes has been emitted. Default chunk size is 64kB. (Core)
- """
- remaining = count
- while remaining > 0:
- chunk =, remaining))
- chunklen = len(chunk)
- if chunklen == 0:
- return
- remaining -= chunklen
- yield chunk
-def set_vary_header(response, header_name):
- "Add a Vary header to a response"
- varies = response.headers.get("Vary", "")
- varies = [x.strip() for x in varies.split(",") if x.strip()]
- if header_name not in varies:
- varies.append(header_name)
- response.headers['Vary'] = ", ".join(varies)
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-import cherrypy
-from cherrypy.lib import httpauth
-def check_auth(users, encrypt=None, realm=None):
- """If an authorization header contains credentials, return True, else False."""
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- if 'authorization' in request.headers:
- # make sure the provided credentials are correctly set
- ah = httpauth.parseAuthorization(request.headers['authorization'])
- if ah is None:
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, 'Bad Request')
- if not encrypt:
- encrypt = httpauth.DIGEST_AUTH_ENCODERS[httpauth.MD5]
- if hasattr(users, '__call__'):
- try:
- # backward compatibility
- users = users() # expect it to return a dictionary
- if not isinstance(users, dict):
- raise ValueError("Authentication users must be a dictionary")
- # fetch the user password
- password = users.get(ah["username"], None)
- except TypeError:
- # returns a password (encrypted or clear text)
- password = users(ah["username"])
- else:
- if not isinstance(users, dict):
- raise ValueError("Authentication users must be a dictionary")
- # fetch the user password
- password = users.get(ah["username"], None)
- # validate the authorization by re-computing it here
- # and compare it with what the user-agent provided
- if httpauth.checkResponse(ah, password, method=request.method,
- encrypt=encrypt, realm=realm):
- request.login = ah["username"]
- return True
- request.login = False
- return False
-def basic_auth(realm, users, encrypt=None, debug=False):
- """If auth fails, raise 401 with a basic authentication header.
- realm
- A string containing the authentication realm.
- users
- A dict of the form: {username: password} or a callable returning a dict.
- encrypt
- callable used to encrypt the password returned from the user-agent.
- if None it defaults to a md5 encryption.
- """
- if check_auth(users, encrypt):
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Auth successful', 'TOOLS.BASIC_AUTH')
- return
- # inform the user-agent this path is protected
- cherrypy.serving.response.headers['www-authenticate'] = httpauth.basicAuth(realm)
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(401, "You are not authorized to access that resource")
-def digest_auth(realm, users, debug=False):
- """If auth fails, raise 401 with a digest authentication header.
- realm
- A string containing the authentication realm.
- users
- A dict of the form: {username: password} or a callable returning a dict.
- """
- if check_auth(users, realm=realm):
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Auth successful', 'TOOLS.DIGEST_AUTH')
- return
- # inform the user-agent this path is protected
- cherrypy.serving.response.headers['www-authenticate'] = httpauth.digestAuth(realm)
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(401, "You are not authorized to access that resource")
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-# This file is part of CherryPy <>
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab:fileencoding=utf-8
-__doc__ = """This module provides a CherryPy 3.x tool which implements
-the server-side of HTTP Basic Access Authentication, as described in :rfc:`2617`.
-Example usage, using the built-in checkpassword_dict function which uses a dict
-as the credentials store::
- userpassdict = {'bird' : 'bebop', 'ornette' : 'wayout'}
- checkpassword = cherrypy.lib.auth_basic.checkpassword_dict(userpassdict)
- basic_auth = {'tools.auth_basic.on': True,
- 'tools.auth_basic.realm': 'earth',
- 'tools.auth_basic.checkpassword': checkpassword,
- }
- app_config = { '/' : basic_auth }
-__author__ = 'visteya'
-__date__ = 'April 2009'
-import binascii
-from cherrypy._cpcompat import base64_decode
-import cherrypy
-def checkpassword_dict(user_password_dict):
- """Returns a checkpassword function which checks credentials
- against a dictionary of the form: {username : password}.
- If you want a simple dictionary-based authentication scheme, use
- checkpassword_dict(my_credentials_dict) as the value for the
- checkpassword argument to basic_auth().
- """
- def checkpassword(realm, user, password):
- p = user_password_dict.get(user)
- return p and p == password or False
- return checkpassword
-def basic_auth(realm, checkpassword, debug=False):
- """A CherryPy tool which hooks at before_handler to perform
- HTTP Basic Access Authentication, as specified in :rfc:`2617`.
- If the request has an 'authorization' header with a 'Basic' scheme, this
- tool attempts to authenticate the credentials supplied in that header. If
- the request has no 'authorization' header, or if it does but the scheme is
- not 'Basic', or if authentication fails, the tool sends a 401 response with
- a 'WWW-Authenticate' Basic header.
- realm
- A string containing the authentication realm.
- checkpassword
- A callable which checks the authentication credentials.
- Its signature is checkpassword(realm, username, password). where
- username and password are the values obtained from the request's
- 'authorization' header. If authentication succeeds, checkpassword
- returns True, else it returns False.
- """
- if '"' in realm:
- raise ValueError('Realm cannot contain the " (quote) character.')
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- auth_header = request.headers.get('authorization')
- if auth_header is not None:
- try:
- scheme, params = auth_header.split(' ', 1)
- if scheme.lower() == 'basic':
- username, password = base64_decode(params).split(':', 1)
- if checkpassword(realm, username, password):
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Auth succeeded', 'TOOLS.AUTH_BASIC')
- request.login = username
- return # successful authentication
- except (ValueError, binascii.Error): # split() error, base64.decodestring() error
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, 'Bad Request')
- # Respond with 401 status and a WWW-Authenticate header
- cherrypy.serving.response.headers['www-authenticate'] = 'Basic realm="%s"' % realm
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(401, "You are not authorized to access that resource")
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-# This file is part of CherryPy <>
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab:fileencoding=utf-8
-__doc__ = """An implementation of the server-side of HTTP Digest Access
-Authentication, which is described in :rfc:`2617`.
-Example usage, using the built-in get_ha1_dict_plain function which uses a dict
-of plaintext passwords as the credentials store::
- userpassdict = {'alice' : '4x5istwelve'}
- get_ha1 = cherrypy.lib.auth_digest.get_ha1_dict_plain(userpassdict)
- digest_auth = {'tools.auth_digest.on': True,
- 'tools.auth_digest.realm': 'wonderland',
- 'tools.auth_digest.get_ha1': get_ha1,
- 'tools.auth_digest.key': 'a565c27146791cfb',
- }
- app_config = { '/' : digest_auth }
-__author__ = 'visteya'
-__date__ = 'April 2009'
-import time
-from cherrypy._cpcompat import parse_http_list, parse_keqv_list
-import cherrypy
-from cherrypy._cpcompat import md5, ntob
-md5_hex = lambda s: md5(ntob(s)).hexdigest()
-qop_auth = 'auth'
-qop_auth_int = 'auth-int'
-valid_qops = (qop_auth, qop_auth_int)
-valid_algorithms = ('MD5', 'MD5-sess')
-def TRACE(msg):
- cherrypy.log(msg, context='TOOLS.AUTH_DIGEST')
-# Three helper functions for users of the tool, providing three variants
-# of get_ha1() functions for three different kinds of credential stores.
-def get_ha1_dict_plain(user_password_dict):
- """Returns a get_ha1 function which obtains a plaintext password from a
- dictionary of the form: {username : password}.
- If you want a simple dictionary-based authentication scheme, with plaintext
- passwords, use get_ha1_dict_plain(my_userpass_dict) as the value for the
- get_ha1 argument to digest_auth().
- """
- def get_ha1(realm, username):
- password = user_password_dict.get(username)
- if password:
- return md5_hex('%s:%s:%s' % (username, realm, password))
- return None
- return get_ha1
-def get_ha1_dict(user_ha1_dict):
- """Returns a get_ha1 function which obtains a HA1 password hash from a
- dictionary of the form: {username : HA1}.
- If you want a dictionary-based authentication scheme, but with
- pre-computed HA1 hashes instead of plain-text passwords, use
- get_ha1_dict(my_userha1_dict) as the value for the get_ha1
- argument to digest_auth().
- """
- def get_ha1(realm, username):
- return user_ha1_dict.get(user)
- return get_ha1
-def get_ha1_file_htdigest(filename):
- """Returns a get_ha1 function which obtains a HA1 password hash from a
- flat file with lines of the same format as that produced by the Apache
- htdigest utility. For example, for realm 'wonderland', username 'alice',
- and password '4x5istwelve', the htdigest line would be::
- alice:wonderland:3238cdfe91a8b2ed8e39646921a02d4c
- If you want to use an Apache htdigest file as the credentials store,
- then use get_ha1_file_htdigest(my_htdigest_file) as the value for the
- get_ha1 argument to digest_auth(). It is recommended that the filename
- argument be an absolute path, to avoid problems.
- """
- def get_ha1(realm, username):
- result = None
- f = open(filename, 'r')
- for line in f:
- u, r, ha1 = line.rstrip().split(':')
- if u == username and r == realm:
- result = ha1
- break
- f.close()
- return result
- return get_ha1
-def synthesize_nonce(s, key, timestamp=None):
- """Synthesize a nonce value which resists spoofing and can be checked for staleness.
- Returns a string suitable as the value for 'nonce' in the www-authenticate header.
- s
- A string related to the resource, such as the hostname of the server.
- key
- A secret string known only to the server.
- timestamp
- An integer seconds-since-the-epoch timestamp
- """
- if timestamp is None:
- timestamp = int(time.time())
- h = md5_hex('%s:%s:%s' % (timestamp, s, key))
- nonce = '%s:%s' % (timestamp, h)
- return nonce
-def H(s):
- """The hash function H"""
- return md5_hex(s)
-class HttpDigestAuthorization (object):
- """Class to parse a Digest Authorization header and perform re-calculation
- of the digest.
- """
- def errmsg(self, s):
- return 'Digest Authorization header: %s' % s
- def __init__(self, auth_header, http_method, debug=False):
- self.http_method = http_method
- self.debug = debug
- scheme, params = auth_header.split(" ", 1)
- self.scheme = scheme.lower()
- if self.scheme != 'digest':
- raise ValueError('Authorization scheme is not "Digest"')
- self.auth_header = auth_header
- # make a dict of the params
- items = parse_http_list(params)
- paramsd = parse_keqv_list(items)
- self.realm = paramsd.get('realm')
- self.username = paramsd.get('username')
- self.nonce = paramsd.get('nonce')
- self.uri = paramsd.get('uri')
- self.method = paramsd.get('method')
- self.response = paramsd.get('response') # the response digest
- self.algorithm = paramsd.get('algorithm', 'MD5')
- self.cnonce = paramsd.get('cnonce')
- self.opaque = paramsd.get('opaque')
- self.qop = paramsd.get('qop') # qop
- = paramsd.get('nc') # nonce count
- # perform some correctness checks
- if self.algorithm not in valid_algorithms:
- raise ValueError(self.errmsg("Unsupported value for algorithm: '%s'" % self.algorithm))
- has_reqd = self.username and \
- self.realm and \
- self.nonce and \
- self.uri and \
- self.response
- if not has_reqd:
- raise ValueError(self.errmsg("Not all required parameters are present."))
- if self.qop:
- if self.qop not in valid_qops:
- raise ValueError(self.errmsg("Unsupported value for qop: '%s'" % self.qop))
- if not (self.cnonce and
- raise ValueError(self.errmsg("If qop is sent then cnonce and nc MUST be present"))
- else:
- if self.cnonce or
- raise ValueError(self.errmsg("If qop is not sent, neither cnonce nor nc can be present"))
- def __str__(self):
- return 'authorization : %s' % self.auth_header
- def validate_nonce(self, s, key):
- """Validate the nonce.
- Returns True if nonce was generated by synthesize_nonce() and the timestamp
- is not spoofed, else returns False.
- s
- A string related to the resource, such as the hostname of the server.
- key
- A secret string known only to the server.
- Both s and key must be the same values which were used to synthesize the nonce
- we are trying to validate.
- """
- try:
- timestamp, hashpart = self.nonce.split(':', 1)
- s_timestamp, s_hashpart = synthesize_nonce(s, key, timestamp).split(':', 1)
- is_valid = s_hashpart == hashpart
- if self.debug:
- TRACE('validate_nonce: %s' % is_valid)
- return is_valid
- except ValueError: # split() error
- pass
- return False
- def is_nonce_stale(self, max_age_seconds=600):
- """Returns True if a validated nonce is stale. The nonce contains a
- timestamp in plaintext and also a secure hash of the timestamp. You should
- first validate the nonce to ensure the plaintext timestamp is not spoofed.
- """
- try:
- timestamp, hashpart = self.nonce.split(':', 1)
- if int(timestamp) + max_age_seconds > int(time.time()):
- return False
- except ValueError: # int() error
- pass
- if self.debug:
- TRACE("nonce is stale")
- return True
- def HA2(self, entity_body=''):
- """Returns the H(A2) string. See :rfc:`2617` section"""
- # RFC 2617
- # If the "qop" directive's value is "auth" or is unspecified, then A2 is:
- # A2 = method ":" digest-uri-value
- #
- # If the "qop" value is "auth-int", then A2 is:
- # A2 = method ":" digest-uri-value ":" H(entity-body)
- if self.qop is None or self.qop == "auth":
- a2 = '%s:%s' % (self.http_method, self.uri)
- elif self.qop == "auth-int":
- a2 = "%s:%s:%s" % (self.http_method, self.uri, H(entity_body))
- else:
- # in theory, this should never happen, since I validate qop in __init__()
- raise ValueError(self.errmsg("Unrecognized value for qop!"))
- return H(a2)
- def request_digest(self, ha1, entity_body=''):
- """Calculates the Request-Digest. See :rfc:`2617` section
- ha1
- The HA1 string obtained from the credentials store.
- entity_body
- If 'qop' is set to 'auth-int', then A2 includes a hash
- of the "entity body". The entity body is the part of the
- message which follows the HTTP headers. See :rfc:`2617` section
- 4.3. This refers to the entity the user agent sent in the request which
- has the Authorization header. Typically GET requests don't have an entity,
- and POST requests do.
- """
- ha2 = self.HA2(entity_body)
- # Request-Digest -- RFC 2617
- if self.qop:
- req = "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (self.nonce,, self.cnonce, self.qop, ha2)
- else:
- req = "%s:%s" % (self.nonce, ha2)
- # RFC 2617
- #
- # If the "algorithm" directive's value is "MD5" or is unspecified, then A1 is:
- # A1 = unq(username-value) ":" unq(realm-value) ":" passwd
- #
- # If the "algorithm" directive's value is "MD5-sess", then A1 is
- # calculated only once - on the first request by the client following
- # receipt of a WWW-Authenticate challenge from the server.
- # A1 = H( unq(username-value) ":" unq(realm-value) ":" passwd )
- # ":" unq(nonce-value) ":" unq(cnonce-value)
- if self.algorithm == 'MD5-sess':
- ha1 = H('%s:%s:%s' % (ha1, self.nonce, self.cnonce))
- digest = H('%s:%s' % (ha1, req))
- return digest
-def www_authenticate(realm, key, algorithm='MD5', nonce=None, qop=qop_auth, stale=False):
- """Constructs a WWW-Authenticate header for Digest authentication."""
- if qop not in valid_qops:
- raise ValueError("Unsupported value for qop: '%s'" % qop)
- if algorithm not in valid_algorithms:
- raise ValueError("Unsupported value for algorithm: '%s'" % algorithm)
- if nonce is None:
- nonce = synthesize_nonce(realm, key)
- s = 'Digest realm="%s", nonce="%s", algorithm="%s", qop="%s"' % (
- realm, nonce, algorithm, qop)
- if stale:
- s += ', stale="true"'
- return s
-def digest_auth(realm, get_ha1, key, debug=False):
- """A CherryPy tool which hooks at before_handler to perform
- HTTP Digest Access Authentication, as specified in :rfc:`2617`.
- If the request has an 'authorization' header with a 'Digest' scheme, this
- tool authenticates the credentials supplied in that header. If
- the request has no 'authorization' header, or if it does but the scheme is
- not "Digest", or if authentication fails, the tool sends a 401 response with
- a 'WWW-Authenticate' Digest header.
- realm
- A string containing the authentication realm.
- get_ha1
- A callable which looks up a username in a credentials store
- and returns the HA1 string, which is defined in the RFC to be
- MD5(username : realm : password). The function's signature is:
- ``get_ha1(realm, username)``
- where username is obtained from the request's 'authorization' header.
- If username is not found in the credentials store, get_ha1() returns
- None.
- key
- A secret string known only to the server, used in the synthesis of nonces.
- """
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- auth_header = request.headers.get('authorization')
- nonce_is_stale = False
- if auth_header is not None:
- try:
- auth = HttpDigestAuthorization(auth_header, request.method, debug=debug)
- except ValueError:
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, "The Authorization header could not be parsed.")
- if debug:
- TRACE(str(auth))
- if auth.validate_nonce(realm, key):
- ha1 = get_ha1(realm, auth.username)
- if ha1 is not None:
- # note that for request.body to be available we need to hook in at
- # before_handler, not on_start_resource like 3.1.x digest_auth does.
- digest = auth.request_digest(ha1, entity_body=request.body)
- if digest == auth.response: # authenticated
- if debug:
- TRACE("digest matches auth.response")
- # Now check if nonce is stale.
- # The choice of ten minutes' lifetime for nonce is somewhat arbitrary
- nonce_is_stale = auth.is_nonce_stale(max_age_seconds=600)
- if not nonce_is_stale:
- request.login = auth.username
- if debug:
- TRACE("authentication of %s successful" % auth.username)
- return
- # Respond with 401 status and a WWW-Authenticate header
- header = www_authenticate(realm, key, stale=nonce_is_stale)
- if debug:
- TRACE(header)
- cherrypy.serving.response.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = header
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(401, "You are not authorized to access that resource")
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-CherryPy implements a simple caching system as a pluggable Tool. This tool tries
-to be an (in-process) HTTP/1.1-compliant cache. It's not quite there yet, but
-it's probably good enough for most sites.
-In general, GET responses are cached (along with selecting headers) and, if
-another request arrives for the same resource, the caching Tool will return 304
-Not Modified if possible, or serve the cached response otherwise. It also sets
-request.cached to True if serving a cached representation, and sets
-request.cacheable to False (so it doesn't get cached again).
-If POST, PUT, or DELETE requests are made for a cached resource, they invalidate
-(delete) any cached response.
-Configuration file example::
- [/]
- tools.caching.on = True
- tools.caching.delay = 3600
-You may use a class other than the default
-:class:`MemoryCache<cherrypy.lib.caching.MemoryCache>` by supplying the config
-entry ``cache_class``; supply the full dotted name of the replacement class
-as the config value. It must implement the basic methods ``get``, ``put``,
-``delete``, and ``clear``.
-You may set any attribute, including overriding methods, on the cache
-instance by providing them in config. The above sets the
-:attr:`delay<cherrypy.lib.caching.MemoryCache.delay>` attribute, for example.
-import datetime
-import sys
-import threading
-import time
-import cherrypy
-from cherrypy.lib import cptools, httputil
-from cherrypy._cpcompat import copyitems, ntob, set_daemon, sorted
-class Cache(object):
- """Base class for Cache implementations."""
- def get(self):
- """Return the current variant if in the cache, else None."""
- raise NotImplemented
- def put(self, obj, size):
- """Store the current variant in the cache."""
- raise NotImplemented
- def delete(self):
- """Remove ALL cached variants of the current resource."""
- raise NotImplemented
- def clear(self):
- """Reset the cache to its initial, empty state."""
- raise NotImplemented
-# ------------------------------- Memory Cache ------------------------------- #
-class AntiStampedeCache(dict):
- """A storage system for cached items which reduces stampede collisions."""
- def wait(self, key, timeout=5, debug=False):
- """Return the cached value for the given key, or None.
- If timeout is not None, and the value is already
- being calculated by another thread, wait until the given timeout has
- elapsed. If the value is available before the timeout expires, it is
- returned. If not, None is returned, and a sentinel placed in the cache
- to signal other threads to wait.
- If timeout is None, no waiting is performed nor sentinels used.
- """
- value = self.get(key)
- if isinstance(value, threading._Event):
- if timeout is None:
- # Ignore the other thread and recalc it ourselves.
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('No timeout', 'TOOLS.CACHING')
- return None
- # Wait until it's done or times out.
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Waiting up to %s seconds' % timeout, 'TOOLS.CACHING')
- value.wait(timeout)
- if value.result is not None:
- # The other thread finished its calculation. Use it.
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Result!', 'TOOLS.CACHING')
- return value.result
- # Timed out. Stick an Event in the slot so other threads wait
- # on this one to finish calculating the value.
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Timed out', 'TOOLS.CACHING')
- e = threading.Event()
- e.result = None
- dict.__setitem__(self, key, e)
- return None
- elif value is None:
- # Stick an Event in the slot so other threads wait
- # on this one to finish calculating the value.
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Timed out', 'TOOLS.CACHING')
- e = threading.Event()
- e.result = None
- dict.__setitem__(self, key, e)
- return value
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- """Set the cached value for the given key."""
- existing = self.get(key)
- dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
- if isinstance(existing, threading._Event):
- # Set Event.result so other threads waiting on it have
- # immediate access without needing to poll the cache again.
- existing.result = value
- existing.set()
-class MemoryCache(Cache):
- """An in-memory cache for varying response content.
- Each key in is a URI, and each value is an AntiStampedeCache.
- The response for any given URI may vary based on the values of
- "selecting request headers"; that is, those named in the Vary
- response header. We assume the list of header names to be constant
- for each URI throughout the lifetime of the application, and store
- that list in ``[uri].selecting_headers``.
- The items contained in ``[uri]`` have keys which are tuples of
- request header values (in the same order as the names in its
- selecting_headers), and values which are the actual responses.
- """
- maxobjects = 1000
- """The maximum number of cached objects; defaults to 1000."""
- maxobj_size = 100000
- """The maximum size of each cached object in bytes; defaults to 100 KB."""
- maxsize = 10000000
- """The maximum size of the entire cache in bytes; defaults to 10 MB."""
- delay = 600
- """Seconds until the cached content expires; defaults to 600 (10 minutes)."""
- antistampede_timeout = 5
- """Seconds to wait for other threads to release a cache lock."""
- expire_freq = 0.1
- """Seconds to sleep between cache expiration sweeps."""
- debug = False
- def __init__(self):
- self.clear()
- # Run self.expire_cache in a separate daemon thread.
- t = threading.Thread(target=self.expire_cache, name='expire_cache')
- self.expiration_thread = t
- set_daemon(t, True)
- t.start()
- def clear(self):
- """Reset the cache to its initial, empty state."""
- = {}
- self.expirations = {}
- self.tot_puts = 0
- self.tot_gets = 0
- self.tot_hist = 0
- self.tot_expires = 0
- self.tot_non_modified = 0
- self.cursize = 0
- def expire_cache(self):
- """Continuously examine cached objects, expiring stale ones.
- This function is designed to be run in its own daemon thread,
- referenced at ``self.expiration_thread``.
- """
- # It's possible that "time" will be set to None
- # arbitrarily, so we check "while time" to avoid exceptions.
- # See tickets #99 and #180 for more information.
- while time:
- now = time.time()
- # Must make a copy of expirations so it doesn't change size
- # during iteration
- for expiration_time, objects in copyitems(self.expirations):
- if expiration_time <= now:
- for obj_size, uri, sel_header_values in objects:
- try:
- del[uri][tuple(sel_header_values)]
- self.tot_expires += 1
- self.cursize -= obj_size
- except KeyError:
- # the key may have been deleted elsewhere
- pass
- del self.expirations[expiration_time]
- time.sleep(self.expire_freq)
- def get(self):
- """Return the current variant if in the cache, else None."""
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- self.tot_gets += 1
- uri = cherrypy.url(qs=request.query_string)
- uricache =
- if uricache is None:
- return None
- header_values = [request.headers.get(h, '')
- for h in uricache.selecting_headers]
- variant = uricache.wait(key=tuple(sorted(header_values)),
- timeout=self.antistampede_timeout,
- debug=self.debug)
- if variant is not None:
- self.tot_hist += 1
- return variant
- def put(self, variant, size):
- """Store the current variant in the cache."""
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- uri = cherrypy.url(qs=request.query_string)
- uricache =
- if uricache is None:
- uricache = AntiStampedeCache()
- uricache.selecting_headers = [
- e.value for e in response.headers.elements('Vary')]
-[uri] = uricache
- if len( < self.maxobjects:
- total_size = self.cursize + size
- # checks if there's space for the object
- if (size < self.maxobj_size and total_size < self.maxsize):
- # add to the expirations list
- expiration_time = response.time + self.delay
- bucket = self.expirations.setdefault(expiration_time, [])
- bucket.append((size, uri, uricache.selecting_headers))
- # add to the cache
- header_values = [request.headers.get(h, '')
- for h in uricache.selecting_headers]
- uricache[tuple(sorted(header_values))] = variant
- self.tot_puts += 1
- self.cursize = total_size
- def delete(self):
- """Remove ALL cached variants of the current resource."""
- uri = cherrypy.url(qs=cherrypy.serving.request.query_string)
-, None)
-def get(invalid_methods=("POST", "PUT", "DELETE"), debug=False, **kwargs):
- """Try to obtain cached output. If fresh enough, raise HTTPError(304).
- * invalidates (deletes) any cached response for this resource
- * sets request.cached = False
- * sets request.cacheable = False
- else if a cached copy exists:
- * sets request.cached = True
- * sets request.cacheable = False
- * sets response.headers to the cached values
- * checks the cached Last-Modified response header against the
- current If-(Un)Modified-Since request headers; raises 304
- if necessary.
- * sets response.status and response.body to the cached values
- * returns True
- otherwise:
- * sets request.cached = False
- * sets request.cacheable = True
- * returns False
- """
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- if not hasattr(cherrypy, "_cache"):
- # Make a process-wide Cache object.
- cherrypy._cache = kwargs.pop("cache_class", MemoryCache)()
- # Take all remaining kwargs and set them on the Cache object.
- for k, v in kwargs.items():
- setattr(cherrypy._cache, k, v)
- cherrypy._cache.debug = debug
- # POST, PUT, DELETE should invalidate (delete) the cached copy.
- # See
- if request.method in invalid_methods:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('request.method %r in invalid_methods %r' %
- (request.method, invalid_methods), 'TOOLS.CACHING')
- cherrypy._cache.delete()
- request.cached = False
- request.cacheable = False
- return False
- if 'no-cache' in [e.value for e in request.headers.elements('Pragma')]:
- request.cached = False
- request.cacheable = True
- return False
- cache_data = cherrypy._cache.get()
- request.cached = bool(cache_data)
- request.cacheable = not request.cached
- if request.cached:
- # Serve the cached copy.
- max_age = cherrypy._cache.delay
- for v in [e.value for e in request.headers.elements('Cache-Control')]:
- atoms = v.split('=', 1)
- directive = atoms.pop(0)
- if directive == 'max-age':
- if len(atoms) != 1 or not atoms[0].isdigit():
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, "Invalid Cache-Control header")
- max_age = int(atoms[0])
- break
- elif directive == 'no-cache':
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Ignoring cache due to Cache-Control: no-cache',
- request.cached = False
- request.cacheable = True
- return False
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Reading response from cache', 'TOOLS.CACHING')
- s, h, b, create_time = cache_data
- age = int(response.time - create_time)
- if (age > max_age):
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Ignoring cache due to age > %d' % max_age,
- request.cached = False
- request.cacheable = True
- return False
- # Copy the response headers. See
- response.headers = rh = httputil.HeaderMap()
- for k in h:
- dict.__setitem__(rh, k, dict.__getitem__(h, k))
- # Add the required Age header
- response.headers["Age"] = str(age)
- try:
- # Note that validate_since depends on a Last-Modified header;
- # this was put into the cached copy, and should have been
- # resurrected just above (response.headers = cache_data[1]).
- cptools.validate_since()
- except cherrypy.HTTPRedirect:
- x = sys.exc_info()[1]
- if x.status == 304:
- cherrypy._cache.tot_non_modified += 1
- raise
- # serve it & get out from the request
- response.status = s
- response.body = b
- else:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('request is not cached', 'TOOLS.CACHING')
- return request.cached
-def tee_output():
- """Tee response output to cache storage. Internal."""
- # Used by CachingTool by attaching to request.hooks
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- if 'no-store' in request.headers.values('Cache-Control'):
- return
- def tee(body):
- """Tee response.body into a list."""
- if ('no-cache' in response.headers.values('Pragma') or
- 'no-store' in response.headers.values('Cache-Control')):
- for chunk in body:
- yield chunk
- return
- output = []
- for chunk in body:
- output.append(chunk)
- yield chunk
- # save the cache data
- body = ntob('').join(output)
- cherrypy._cache.put((response.status, response.headers or {},
- body, response.time), len(body))
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- response.body = tee(response.body)
-def expires(secs=0, force=False, debug=False):
- """Tool for influencing cache mechanisms using the 'Expires' header.
- secs
- Must be either an int or a datetime.timedelta, and indicates the
- number of seconds between response.time and when the response should
- expire. The 'Expires' header will be set to response.time + secs.
- If secs is zero, the 'Expires' header is set one year in the past, and
- the following "cache prevention" headers are also set:
- * Pragma: no-cache
- * Cache-Control': no-cache, must-revalidate
- force
- If False, the following headers are checked:
- * Etag
- * Last-Modified
- * Age
- * Expires
- If any are already present, none of the above response headers are set.
- """
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- headers = response.headers
- cacheable = False
- if not force:
- # some header names that indicate that the response can be cached
- for indicator in ('Etag', 'Last-Modified', 'Age', 'Expires'):
- if indicator in headers:
- cacheable = True
- break
- if not cacheable and not force:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('request is not cacheable', 'TOOLS.EXPIRES')
- else:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('request is cacheable', 'TOOLS.EXPIRES')
- if isinstance(secs, datetime.timedelta):
- secs = (86400 * secs.days) + secs.seconds
- if secs == 0:
- if force or ("Pragma" not in headers):
- headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"
- if cherrypy.serving.request.protocol >= (1, 1):
- if force or "Cache-Control" not in headers:
- headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache, must-revalidate"
- # Set an explicit Expires date in the past.
- expiry = httputil.HTTPDate(1169942400.0)
- else:
- expiry = httputil.HTTPDate(response.time + secs)
- if force or "Expires" not in headers:
- headers["Expires"] = expiry
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9b701b5..0000000
--- a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-"""Code-coverage tools for CherryPy.
-To use this module, or the coverage tools in the test suite,
-you need to download '', either Gareth Rees' `original
-implementation <>`_
-or Ned Batchelder's `enhanced version:
-To turn on coverage tracing, use the following code::
- cherrypy.engine.subscribe('start', covercp.start)
-DO NOT subscribe anything on the 'start_thread' channel, as previously
-recommended. Calling start once in the main thread should be sufficient
-to start coverage on all threads. Calling start again in each thread
-effectively clears any coverage data gathered up to that point.
-Run your code, then use the ``covercp.serve()`` function to browse the
-results in a web browser. If you run this module from the command line,
-it will call ``serve()`` for you.
-import re
-import sys
-import cgi
-from cherrypy._cpcompat import quote_plus
-import os, os.path
-localFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "coverage.cache")
-the_coverage = None
- from coverage import coverage
- the_coverage = coverage(data_file=localFile)
- def start():
- the_coverage.start()
-except ImportError:
- # Setting the_coverage to None will raise errors
- # that need to be trapped downstream.
- the_coverage = None
- import warnings
- warnings.warn("No code coverage will be performed; could not be imported.")
- def start():
- pass
-start.priority = 20
-TEMPLATE_MENU = """<html>
- <title>CherryPy Coverage Menu</title>
- <style>
- body {font: 9pt Arial, serif;}
- #tree {
- font-size: 8pt;
- font-family: Andale Mono, monospace;
- white-space: pre;
- }
- #tree a:active, a:focus {
- background-color: black;
- padding: 1px;
- color: white;
- border: 0px solid #9999FF;
- -moz-outline-style: none;
- }
- .fail { color: red;}
- .pass { color: #888;}
- #pct { text-align: right;}
- h3 {
- font-size: small;
- font-weight: bold;
- font-style: italic;
- margin-top: 5px;
- }
- input { border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 2px; }
- .directory {
- color: #933;
- font-style: italic;
- font-weight: bold;
- font-size: 10pt;
- }
- .file {
- color: #400;
- }
- a { text-decoration: none; }
- #crumbs {
- color: white;
- font-size: 8pt;
- font-family: Andale Mono, monospace;
- width: 100%;
- background-color: black;
- }
- #crumbs a {
- color: #f88;
- }
- #options {
- line-height: 2.3em;
- border: 1px solid black;
- background-color: #eee;
- padding: 4px;
- }
- #exclude {
- width: 100%;
- margin-bottom: 3px;
- border: 1px solid #999;
- }
- #submit {
- background-color: black;
- color: white;
- border: 0;
- margin-bottom: -9px;
- }
- </style>
-<h2>CherryPy Coverage</h2>"""
-<div id="options">
-<form action='menu' method=GET>
- <input type='hidden' name='base' value='%(base)s' />
- Show percentages <input type='checkbox' %(showpct)s name='showpct' value='checked' /><br />
- Hide files over <input type='text' id='pct' name='pct' value='%(pct)s' size='3' />%%<br />
- Exclude files matching<br />
- <input type='text' id='exclude' name='exclude' value='%(exclude)s' size='20' />
- <br />
- <input type='submit' value='Change view' id="submit"/>
-<head><title>CherryPy coverage data</title></head>
-<frameset cols='250, 1*'>
- <frame src='menu?base=%s' />
- <frame name='main' src='' />
- <title>Coverage for %(name)s</title>
- <style>
- h2 { margin-bottom: .25em; }
- p { margin: .25em; }
- .covered { color: #000; background-color: #fff; }
- .notcovered { color: #fee; background-color: #500; }
- .excluded { color: #00f; background-color: #fff; }
- table .covered, table .notcovered, table .excluded
- { font-family: Andale Mono, monospace;
- font-size: 10pt; white-space: pre; }
- .lineno { background-color: #eee;}
- .notcovered .lineno { background-color: #000;}
- table { border-collapse: collapse;
- </style>
-<p>Coverage: %(pc)s%%</p>"""
-TEMPLATE_LOC_COVERED = """<tr class="covered">
- <td class="lineno">%s&nbsp;</td>
- <td>%s</td>
-TEMPLATE_LOC_NOT_COVERED = """<tr class="notcovered">
- <td class="lineno">%s&nbsp;</td>
- <td>%s</td>
-TEMPLATE_LOC_EXCLUDED = """<tr class="excluded">
- <td class="lineno">%s&nbsp;</td>
- <td>%s</td>
-TEMPLATE_ITEM = "%s%s<a class='file' href='report?name=%s' target='main'>%s</a>\n"
-def _percent(statements, missing):
- s = len(statements)
- e = s - len(missing)
- if s > 0:
- return int(round(100.0 * e / s))
- return 0
-def _show_branch(root, base, path, pct=0, showpct=False, exclude="",
- coverage=the_coverage):
- # Show the directory name and any of our children
- dirs = [k for k, v in root.items() if v]
- dirs.sort()
- for name in dirs:
- newpath = os.path.join(path, name)
- if newpath.lower().startswith(base):
- relpath = newpath[len(base):]
- yield "| " * relpath.count(os.sep)
- yield "<a class='directory' href='menu?base=%s&exclude=%s'>%s</a>\n" % \
- (newpath, quote_plus(exclude), name)
- for chunk in _show_branch(root[name], base, newpath, pct, showpct, exclude, coverage=coverage):
- yield chunk
- # Now list the files
- if path.lower().startswith(base):
- relpath = path[len(base):]
- files = [k for k, v in root.items() if not v]
- files.sort()
- for name in files:
- newpath = os.path.join(path, name)
- pc_str = ""
- if showpct:
- try:
- _, statements, _, missing, _ = coverage.analysis2(newpath)
- except:
- # Yes, we really want to pass on all errors.
- pass
- else:
- pc = _percent(statements, missing)
- pc_str = ("%3d%% " % pc).replace(' ','&nbsp;')
- if pc < float(pct) or pc == -1:
- pc_str = "<span class='fail'>%s</span>" % pc_str
- else:
- pc_str = "<span class='pass'>%s</span>" % pc_str
- yield TEMPLATE_ITEM % ("| " * (relpath.count(os.sep) + 1),
- pc_str, newpath, name)
-def _skip_file(path, exclude):
- if exclude:
- return bool(, path))
-def _graft(path, tree):
- d = tree
- p = path
- atoms = []
- while True:
- p, tail = os.path.split(p)
- if not tail:
- break
- atoms.append(tail)
- atoms.append(p)
- if p != "/":
- atoms.append("/")
- atoms.reverse()
- for node in atoms:
- if node:
- d = d.setdefault(node, {})
-def get_tree(base, exclude, coverage=the_coverage):
- """Return covered module names as a nested dict."""
- tree = {}
- runs =
- for path in runs:
- if not _skip_file(path, exclude) and not os.path.isdir(path):
- _graft(path, tree)
- return tree
-class CoverStats(object):
- def __init__(self, coverage, root=None):
- self.coverage = coverage
- if root is None:
- # Guess initial depth. Files outside this path will not be
- # reachable from the web interface.
- import cherrypy
- root = os.path.dirname(cherrypy.__file__)
- self.root = root
- def index(self):
- return TEMPLATE_FRAMESET % self.root.lower()
- = True
- def menu(self, base="/", pct="50", showpct="",
- exclude=r'python\d\.\d|test|tut\d|tutorial'):
- # The coverage module uses all-lower-case names.
- base = base.lower().rstrip(os.sep)
- yield TEMPLATE_FORM % locals()
- # Start by showing links for parent paths
- yield "<div id='crumbs'>"
- path = ""
- atoms = base.split(os.sep)
- atoms.pop()
- for atom in atoms:
- path += atom + os.sep
- yield ("<a href='menu?base=%s&exclude=%s'>%s</a> %s"
- % (path, quote_plus(exclude), atom, os.sep))
- yield "</div>"
- yield "<div id='tree'>"
- # Then display the tree
- tree = get_tree(base, exclude, self.coverage)
- if not tree:
- yield "<p>No modules covered.</p>"
- else:
- for chunk in _show_branch(tree, base, "/", pct,
- showpct=='checked', exclude, coverage=self.coverage):
- yield chunk
- yield "</div>"
- yield "</body></html>"
- = True
- def annotated_file(self, filename, statements, excluded, missing):
- source = open(filename, 'r')
- buffer = []
- for lineno, line in enumerate(source.readlines()):
- lineno += 1
- line = line.strip("\n\r")
- empty_the_buffer = True
- if lineno in excluded:
- elif lineno in missing:
- elif lineno in statements:
- else:
- empty_the_buffer = False
- buffer.append((lineno, line))
- if empty_the_buffer:
- for lno, pastline in buffer:
- yield template % (lno, cgi.escape(pastline))
- buffer = []
- yield template % (lineno, cgi.escape(line))
- def report(self, name):
- filename, statements, excluded, missing, _ = self.coverage.analysis2(name)
- pc = _percent(statements, missing)
- yield TEMPLATE_COVERAGE % dict(name=os.path.basename(name),
- fullpath=name,
- pc=pc)
- yield '<table>\n'
- for line in self.annotated_file(filename, statements, excluded,
- missing):
- yield line
- yield '</table>'
- yield '</body>'
- yield '</html>'
- = True
-def serve(path=localFile, port=8080, root=None):
- if coverage is None:
- raise ImportError("The coverage module could not be imported.")
- from coverage import coverage
- cov = coverage(data_file = path)
- cov.load()
- import cherrypy
- cherrypy.config.update({'server.socket_port': int(port),
- 'server.thread_pool': 10,
- 'environment': "production",
- })
- cherrypy.quickstart(CoverStats(cov, root))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- serve(*tuple(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/ b/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 79d5c3a..0000000
--- a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,661 +0,0 @@
-"""CPStats, a package for collecting and reporting on program statistics.
-Statistics about program operation are an invaluable monitoring and debugging
-tool. Unfortunately, the gathering and reporting of these critical values is
-usually ad-hoc. This package aims to add a centralized place for gathering
-statistical performance data, a structure for recording that data which
-provides for extrapolation of that data into more useful information,
-and a method of serving that data to both human investigators and
-monitoring software. Let's examine each of those in more detail.
-Data Gathering
-Just as Python's `logging` module provides a common importable for gathering
-and sending messages, performance statistics would benefit from a similar
-common mechanism, and one that does *not* require each package which wishes
-to collect stats to import a third-party module. Therefore, we choose to
-re-use the `logging` module by adding a `statistics` object to it.
-That `logging.statistics` object is a nested dict. It is not a custom class,
-because that would 1) require libraries and applications to import a third-
-party module in order to participate, 2) inhibit innovation in extrapolation
-approaches and in reporting tools, and 3) be slow. There are, however, some
-specifications regarding the structure of the dict.
- {
- +----"SQLAlchemy": {
- | "Inserts": 4389745,
- | "Inserts per Second":
- | lambda s: s["Inserts"] / (time() - s["Start"]),
- | C +---"Table Statistics": {
- | o | "widgets": {-----------+
- N | l | "Rows": 1.3M, | Record
- a | l | "Inserts": 400, |
- m | e | },---------------------+
- e | c | "froobles": {
- s | t | "Rows": 7845,
- p | i | "Inserts": 0,
- a | o | },
- c | n +---},
- e | "Slow Queries":
- | [{"Query": "SELECT * FROM widgets;",
- | "Processing Time": 47.840923343,
- | },
- | ],
- +----},
- }
-The `logging.statistics` dict has four levels. The topmost level is nothing
-more than a set of names to introduce modularity, usually along the lines of
-package names. If the SQLAlchemy project wanted to participate, for example,
-it might populate the item `logging.statistics['SQLAlchemy']`, whose value
-would be a second-layer dict we call a "namespace". Namespaces help multiple
-packages to avoid collisions over key names, and make reports easier to read,
-to boot. The maintainers of SQLAlchemy should feel free to use more than one
-namespace if needed (such as 'SQLAlchemy ORM'). Note that there are no case
-or other syntax constraints on the namespace names; they should be chosen
-to be maximally readable by humans (neither too short nor too long).
-Each namespace, then, is a dict of named statistical values, such as
-'Requests/sec' or 'Uptime'. You should choose names which will look
-good on a report: spaces and capitalization are just fine.
-In addition to scalars, values in a namespace MAY be a (third-layer)
-dict, or a list, called a "collection". For example, the CherryPy StatsTool
-keeps track of what each request is doing (or has most recently done)
-in a 'Requests' collection, where each key is a thread ID; each
-value in the subdict MUST be a fourth dict (whew!) of statistical data about
-each thread. We call each subdict in the collection a "record". Similarly,
-the StatsTool also keeps a list of slow queries, where each record contains
-data about each slow query, in order.
-Values in a namespace or record may also be functions, which brings us to:
-The collection of statistical data needs to be fast, as close to unnoticeable
-as possible to the host program. That requires us to minimize I/O, for example,
-but in Python it also means we need to minimize function calls. So when you
-are designing your namespace and record values, try to insert the most basic
-scalar values you already have on hand.
-When it comes time to report on the gathered data, however, we usually have
-much more freedom in what we can calculate. Therefore, whenever reporting
-tools (like the provided StatsPage CherryPy class) fetch the contents of
-`logging.statistics` for reporting, they first call `extrapolate_statistics`
-(passing the whole `statistics` dict as the only argument). This makes a
-deep copy of the statistics dict so that the reporting tool can both iterate
-over it and even change it without harming the original. But it also expands
-any functions in the dict by calling them. For example, you might have a
-'Current Time' entry in the namespace with the value "lambda scope: time.time()".
-The "scope" parameter is the current namespace dict (or record, if we're
-currently expanding one of those instead), allowing you access to existing
-static entries. If you're truly evil, you can even modify more than one entry
-at a time.
-However, don't try to calculate an entry and then use its value in further
-extrapolations; the order in which the functions are called is not guaranteed.
-This can lead to a certain amount of duplicated work (or a redesign of your
-schema), but that's better than complicating the spec.
-After the whole thing has been extrapolated, it's time for:
-The StatsPage class grabs the `logging.statistics` dict, extrapolates it all,
-and then transforms it to HTML for easy viewing. Each namespace gets its own
-header and attribute table, plus an extra table for each collection. This is
-NOT part of the statistics specification; other tools can format how they like.
-You can control which columns are output and how they are formatted by updating
-StatsPage.formatting, which is a dict that mirrors the keys and nesting of
-`logging.statistics`. The difference is that, instead of data values, it has
-formatting values. Use None for a given key to indicate to the StatsPage that a
-given column should not be output. Use a string with formatting (such as '%.3f')
-to interpolate the value(s), or use a callable (such as lambda v: v.isoformat())
-for more advanced formatting. Any entry which is not mentioned in the formatting
-dict is output unchanged.
-Although the HTML output takes pains to assign unique id's to each <td> with
-statistical data, you're probably better off fetching /cpstats/data, which
-outputs the whole (extrapolated) `logging.statistics` dict in JSON format.
-That is probably easier to parse, and doesn't have any formatting controls,
-so you get the "original" data in a consistently-serialized format.
-Note: there's no treatment yet for datetime objects. Try time.time() instead
-for now if you can. Nagios will probably thank you.
-Turning Collection Off
-It is recommended each namespace have an "Enabled" item which, if False,
-stops collection (but not reporting) of statistical data. Applications
-SHOULD provide controls to pause and resume collection by setting these
-entries to False or True, if present.
-To collect statistics on CherryPy applications:
- from cherrypy.lib import cpstats
- appconfig['/']['tools.cpstats.on'] = True
-To collect statistics on your own code:
- import logging
- # Initialize the repository
- if not hasattr(logging, 'statistics'): logging.statistics = {}
- # Initialize my namespace
- mystats = logging.statistics.setdefault('My Stuff', {})
- # Initialize my namespace's scalars and collections
- mystats.update({
- 'Enabled': True,
- 'Start Time': time.time(),
- 'Important Events': 0,
- 'Events/Second': lambda s: (
- (s['Important Events'] / (time.time() - s['Start Time']))),
- })
- ...
- for event in events:
- ...
- # Collect stats
- if mystats.get('Enabled', False):
- mystats['Important Events'] += 1
-To report statistics:
- root.cpstats = cpstats.StatsPage()
-To format statistics reports:
- See 'Reporting', above.
-# -------------------------------- Statistics -------------------------------- #
-import logging
-if not hasattr(logging, 'statistics'): logging.statistics = {}
-def extrapolate_statistics(scope):
- """Return an extrapolated copy of the given scope."""
- c = {}
- for k, v in list(scope.items()):
- if isinstance(v, dict):
- v = extrapolate_statistics(v)
- elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
- v = [extrapolate_statistics(record) for record in v]
- elif hasattr(v, '__call__'):
- v = v(scope)
- c[k] = v
- return c
-# --------------------- CherryPy Applications Statistics --------------------- #
-import threading
-import time
-import cherrypy
-appstats = logging.statistics.setdefault('CherryPy Applications', {})
- 'Enabled': True,
- 'Bytes Read/Request': lambda s: (s['Total Requests'] and
- (s['Total Bytes Read'] / float(s['Total Requests'])) or 0.0),
- 'Bytes Read/Second': lambda s: s['Total Bytes Read'] / s['Uptime'](s),
- 'Bytes Written/Request': lambda s: (s['Total Requests'] and
- (s['Total Bytes Written'] / float(s['Total Requests'])) or 0.0),
- 'Bytes Written/Second': lambda s: s['Total Bytes Written'] / s['Uptime'](s),
- 'Current Time': lambda s: time.time(),
- 'Current Requests': 0,
- 'Requests/Second': lambda s: float(s['Total Requests']) / s['Uptime'](s),
- 'Server Version': cherrypy.__version__,
- 'Start Time': time.time(),
- 'Total Bytes Read': 0,
- 'Total Bytes Written': 0,
- 'Total Requests': 0,
- 'Total Time': 0,
- 'Uptime': lambda s: time.time() - s['Start Time'],
- 'Requests': {},
- })
-proc_time = lambda s: time.time() - s['Start Time']
-class ByteCountWrapper(object):
- """Wraps a file-like object, counting the number of bytes read."""
- def __init__(self, rfile):
- self.rfile = rfile
- self.bytes_read = 0
- def read(self, size=-1):
- data =
- self.bytes_read += len(data)
- return data
- def readline(self, size=-1):
- data = self.rfile.readline(size)
- self.bytes_read += len(data)
- return data
- def readlines(self, sizehint=0):
- # Shamelessly stolen from StringIO
- total = 0
- lines = []
- line = self.readline()
- while line:
- lines.append(line)
- total += len(line)
- if 0 < sizehint <= total:
- break
- line = self.readline()
- return lines
- def close(self):
- self.rfile.close()
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def next(self):
- data =
- self.bytes_read += len(data)
- return data
-average_uriset_time = lambda s: s['Count'] and (s['Sum'] / s['Count']) or 0
-class StatsTool(cherrypy.Tool):
- """Record various information about the current request."""
- def __init__(self):
- cherrypy.Tool.__init__(self, 'on_end_request', self.record_stop)
- def _setup(self):
- """Hook this tool into cherrypy.request.
- The standard CherryPy request object will automatically call this
- method when the tool is "turned on" in config.
- """
- if appstats.get('Enabled', False):
- cherrypy.Tool._setup(self)
- self.record_start()
- def record_start(self):
- """Record the beginning of a request."""
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- if not hasattr(request.rfile, 'bytes_read'):
- request.rfile = ByteCountWrapper(request.rfile)
- request.body.fp = request.rfile
- r = request.remote
- appstats['Current Requests'] += 1
- appstats['Total Requests'] += 1
- appstats['Requests'][threading._get_ident()] = {
- 'Bytes Read': None,
- 'Bytes Written': None,
- # Use a lambda so the ip gets updated by tools.proxy later
- 'Client': lambda s: '%s:%s' % (r.ip, r.port),
- 'End Time': None,
- 'Processing Time': proc_time,
- 'Request-Line': request.request_line,
- 'Response Status': None,
- 'Start Time': time.time(),
- }
- def record_stop(self, uriset=None, slow_queries=1.0, slow_queries_count=100,
- debug=False, **kwargs):
- """Record the end of a request."""
- w = appstats['Requests'][threading._get_ident()]
- r = cherrypy.request.rfile.bytes_read
- w['Bytes Read'] = r
- appstats['Total Bytes Read'] += r
- if
- w['Bytes Written'] = 'chunked'
- else:
- cl = int(cherrypy.response.headers.get('Content-Length', 0))
- w['Bytes Written'] = cl
- appstats['Total Bytes Written'] += cl
- w['Response Status'] = cherrypy.response.status
- w['End Time'] = time.time()
- p = w['End Time'] - w['Start Time']
- w['Processing Time'] = p
- appstats['Total Time'] += p
- appstats['Current Requests'] -= 1
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Stats recorded: %s' % repr(w), 'TOOLS.CPSTATS')
- if uriset:
- rs = appstats.setdefault('URI Set Tracking', {})
- r = rs.setdefault(uriset, {
- 'Min': None, 'Max': None, 'Count': 0, 'Sum': 0,
- 'Avg': average_uriset_time})
- if r['Min'] is None or p < r['Min']:
- r['Min'] = p
- if r['Max'] is None or p > r['Max']:
- r['Max'] = p
- r['Count'] += 1
- r['Sum'] += p
- if slow_queries and p > slow_queries:
- sq = appstats.setdefault('Slow Queries', [])
- sq.append(w.copy())
- if len(sq) > slow_queries_count:
- sq.pop(0)
-import cherrypy = StatsTool()
-# ---------------------- CherryPy Statistics Reporting ---------------------- #
-import os
-thisdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
- import json
-except ImportError:
- try:
- import simplejson as json
- except ImportError:
- json = None
-missing = object()
-locale_date = lambda v: time.strftime('%c', time.gmtime(v))
-iso_format = lambda v: time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(v))
-def pause_resume(ns):
- def _pause_resume(enabled):
- pause_disabled = ''
- resume_disabled = ''
- if enabled:
- resume_disabled = 'disabled="disabled" '
- else:
- pause_disabled = 'disabled="disabled" '
- return """
- <form action="pause" method="POST" style="display:inline">
- <input type="hidden" name="namespace" value="%s" />
- <input type="submit" value="Pause" %s/>
- </form>
- <form action="resume" method="POST" style="display:inline">
- <input type="hidden" name="namespace" value="%s" />
- <input type="submit" value="Resume" %s/>
- </form>
- """ % (ns, pause_disabled, ns, resume_disabled)
- return _pause_resume
-class StatsPage(object):
- formatting = {
- 'CherryPy Applications': {
- 'Enabled': pause_resume('CherryPy Applications'),
- 'Bytes Read/Request': '%.3f',
- 'Bytes Read/Second': '%.3f',
- 'Bytes Written/Request': '%.3f',
- 'Bytes Written/Second': '%.3f',
- 'Current Time': iso_format,
- 'Requests/Second': '%.3f',
- 'Start Time': iso_format,
- 'Total Time': '%.3f',
- 'Uptime': '%.3f',
- 'Slow Queries': {
- 'End Time': None,
- 'Processing Time': '%.3f',
- 'Start Time': iso_format,
- },
- 'URI Set Tracking': {
- 'Avg': '%.3f',
- 'Max': '%.3f',
- 'Min': '%.3f',
- 'Sum': '%.3f',
- },
- 'Requests': {
- 'Bytes Read': '%s',
- 'Bytes Written': '%s',
- 'End Time': None,
- 'Processing Time': '%.3f',
- 'Start Time': None,
- },
- },
- 'CherryPy WSGIServer': {
- 'Enabled': pause_resume('CherryPy WSGIServer'),
- 'Connections/second': '%.3f',
- 'Start time': iso_format,
- },
- }
- def index(self):
- # Transform the raw data into pretty output for HTML
- yield """
- <title>Statistics</title>
-th, td {
- padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
- border: 1px solid #666699;
-table {
- border-collapse: collapse;
-table.stats1 {
- width: 100%;
-table.stats1 th {
- font-weight: bold;
- text-align: right;
- background-color: #CCD5DD;
-table.stats2, h2 {
- margin-left: 50px;
-table.stats2 th {
- font-weight: bold;
- text-align: center;
- background-color: #CCD5DD;
- for title, scalars, collections in self.get_namespaces():
- yield """
-<table class='stats1'>
- <tbody>
-""" % title
- for i, (key, value) in enumerate(scalars):
- colnum = i % 3
- if colnum == 0: yield """
- <tr>"""
- yield """
- <th>%(key)s</th><td id='%(title)s-%(key)s'>%(value)s</td>""" % vars()
- if colnum == 2: yield """
- </tr>"""
- if colnum == 0: yield """
- <th></th><td></td>
- <th></th><td></td>
- </tr>"""
- elif colnum == 1: yield """
- <th></th><td></td>
- </tr>"""
- yield """
- </tbody>
- for subtitle, headers, subrows in collections:
- yield """
-<table class='stats2'>
- <thead>
- <tr>""" % subtitle
- for key in headers:
- yield """
- <th>%s</th>""" % key
- yield """
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>"""
- for subrow in subrows:
- yield """
- <tr>"""
- for value in subrow:
- yield """
- <td>%s</td>""" % value
- yield """
- </tr>"""
- yield """
- </tbody>
- yield """
- = True
- def get_namespaces(self):
- """Yield (title, scalars, collections) for each namespace."""
- s = extrapolate_statistics(logging.statistics)
- for title, ns in sorted(s.items()):
- scalars = []
- collections = []
- ns_fmt = self.formatting.get(title, {})
- for k, v in sorted(ns.items()):
- fmt = ns_fmt.get(k, {})
- if isinstance(v, dict):
- headers, subrows = self.get_dict_collection(v, fmt)
- collections.append((k, ['ID'] + headers, subrows))
- elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
- headers, subrows = self.get_list_collection(v, fmt)
- collections.append((k, headers, subrows))
- else:
- format = ns_fmt.get(k, missing)
- if format is None:
- # Don't output this column.
- continue
- if hasattr(format, '__call__'):
- v = format(v)
- elif format is not missing:
- v = format % v
- scalars.append((k, v))
- yield title, scalars, collections
- def get_dict_collection(self, v, formatting):
- """Return ([headers], [rows]) for the given collection."""
- # E.g., the 'Requests' dict.
- headers = []
- for record in v.itervalues():
- for k3 in record:
- format = formatting.get(k3, missing)
- if format is None:
- # Don't output this column.
- continue
- if k3 not in headers:
- headers.append(k3)
- headers.sort()
- subrows = []
- for k2, record in sorted(v.items()):
- subrow = [k2]
- for k3 in headers:
- v3 = record.get(k3, '')
- format = formatting.get(k3, missing)
- if format is None:
- # Don't output this column.
- continue
- if hasattr(format, '__call__'):
- v3 = format(v3)
- elif format is not missing:
- v3 = format % v3
- subrow.append(v3)
- subrows.append(subrow)
- return headers, subrows
- def get_list_collection(self, v, formatting):
- """Return ([headers], [subrows]) for the given collection."""
- # E.g., the 'Slow Queries' list.
- headers = []
- for record in v:
- for k3 in record:
- format = formatting.get(k3, missing)
- if format is None:
- # Don't output this column.
- continue
- if k3 not in headers:
- headers.append(k3)
- headers.sort()
- subrows = []
- for record in v:
- subrow = []
- for k3 in headers:
- v3 = record.get(k3, '')
- format = formatting.get(k3, missing)
- if format is None:
- # Don't output this column.
- continue
- if hasattr(format, '__call__'):
- v3 = format(v3)
- elif format is not missing:
- v3 = format % v3
- subrow.append(v3)
- subrows.append(subrow)
- return headers, subrows
- if json is not None:
- def data(self):
- s = extrapolate_statistics(logging.statistics)
- cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
- return json.dumps(s, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
- = True
- def pause(self, namespace):
- logging.statistics.get(namespace, {})['Enabled'] = False
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('./')
- = True
- pause.cp_config = {'tools.allow.on': True,
- 'tools.allow.methods': ['POST']}
- def resume(self, namespace):
- logging.statistics.get(namespace, {})['Enabled'] = True
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('./')
- = True
- resume.cp_config = {'tools.allow.on': True,
- 'tools.allow.methods': ['POST']}
diff --git a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/ b/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3eedf97..0000000
--- a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
-"""Functions for builtin CherryPy tools."""
-import logging
-import re
-import cherrypy
-from cherrypy._cpcompat import basestring, ntob, md5, set
-from cherrypy.lib import httputil as _httputil
-# Conditional HTTP request support #
-def validate_etags(autotags=False, debug=False):
- """Validate the current ETag against If-Match, If-None-Match headers.
- If autotags is True, an ETag response-header value will be provided
- from an MD5 hash of the response body (unless some other code has
- already provided an ETag header). If False (the default), the ETag
- will not be automatic.
- WARNING: the autotags feature is not designed for URL's which allow
- methods other than GET. For example, if a POST to the same URL returns
- no content, the automatic ETag will be incorrect, breaking a fundamental
- use for entity tags in a possibly destructive fashion. Likewise, if you
- raise 304 Not Modified, the response body will be empty, the ETag hash
- will be incorrect, and your application will break.
- See :rfc:`2616` Section 14.24.
- """
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- # Guard against being run twice.
- if hasattr(response, "ETag"):
- return
- status, reason, msg = _httputil.valid_status(response.status)
- etag = response.headers.get('ETag')
- # Automatic ETag generation. See warning in docstring.
- if etag:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('ETag already set: %s' % etag, 'TOOLS.ETAGS')
- elif not autotags:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Autotags off', 'TOOLS.ETAGS')
- elif status != 200:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Status not 200', 'TOOLS.ETAGS')
- else:
- etag = response.collapse_body()
- etag = '"%s"' % md5(etag).hexdigest()
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Setting ETag: %s' % etag, 'TOOLS.ETAGS')
- response.headers['ETag'] = etag
- response.ETag = etag
- # "If the request would, without the If-Match header field, result in
- # anything other than a 2xx or 412 status, then the If-Match header
- # MUST be ignored."
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Status: %s' % status, 'TOOLS.ETAGS')
- if status >= 200 and status <= 299:
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- conditions = request.headers.elements('If-Match') or []
- conditions = [str(x) for x in conditions]
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('If-Match conditions: %s' % repr(conditions),
- if conditions and not (conditions == ["*"] or etag in conditions):
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(412, "If-Match failed: ETag %r did "
- "not match %r" % (etag, conditions))
- conditions = request.headers.elements('If-None-Match') or []
- conditions = [str(x) for x in conditions]
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('If-None-Match conditions: %s' % repr(conditions),
- if conditions == ["*"] or etag in conditions:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('request.method: %s' % request.method, 'TOOLS.ETAGS')
- if request.method in ("GET", "HEAD"):
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect([], 304)
- else:
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(412, "If-None-Match failed: ETag %r "
- "matched %r" % (etag, conditions))
-def validate_since():
- """Validate the current Last-Modified against If-Modified-Since headers.
- If no code has set the Last-Modified response header, then no validation
- will be performed.
- """
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- lastmod = response.headers.get('Last-Modified')
- if lastmod:
- status, reason, msg = _httputil.valid_status(response.status)
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- since = request.headers.get('If-Unmodified-Since')
- if since and since != lastmod:
- if (status >= 200 and status <= 299) or status == 412:
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(412)
- since = request.headers.get('If-Modified-Since')
- if since and since == lastmod:
- if (status >= 200 and status <= 299) or status == 304:
- if request.method in ("GET", "HEAD"):
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect([], 304)
- else:
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(412)
-# Tool code #
-def allow(methods=None, debug=False):
- """Raise 405 if request.method not in methods (default GET/HEAD).
- The given methods are case-insensitive, and may be in any order.
- If only one method is allowed, you may supply a single string;
- if more than one, supply a list of strings.
- Regardless of whether the current method is allowed or not, this
- also emits an 'Allow' response header, containing the given methods.
- """
- if not isinstance(methods, (tuple, list)):
- methods = [methods]
- methods = [m.upper() for m in methods if m]
- if not methods:
- methods = ['GET', 'HEAD']
- elif 'GET' in methods and 'HEAD' not in methods:
- methods.append('HEAD')
- cherrypy.response.headers['Allow'] = ', '.join(methods)
- if cherrypy.request.method not in methods:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('request.method %r not in methods %r' %
- (cherrypy.request.method, methods), 'TOOLS.ALLOW')
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(405)
- else:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('request.method %r in methods %r' %
- (cherrypy.request.method, methods), 'TOOLS.ALLOW')
-def proxy(base=None, local='X-Forwarded-Host', remote='X-Forwarded-For',
- scheme='X-Forwarded-Proto', debug=False):
- """Change the base URL (scheme://host[:port][/path]).
- For running a CP server behind Apache, lighttpd, or other HTTP server.
- If you want the new request.base to include path info (not just the host),
- you must explicitly set base to the full base path, and ALSO set 'local'
- to '', so that the X-Forwarded-Host request header (which never includes
- path info) does not override it. Regardless, the value for 'base' MUST
- NOT end in a slash.
- cherrypy.request.remote.ip (the IP address of the client) will be
- rewritten if the header specified by the 'remote' arg is valid.
- By default, 'remote' is set to 'X-Forwarded-For'. If you do not
- want to rewrite remote.ip, set the 'remote' arg to an empty string.
- """
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- if scheme:
- s = request.headers.get(scheme, None)
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Testing scheme %r:%r' % (scheme, s), 'TOOLS.PROXY')
- if s == 'on' and 'ssl' in scheme.lower():
- # This handles e.g. webfaction's 'X-Forwarded-Ssl: on' header
- scheme = 'https'
- else:
- # This is for lighttpd/pound/Mongrel's 'X-Forwarded-Proto: https'
- scheme = s
- if not scheme:
- scheme = request.base[:request.base.find("://")]
- if local:
- lbase = request.headers.get(local, None)
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Testing local %r:%r' % (local, lbase), 'TOOLS.PROXY')
- if lbase is not None:
- base = lbase.split(',')[0]
- if not base:
- port = request.local.port
- if port == 80:
- base = ''
- else:
- base = '' % port
- if base.find("://") == -1:
- # add http:// or https:// if needed
- base = scheme + "://" + base
- request.base = base
- if remote:
- xff = request.headers.get(remote)
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Testing remote %r:%r' % (remote, xff), 'TOOLS.PROXY')
- if xff:
- if remote == 'X-Forwarded-For':
- # See
- xff = xff.split(',')[-1].strip()
- request.remote.ip = xff
-def ignore_headers(headers=('Range',), debug=False):
- """Delete request headers whose field names are included in 'headers'.
- This is a useful tool for working behind certain HTTP servers;
- for example, Apache duplicates the work that CP does for 'Range'
- headers, and will doubly-truncate the response.
- """
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- for name in headers:
- if name in request.headers:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Ignoring request header %r' % name,
- del request.headers[name]
-def response_headers(headers=None, debug=False):
- """Set headers on the response."""
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Setting response headers: %s' % repr(headers),
- for name, value in (headers or []):
- cherrypy.serving.response.headers[name] = value
-response_headers.failsafe = True
-def referer(pattern, accept=True, accept_missing=False, error=403,
- message='Forbidden Referer header.', debug=False):
- """Raise HTTPError if Referer header does/does not match the given pattern.
- pattern
- A regular expression pattern to test against the Referer.
- accept
- If True, the Referer must match the pattern; if False,
- the Referer must NOT match the pattern.
- accept_missing
- If True, permit requests with no Referer header.
- error
- The HTTP error code to return to the client on failure.
- message
- A string to include in the response body on failure.
- """
- try:
- ref = cherrypy.serving.request.headers['Referer']
- match = bool(re.match(pattern, ref))
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Referer %r matches %r' % (ref, pattern),
- if accept == match:
- return
- except KeyError:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('No Referer header', 'TOOLS.REFERER')
- if accept_missing:
- return
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(error, message)
-class SessionAuth(object):
- """Assert that the user is logged in."""
- session_key = "username"
- debug = False
- def check_username_and_password(self, username, password):
- pass
- def anonymous(self):
- """Provide a temporary user name for anonymous users."""
- pass
- def on_login(self, username):
- pass
- def on_logout(self, username):
- pass
- def on_check(self, username):
- pass
- def login_screen(self, from_page='..', username='', error_msg='', **kwargs):
- return ntob("""<html><body>
-Message: %(error_msg)s
-<form method="post" action="do_login">
- Login: <input type="text" name="username" value="%(username)s" size="10" /><br />
- Password: <input type="password" name="password" size="10" /><br />
- <input type="hidden" name="from_page" value="%(from_page)s" /><br />
- <input type="submit" />
-</body></html>""" % {'from_page': from_page, 'username': username,
- 'error_msg': error_msg}, "utf-8")
- def do_login(self, username, password, from_page='..', **kwargs):
- """Login. May raise redirect, or return True if request handled."""
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- error_msg = self.check_username_and_password(username, password)
- if error_msg:
- body = self.login_screen(from_page, username, error_msg)
- response.body = body
- if "Content-Length" in response.headers:
- # Delete Content-Length header so finalize() recalcs it.
- del response.headers["Content-Length"]
- return True
- else:
- cherrypy.serving.request.login = username
- cherrypy.session[self.session_key] = username
- self.on_login(username)
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(from_page or "/")
- def do_logout(self, from_page='..', **kwargs):
- """Logout. May raise redirect, or return True if request handled."""
- sess = cherrypy.session
- username = sess.get(self.session_key)
- sess[self.session_key] = None
- if username:
- cherrypy.serving.request.login = None
- self.on_logout(username)
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(from_page)
- def do_check(self):
- """Assert username. May raise redirect, or return True if request handled."""
- sess = cherrypy.session
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- username = sess.get(self.session_key)
- if not username:
- sess[self.session_key] = username = self.anonymous()
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('No session[username], trying anonymous', 'TOOLS.SESSAUTH')
- if not username:
- url = cherrypy.url(qs=request.query_string)
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('No username, routing to login_screen with '
- 'from_page %r' % url, 'TOOLS.SESSAUTH')
- response.body = self.login_screen(url)
- if "Content-Length" in response.headers:
- # Delete Content-Length header so finalize() recalcs it.
- del response.headers["Content-Length"]
- return True
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('Setting request.login to %r' % username, 'TOOLS.SESSAUTH')
- request.login = username
- self.on_check(username)
- def run(self):
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- path = request.path_info
- if path.endswith('login_screen'):
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('routing %r to login_screen' % path, 'TOOLS.SESSAUTH')
- return self.login_screen(**request.params)
- elif path.endswith('do_login'):
- if request.method != 'POST':
- response.headers['Allow'] = "POST"
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('do_login requires POST', 'TOOLS.SESSAUTH')
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(405)
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('routing %r to do_login' % path, 'TOOLS.SESSAUTH')
- return self.do_login(**request.params)
- elif path.endswith('do_logout'):
- if request.method != 'POST':
- response.headers['Allow'] = "POST"
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(405)
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('routing %r to do_logout' % path, 'TOOLS.SESSAUTH')
- return self.do_logout(**request.params)
- else:
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('No special path, running do_check', 'TOOLS.SESSAUTH')
- return self.do_check()
-def session_auth(**kwargs):
- sa = SessionAuth()
- for k, v in kwargs.items():
- setattr(sa, k, v)
- return
-session_auth.__doc__ = """Session authentication hook.
-Any attribute of the SessionAuth class may be overridden via a keyword arg
-to this function:
-""" + "\n".join(["%s: %s" % (k, type(getattr(SessionAuth, k)).__name__)
- for k in dir(SessionAuth) if not k.startswith("__")])
-def log_traceback(severity=logging.ERROR, debug=False):
- """Write the last error's traceback to the cherrypy error log."""
- cherrypy.log("", "HTTP", severity=severity, traceback=True)
-def log_request_headers(debug=False):
- """Write request headers to the cherrypy error log."""
- h = [" %s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in cherrypy.serving.request.header_list]
- cherrypy.log('\nRequest Headers:\n' + '\n'.join(h), "HTTP")
-def log_hooks(debug=False):
- """Write request.hooks to the cherrypy error log."""
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- msg = []
- # Sort by the standard points if possible.
- from cherrypy import _cprequest
- points = _cprequest.hookpoints
- for k in request.hooks.keys():
- if k not in points:
- points.append(k)
- for k in points:
- msg.append(" %s:" % k)
- v = request.hooks.get(k, [])
- v.sort()
- for h in v:
- msg.append(" %r" % h)
- cherrypy.log('\nRequest Hooks for ' + cherrypy.url() +
- ':\n' + '\n'.join(msg), "HTTP")
-def redirect(url='', internal=True, debug=False):
- """Raise InternalRedirect or HTTPRedirect to the given url."""
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Redirecting %sto: %s' %
- ({True: 'internal ', False: ''}[internal], url),
- if internal:
- raise cherrypy.InternalRedirect(url)
- else:
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(url)
-def trailing_slash(missing=True, extra=False, status=None, debug=False):
- """Redirect if path_info has (missing|extra) trailing slash."""
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- pi = request.path_info
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('is_index: %r, missing: %r, extra: %r, path_info: %r' %
- (request.is_index, missing, extra, pi),
- if request.is_index is True:
- if missing:
- if not pi.endswith('/'):
- new_url = cherrypy.url(pi + '/', request.query_string)
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(new_url, status=status or 301)
- elif request.is_index is False:
- if extra:
- # If pi == '/', don't redirect to ''!
- if pi.endswith('/') and pi != '/':
- new_url = cherrypy.url(pi[:-1], request.query_string)
- raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(new_url, status=status or 301)
-def flatten(debug=False):
- """Wrap response.body in a generator that recursively iterates over body.
- This allows cherrypy.response.body to consist of 'nested generators';
- that is, a set of generators that yield generators.
- """
- import types
- def flattener(input):
- numchunks = 0
- for x in input:
- if not isinstance(x, types.GeneratorType):
- numchunks += 1
- yield x
- else:
- for y in flattener(x):
- numchunks += 1
- yield y
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Flattened %d chunks' % numchunks, 'TOOLS.FLATTEN')
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- response.body = flattener(response.body)
-def accept(media=None, debug=False):
- """Return the client's preferred media-type (from the given Content-Types).
- If 'media' is None (the default), no test will be performed.
- If 'media' is provided, it should be the Content-Type value (as a string)
- or values (as a list or tuple of strings) which the current resource
- can emit. The client's acceptable media ranges (as declared in the
- Accept request header) will be matched in order to these Content-Type
- values; the first such string is returned. That is, the return value
- will always be one of the strings provided in the 'media' arg (or None
- if 'media' is None).
- If no match is found, then HTTPError 406 (Not Acceptable) is raised.
- Note that most web browsers send */* as a (low-quality) acceptable
- media range, which should match any Content-Type. In addition, "...if
- no Accept header field is present, then it is assumed that the client
- accepts all media types."
- Matching types are checked in order of client preference first,
- and then in the order of the given 'media' values.
- Note that this function does not honor accept-params (other than "q").
- """
- if not media:
- return
- if isinstance(media, basestring):
- media = [media]
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- # Parse the Accept request header, and try to match one
- # of the requested media-ranges (in order of preference).
- ranges = request.headers.elements('Accept')
- if not ranges:
- # Any media type is acceptable.
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('No Accept header elements', 'TOOLS.ACCEPT')
- return media[0]
- else:
- # Note that 'ranges' is sorted in order of preference
- for element in ranges:
- if element.qvalue > 0:
- if element.value == "*/*":
- # Matches any type or subtype
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Match due to */*', 'TOOLS.ACCEPT')
- return media[0]
- elif element.value.endswith("/*"):
- # Matches any subtype
- mtype = element.value[:-1] # Keep the slash
- for m in media:
- if m.startswith(mtype):
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Match due to %s' % element.value,
- return m
- else:
- # Matches exact value
- if element.value in media:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Match due to %s' % element.value,
- return element.value
- # No suitable media-range found.
- ah = request.headers.get('Accept')
- if ah is None:
- msg = "Your client did not send an Accept header."
- else:
- msg = "Your client sent this Accept header: %s." % ah
- msg += (" But this resource only emits these media types: %s." %
- ", ".join(media))
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(406, msg)
-class MonitoredHeaderMap(_httputil.HeaderMap):
- def __init__(self):
- self.accessed_headers = set()
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- self.accessed_headers.add(key)
- return _httputil.HeaderMap.__getitem__(self, key)
- def __contains__(self, key):
- self.accessed_headers.add(key)
- return _httputil.HeaderMap.__contains__(self, key)
- def get(self, key, default=None):
- self.accessed_headers.add(key)
- return _httputil.HeaderMap.get(self, key, default=default)
- def has_key(self, key):
- self.accessed_headers.add(key)
- return _httputil.HeaderMap.has_key(self, key)
-def autovary(ignore=None, debug=False):
- """Auto-populate the Vary response header based on request.header access."""
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- req_h = request.headers
- request.headers = MonitoredHeaderMap()
- request.headers.update(req_h)
- if ignore is None:
- ignore = set(['Content-Disposition', 'Content-Length', 'Content-Type'])
- def set_response_header():
- resp_h = cherrypy.serving.response.headers
- v = set([e.value for e in resp_h.elements('Vary')])
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Accessed headers: %s' % request.headers.accessed_headers,
- v = v.union(request.headers.accessed_headers)
- v = v.difference(ignore)
- v = list(v)
- v.sort()
- resp_h['Vary'] = ', '.join(v)
- request.hooks.attach('before_finalize', set_response_header, 95)
diff --git a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/ b/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6459746..0000000
--- a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-import struct
-import time
-import cherrypy
-from cherrypy._cpcompat import basestring, BytesIO, ntob, set, unicodestr
-from cherrypy.lib import file_generator
-from cherrypy.lib import set_vary_header
-def decode(encoding=None, default_encoding='utf-8'):
- """Replace or extend the list of charsets used to decode a request entity.
- Either argument may be a single string or a list of strings.
- encoding
- If not None, restricts the set of charsets attempted while decoding
- a request entity to the given set (even if a different charset is given in
- the Content-Type request header).
- default_encoding
- Only in effect if the 'encoding' argument is not given.
- If given, the set of charsets attempted while decoding a request entity is
- *extended* with the given value(s).
- """
- body = cherrypy.request.body
- if encoding is not None:
- if not isinstance(encoding, list):
- encoding = [encoding]
- body.attempt_charsets = encoding
- elif default_encoding:
- if not isinstance(default_encoding, list):
- default_encoding = [default_encoding]
- body.attempt_charsets = body.attempt_charsets + default_encoding
-class ResponseEncoder:
- default_encoding = 'utf-8'
- failmsg = "Response body could not be encoded with %r."
- encoding = None
- errors = 'strict'
- text_only = True
- add_charset = True
- debug = False
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- for k, v in kwargs.items():
- setattr(self, k, v)
- self.attempted_charsets = set()
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- if request.handler is not None:
- # Replace request.handler with self
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('Replacing request.handler', 'TOOLS.ENCODE')
- self.oldhandler = request.handler
- request.handler = self
- def encode_stream(self, encoding):
- """Encode a streaming response body.
- Use a generator wrapper, and just pray it works as the stream is
- being written out.
- """
- if encoding in self.attempted_charsets:
- return False
- self.attempted_charsets.add(encoding)
- def encoder(body):
- for chunk in body:
- if isinstance(chunk, unicodestr):
- chunk = chunk.encode(encoding, self.errors)
- yield chunk
- self.body = encoder(self.body)
- return True
- def encode_string(self, encoding):
- """Encode a buffered response body."""
- if encoding in self.attempted_charsets:
- return False
- self.attempted_charsets.add(encoding)
- try:
- body = []
- for chunk in self.body:
- if isinstance(chunk, unicodestr):
- chunk = chunk.encode(encoding, self.errors)
- body.append(chunk)
- self.body = body
- except (LookupError, UnicodeError):
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def find_acceptable_charset(self):
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log(' %r' %, 'TOOLS.ENCODE')
- if
- encoder = self.encode_stream
- else:
- encoder = self.encode_string
- if "Content-Length" in response.headers:
- # Delete Content-Length header so finalize() recalcs it.
- # Encoded strings may be of different lengths from their
- # unicode equivalents, and even from each other. For example:
- # >>> t = u"\u7007\u3040"
- # >>> len(t)
- # 2
- # >>> len(t.encode("UTF-8"))
- # 6
- # >>> len(t.encode("utf7"))
- # 8
- del response.headers["Content-Length"]
- # Parse the Accept-Charset request header, and try to provide one
- # of the requested charsets (in order of user preference).
- encs = request.headers.elements('Accept-Charset')
- charsets = [enc.value.lower() for enc in encs]
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('charsets %s' % repr(charsets), 'TOOLS.ENCODE')
- if self.encoding is not None:
- # If specified, force this encoding to be used, or fail.
- encoding = self.encoding.lower()
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('Specified encoding %r' % encoding, 'TOOLS.ENCODE')
- if (not charsets) or "*" in charsets or encoding in charsets:
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('Attempting encoding %r' % encoding, 'TOOLS.ENCODE')
- if encoder(encoding):
- return encoding
- else:
- if not encs:
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('Attempting default encoding %r' %
- self.default_encoding, 'TOOLS.ENCODE')
- # Any character-set is acceptable.
- if encoder(self.default_encoding):
- return self.default_encoding
- else:
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(500, self.failmsg % self.default_encoding)
- else:
- for element in encs:
- if element.qvalue > 0:
- if element.value == "*":
- # Matches any charset. Try our default.
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('Attempting default encoding due '
- 'to %r' % element, 'TOOLS.ENCODE')
- if encoder(self.default_encoding):
- return self.default_encoding
- else:
- encoding = element.value
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('Attempting encoding %s (qvalue >'
- '0)' % element, 'TOOLS.ENCODE')
- if encoder(encoding):
- return encoding
- if "*" not in charsets:
- # If no "*" is present in an Accept-Charset field, then all
- # character sets not explicitly mentioned get a quality
- # value of 0, except for ISO-8859-1, which gets a quality
- # value of 1 if not explicitly mentioned.
- iso = 'iso-8859-1'
- if iso not in charsets:
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('Attempting ISO-8859-1 encoding',
- if encoder(iso):
- return iso
- # No suitable encoding found.
- ac = request.headers.get('Accept-Charset')
- if ac is None:
- msg = "Your client did not send an Accept-Charset header."
- else:
- msg = "Your client sent this Accept-Charset header: %s." % ac
- msg += " We tried these charsets: %s." % ", ".join(self.attempted_charsets)
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(406, msg)
- def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- self.body = self.oldhandler(*args, **kwargs)
- if isinstance(self.body, basestring):
- # strings get wrapped in a list because iterating over a single
- # item list is much faster than iterating over every character
- # in a long string.
- if self.body:
- self.body = [self.body]
- else:
- # [''] doesn't evaluate to False, so replace it with [].
- self.body = []
- elif hasattr(self.body, 'read'):
- self.body = file_generator(self.body)
- elif self.body is None:
- self.body = []
- ct = response.headers.elements("Content-Type")
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('Content-Type: %r' % [str(h) for h in ct], 'TOOLS.ENCODE')
- if ct:
- ct = ct[0]
- if self.text_only:
- if ct.value.lower().startswith("text/"):
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('Content-Type %s starts with "text/"' % ct,
- do_find = True
- else:
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('Not finding because Content-Type %s does '
- 'not start with "text/"' % ct,
- do_find = False
- else:
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('Finding because not text_only', 'TOOLS.ENCODE')
- do_find = True
- if do_find:
- # Set "charset=..." param on response Content-Type header
- ct.params['charset'] = self.find_acceptable_charset()
- if self.add_charset:
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('Setting Content-Type %s' % ct,
- response.headers["Content-Type"] = str(ct)
- return self.body
-def compress(body, compress_level):
- """Compress 'body' at the given compress_level."""
- import zlib
- # See
- yield ntob('\x1f\x8b') # ID1 and ID2: gzip marker
- yield ntob('\x08') # CM: compression method
- yield ntob('\x00') # FLG: none set
- # MTIME: 4 bytes
- yield struct.pack("<L", int(time.time()) & int('FFFFFFFF', 16))
- yield ntob('\x02') # XFL: max compression, slowest algo
- yield ntob('\xff') # OS: unknown
- crc = zlib.crc32(ntob(""))
- size = 0
- zobj = zlib.compressobj(compress_level,
- zlib.DEFLATED, -zlib.MAX_WBITS,
- zlib.DEF_MEM_LEVEL, 0)
- for line in body:
- size += len(line)
- crc = zlib.crc32(line, crc)
- yield zobj.compress(line)
- yield zobj.flush()
- # CRC32: 4 bytes
- yield struct.pack("<L", crc & int('FFFFFFFF', 16))
- # ISIZE: 4 bytes
- yield struct.pack("<L", size & int('FFFFFFFF', 16))
-def decompress(body):
- import gzip
- zbuf = BytesIO()
- zbuf.write(body)
- zfile = gzip.GzipFile(mode='rb', fileobj=zbuf)
- data =
- zfile.close()
- return data
-def gzip(compress_level=5, mime_types=['text/html', 'text/plain'], debug=False):
- """Try to gzip the response body if Content-Type in mime_types.
- cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] must be set to one of the
- values in the mime_types arg before calling this function.
- The provided list of mime-types must be of one of the following form:
- * type/subtype
- * type/*
- * type/*+subtype
- No compression is performed if any of the following hold:
- * The client sends no Accept-Encoding request header
- * No 'gzip' or 'x-gzip' is present in the Accept-Encoding header
- * No 'gzip' or 'x-gzip' with a qvalue > 0 is present
- * The 'identity' value is given with a qvalue > 0.
- """
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- set_vary_header(response, "Accept-Encoding")
- if not response.body:
- # Response body is empty (might be a 304 for instance)
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('No response body', context='TOOLS.GZIP')
- return
- # If returning cached content (which should already have been gzipped),
- # don't re-zip.
- if getattr(request, "cached", False):
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Not gzipping cached response', context='TOOLS.GZIP')
- return
- acceptable = request.headers.elements('Accept-Encoding')
- if not acceptable:
- # If no Accept-Encoding field is present in a request,
- # the server MAY assume that the client will accept any
- # content coding. In this case, if "identity" is one of
- # the available content-codings, then the server SHOULD use
- # the "identity" content-coding, unless it has additional
- # information that a different content-coding is meaningful
- # to the client.
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('No Accept-Encoding', context='TOOLS.GZIP')
- return
- ct = response.headers.get('Content-Type', '').split(';')[0]
- for coding in acceptable:
- if coding.value == 'identity' and coding.qvalue != 0:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Non-zero identity qvalue: %s' % coding,
- context='TOOLS.GZIP')
- return
- if coding.value in ('gzip', 'x-gzip'):
- if coding.qvalue == 0:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Zero gzip qvalue: %s' % coding,
- context='TOOLS.GZIP')
- return
- if ct not in mime_types:
- # If the list of provided mime-types contains tokens
- # such as 'text/*' or 'application/*+xml',
- # we go through them and find the most appropriate one
- # based on the given content-type.
- # The pattern matching is only caring about the most
- # common cases, as stated above, and doesn't support
- # for extra parameters.
- found = False
- if '/' in ct:
- ct_media_type, ct_sub_type = ct.split('/')
- for mime_type in mime_types:
- if '/' in mime_type:
- media_type, sub_type = mime_type.split('/')
- if ct_media_type == media_type:
- if sub_type == '*':
- found = True
- break
- elif '+' in sub_type and '+' in ct_sub_type:
- ct_left, ct_right = ct_sub_type.split('+')
- left, right = sub_type.split('+')
- if left == '*' and ct_right == right:
- found = True
- break
- if not found:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Content-Type %s not in mime_types %r' %
- (ct, mime_types), context='TOOLS.GZIP')
- return
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Gzipping', context='TOOLS.GZIP')
- # Return a generator that compresses the page
- response.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip'
- response.body = compress(response.body, compress_level)
- if "Content-Length" in response.headers:
- # Delete Content-Length header so finalize() recalcs it.
- del response.headers["Content-Length"]
- return
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('No acceptable encoding found.', context='GZIP')
- cherrypy.HTTPError(406, "identity, gzip").set_response()
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-import warnings
-warnings.warn('cherrypy.lib.http has been deprecated and will be removed '
- 'in CherryPy 3.3 use cherrypy.lib.httputil instead.',
- DeprecationWarning)
-from cherrypy.lib.httputil import *
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-This module defines functions to implement HTTP Digest Authentication (:rfc:`2617`).
-This has full compliance with 'Digest' and 'Basic' authentication methods. In
-'Digest' it supports both MD5 and MD5-sess algorithms.
- First use 'doAuth' to request the client authentication for a
- certain resource. You should send an httplib.UNAUTHORIZED response to the
- client so he knows he has to authenticate itself.
- Then use 'parseAuthorization' to retrieve the 'auth_map' used in
- 'checkResponse'.
- To use 'checkResponse' you must have already verified the password associated
- with the 'username' key in 'auth_map' dict. Then you use the 'checkResponse'
- function to verify if the password matches the one sent by the client.
-SUPPORTED_ALGORITHM - list of supported 'Digest' algorithms
-SUPPORTED_QOP - list of supported 'Digest' 'qop'.
-__version__ = 1, 0, 1
-__author__ = "Tiago Cogumbreiro <>"
-__credits__ = """
- Peter van Kampen for its recipe which implement most of Digest authentication:
-__license__ = """
-Copyright (c) 2005, Tiago Cogumbreiro <>
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of Sylvain Hellegouarch nor the names of his contributors
- may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- without specific prior written permission.
-__all__ = ("digestAuth", "basicAuth", "doAuth", "checkResponse",
- "parseAuthorization", "SUPPORTED_ALGORITHM", "md5SessionKey",
- "calculateNonce", "SUPPORTED_QOP")
-import time
-from cherrypy._cpcompat import base64_decode, ntob, md5
-from cherrypy._cpcompat import parse_http_list, parse_keqv_list
-MD5 = "MD5"
-MD5_SESS = "MD5-sess"
-AUTH = "auth"
-AUTH_INT = "auth-int"
-# doAuth
- MD5: lambda val: md5(ntob(val)).hexdigest(),
- MD5_SESS: lambda val: md5(ntob(val)).hexdigest(),
-# SHA: lambda val: (),
-def calculateNonce (realm, algorithm = MD5):
- """This is an auxaliary function that calculates 'nonce' value. It is used
- to handle sessions."""
- assert algorithm in SUPPORTED_ALGORITHM
- try:
- encoder = DIGEST_AUTH_ENCODERS[algorithm]
- except KeyError:
- raise NotImplementedError ("The chosen algorithm (%s) does not have "\
- "an implementation yet" % algorithm)
- return encoder ("%d:%s" % (time.time(), realm))
-def digestAuth (realm, algorithm = MD5, nonce = None, qop = AUTH):
- """Challenges the client for a Digest authentication."""
- assert algorithm in SUPPORTED_ALGORITHM
- assert qop in SUPPORTED_QOP
- if nonce is None:
- nonce = calculateNonce (realm, algorithm)
- return 'Digest realm="%s", nonce="%s", algorithm="%s", qop="%s"' % (
- realm, nonce, algorithm, qop
- )
-def basicAuth (realm):
- """Challengenes the client for a Basic authentication."""
- assert '"' not in realm, "Realms cannot contain the \" (quote) character."
- return 'Basic realm="%s"' % realm
-def doAuth (realm):
- """'doAuth' function returns the challenge string b giving priority over
- Digest and fallback to Basic authentication when the browser doesn't
- support the first one.
- This should be set in the HTTP header under the key 'WWW-Authenticate'."""
- return digestAuth (realm) + " " + basicAuth (realm)
-# Parse authorization parameters
-def _parseDigestAuthorization (auth_params):
- # Convert the auth params to a dict
- items = parse_http_list(auth_params)
- params = parse_keqv_list(items)
- # Now validate the params
- # Check for required parameters
- required = ["username", "realm", "nonce", "uri", "response"]
- for k in required:
- if k not in params:
- return None
- # If qop is sent then cnonce and nc MUST be present
- if "qop" in params and not ("cnonce" in params \
- and "nc" in params):
- return None
- # If qop is not sent, neither cnonce nor nc can be present
- if ("cnonce" in params or "nc" in params) and \
- "qop" not in params:
- return None
- return params
-def _parseBasicAuthorization (auth_params):
- username, password = base64_decode(auth_params).split(":", 1)
- return {"username": username, "password": password}
- "basic": _parseBasicAuthorization,
- "digest": _parseDigestAuthorization,
-def parseAuthorization (credentials):
- """parseAuthorization will convert the value of the 'Authorization' key in
- the HTTP header to a map itself. If the parsing fails 'None' is returned.
- """
- auth_scheme, auth_params = credentials.split(" ", 1)
- auth_scheme = auth_scheme.lower ()
- parser = AUTH_SCHEMES[auth_scheme]
- params = parser (auth_params)
- if params is None:
- return
- assert "auth_scheme" not in params
- params["auth_scheme"] = auth_scheme
- return params
-# Check provided response for a valid password
-def md5SessionKey (params, password):
- """
- If the "algorithm" directive's value is "MD5-sess", then A1
- [the session key] is calculated only once - on the first request by the
- client following receipt of a WWW-Authenticate challenge from the server.
- This creates a 'session key' for the authentication of subsequent
- requests and responses which is different for each "authentication
- session", thus limiting the amount of material hashed with any one
- key.
- Because the server need only use the hash of the user
- credentials in order to create the A1 value, this construction could
- be used in conjunction with a third party authentication service so
- that the web server would not need the actual password value. The
- specification of such a protocol is beyond the scope of this
- specification.
- keys = ("username", "realm", "nonce", "cnonce")
- params_copy = {}
- for key in keys:
- params_copy[key] = params[key]
- params_copy["algorithm"] = MD5_SESS
- return _A1 (params_copy, password)
-def _A1(params, password):
- algorithm = params.get ("algorithm", MD5)
- if algorithm == MD5:
- # If the "algorithm" directive's value is "MD5" or is
- # unspecified, then A1 is:
- # A1 = unq(username-value) ":" unq(realm-value) ":" passwd
- return "%s:%s:%s" % (params["username"], params["realm"], password)
- elif algorithm == MD5_SESS:
- # This is A1 if qop is set
- # A1 = H( unq(username-value) ":" unq(realm-value) ":" passwd )
- # ":" unq(nonce-value) ":" unq(cnonce-value)
- h_a1 = H ("%s:%s:%s" % (params["username"], params["realm"], password))
- return "%s:%s:%s" % (h_a1, params["nonce"], params["cnonce"])
-def _A2(params, method, kwargs):
- # If the "qop" directive's value is "auth" or is unspecified, then A2 is:
- # A2 = Method ":" digest-uri-value
- qop = params.get ("qop", "auth")
- if qop == "auth":
- return method + ":" + params["uri"]
- elif qop == "auth-int":
- # If the "qop" value is "auth-int", then A2 is:
- # A2 = Method ":" digest-uri-value ":" H(entity-body)
- entity_body = kwargs.get ("entity_body", "")
- H = kwargs["H"]
- return "%s:%s:%s" % (
- method,
- params["uri"],
- H(entity_body)
- )
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError ("The 'qop' method is unknown: %s" % qop)
-def _computeDigestResponse(auth_map, password, method = "GET", A1 = None,**kwargs):
- """
- Generates a response respecting the algorithm defined in RFC 2617
- """
- params = auth_map
- algorithm = params.get ("algorithm", MD5)
- KD = lambda secret, data: H(secret + ":" + data)
- qop = params.get ("qop", None)
- H_A2 = H(_A2(params, method, kwargs))
- if algorithm == MD5_SESS and A1 is not None:
- H_A1 = H(A1)
- else:
- H_A1 = H(_A1(params, password))
- if qop in ("auth", "auth-int"):
- # If the "qop" value is "auth" or "auth-int":
- # request-digest = <"> < KD ( H(A1), unq(nonce-value)
- # ":" nc-value
- # ":" unq(cnonce-value)
- # ":" unq(qop-value)
- # ":" H(A2)
- # ) <">
- request = "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (
- params["nonce"],
- params["nc"],
- params["cnonce"],
- params["qop"],
- H_A2,
- )
- elif qop is None:
- # If the "qop" directive is not present (this construction is
- # for compatibility with RFC 2069):
- # request-digest =
- # <"> < KD ( H(A1), unq(nonce-value) ":" H(A2) ) > <">
- request = "%s:%s" % (params["nonce"], H_A2)
- return KD(H_A1, request)
-def _checkDigestResponse(auth_map, password, method = "GET", A1 = None, **kwargs):
- """This function is used to verify the response given by the client when
- he tries to authenticate.
- Optional arguments:
- entity_body - when 'qop' is set to 'auth-int' you MUST provide the
- raw data you are going to send to the client (usually the
- HTML page.
- request_uri - the uri from the request line compared with the 'uri'
- directive of the authorization map. They must represent
- the same resource (unused at this time).
- """
- if auth_map['realm'] != kwargs.get('realm', None):
- return False
- response = _computeDigestResponse(auth_map, password, method, A1,**kwargs)
- return response == auth_map["response"]
-def _checkBasicResponse (auth_map, password, method='GET', encrypt=None, **kwargs):
- # Note that the Basic response doesn't provide the realm value so we cannot
- # test it
- try:
- return encrypt(auth_map["password"], auth_map["username"]) == password
- except TypeError:
- return encrypt(auth_map["password"]) == password
- "basic": _checkBasicResponse,
- "digest": _checkDigestResponse,
-def checkResponse (auth_map, password, method = "GET", encrypt=None, **kwargs):
- """'checkResponse' compares the auth_map with the password and optionally
- other arguments that each implementation might need.
- If the response is of type 'Basic' then the function has the following
- signature::
- checkBasicResponse (auth_map, password) -> bool
- If the response is of type 'Digest' then the function has the following
- signature::
- checkDigestResponse (auth_map, password, method = 'GET', A1 = None) -> bool
- The 'A1' argument is only used in MD5_SESS algorithm based responses.
- Check md5SessionKey() for more info.
- """
- checker = AUTH_RESPONSES[auth_map["auth_scheme"]]
- return checker (auth_map, password, method=method, encrypt=encrypt, **kwargs)
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-"""HTTP library functions.
-This module contains functions for building an HTTP application
-framework: any one, not just one whose name starts with "Ch". ;) If you
-reference any modules from some popular framework inside *this* module,
-FuManChu will personally hang you up by your thumbs and submit you
-to a public caning.
-from binascii import b2a_base64
-from cherrypy._cpcompat import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPDate, ntob, ntou, reversed, sorted
-from cherrypy._cpcompat import basestring, iteritems, unicodestr, unquote_qs
-response_codes = BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses.copy()
-# From
-response_codes[500] = ('Internal Server Error',
- 'The server encountered an unexpected condition '
- 'which prevented it from fulfilling the request.')
-response_codes[503] = ('Service Unavailable',
- 'The server is currently unable to handle the '
- 'request due to a temporary overloading or '
- 'maintenance of the server.')
-import re
-import urllib
-def urljoin(*atoms):
- """Return the given path \*atoms, joined into a single URL.
- This will correctly join a SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO into the
- original URL, even if either atom is blank.
- """
- url = "/".join([x for x in atoms if x])
- while "//" in url:
- url = url.replace("//", "/")
- # Special-case the final url of "", and return "/" instead.
- return url or "/"
-def protocol_from_http(protocol_str):
- """Return a protocol tuple from the given 'HTTP/x.y' string."""
- return int(protocol_str[5]), int(protocol_str[7])
-def get_ranges(headervalue, content_length):
- """Return a list of (start, stop) indices from a Range header, or None.
- Each (start, stop) tuple will be composed of two ints, which are suitable
- for use in a slicing operation. That is, the header "Range: bytes=3-6",
- if applied against a Python string, is requesting resource[3:7]. This
- function will return the list [(3, 7)].
- If this function returns an empty list, you should return HTTP 416.
- """
- if not headervalue:
- return None
- result = []
- bytesunit, byteranges = headervalue.split("=", 1)
- for brange in byteranges.split(","):
- start, stop = [x.strip() for x in brange.split("-", 1)]
- if start:
- if not stop:
- stop = content_length - 1
- start, stop = int(start), int(stop)
- if start >= content_length:
- # From rfc 2616 sec 14.16:
- # "If the server receives a request (other than one
- # including an If-Range request-header field) with an
- # unsatisfiable Range request-header field (that is,
- # all of whose byte-range-spec values have a first-byte-pos
- # value greater than the current length of the selected
- # resource), it SHOULD return a response code of 416
- # (Requested range not satisfiable)."
- continue
- if stop < start:
- # From rfc 2616 sec 14.16:
- # "If the server ignores a byte-range-spec because it
- # is syntactically invalid, the server SHOULD treat
- # the request as if the invalid Range header field
- # did not exist. (Normally, this means return a 200
- # response containing the full entity)."
- return None
- result.append((start, stop + 1))
- else:
- if not stop:
- # See rfc quote above.
- return None
- # Negative subscript (last N bytes)
- result.append((content_length - int(stop), content_length))
- return result
-class HeaderElement(object):
- """An element (with parameters) from an HTTP header's element list."""
- def __init__(self, value, params=None):
- self.value = value
- if params is None:
- params = {}
- self.params = params
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- return cmp(self.value, other.value)
- def __str__(self):
- p = [";%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in iteritems(self.params)]
- return "%s%s" % (self.value, "".join(p))
- def __unicode__(self):
- return ntou(self.__str__())
- def parse(elementstr):
- """Transform 'token;key=val' to ('token', {'key': 'val'})."""
- # Split the element into a value and parameters. The 'value' may
- # be of the form, "token=token", but we don't split that here.
- atoms = [x.strip() for x in elementstr.split(";") if x.strip()]
- if not atoms:
- initial_value = ''
- else:
- initial_value = atoms.pop(0).strip()
- params = {}
- for atom in atoms:
- atom = [x.strip() for x in atom.split("=", 1) if x.strip()]
- key = atom.pop(0)
- if atom:
- val = atom[0]
- else:
- val = ""
- params[key] = val
- return initial_value, params
- parse = staticmethod(parse)
- def from_str(cls, elementstr):
- """Construct an instance from a string of the form 'token;key=val'."""
- ival, params = cls.parse(elementstr)
- return cls(ival, params)
- from_str = classmethod(from_str)
-q_separator = re.compile(r'; *q *=')
-class AcceptElement(HeaderElement):
- """An element (with parameters) from an Accept* header's element list.
- AcceptElement objects are comparable; the more-preferred object will be
- "less than" the less-preferred object. They are also therefore sortable;
- if you sort a list of AcceptElement objects, they will be listed in
- priority order; the most preferred value will be first. Yes, it should
- have been the other way around, but it's too late to fix now.
- """
- def from_str(cls, elementstr):
- qvalue = None
- # The first "q" parameter (if any) separates the initial
- # media-range parameter(s) (if any) from the accept-params.
- atoms = q_separator.split(elementstr, 1)
- media_range = atoms.pop(0).strip()
- if atoms:
- # The qvalue for an Accept header can have extensions. The other
- # headers cannot, but it's easier to parse them as if they did.
- qvalue = HeaderElement.from_str(atoms[0].strip())
- media_type, params = cls.parse(media_range)
- if qvalue is not None:
- params["q"] = qvalue
- return cls(media_type, params)
- from_str = classmethod(from_str)
- def qvalue(self):
- val = self.params.get("q", "1")
- if isinstance(val, HeaderElement):
- val = val.value
- return float(val)
- qvalue = property(qvalue, doc="The qvalue, or priority, of this value.")
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- diff = cmp(self.qvalue, other.qvalue)
- if diff == 0:
- diff = cmp(str(self), str(other))
- return diff
-def header_elements(fieldname, fieldvalue):
- """Return a sorted HeaderElement list from a comma-separated header string."""
- if not fieldvalue:
- return []
- result = []
- for element in fieldvalue.split(","):
- if fieldname.startswith("Accept") or fieldname == 'TE':
- hv = AcceptElement.from_str(element)
- else:
- hv = HeaderElement.from_str(element)
- result.append(hv)
- return list(reversed(sorted(result)))
-def decode_TEXT(value):
- r"""Decode :rfc:`2047` TEXT (e.g. "=?utf-8?q?f=C3=BCr?=" -> u"f\xfcr")."""
- from email.Header import decode_header
- atoms = decode_header(value)
- decodedvalue = ""
- for atom, charset in atoms:
- if charset is not None:
- atom = atom.decode(charset)
- decodedvalue += atom
- return decodedvalue
-def valid_status(status):
- """Return legal HTTP status Code, Reason-phrase and Message.
- The status arg must be an int, or a str that begins with an int.
- If status is an int, or a str and no reason-phrase is supplied,
- a default reason-phrase will be provided.
- """
- if not status:
- status = 200
- status = str(status)
- parts = status.split(" ", 1)
- if len(parts) == 1:
- # No reason supplied.
- code, = parts
- reason = None
- else:
- code, reason = parts
- reason = reason.strip()
- try:
- code = int(code)
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError("Illegal response status from server "
- "(%s is non-numeric)." % repr(code))
- if code < 100 or code > 599:
- raise ValueError("Illegal response status from server "
- "(%s is out of range)." % repr(code))
- if code not in response_codes:
- # code is unknown but not illegal
- default_reason, message = "", ""
- else:
- default_reason, message = response_codes[code]
- if reason is None:
- reason = default_reason
- return code, reason, message
-def _parse_qs(qs, keep_blank_values=0, strict_parsing=0, encoding='utf-8'):
- """Parse a query given as a string argument.
- Arguments:
- qs: URL-encoded query string to be parsed
- keep_blank_values: flag indicating whether blank values in
- URL encoded queries should be treated as blank strings. A
- true value indicates that blanks should be retained as blank
- strings. The default false value indicates that blank values
- are to be ignored and treated as if they were not included.
- strict_parsing: flag indicating what to do with parsing errors. If
- false (the default), errors are silently ignored. If true,
- errors raise a ValueError exception.
- Returns a dict, as G-d intended.
- """
- pairs = [s2 for s1 in qs.split('&') for s2 in s1.split(';')]
- d = {}
- for name_value in pairs:
- if not name_value and not strict_parsing:
- continue
- nv = name_value.split('=', 1)
- if len(nv) != 2:
- if strict_parsing:
- raise ValueError("bad query field: %r" % (name_value,))
- # Handle case of a control-name with no equal sign
- if keep_blank_values:
- nv.append('')
- else:
- continue
- if len(nv[1]) or keep_blank_values:
- name = unquote_qs(nv[0], encoding)
- value = unquote_qs(nv[1], encoding)
- if name in d:
- if not isinstance(d[name], list):
- d[name] = [d[name]]
- d[name].append(value)
- else:
- d[name] = value
- return d
-image_map_pattern = re.compile(r"[0-9]+,[0-9]+")
-def parse_query_string(query_string, keep_blank_values=True, encoding='utf-8'):
- """Build a params dictionary from a query_string.
- Duplicate key/value pairs in the provided query_string will be
- returned as {'key': [val1, val2, ...]}. Single key/values will
- be returned as strings: {'key': 'value'}.
- """
- if image_map_pattern.match(query_string):
- # Server-side image map. Map the coords to 'x' and 'y'
- # (like CGI::Request does).
- pm = query_string.split(",")
- pm = {'x': int(pm[0]), 'y': int(pm[1])}
- else:
- pm = _parse_qs(query_string, keep_blank_values, encoding=encoding)
- return pm
-class CaseInsensitiveDict(dict):
- """A case-insensitive dict subclass.
- Each key is changed on entry to str(key).title().
- """
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- return dict.__getitem__(self, str(key).title())
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- dict.__setitem__(self, str(key).title(), value)
- def __delitem__(self, key):
- dict.__delitem__(self, str(key).title())
- def __contains__(self, key):
- return dict.__contains__(self, str(key).title())
- def get(self, key, default=None):
- return dict.get(self, str(key).title(), default)
- def has_key(self, key):
- return dict.has_key(self, str(key).title())
- def update(self, E):
- for k in E.keys():
- self[str(k).title()] = E[k]
- def fromkeys(cls, seq, value=None):
- newdict = cls()
- for k in seq:
- newdict[str(k).title()] = value
- return newdict
- fromkeys = classmethod(fromkeys)
- def setdefault(self, key, x=None):
- key = str(key).title()
- try:
- return self[key]
- except KeyError:
- self[key] = x
- return x
- def pop(self, key, default):
- return dict.pop(self, str(key).title(), default)
-# TEXT = <any OCTET except CTLs, but including LWS>
-# A CRLF is allowed in the definition of TEXT only as part of a header
-# field continuation. It is expected that the folding LWS will be
-# replaced with a single SP before interpretation of the TEXT value."
-header_translate_table = ''.join([chr(i) for i in xrange(256)])
-header_translate_deletechars = ''.join([chr(i) for i in xrange(32)]) + chr(127)
-class HeaderMap(CaseInsensitiveDict):
- """A dict subclass for HTTP request and response headers.
- Each key is changed on entry to str(key).title(). This allows headers
- to be case-insensitive and avoid duplicates.
- Values are header values (decoded according to :rfc:`2047` if necessary).
- """
- protocol=(1, 1)
- encodings = ["ISO-8859-1"]
- # Someday, when http-bis is done, this will probably get dropped
- # since few servers, clients, or intermediaries do it. But until then,
- # we're going to obey the spec as is.
- # "Words of *TEXT MAY contain characters from character sets other than
- # ISO-8859-1 only when encoded according to the rules of RFC 2047."
- use_rfc_2047 = True
- def elements(self, key):
- """Return a sorted list of HeaderElements for the given header."""
- key = str(key).title()
- value = self.get(key)
- return header_elements(key, value)
- def values(self, key):
- """Return a sorted list of HeaderElement.value for the given header."""
- return [e.value for e in self.elements(key)]
- def output(self):
- """Transform self into a list of (name, value) tuples."""
- header_list = []
- for k, v in self.items():
- if isinstance(k, unicodestr):
- k = self.encode(k)
- if not isinstance(v, basestring):
- v = str(v)
- if isinstance(v, unicodestr):
- v = self.encode(v)
- # See header_translate_* constants above.
- # Replace only if you really know what you're doing.
- k = k.translate(header_translate_table, header_translate_deletechars)
- v = v.translate(header_translate_table, header_translate_deletechars)
- header_list.append((k, v))
- return header_list
- def encode(self, v):
- """Return the given header name or value, encoded for HTTP output."""
- for enc in self.encodings:
- try:
- return v.encode(enc)
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- continue
- if self.protocol == (1, 1) and self.use_rfc_2047:
- # Encode RFC-2047 TEXT
- # (e.g. u"\u8200" -> "=?utf-8?b?6IiA?=").
- # We do our own here instead of using the email module
- # because we never want to fold lines--folding has
- # been deprecated by the HTTP working group.
- v = b2a_base64(v.encode('utf-8'))
- return (ntob('=?utf-8?b?') + v.strip(ntob('\n')) + ntob('?='))
- raise ValueError("Could not encode header part %r using "
- "any of the encodings %r." %
- (v, self.encodings))
-class Host(object):
- """An internet address.
- name
- Should be the client's host name. If not available (because no DNS
- lookup is performed), the IP address should be used instead.
- """
- ip = ""
- port = 80
- name = "unknown.tld"
- def __init__(self, ip, port, name=None):
- self.ip = ip
- self.port = port
- if name is None:
- name = ip
- = name
- def __repr__(self):
- return "httputil.Host(%r, %r, %r)" % (self.ip, self.port,
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-import sys
-import cherrypy
-from cherrypy._cpcompat import basestring, ntou, json, json_encode, json_decode
-def json_processor(entity):
- """Read application/json data into request.json."""
- if not entity.headers.get(ntou("Content-Length"), ntou("")):
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(411)
- body =
- try:
- cherrypy.serving.request.json = json_decode(body.decode('utf-8'))
- except ValueError:
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, 'Invalid JSON document')
-def json_in(content_type=[ntou('application/json'), ntou('text/javascript')],
- force=True, debug=False, processor = json_processor):
- """Add a processor to parse JSON request entities:
- The default processor places the parsed data into request.json.
- Incoming request entities which match the given content_type(s) will
- be deserialized from JSON to the Python equivalent, and the result
- stored at cherrypy.request.json. The 'content_type' argument may
- be a Content-Type string or a list of allowable Content-Type strings.
- If the 'force' argument is True (the default), then entities of other
- content types will not be allowed; "415 Unsupported Media Type" is
- raised instead.
- Supply your own processor to use a custom decoder, or to handle the parsed
- data differently. The processor can be configured via
- tools.json_in.processor or via the decorator method.
- Note that the deserializer requires the client send a Content-Length
- request header, or it will raise "411 Length Required". If for any
- other reason the request entity cannot be deserialized from JSON,
- it will raise "400 Bad Request: Invalid JSON document".
- You must be using Python 2.6 or greater, or have the 'simplejson'
- package importable; otherwise, ValueError is raised during processing.
- """
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- if isinstance(content_type, basestring):
- content_type = [content_type]
- if force:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Removing body processors %s' %
- repr(request.body.processors.keys()), 'TOOLS.JSON_IN')
- request.body.processors.clear()
- request.body.default_proc = cherrypy.HTTPError(
- 415, 'Expected an entity of content type %s' %
- ', '.join(content_type))
- for ct in content_type:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Adding body processor for %s' % ct, 'TOOLS.JSON_IN')
- request.body.processors[ct] = processor
-def json_handler(*args, **kwargs):
- value = cherrypy.serving.request._json_inner_handler(*args, **kwargs)
- return json_encode(value)
-def json_out(content_type='application/json', debug=False, handler=json_handler):
- """Wrap request.handler to serialize its output to JSON. Sets Content-Type.
- If the given content_type is None, the Content-Type response header
- is not set.
- Provide your own handler to use a custom encoder. For example
- cherrypy.config['tools.json_out.handler'] = <function>, or
- @json_out(handler=function).
- You must be using Python 2.6 or greater, or have the 'simplejson'
- package importable; otherwise, ValueError is raised during processing.
- """
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Replacing %s with JSON handler' % request.handler,
- request._json_inner_handler = request.handler
- request.handler = handler
- if content_type is not None:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Setting Content-Type to %s' % ct, 'TOOLS.JSON_OUT')
- cherrypy.serving.response.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
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-"""Profiler tools for CherryPy.
-CherryPy users
-You can profile any of your pages as follows::
- from cherrypy.lib import profiler
- class Root:
- p = profile.Profiler("/path/to/profile/dir")
- def index(self):
- = True
- def _index(self):
- return "Hello, world!"
- cherrypy.tree.mount(Root())
-You can also turn on profiling for all requests
-using the ``make_app`` function as WSGI middleware.
-CherryPy developers
-This module can be used whenever you make changes to CherryPy,
-to get a quick sanity-check on overall CP performance. Use the
-``--profile`` flag when running the test suite. Then, use the ``serve()``
-function to browse the results in a web browser. If you run this
-module from the command line, it will call ``serve()`` for you.
-def new_func_strip_path(func_name):
- """Make profiler output more readable by adding ``__init__`` modules' parents"""
- filename, line, name = func_name
- if filename.endswith(""):
- return os.path.basename(filename[:-12]) + filename[-12:], line, name
- return os.path.basename(filename), line, name
- import profile
- import pstats
- pstats.func_strip_path = new_func_strip_path
-except ImportError:
- profile = None
- pstats = None
-import os, os.path
-import sys
-import warnings
-from cherrypy._cpcompat import BytesIO
-_count = 0
-class Profiler(object):
- def __init__(self, path=None):
- if not path:
- path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "profile")
- self.path = path
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- os.makedirs(path)
- def run(self, func, *args, **params):
- """Dump profile data into self.path."""
- global _count
- c = _count = _count + 1
- path = os.path.join(self.path, "" % c)
- prof = profile.Profile()
- result = prof.runcall(func, *args, **params)
- prof.dump_stats(path)
- return result
- def statfiles(self):
- """:rtype: list of available profiles.
- """
- return [f for f in os.listdir(self.path)
- if f.startswith("cp_") and f.endswith(".prof")]
- def stats(self, filename, sortby='cumulative'):
- """:rtype stats(index): output of print_stats() for the given profile.
- """
- sio = BytesIO()
- if sys.version_info >= (2, 5):
- s = pstats.Stats(os.path.join(self.path, filename), stream=sio)
- s.strip_dirs()
- s.sort_stats(sortby)
- s.print_stats()
- else:
- # pstats.Stats before Python 2.5 didn't take a 'stream' arg,
- # but just printed to stdout. So re-route stdout.
- s = pstats.Stats(os.path.join(self.path, filename))
- s.strip_dirs()
- s.sort_stats(sortby)
- oldout = sys.stdout
- try:
- sys.stdout = sio
- s.print_stats()
- finally:
- sys.stdout = oldout
- response = sio.getvalue()
- sio.close()
- return response
- def index(self):
- return """<html>
- <head><title>CherryPy profile data</title></head>
- <frameset cols='200, 1*'>
- <frame src='menu' />
- <frame name='main' src='' />
- </frameset>
- </html>
- """
- = True
- def menu(self):
- yield "<h2>Profiling runs</h2>"
- yield "<p>Click on one of the runs below to see profiling data.</p>"
- runs = self.statfiles()
- runs.sort()
- for i in runs:
- yield "<a href='report?filename=%s' target='main'>%s</a><br />" % (i, i)
- = True
- def report(self, filename):
- import cherrypy
- cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
- return self.stats(filename)
- = True
-class ProfileAggregator(Profiler):
- def __init__(self, path=None):
- Profiler.__init__(self, path)
- global _count
- self.count = _count = _count + 1
- self.profiler = profile.Profile()
- def run(self, func, *args):
- path = os.path.join(self.path, "" % self.count)
- result = self.profiler.runcall(func, *args)
- self.profiler.dump_stats(path)
- return result
-class make_app:
- def __init__(self, nextapp, path=None, aggregate=False):
- """Make a WSGI middleware app which wraps 'nextapp' with profiling.
- nextapp
- the WSGI application to wrap, usually an instance of
- cherrypy.Application.
- path
- where to dump the profiling output.
- aggregate
- if True, profile data for all HTTP requests will go in
- a single file. If False (the default), each HTTP request will
- dump its profile data into a separate file.
- """
- if profile is None or pstats is None:
- msg = ("Your installation of Python does not have a profile module. "
- "If you're on Debian, try `sudo apt-get install python-profiler`. "
- "See for details.")
- warnings.warn(msg)
- self.nextapp = nextapp
- self.aggregate = aggregate
- if aggregate:
- self.profiler = ProfileAggregator(path)
- else:
- self.profiler = Profiler(path)
- def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
- def gather():
- result = []
- for line in self.nextapp(environ, start_response):
- result.append(line)
- return result
- return
-def serve(path=None, port=8080):
- if profile is None or pstats is None:
- msg = ("Your installation of Python does not have a profile module. "
- "If you're on Debian, try `sudo apt-get install python-profiler`. "
- "See for details.")
- warnings.warn(msg)
- import cherrypy
- cherrypy.config.update({'server.socket_port': int(port),
- 'server.thread_pool': 10,
- 'environment': "production",
- })
- cherrypy.quickstart(Profiler(path))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- serve(*tuple(sys.argv[1:]))
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-"""Generic configuration system using unrepr.
-Configuration data may be supplied as a Python dictionary, as a filename,
-or as an open file object. When you supply a filename or file, Python's
-builtin ConfigParser is used (with some extensions).
-Configuration keys are separated into namespaces by the first "." in the key.
-The only key that cannot exist in a namespace is the "environment" entry.
-This special entry 'imports' other config entries from a template stored in
-the Config.environments dict.
-You can define your own namespaces to be called when new config is merged
-by adding a named handler to Config.namespaces. The name can be any string,
-and the handler must be either a callable or a context manager.
- # Python 3.0+
- from configparser import ConfigParser
-except ImportError:
- from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
- set
-except NameError:
- from sets import Set as set
-import sys
-def as_dict(config):
- """Return a dict from 'config' whether it is a dict, file, or filename."""
- if isinstance(config, basestring):
- config = Parser().dict_from_file(config)
- elif hasattr(config, 'read'):
- config = Parser().dict_from_file(config)
- return config
-class NamespaceSet(dict):
- """A dict of config namespace names and handlers.
- Each config entry should begin with a namespace name; the corresponding
- namespace handler will be called once for each config entry in that
- namespace, and will be passed two arguments: the config key (with the
- namespace removed) and the config value.
- Namespace handlers may be any Python callable; they may also be
- Python 2.5-style 'context managers', in which case their __enter__
- method should return a callable to be used as the handler.
- See (the Toolbox class) for an example.
- """
- def __call__(self, config):
- """Iterate through config and pass it to each namespace handler.
- config
- A flat dict, where keys use dots to separate
- namespaces, and values are arbitrary.
- The first name in each config key is used to look up the corresponding
- namespace handler. For example, a config entry of {'tools.gzip.on': v}
- will call the 'tools' namespace handler with the args: ('gzip.on', v)
- """
- # Separate the given config into namespaces
- ns_confs = {}
- for k in config:
- if "." in k:
- ns, name = k.split(".", 1)
- bucket = ns_confs.setdefault(ns, {})
- bucket[name] = config[k]
- # I chose __enter__ and __exit__ so someday this could be
- # rewritten using Python 2.5's 'with' statement:
- # for ns, handler in self.iteritems():
- # with handler as callable:
- # for k, v in ns_confs.get(ns, {}).iteritems():
- # callable(k, v)
- for ns, handler in self.items():
- exit = getattr(handler, "__exit__", None)
- if exit:
- callable = handler.__enter__()
- no_exc = True
- try:
- try:
- for k, v in ns_confs.get(ns, {}).items():
- callable(k, v)
- except:
- # The exceptional case is handled here
- no_exc = False
- if exit is None:
- raise
- if not exit(*sys.exc_info()):
- raise
- # The exception is swallowed if exit() returns true
- finally:
- # The normal and non-local-goto cases are handled here
- if no_exc and exit:
- exit(None, None, None)
- else:
- for k, v in ns_confs.get(ns, {}).items():
- handler(k, v)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "%s.%s(%s)" % (self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__,
- dict.__repr__(self))
- def __copy__(self):
- newobj = self.__class__()
- newobj.update(self)
- return newobj
- copy = __copy__
-class Config(dict):
- """A dict-like set of configuration data, with defaults and namespaces.
- May take a file, filename, or dict.
- """
- defaults = {}
- environments = {}
- namespaces = NamespaceSet()
- def __init__(self, file=None, **kwargs):
- self.reset()
- if file is not None:
- self.update(file)
- if kwargs:
- self.update(kwargs)
- def reset(self):
- """Reset self to default values."""
- self.clear()
- dict.update(self, self.defaults)
- def update(self, config):
- """Update self from a dict, file or filename."""
- if isinstance(config, basestring):
- # Filename
- config = Parser().dict_from_file(config)
- elif hasattr(config, 'read'):
- # Open file object
- config = Parser().dict_from_file(config)
- else:
- config = config.copy()
- self._apply(config)
- def _apply(self, config):
- """Update self from a dict."""
- which_env = config.get('environment')
- if which_env:
- env = self.environments[which_env]
- for k in env:
- if k not in config:
- config[k] = env[k]
- dict.update(self, config)
- self.namespaces(config)
- def __setitem__(self, k, v):
- dict.__setitem__(self, k, v)
- self.namespaces({k: v})
-class Parser(ConfigParser):
- """Sub-class of ConfigParser that keeps the case of options and that
- raises an exception if the file cannot be read.
- """
- def optionxform(self, optionstr):
- return optionstr
- def read(self, filenames):
- if isinstance(filenames, basestring):
- filenames = [filenames]
- for filename in filenames:
- # try:
- # fp = open(filename)
- # except IOError:
- # continue
- fp = open(filename)
- try:
- self._read(fp, filename)
- finally:
- fp.close()
- def as_dict(self, raw=False, vars=None):
- """Convert an INI file to a dictionary"""
- # Load INI file into a dict
- result = {}
- for section in self.sections():
- if section not in result:
- result[section] = {}
- for option in self.options(section):
- value = self.get(section, option, raw, vars)
- try:
- value = unrepr(value)
- except Exception, x:
- msg = ("Config error in section: %r, option: %r, "
- "value: %r. Config values must be valid Python." %
- (section, option, value))
- raise ValueError(msg, x.__class__.__name__, x.args)
- result[section][option] = value
- return result
- def dict_from_file(self, file):
- if hasattr(file, 'read'):
- self.readfp(file)
- else:
- return self.as_dict()
-# public domain "unrepr" implementation, found on the web and then improved.
-class _Builder:
- def build(self, o):
- m = getattr(self, 'build_' + o.__class__.__name__, None)
- if m is None:
- raise TypeError("unrepr does not recognize %s" %
- repr(o.__class__.__name__))
- return m(o)
- def build_Subscript(self, o):
- expr, flags, subs = o.getChildren()
- expr =
- subs =
- return expr[subs]
- def build_CallFunc(self, o):
- children = map(, o.getChildren())
- callee = children.pop(0)
- kwargs = children.pop() or {}
- starargs = children.pop() or ()
- args = tuple(children) + tuple(starargs)
- return callee(*args, **kwargs)
- def build_List(self, o):
- return map(, o.getChildren())
- def build_Const(self, o):
- return o.value
- def build_Dict(self, o):
- d = {}
- i = iter(map(, o.getChildren()))
- for el in i:
- d[el] =
- return d
- def build_Tuple(self, o):
- return tuple(self.build_List(o))
- def build_Name(self, o):
- name =
- if name == 'None':
- return None
- if name == 'True':
- return True
- if name == 'False':
- return False
- # See if the Name is a package or module. If it is, import it.
- try:
- return modules(name)
- except ImportError:
- pass
- # See if the Name is in builtins.
- try:
- import __builtin__
- return getattr(__builtin__, name)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- raise TypeError("unrepr could not resolve the name %s" % repr(name))
- def build_Add(self, o):
- left, right = map(, o.getChildren())
- return left + right
- def build_Getattr(self, o):
- parent =
- return getattr(parent, o.attrname)
- def build_NoneType(self, o):
- return None
- def build_UnarySub(self, o):
- return[0])
- def build_UnaryAdd(self, o):
- return[0])
-def _astnode(s):
- """Return a Python ast Node compiled from a string."""
- try:
- import compiler
- except ImportError:
- # Fallback to eval when compiler package is not available,
- # e.g. IronPython 1.0.
- return eval(s)
- p = compiler.parse("__tempvalue__ = " + s)
- return p.getChildren()[1].getChildren()[0].getChildren()[1]
-def unrepr(s):
- """Return a Python object compiled from a string."""
- if not s:
- return s
- obj = _astnode(s)
- return _Builder().build(obj)
-def modules(modulePath):
- """Load a module and retrieve a reference to that module."""
- try:
- mod = sys.modules[modulePath]
- if mod is None:
- raise KeyError()
- except KeyError:
- # The last [''] is important.
- mod = __import__(modulePath, globals(), locals(), [''])
- return mod
-def attributes(full_attribute_name):
- """Load a module and retrieve an attribute of that module."""
- # Parse out the path, module, and attribute
- last_dot = full_attribute_name.rfind(".")
- attr_name = full_attribute_name[last_dot + 1:]
- mod_path = full_attribute_name[:last_dot]
- mod = modules(mod_path)
- # Let an AttributeError propagate outward.
- try:
- attr = getattr(mod, attr_name)
- except AttributeError:
- raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'"
- % (mod_path, attr_name))
- # Return a reference to the attribute.
- return attr
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-"""Session implementation for CherryPy.
-You need to edit your config file to use sessions. Here's an example::
- [/]
- tools.sessions.on = True
- tools.sessions.storage_type = "file"
- tools.sessions.storage_path = "/home/site/sessions"
- tools.sessions.timeout = 60
-This sets the session to be stored in files in the directory /home/site/sessions,
-and the session timeout to 60 minutes. If you omit ``storage_type`` the sessions
-will be saved in RAM. ``tools.sessions.on`` is the only required line for
-working sessions, the rest are optional.
-By default, the session ID is passed in a cookie, so the client's browser must
-have cookies enabled for your site.
-To set data for the current session, use
-``cherrypy.session['fieldname'] = 'fieldvalue'``;
-to get data use ``cherrypy.session.get('fieldname')``.
-Locking sessions
-By default, the ``'locking'`` mode of sessions is ``'implicit'``, which means
-the session is locked early and unlocked late. If you want to control when the
-session data is locked and unlocked, set ``tools.sessions.locking = 'explicit'``.
-Then call ``cherrypy.session.acquire_lock()`` and ``cherrypy.session.release_lock()``.
-Regardless of which mode you use, the session is guaranteed to be unlocked when
-the request is complete.
-Expiring Sessions
-You can force a session to expire with :func:`cherrypy.lib.sessions.expire`.
-Simply call that function at the point you want the session to expire, and it
-will cause the session cookie to expire client-side.
-Session Fixation Protection
-If CherryPy receives, via a request cookie, a session id that it does not
-recognize, it will reject that id and create a new one to return in the
-response cookie. This `helps prevent session fixation attacks
-However, CherryPy "recognizes" a session id by looking up the saved session
-data for that id. Therefore, if you never save any session data,
-**you will get a new session id for every request**.
-Sharing Sessions
-If you run multiple instances of CherryPy (for example via mod_python behind
-Apache prefork), you most likely cannot use the RAM session backend, since each
-instance of CherryPy will have its own memory space. Use a different backend
-instead, and verify that all instances are pointing at the same file or db
-location. Alternately, you might try a load balancer which makes sessions
-"sticky". Google is your friend, there.
-Expiration Dates
-The response cookie will possess an expiration date to inform the client at
-which point to stop sending the cookie back in requests. If the server time
-and client time differ, expect sessions to be unreliable. **Make sure the
-system time of your server is accurate**.
-CherryPy defaults to a 60-minute session timeout, which also applies to the
-cookie which is sent to the client. Unfortunately, some versions of Safari
-("4 public beta" on Windows XP at least) appear to have a bug in their parsing
-of the GMT expiration date--they appear to interpret the date as one hour in
-the past. Sixty minutes minus one hour is pretty close to zero, so you may
-experience this bug as a new session id for every request, unless the requests
-are less than one second apart. To fix, try increasing the session.timeout.
-On the other extreme, some users report Firefox sending cookies after their
-expiration date, although this was on a system with an inaccurate system time.
-Maybe FF doesn't trust system time.
-import datetime
-import os
-import random
-import time
-import threading
-import types
-from warnings import warn
-import cherrypy
-from cherrypy._cpcompat import copyitems, pickle, random20
-from cherrypy.lib import httputil
-missing = object()
-class Session(object):
- """A CherryPy dict-like Session object (one per request)."""
- _id = None
- id_observers = None
- "A list of callbacks to which to pass new id's."
- def _get_id(self):
- return self._id
- def _set_id(self, value):
- self._id = value
- for o in self.id_observers:
- o(value)
- id = property(_get_id, _set_id, doc="The current session ID.")
- timeout = 60
- "Number of minutes after which to delete session data."
- locked = False
- """
- If True, this session instance has exclusive read/write access
- to session data."""
- loaded = False
- """
- If True, data has been retrieved from storage. This should happen
- automatically on the first attempt to access session data."""
- clean_thread = None
- "Class-level Monitor which calls self.clean_up."
- clean_freq = 5
- "The poll rate for expired session cleanup in minutes."
- originalid = None
- "The session id passed by the client. May be missing or unsafe."
- missing = False
- "True if the session requested by the client did not exist."
- regenerated = False
- """
- True if the application called session.regenerate(). This is not set by
- internal calls to regenerate the session id."""
- debug=False
- def __init__(self, id=None, **kwargs):
- self.id_observers = []
- self._data = {}
- for k, v in kwargs.items():
- setattr(self, k, v)
- self.originalid = id
- self.missing = False
- if id is None:
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('No id given; making a new one', 'TOOLS.SESSIONS')
- self._regenerate()
- else:
- = id
- if not self._exists():
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('Expired or malicious session %r; '
- 'making a new one' % id, 'TOOLS.SESSIONS')
- # Expired or malicious session. Make a new one.
- # See
- = None
- self.missing = True
- self._regenerate()
- def regenerate(self):
- """Replace the current session (with a new id)."""
- self.regenerated = True
- self._regenerate()
- def _regenerate(self):
- if is not None:
- self.delete()
- old_session_was_locked = self.locked
- if old_session_was_locked:
- self.release_lock()
- = None
- while is None:
- = self.generate_id()
- # Assert that the generated id is not already stored.
- if self._exists():
- = None
- if old_session_was_locked:
- self.acquire_lock()
- def clean_up(self):
- """Clean up expired sessions."""
- pass
- def generate_id(self):
- """Return a new session id."""
- return random20()
- def save(self):
- """Save session data."""
- try:
- # If session data has never been loaded then it's never been
- # accessed: no need to save it
- if self.loaded:
- t = datetime.timedelta(seconds = self.timeout * 60)
- expiration_time = + t
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('Saving with expiry %s' % expiration_time,
- self._save(expiration_time)
- finally:
- if self.locked:
- # Always release the lock if the user didn't release it
- self.release_lock()
- def load(self):
- """Copy stored session data into this session instance."""
- data = self._load()
- # data is either None or a tuple (session_data, expiration_time)
- if data is None or data[1] <
- if self.debug:
- cherrypy.log('Expired session, flushing data', 'TOOLS.SESSIONS')
- self._data = {}
- else:
- self._data = data[0]
- self.loaded = True
- # Stick the clean_thread in the class, not the instance.
- # The instances are created and destroyed per-request.
- cls = self.__class__
- if self.clean_freq and not cls.clean_thread:
- # clean_up is in instancemethod and not a classmethod,
- # so that tool config can be accessed inside the method.
- t = cherrypy.process.plugins.Monitor(
- cherrypy.engine, self.clean_up, self.clean_freq * 60,
- name='Session cleanup')
- t.subscribe()
- cls.clean_thread = t
- t.start()
- def delete(self):
- """Delete stored session data."""
- self._delete()
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- if not self.loaded: self.load()
- return self._data[key]
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- if not self.loaded: self.load()
- self._data[key] = value
- def __delitem__(self, key):
- if not self.loaded: self.load()
- del self._data[key]
- def pop(self, key, default=missing):
- """Remove the specified key and return the corresponding value.
- If key is not found, default is returned if given,
- otherwise KeyError is raised.
- """
- if not self.loaded: self.load()
- if default is missing:
- return self._data.pop(key)
- else:
- return self._data.pop(key, default)
- def __contains__(self, key):
- if not self.loaded: self.load()
- return key in self._data
- def has_key(self, key):
- """D.has_key(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False."""
- if not self.loaded: self.load()
- return key in self._data
- def get(self, key, default=None):
- """D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None."""
- if not self.loaded: self.load()
- return self._data.get(key, default)
- def update(self, d):
- """D.update(E) -> None. Update D from E: for k in E: D[k] = E[k]."""
- if not self.loaded: self.load()
- self._data.update(d)
- def setdefault(self, key, default=None):
- """D.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D."""
- if not self.loaded: self.load()
- return self._data.setdefault(key, default)
- def clear(self):
- """D.clear() -> None. Remove all items from D."""
- if not self.loaded: self.load()
- self._data.clear()
- def keys(self):
- """D.keys() -> list of D's keys."""
- if not self.loaded: self.load()
- return self._data.keys()
- def items(self):
- """D.items() -> list of D's (key, value) pairs, as 2-tuples."""
- if not self.loaded: self.load()
- return self._data.items()
- def values(self):
- """D.values() -> list of D's values."""
- if not self.loaded: self.load()
- return self._data.values()
-class RamSession(Session):
- # Class-level objects. Don't rebind these!
- cache = {}
- locks = {}
- def clean_up(self):
- """Clean up expired sessions."""
- now =
- for id, (data, expiration_time) in copyitems(self.cache):
- if expiration_time <= now:
- try:
- del self.cache[id]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- try:
- del self.locks[id]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- def _exists(self):
- return in self.cache
- def _load(self):
- return self.cache.get(
- def _save(self, expiration_time):
- self.cache[] = (self._data, expiration_time)
- def _delete(self):
- self.cache.pop(, None)
- def acquire_lock(self):
- """Acquire an exclusive lock on the currently-loaded session data."""
- self.locked = True
- self.locks.setdefault(, threading.RLock()).acquire()
- def release_lock(self):
- """Release the lock on the currently-loaded session data."""
- self.locks[].release()
- self.locked = False
- def __len__(self):
- """Return the number of active sessions."""
- return len(self.cache)
-class FileSession(Session):
- """Implementation of the File backend for sessions
- storage_path
- The folder where session data will be saved. Each session
- will be saved as pickle.dump(data, expiration_time) in its own file;
- the filename will be self.SESSION_PREFIX +
- """
- SESSION_PREFIX = 'session-'
- LOCK_SUFFIX = '.lock'
- pickle_protocol = pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL
- def __init__(self, id=None, **kwargs):
- # The 'storage_path' arg is required for file-based sessions.
- kwargs['storage_path'] = os.path.abspath(kwargs['storage_path'])
- Session.__init__(self, id=id, **kwargs)
- def setup(cls, **kwargs):
- """Set up the storage system for file-based sessions.
- This should only be called once per process; this will be done
- automatically when using sessions.init (as the built-in Tool does).
- """
- # The 'storage_path' arg is required for file-based sessions.
- kwargs['storage_path'] = os.path.abspath(kwargs['storage_path'])
- for k, v in kwargs.items():
- setattr(cls, k, v)
- # Warn if any lock files exist at startup.
- lockfiles = [fname for fname in os.listdir(cls.storage_path)
- if (fname.startswith(cls.SESSION_PREFIX)
- and fname.endswith(cls.LOCK_SUFFIX))]
- if lockfiles:
- plural = ('', 's')[len(lockfiles) > 1]
- warn("%s session lockfile%s found at startup. If you are "
- "only running one process, then you may need to "
- "manually delete the lockfiles found at %r."
- % (len(lockfiles), plural, cls.storage_path))
- setup = classmethod(setup)
- def _get_file_path(self):
- f = os.path.join(self.storage_path, self.SESSION_PREFIX +
- if not os.path.abspath(f).startswith(self.storage_path):
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, "Invalid session id in cookie.")
- return f
- def _exists(self):
- path = self._get_file_path()
- return os.path.exists(path)
- def _load(self, path=None):
- if path is None:
- path = self._get_file_path()
- try:
- f = open(path, "rb")
- try:
- return pickle.load(f)
- finally:
- f.close()
- except (IOError, EOFError):
- return None
- def _save(self, expiration_time):
- f = open(self._get_file_path(), "wb")
- try:
- pickle.dump((self._data, expiration_time), f, self.pickle_protocol)
- finally:
- f.close()
- def _delete(self):
- try:
- os.unlink(self._get_file_path())
- except OSError:
- pass
- def acquire_lock(self, path=None):
- """Acquire an exclusive lock on the currently-loaded session data."""
- if path is None:
- path = self._get_file_path()
- path += self.LOCK_SUFFIX
- while True:
- try:
- lockfd =, os.O_CREAT|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_EXCL)
- except OSError:
- time.sleep(0.1)
- else:
- os.close(lockfd)
- break
- self.locked = True
- def release_lock(self, path=None):
- """Release the lock on the currently-loaded session data."""
- if path is None:
- path = self._get_file_path()
- os.unlink(path + self.LOCK_SUFFIX)
- self.locked = False
- def clean_up(self):
- """Clean up expired sessions."""
- now =
- # Iterate over all session files in self.storage_path
- for fname in os.listdir(self.storage_path):
- if (fname.startswith(self.SESSION_PREFIX)
- and not fname.endswith(self.LOCK_SUFFIX)):
- # We have a session file: lock and load it and check
- # if it's expired. If it fails, nevermind.
- path = os.path.join(self.storage_path, fname)
- self.acquire_lock(path)
- try:
- contents = self._load(path)
- # _load returns None on IOError
- if contents is not None:
- data, expiration_time = contents
- if expiration_time < now:
- # Session expired: deleting it
- os.unlink(path)
- finally:
- self.release_lock(path)
- def __len__(self):
- """Return the number of active sessions."""
- return len([fname for fname in os.listdir(self.storage_path)
- if (fname.startswith(self.SESSION_PREFIX)
- and not fname.endswith(self.LOCK_SUFFIX))])
-class PostgresqlSession(Session):
- """ Implementation of the PostgreSQL backend for sessions. It assumes
- a table like this::
- create table session (
- id varchar(40),
- data text,
- expiration_time timestamp
- )
- You must provide your own get_db function.
- """
- pickle_protocol = pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL
- def __init__(self, id=None, **kwargs):
- Session.__init__(self, id, **kwargs)
- self.cursor = self.db.cursor()
- def setup(cls, **kwargs):
- """Set up the storage system for Postgres-based sessions.
- This should only be called once per process; this will be done
- automatically when using sessions.init (as the built-in Tool does).
- """
- for k, v in kwargs.items():
- setattr(cls, k, v)
- self.db = self.get_db()
- setup = classmethod(setup)
- def __del__(self):
- if self.cursor:
- self.cursor.close()
- self.db.commit()
- def _exists(self):
- # Select session data from table
- self.cursor.execute('select data, expiration_time from session '
- 'where id=%s', (,))
- rows = self.cursor.fetchall()
- return bool(rows)
- def _load(self):
- # Select session data from table
- self.cursor.execute('select data, expiration_time from session '
- 'where id=%s', (,))
- rows = self.cursor.fetchall()
- if not rows:
- return None
- pickled_data, expiration_time = rows[0]
- data = pickle.loads(pickled_data)
- return data, expiration_time
- def _save(self, expiration_time):
- pickled_data = pickle.dumps(self._data, self.pickle_protocol)
- self.cursor.execute('update session set data = %s, '
- 'expiration_time = %s where id = %s',
- (pickled_data, expiration_time,
- def _delete(self):
- self.cursor.execute('delete from session where id=%s', (,))
- def acquire_lock(self):
- """Acquire an exclusive lock on the currently-loaded session data."""
- # We use the "for update" clause to lock the row
- self.locked = True
- self.cursor.execute('select id from session where id=%s for update',
- (,))
- def release_lock(self):
- """Release the lock on the currently-loaded session data."""
- # We just close the cursor and that will remove the lock
- # introduced by the "for update" clause
- self.cursor.close()
- self.locked = False
- def clean_up(self):
- """Clean up expired sessions."""
- self.cursor.execute('delete from session where expiration_time < %s',
- (,))
-class MemcachedSession(Session):
- # The most popular memcached client for Python isn't thread-safe.
- # Wrap all .get and .set operations in a single lock.
- mc_lock = threading.RLock()
- # This is a seperate set of locks per session id.
- locks = {}
- servers = ['']
- def setup(cls, **kwargs):
- """Set up the storage system for memcached-based sessions.
- This should only be called once per process; this will be done
- automatically when using sessions.init (as the built-in Tool does).
- """
- for k, v in kwargs.items():
- setattr(cls, k, v)
- import memcache
- cls.cache = memcache.Client(cls.servers)
- setup = classmethod(setup)
- def _exists(self):
- self.mc_lock.acquire()
- try:
- return bool(self.cache.get(
- finally:
- self.mc_lock.release()
- def _load(self):
- self.mc_lock.acquire()
- try:
- return self.cache.get(
- finally:
- self.mc_lock.release()
- def _save(self, expiration_time):
- # Send the expiration time as "Unix time" (seconds since 1/1/1970)
- td = int(time.mktime(expiration_time.timetuple()))
- self.mc_lock.acquire()
- try:
- if not self.cache.set(, (self._data, expiration_time), td):
- raise AssertionError("Session data for id %r not set." %
- finally:
- self.mc_lock.release()
- def _delete(self):
- self.cache.delete(
- def acquire_lock(self):
- """Acquire an exclusive lock on the currently-loaded session data."""
- self.locked = True
- self.locks.setdefault(, threading.RLock()).acquire()
- def release_lock(self):
- """Release the lock on the currently-loaded session data."""
- self.locks[].release()
- self.locked = False
- def __len__(self):
- """Return the number of active sessions."""
- raise NotImplementedError
-# Hook functions (for CherryPy tools)
-def save():
- """Save any changed session data."""
- if not hasattr(cherrypy.serving, "session"):
- return
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- # Guard against running twice
- if hasattr(request, "_sessionsaved"):
- return
- request._sessionsaved = True
- if
- # If the body is being streamed, we have to save the data
- # *after* the response has been written out
- request.hooks.attach('on_end_request',
- else:
- # If the body is not being streamed, we save the data now
- # (so we can release the lock).
- if isinstance(response.body, types.GeneratorType):
- response.collapse_body()
-save.failsafe = True
-def close():
- """Close the session object for this request."""
- sess = getattr(cherrypy.serving, "session", None)
- if getattr(sess, "locked", False):
- # If the session is still locked we release the lock
- sess.release_lock()
-close.failsafe = True
-close.priority = 90
-def init(storage_type='ram', path=None, path_header=None, name='session_id',
- timeout=60, domain=None, secure=False, clean_freq=5,
- persistent=True, debug=False, **kwargs):
- """Initialize session object (using cookies).
- storage_type
- One of 'ram', 'file', 'postgresql'. This will be used
- to look up the corresponding class in cherrypy.lib.sessions
- globals. For example, 'file' will use the FileSession class.
- path
- The 'path' value to stick in the response cookie metadata.
- path_header
- If 'path' is None (the default), then the response
- cookie 'path' will be pulled from request.headers[path_header].
- name
- The name of the cookie.
- timeout
- The expiration timeout (in minutes) for the stored session data.
- If 'persistent' is True (the default), this is also the timeout
- for the cookie.
- domain
- The cookie domain.
- secure
- If False (the default) the cookie 'secure' value will not
- be set. If True, the cookie 'secure' value will be set (to 1).
- clean_freq (minutes)
- The poll rate for expired session cleanup.
- persistent
- If True (the default), the 'timeout' argument will be used
- to expire the cookie. If False, the cookie will not have an expiry,
- and the cookie will be a "session cookie" which expires when the
- browser is closed.
- Any additional kwargs will be bound to the new Session instance,
- and may be specific to the storage type. See the subclass of Session
- you're using for more information.
- """
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- # Guard against running twice
- if hasattr(request, "_session_init_flag"):
- return
- request._session_init_flag = True
- # Check if request came with a session ID
- id = None
- if name in request.cookie:
- id = request.cookie[name].value
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('ID obtained from request.cookie: %r' % id,
- # Find the storage class and call setup (first time only).
- storage_class = storage_type.title() + 'Session'
- storage_class = globals()[storage_class]
- if not hasattr(cherrypy, "session"):
- if hasattr(storage_class, "setup"):
- storage_class.setup(**kwargs)
- # Create and attach a new Session instance to cherrypy.serving.
- # It will possess a reference to (and lock, and lazily load)
- # the requested session data.
- kwargs['timeout'] = timeout
- kwargs['clean_freq'] = clean_freq
- cherrypy.serving.session = sess = storage_class(id, **kwargs)
- sess.debug = debug
- def update_cookie(id):
- """Update the cookie every time the session id changes."""
- cherrypy.serving.response.cookie[name] = id
- sess.id_observers.append(update_cookie)
- # Create cherrypy.session which will proxy to cherrypy.serving.session
- if not hasattr(cherrypy, "session"):
- cherrypy.session = cherrypy._ThreadLocalProxy('session')
- if persistent:
- cookie_timeout = timeout
- else:
- # See
- # and
- cookie_timeout = None
- set_response_cookie(path=path, path_header=path_header, name=name,
- timeout=cookie_timeout, domain=domain, secure=secure)
-def set_response_cookie(path=None, path_header=None, name='session_id',
- timeout=60, domain=None, secure=False):
- """Set a response cookie for the client.
- path
- the 'path' value to stick in the response cookie metadata.
- path_header
- if 'path' is None (the default), then the response
- cookie 'path' will be pulled from request.headers[path_header].
- name
- the name of the cookie.
- timeout
- the expiration timeout for the cookie. If 0 or other boolean
- False, no 'expires' param will be set, and the cookie will be a
- "session cookie" which expires when the browser is closed.
- domain
- the cookie domain.
- secure
- if False (the default) the cookie 'secure' value will not
- be set. If True, the cookie 'secure' value will be set (to 1).
- """
- # Set response cookie
- cookie = cherrypy.serving.response.cookie
- cookie[name] =
- cookie[name]['path'] = (path or cherrypy.serving.request.headers.get(path_header)
- or '/')
- # We'd like to use the "max-age" param as indicated in
- # but IE doesn't
- # save it to disk and the session is lost if people close
- # the browser. So we have to use the old "expires" ... sigh ...
-## cookie[name]['max-age'] = timeout * 60
- if timeout:
- e = time.time() + (timeout * 60)
- cookie[name]['expires'] = httputil.HTTPDate(e)
- if domain is not None:
- cookie[name]['domain'] = domain
- if secure:
- cookie[name]['secure'] = 1
-def expire():
- """Expire the current session cookie."""
- name = cherrypy.serving.request.config.get('', 'session_id')
- one_year = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
- e = time.time() - one_year
- cherrypy.serving.response.cookie[name]['expires'] = httputil.HTTPDate(e)
diff --git a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/ b/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index cb9a68c..0000000
--- a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import mimetypes
-import os
-import re
-import stat
-import time
-import cherrypy
-from cherrypy._cpcompat import ntob, unquote
-from cherrypy.lib import cptools, httputil, file_generator_limited
-def serve_file(path, content_type=None, disposition=None, name=None, debug=False):
- """Set status, headers, and body in order to serve the given path.
- The Content-Type header will be set to the content_type arg, if provided.
- If not provided, the Content-Type will be guessed by the file extension
- of the 'path' argument.
- If disposition is not None, the Content-Disposition header will be set
- to "<disposition>; filename=<name>". If name is None, it will be set
- to the basename of path. If disposition is None, no Content-Disposition
- header will be written.
- """
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- # If path is relative, users should fix it by making path absolute.
- # That is, CherryPy should not guess where the application root is.
- # It certainly should *not* use cwd (since CP may be invoked from a
- # variety of paths). If using tools.staticdir, you can make your relative
- # paths become absolute by supplying a value for "tools.staticdir.root".
- if not os.path.isabs(path):
- msg = "'%s' is not an absolute path." % path
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log(msg, 'TOOLS.STATICFILE')
- raise ValueError(msg)
- try:
- st = os.stat(path)
- except OSError:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('os.stat(%r) failed' % path, 'TOOLS.STATIC')
- raise cherrypy.NotFound()
- # Check if path is a directory.
- if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
- # Let the caller deal with it as they like.
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('%r is a directory' % path, 'TOOLS.STATIC')
- raise cherrypy.NotFound()
- # Set the Last-Modified response header, so that
- # modified-since validation code can work.
- response.headers['Last-Modified'] = httputil.HTTPDate(st.st_mtime)
- cptools.validate_since()
- if content_type is None:
- # Set content-type based on filename extension
- ext = ""
- i = path.rfind('.')
- if i != -1:
- ext = path[i:].lower()
- content_type = mimetypes.types_map.get(ext, None)
- if content_type is not None:
- response.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Content-Type: %r' % content_type, 'TOOLS.STATIC')
- cd = None
- if disposition is not None:
- if name is None:
- name = os.path.basename(path)
- cd = '%s; filename="%s"' % (disposition, name)
- response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = cd
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Content-Disposition: %r' % cd, 'TOOLS.STATIC')
- # Set Content-Length and use an iterable (file object)
- # this way CP won't load the whole file in memory
- content_length = st.st_size
- fileobj = open(path, 'rb')
- return _serve_fileobj(fileobj, content_type, content_length, debug=debug)
-def serve_fileobj(fileobj, content_type=None, disposition=None, name=None,
- debug=False):
- """Set status, headers, and body in order to serve the given file object.
- The Content-Type header will be set to the content_type arg, if provided.
- If disposition is not None, the Content-Disposition header will be set
- to "<disposition>; filename=<name>". If name is None, 'filename' will
- not be set. If disposition is None, no Content-Disposition header will
- be written.
- CAUTION: If the request contains a 'Range' header, one or more seek()s will
- be performed on the file object. This may cause undesired behavior if
- the file object is not seekable. It could also produce undesired results
- if the caller set the read position of the file object prior to calling
- serve_fileobj(), expecting that the data would be served starting from that
- position.
- """
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- try:
- st = os.fstat(fileobj.fileno())
- except AttributeError:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('os has no fstat attribute', 'TOOLS.STATIC')
- content_length = None
- else:
- # Set the Last-Modified response header, so that
- # modified-since validation code can work.
- response.headers['Last-Modified'] = httputil.HTTPDate(st.st_mtime)
- cptools.validate_since()
- content_length = st.st_size
- if content_type is not None:
- response.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Content-Type: %r' % content_type, 'TOOLS.STATIC')
- cd = None
- if disposition is not None:
- if name is None:
- cd = disposition
- else:
- cd = '%s; filename="%s"' % (disposition, name)
- response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = cd
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Content-Disposition: %r' % cd, 'TOOLS.STATIC')
- return _serve_fileobj(fileobj, content_type, content_length, debug=debug)
-def _serve_fileobj(fileobj, content_type, content_length, debug=False):
- """Internal. Set response.body to the given file object, perhaps ranged."""
- response = cherrypy.serving.response
- # HTTP/1.0 didn't have Range/Accept-Ranges headers, or the 206 code
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- if request.protocol >= (1, 1):
- response.headers["Accept-Ranges"] = "bytes"
- r = httputil.get_ranges(request.headers.get('Range'), content_length)
- if r == []:
- response.headers['Content-Range'] = "bytes */%s" % content_length
- message = "Invalid Range (first-byte-pos greater than Content-Length)"
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log(message, 'TOOLS.STATIC')
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(416, message)
- if r:
- if len(r) == 1:
- # Return a single-part response.
- start, stop = r[0]
- if stop > content_length:
- stop = content_length
- r_len = stop - start
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Single part; start: %r, stop: %r' % (start, stop),
- response.status = "206 Partial Content"
- response.headers['Content-Range'] = (
- "bytes %s-%s/%s" % (start, stop - 1, content_length))
- response.headers['Content-Length'] = r_len
- response.body = file_generator_limited(fileobj, r_len)
- else:
- # Return a multipart/byteranges response.
- response.status = "206 Partial Content"
- from mimetools import choose_boundary
- boundary = choose_boundary()
- ct = "multipart/byteranges; boundary=%s" % boundary
- response.headers['Content-Type'] = ct
- if "Content-Length" in response.headers:
- # Delete Content-Length header so finalize() recalcs it.
- del response.headers["Content-Length"]
- def file_ranges():
- # Apache compatibility:
- yield ntob("\r\n")
- for start, stop in r:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Multipart; start: %r, stop: %r' % (start, stop),
- yield ntob("--" + boundary, 'ascii')
- yield ntob("\r\nContent-type: %s" % content_type, 'ascii')
- yield ntob("\r\nContent-range: bytes %s-%s/%s\r\n\r\n"
- % (start, stop - 1, content_length), 'ascii')
- for chunk in file_generator_limited(fileobj, stop-start):
- yield chunk
- yield ntob("\r\n")
- # Final boundary
- yield ntob("--" + boundary + "--", 'ascii')
- # Apache compatibility:
- yield ntob("\r\n")
- response.body = file_ranges()
- return response.body
- else:
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('No byteranges requested', 'TOOLS.STATIC')
- # Set Content-Length and use an iterable (file object)
- # this way CP won't load the whole file in memory
- response.headers['Content-Length'] = content_length
- response.body = fileobj
- return response.body
-def serve_download(path, name=None):
- """Serve 'path' as an application/x-download attachment."""
- # This is such a common idiom I felt it deserved its own wrapper.
- return serve_file(path, "application/x-download", "attachment", name)
-def _attempt(filename, content_types, debug=False):
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Attempting %r (content_types %r)' %
- (filename, content_types), 'TOOLS.STATICDIR')
- try:
- # you can set the content types for a
- # complete directory per extension
- content_type = None
- if content_types:
- r, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
- content_type = content_types.get(ext[1:], None)
- serve_file(filename, content_type=content_type, debug=debug)
- return True
- except cherrypy.NotFound:
- # If we didn't find the static file, continue handling the
- # request. We might find a dynamic handler instead.
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('NotFound', 'TOOLS.STATICFILE')
- return False
-def staticdir(section, dir, root="", match="", content_types=None, index="",
- debug=False):
- """Serve a static resource from the given (root +) dir.
- match
- If given, request.path_info will be searched for the given
- regular expression before attempting to serve static content.
- content_types
- If given, it should be a Python dictionary of
- {file-extension: content-type} pairs, where 'file-extension' is
- a string (e.g. "gif") and 'content-type' is the value to write
- out in the Content-Type response header (e.g. "image/gif").
- index
- If provided, it should be the (relative) name of a file to
- serve for directory requests. For example, if the dir argument is
- '/home/me', the Request-URI is 'myapp', and the index arg is
- 'index.html', the file '/home/me/myapp/index.html' will be sought.
- """
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- if request.method not in ('GET', 'HEAD'):
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('request.method not GET or HEAD', 'TOOLS.STATICDIR')
- return False
- if match and not, request.path_info):
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('request.path_info %r does not match pattern %r' %
- (request.path_info, match), 'TOOLS.STATICDIR')
- return False
- # Allow the use of '~' to refer to a user's home directory.
- dir = os.path.expanduser(dir)
- # If dir is relative, make absolute using "root".
- if not os.path.isabs(dir):
- if not root:
- msg = "Static dir requires an absolute dir (or root)."
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log(msg, 'TOOLS.STATICDIR')
- raise ValueError(msg)
- dir = os.path.join(root, dir)
- # Determine where we are in the object tree relative to 'section'
- # (where the static tool was defined).
- if section == 'global':
- section = "/"
- section = section.rstrip(r"\/")
- branch = request.path_info[len(section) + 1:]
- branch = unquote(branch.lstrip(r"\/"))
- # If branch is "", filename will end in a slash
- filename = os.path.join(dir, branch)
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('Checking file %r to fulfill %r' %
- (filename, request.path_info), 'TOOLS.STATICDIR')
- # There's a chance that the branch pulled from the URL might
- # have ".." or similar uplevel attacks in it. Check that the final
- # filename is a child of dir.
- if not os.path.normpath(filename).startswith(os.path.normpath(dir)):
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(403) # Forbidden
- handled = _attempt(filename, content_types)
- if not handled:
- # Check for an index file if a folder was requested.
- if index:
- handled = _attempt(os.path.join(filename, index), content_types)
- if handled:
- request.is_index = filename[-1] in (r"\/")
- return handled
-def staticfile(filename, root=None, match="", content_types=None, debug=False):
- """Serve a static resource from the given (root +) filename.
- match
- If given, request.path_info will be searched for the given
- regular expression before attempting to serve static content.
- content_types
- If given, it should be a Python dictionary of
- {file-extension: content-type} pairs, where 'file-extension' is
- a string (e.g. "gif") and 'content-type' is the value to write
- out in the Content-Type response header (e.g. "image/gif").
- """
- request = cherrypy.serving.request
- if request.method not in ('GET', 'HEAD'):
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('request.method not GET or HEAD', 'TOOLS.STATICFILE')
- return False
- if match and not, request.path_info):
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log('request.path_info %r does not match pattern %r' %
- (request.path_info, match), 'TOOLS.STATICFILE')
- return False
- # If filename is relative, make absolute using "root".
- if not os.path.isabs(filename):
- if not root:
- msg = "Static tool requires an absolute filename (got '%s')." % filename
- if debug:
- cherrypy.log(msg, 'TOOLS.STATICFILE')
- raise ValueError(msg)
- filename = os.path.join(root, filename)
- return _attempt(filename, content_types, debug=debug)
diff --git a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/ b/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a5ef54..0000000
--- a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py2/cherrypy/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import cherrypy
-def process_body():
- """Return (params, method) from request body."""
- try:
- import xmlrpclib
- return xmlrpclib.loads(
- except Exception:
-def patched_path(path):
- """Return 'path', doctored for RPC."""
- if not path.endswith('/'):
- path += '/'
- if path.startswith('/RPC2/'):
- # strip the first /rpc2
- path = path[5:]
- return path
-def _set_response(body):
- # The XML-RPC spec ( says:
- # "Unless there's a lower-level error, always return 200 OK."
- # Since Python's xmlrpclib interprets a non-200 response
- # as a "Protocol Error", we'll just return 200 every time.
- response = cherrypy.response
- response.status = '200 OK'
- response.body = body
- response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'
- response.headers['Content-Length'] = len(body)
-def respond(body, encoding='utf-8', allow_none=0):
- from xmlrpclib import Fault, dumps
- if not isinstance(body, Fault):
- body = (body,)
- _set_response(dumps(body, methodresponse=1,
- encoding=encoding,
- allow_none=allow_none))
-def on_error(*args, **kwargs):
- body = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
- from xmlrpclib import Fault, dumps
- _set_response(dumps(Fault(1, body)))