path: root/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py3/cherrypy/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py3/cherrypy/test/')
1 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py3/cherrypy/test/ b/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py3/cherrypy/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f97337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/py3/cherrypy/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+from cherrypy._cpcompat import BadStatusLine, ntob
+import os
+import sys
+import threading
+import time
+import cherrypy
+engine = cherrypy.engine
+thisdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__))
+class Dependency:
+ def __init__(self, bus):
+ self.bus = bus
+ self.running = False
+ self.startcount = 0
+ self.gracecount = 0
+ self.threads = {}
+ def subscribe(self):
+ self.bus.subscribe('start', self.start)
+ self.bus.subscribe('stop', self.stop)
+ self.bus.subscribe('graceful', self.graceful)
+ self.bus.subscribe('start_thread', self.startthread)
+ self.bus.subscribe('stop_thread', self.stopthread)
+ def start(self):
+ self.running = True
+ self.startcount += 1
+ def stop(self):
+ self.running = False
+ def graceful(self):
+ self.gracecount += 1
+ def startthread(self, thread_id):
+ self.threads[thread_id] = None
+ def stopthread(self, thread_id):
+ del self.threads[thread_id]
+db_connection = Dependency(engine)
+def setup_server():
+ class Root:
+ def index(self):
+ return "Hello World"
+ = True
+ def ctrlc(self):
+ raise KeyboardInterrupt()
+ = True
+ def graceful(self):
+ engine.graceful()
+ return "app was (gracefully) restarted succesfully"
+ = True
+ def block_explicit(self):
+ while True:
+ if cherrypy.response.timed_out:
+ cherrypy.response.timed_out = False
+ return "broken!"
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ = True
+ def block_implicit(self):
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+ return "response.timeout = %s" % cherrypy.response.timeout
+ = True
+ cherrypy.tree.mount(Root())
+ cherrypy.config.update({
+ 'environment': 'test_suite',
+ 'engine.deadlock_poll_freq': 0.1,
+ })
+ db_connection.subscribe()
+# ------------ Enough helpers. Time for real live test cases. ------------ #
+from cherrypy.test import helper
+class ServerStateTests(helper.CPWebCase):
+ setup_server = staticmethod(setup_server)
+ def setUp(self):
+ cherrypy.server.socket_timeout = 0.1
+ def test_0_NormalStateFlow(self):
+ engine.stop()
+ # Our db_connection should not be running
+ self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, False)
+ self.assertEqual(db_connection.startcount, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 0)
+ # Test server start
+ engine.start()
+ self.assertEqual(engine.state, engine.states.STARTED)
+ host = cherrypy.server.socket_host
+ port = cherrypy.server.socket_port
+ self.assertRaises(IOError, cherrypy._cpserver.check_port, host, port)
+ # The db_connection should be running now
+ self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, True)
+ self.assertEqual(db_connection.startcount, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 0)
+ self.getPage("/")
+ self.assertBody("Hello World")
+ self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 1)
+ # Test engine stop. This will also stop the HTTP server.
+ engine.stop()
+ self.assertEqual(engine.state, engine.states.STOPPED)
+ # Verify that our custom stop function was called
+ self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, False)
+ self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 0)
+ # Block the main thread now and verify that exit() works.
+ def exittest():
+ self.getPage("/")
+ self.assertBody("Hello World")
+ engine.exit()
+ cherrypy.server.start()
+ engine.start_with_callback(exittest)
+ engine.block()
+ self.assertEqual(engine.state, engine.states.EXITING)
+ def test_1_Restart(self):
+ cherrypy.server.start()
+ engine.start()
+ # The db_connection should be running now
+ self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, True)
+ grace = db_connection.gracecount
+ self.getPage("/")
+ self.assertBody("Hello World")
+ self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 1)
+ # Test server restart from this thread
+ engine.graceful()
+ self.assertEqual(engine.state, engine.states.STARTED)
+ self.getPage("/")
+ self.assertBody("Hello World")
+ self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, True)
+ self.assertEqual(db_connection.gracecount, grace + 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 1)
+ # Test server restart from inside a page handler
+ self.getPage("/graceful")
+ self.assertEqual(engine.state, engine.states.STARTED)
+ self.assertBody("app was (gracefully) restarted succesfully")
+ self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, True)
+ self.assertEqual(db_connection.gracecount, grace + 2)
+ # Since we are requesting synchronously, is only one thread used?
+ # Note that the "/graceful" request has been flushed.
+ self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 0)
+ engine.stop()
+ self.assertEqual(engine.state, engine.states.STOPPED)
+ self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, False)
+ self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 0)
+ def test_2_KeyboardInterrupt(self):
+ # Raise a keyboard interrupt in the HTTP server's main thread.
+ # We must start the server in this, the main thread
+ engine.start()
+ cherrypy.server.start()
+ self.persistent = True
+ try:
+ # Make the first request and assert there's no "Connection: close".
+ self.getPage("/")
+ self.assertStatus('200 OK')
+ self.assertBody("Hello World")
+ self.assertNoHeader("Connection")
+ cherrypy.server.httpserver.interrupt = KeyboardInterrupt
+ engine.block()
+ self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, False)
+ self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(engine.state, engine.states.EXITING)
+ finally:
+ self.persistent = False
+ # Raise a keyboard interrupt in a page handler; on multithreaded
+ # servers, this should occur in one of the worker threads.
+ # This should raise a BadStatusLine error, since the worker
+ # thread will just die without writing a response.
+ engine.start()
+ cherrypy.server.start()
+ try:
+ self.getPage("/ctrlc")
+ except BadStatusLine:
+ pass
+ else:
+ print(self.body)
+"AssertionError: BadStatusLine not raised")
+ engine.block()
+ self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, False)
+ self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 0)
+ def test_3_Deadlocks(self):
+ cherrypy.config.update({'response.timeout': 0.2})
+ engine.start()
+ cherrypy.server.start()
+ try:
+ self.assertNotEqual(engine.timeout_monitor.thread, None)
+ # Request a "normal" page.
+ self.assertEqual(engine.timeout_monitor.servings, [])
+ self.getPage("/")
+ self.assertBody("Hello World")
+ # request.close is called async.
+ while engine.timeout_monitor.servings:
+ sys.stdout.write(".")
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ # Request a page that explicitly checks itself for deadlock.
+ # The deadlock_timeout should be 2 secs.
+ self.getPage("/block_explicit")
+ self.assertBody("broken!")
+ # Request a page that implicitly breaks deadlock.
+ # If we deadlock, we want to touch as little code as possible,
+ # so we won't even call handle_error, just bail ASAP.
+ self.getPage("/block_implicit")
+ self.assertStatus(500)
+ self.assertInBody("raise cherrypy.TimeoutError()")
+ finally:
+ engine.exit()
+ def test_4_Autoreload(self):
+ # Start the demo script in a new process
+ p = helper.CPProcess(ssl=(self.scheme.lower()=='https'))
+ p.write_conf(
+ extra='test_case_name: "test_4_Autoreload"')
+ p.start(imports='cherrypy.test._test_states_demo')
+ try:
+ self.getPage("/start")
+ start = float(self.body)
+ # Give the autoreloader time to cache the file time.
+ time.sleep(2)
+ # Touch the file
+ os.utime(os.path.join(thisdir, ""), None)
+ # Give the autoreloader time to re-exec the process
+ time.sleep(2)
+ host = cherrypy.server.socket_host
+ port = cherrypy.server.socket_port
+ cherrypy._cpserver.wait_for_occupied_port(host, port)
+ self.getPage("/start")
+ self.assert_(float(self.body) > start)
+ finally:
+ # Shut down the spawned process
+ self.getPage("/exit")
+ p.join()
+ def test_5_Start_Error(self):
+ # If a process errors during start, it should stop the engine
+ # and exit with a non-zero exit code.
+ p = helper.CPProcess(ssl=(self.scheme.lower()=='https'),
+ wait=True)
+ p.write_conf(
+ extra="""starterror: True
+test_case_name: "test_5_Start_Error"
+ )
+ p.start(imports='cherrypy.test._test_states_demo')
+ if p.exit_code == 0:
+"Process failed to return nonzero exit code.")
+class PluginTests(helper.CPWebCase):
+ def test_daemonize(self):
+ if not in ['posix']:
+ return self.skip("skipped (not on posix) ")
+ self.HOST = ''
+ self.PORT = 8081
+ # Spawn the process and wait, when this returns, the original process
+ # is finished. If it daemonized properly, we should still be able
+ # to access pages.
+ p = helper.CPProcess(ssl=(self.scheme.lower()=='https'),
+ wait=True, daemonize=True,
+ socket_host='',
+ socket_port=8081)
+ p.write_conf(
+ extra='test_case_name: "test_daemonize"')
+ p.start(imports='cherrypy.test._test_states_demo')
+ try:
+ # Just get the pid of the daemonization process.
+ self.getPage("/pid")
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ page_pid = int(self.body)
+ self.assertEqual(page_pid, p.get_pid())
+ finally:
+ # Shut down the spawned process
+ self.getPage("/exit")
+ p.join()
+ # Wait until here to test the exit code because we want to ensure
+ # that we wait for the daemon to finish running before we fail.
+ if p.exit_code != 0:
+"Daemonized parent process failed to exit cleanly.")
+class SignalHandlingTests(helper.CPWebCase):
+ def test_SIGHUP_tty(self):
+ # When not daemonized, SIGHUP should shut down the server.
+ try:
+ from signal import SIGHUP
+ except ImportError:
+ return self.skip("skipped (no SIGHUP) ")
+ # Spawn the process.
+ p = helper.CPProcess(ssl=(self.scheme.lower()=='https'))
+ p.write_conf(
+ extra='test_case_name: "test_SIGHUP_tty"')
+ p.start(imports='cherrypy.test._test_states_demo')
+ # Send a SIGHUP
+ os.kill(p.get_pid(), SIGHUP)
+ # This might hang if things aren't working right, but meh.
+ p.join()
+ def test_SIGHUP_daemonized(self):
+ # When daemonized, SIGHUP should restart the server.
+ try:
+ from signal import SIGHUP
+ except ImportError:
+ return self.skip("skipped (no SIGHUP) ")
+ if not in ['posix']:
+ return self.skip("skipped (not on posix) ")
+ # Spawn the process and wait, when this returns, the original process
+ # is finished. If it daemonized properly, we should still be able
+ # to access pages.
+ p = helper.CPProcess(ssl=(self.scheme.lower()=='https'),
+ wait=True, daemonize=True)
+ p.write_conf(
+ extra='test_case_name: "test_SIGHUP_daemonized"')
+ p.start(imports='cherrypy.test._test_states_demo')
+ pid = p.get_pid()
+ try:
+ # Send a SIGHUP
+ os.kill(pid, SIGHUP)
+ # Give the server some time to restart
+ time.sleep(2)
+ self.getPage("/pid")
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ new_pid = int(self.body)
+ self.assertNotEqual(new_pid, pid)
+ finally:
+ # Shut down the spawned process
+ self.getPage("/exit")
+ p.join()
+ def test_SIGTERM(self):
+ # SIGTERM should shut down the server whether daemonized or not.
+ try:
+ from signal import SIGTERM
+ except ImportError:
+ return self.skip("skipped (no SIGTERM) ")
+ try:
+ from os import kill
+ except ImportError:
+ return self.skip("skipped (no os.kill) ")
+ # Spawn a normal, undaemonized process.
+ p = helper.CPProcess(ssl=(self.scheme.lower()=='https'))
+ p.write_conf(
+ extra='test_case_name: "test_SIGTERM"')
+ p.start(imports='cherrypy.test._test_states_demo')
+ # Send a SIGTERM
+ os.kill(p.get_pid(), SIGTERM)
+ # This might hang if things aren't working right, but meh.
+ p.join()
+ if in ['posix']:
+ # Spawn a daemonized process and test again.
+ p = helper.CPProcess(ssl=(self.scheme.lower()=='https'),
+ wait=True, daemonize=True)
+ p.write_conf(
+ extra='test_case_name: "test_SIGTERM_2"')
+ p.start(imports='cherrypy.test._test_states_demo')
+ # Send a SIGTERM
+ os.kill(p.get_pid(), SIGTERM)
+ # This might hang if things aren't working right, but meh.
+ p.join()
+ def test_signal_handler_unsubscribe(self):
+ try:
+ from signal import SIGTERM
+ except ImportError:
+ return self.skip("skipped (no SIGTERM) ")
+ try:
+ from os import kill
+ except ImportError:
+ return self.skip("skipped (no os.kill) ")
+ # Spawn a normal, undaemonized process.
+ p = helper.CPProcess(ssl=(self.scheme.lower()=='https'))
+ p.write_conf(
+ extra="""unsubsig: True
+test_case_name: "test_signal_handler_unsubscribe"
+ p.start(imports='cherrypy.test._test_states_demo')
+ # Send a SIGTERM
+ os.kill(p.get_pid(), SIGTERM)
+ # This might hang if things aren't working right, but meh.
+ p.join()
+ # Assert the old handler ran.
+ target_line = open(p.error_log, 'rb').readlines()[-10]
+ if not ntob("I am an old SIGTERM handler.") in target_line:
+"Old SIGTERM handler did not run.\n%r" % target_line)