path: root/vendor/CherryPy-3.2.0/sphinx/source/progguide/extending
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-Custom Plugins
-CherryPy allows you to extend startup, shutdown, and other behavior outside the
-request process via *Listeners* and *Plugins*. The
-:class:`cherrypy.engine<cherrypy.process.wspbus.Bus>` object controls
-these behaviors; to extend them, you subscribe listeners to the engine.
-These allow you to run functions at a particular point in the
-*site* process; for the *request* process, see :doc:`customtools` instead.
-The engine is a publish-subscribe service; event handlers publish to various
-*channels*, like "start", "stop", "exit", "graceful", or "log", and both
-CherryPy and you can subscribe *listeners* for those messages::
- engine.subscribe(channel, callback[, priority])
-The channel is an event name:
- * start: the Engine is starting for the first time, or has been stopped and is
- now restarting; listeners here should start up sockets, files, or other
- services and not return until they are ready to be used by clients or
- other parts of the site.
- * stop: the Engine is stopping; plugins should cleanly stop what they are
- doing and not return until they have finished cleaning up. This is called
- by :func:`cherrypy.engine.stop<cherrypy.process.wspbus.Bus.stop>`, and
- plugins should make every effort to stop and clean up in a fashion that
- permits them to be restarted via a "start" listener.
- * graceful: advises all listeners to reload, e.g. by closing any open files
- and reopening them.
- * exit: this is called by
- :func:`cherrypy.engine.exit<cherrypy.process.wspbus.Bus.exit>`,
- and advises plugins to prepare for process termination. Note that
- :func:`cherrypy.engine.exit<cherrypy.process.wspbus.Bus.exit>` first calls
- :func:`cherrypy.engine.stop<cherrypy.process.wspbus.Bus.stop>`, so Plugins
- may expect to stop first, then exit in a separate step.
- * log(msg, level): in general, :class:`cherrypy.log<cherrypy._cplogging.LogManager>`
- listens on this channel. Plugins, however, should make every effort to
- publish to this channel verbosely to aid process event debugging. See the
- builtin Plugins for good examples.
- * main: New in 3.2. All Engine tasks run in threads other than the main thread;
- the main thread usually calls
- :func:`cherrypy.engine.block<cherrypy.process.wspbus.Bus.block>` to wait
- for KeyboardInterrupt and other signals. While blocked, it loops
- (every 1/10th of a second, by default), and publishes a message on the
- "main" channel each time. Listeners subscribed to this channel, therefore,
- are called at every interval.
-The functionality you wish to run; this can be any function, class, or other
-callable. Each channel defines the arguments; currently, however, only the "log"
-channel defines any ('msg', the string message to log, and 'level', an int
-following the levels defined in the stdlib's :mod:`logging <logging>` module).
-The optional priority (0 - 100) allows multiple listeners to run in the correct
-order. Lower numbers run first. The default is 50.
-If you omit the priority argument to engine.subscribe (or pass ``None``),
-you can instead set it as an attribute on the callback function::
- def setup_db():
- ....
- setup_db.priority = 90
- engine.subscribe('start', setup_db)
-You can manually subscribe bus listeners, but you probably shouldn't.
-*Plugins* allow your function to be subscribed and configured both
-via the CherryPy config system and via the Plugin itself. Plugins also allow
-you to write a single class that listens on multiple channels.
-Most of the built-in plugins have their own ``subscribe`` method,
-so that instead of writing ``engine.subscribe``, you write:
-``p = Plugin(engine).subscribe()``. If you want to turn off a plugin,
-call ``p.unsubscribe()``. The plugin already knows the correct channel,
-callback, and priority.
-You can run arbitrary code at any of the events by creating a
-SimplePlugin object, with one method for each *channel* you wish to handle::
- class ScratchDB(plugins.SimplePlugin):
- def start(self):
- self.fname = 'myapp_%d.db' % os.getpid()
- self.db = sqlite.connect(database=self.fname)
- start.priority = 80
- def stop(self):
- self.db.close()
- os.remove(self.fname)
- cherrypy.engine.scratchdb = ScratchDB(cherrypy.engine)
-...then, once you've authored your Plugin, turn it on by calling its
-``subscribe`` method::
- cherrypy.engine.scratchdb.subscribe()
-...or, in CherryPy 3.2 and above, in site config::
- [global]
- engine.scratchdb.on = True
-Priorities of the built-in "start" listeners:
-====================================================================== ================
- Listener Priority
-====================================================================== ================
- default 50
- :doc:`Daemonizer </refman/process/plugins/daemonizer>` 65
- :doc:`Timeout Monitor </progguide/responsetimeouts>` 70
- :class:`Autoreloader <cherrypy.process.plugins.Autoreloader>` 70
- :doc:`PID File </refman/process/plugins/pidfile>` 70
- :doc:`HTTP Servers </refman/process/servers>` 75
- :doc:`Drop Privileges </refman/process/plugins/dropprivileges>` 77
-====================================================================== ================
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-Custom Tools
-CherryPy is an extremely capable platform for web application and framework
-development. One of the strengths of CherryPy is its modular design; CherryPy
-separates key-but-not-core functionality out into "tools". This provides two
-benefits: a slimmer, faster core system and a supported means of tying
-additional functionality into the framework.
-Tools can be enabled for any point of your CherryPy application: a certain
-path, a certain class, or even individual methods using the
-:ref:`_cp_config <cp_config>` dictionary. Tools can also be used as decorators
-which provide syntactic sugar for configuring a tool for a specific callable.
-See :doc:`/concepts/tools` for more information on how to use Tools.
-This document will show you how to make your own.
-Your First Custom Tool
-Let's look at a very simple authorization tool::
- import cherrypy
- def protect(users):
- if cherrypy.request.login not in users:
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError("401 Unauthorized")
- = Tool('on_start_resource', protect)
-We can now enable it in the standard ways: a config file or dict passed to an
-application, a :ref:`_cp_config<cp_config>` dict on a particular class or
-callable or via use of the tool as a decorator. Here's how to turn it on in
-a config file::
- [/path/to/protected/resource]
- tools.protect.on = True
- tools.protect.users = ['me', 'myself', 'I']
-Now let's look at the example tool a bit more closely.
-Working from the bottom up, the :class:`cherrypy.Tool<cherrypy._cptools.Tool>`
-constructor takes 2 required and 2 optional arguments.
-First, we need to declare the point in the CherryPy request/response
-handling process where we want our tool to be triggered. Different request
-attributes are obtained and set at different points in the request process.
-In this example, we'll run at the first *hook point*, called "on_start_resource".
-.. _hooks:
-Tools package up *hooks*. When we created a Tool instance above, the Tool
-class registered our `protect` function to run at the 'on_start_resource'
-*hookpoint*. You can write code that runs at hookpoints without using a Tool
-to help you, but you probably shouldn't. The Tool system allows your function
-to be turned on and configured both via the CherryPy config system and via the
-Tool itself as a decorator. You can also write a Tool that runs code at multiple
-hook points.
-Here is a quick rundown of the "hook points" that you can hang your tools on:
- * on_start_resource - The earliest hook; the Request-Line and request headers
- have been processed and a dispatcher has set request.handler and request.config.
- * before_request_body - Tools that are hooked up here run right before the
- request body would be processed.
- * before_handler - Right before the request.handler (the "exposed" callable
- that was found by the dispatcher) is called.
- * before_finalize - This hook is called right after the page handler has been
- processed and before CherryPy formats the final response object. It helps
- you for example to check for what could have been returned by your page
- handler and change some headers if needed.
- * on_end_resource - Processing is complete - the response is ready to be
- returned. This doesn't always mean that the request.handler (the exposed
- page handler) has executed! It may be a generator. If your tool absolutely
- needs to run after the page handler has produced the response body, you
- need to either use on_end_request instead, or wrap the response.body in a
- generator which applies your tool as the response body is being generated
- (what a mouthful--see
- `caching tee.output <>`_
- for an example).
- * before_error_response - Called right before an error response
- (status code, body) is set.
- * after_error_response - Called right after the error response
- (status code, body) is set and just before the error response is finalized.
- * on_end_request - The request/response conversation is over, all data has
- been written to the client, nothing more to see here, move along.
-Second, we need to provide the function that will be called back at that
-hook point. Here, we provide our ``protect`` callable. The Tool
-class will find all config entries related to our tool and pass them as
-keyword arguments to our callback. Thus, if::
- 'tools.protect.on' = True
- 'tools.protect.users' = ['me', 'myself', 'I']
-is set in the config, the users list will get passed to the Tool's callable.
-[The 'on' config entry is special; it's never passed as a keyword argument.]
-The tool can also be invoked as a decorator like this::
- @cherrypy.expose
-['me', 'myself', 'I'])
- def resource(self):
- return "Hello, %s!" % cherrypy.request.login
-This argument is optional as long as you set the Tool onto a Toolbox. That is::
- def foo():
- = True
- = cherrypy.Tool('on_start_resource', foo)
-The above will set the 'name' arg for you (to 'TOOLNAME'). The only time you
-would need to provide this argument is if you're bypassing the toolbox in some way.
-This specifies a priority order (from 0 - 100) that determines the order in
-which callbacks in the same hook point are called. The lower the priority
-number, the sooner it will run (that is, we call .sort(priority) on the list).
-The default priority for a tool is set to 50 and most built-in tools use that
-default value.
-Custom Toolboxes
-All of the builtin CherryPy tools are collected into a Toolbox called
-:attr:``. It responds to config entries in the "tools"
-:ref:`namespace<namespaces>`. You can add your own Tools to this Toolbox
-as described above.
-You can also make your own Toolboxes if you need more modularity. For example,
-you might create multiple Tools for working with JSON, or you might publish
-a set of Tools covering authentication and authorization from which everyone
-could benefit (hint, hint). Creating a new Toolbox is as simple as::
- # cpstuff/
- import cherrypy
- # Create a new Toolbox.
- newauthtools = cherrypy._cptools.Toolbox("newauth")
- # Add a Tool to our new Toolbox.
- def check_access(default=False):
- if not getattr(cherrypy.request, "userid", default):
- raise cherrypy.HTTPError(401)
- newauthtools.check_access = cherrypy.Tool('before_request_body', check_access)
-Then, in your application, use it just like you would use ````,
-with the additional step of registering your toolbox with your app.
-Note that doing so automatically registers the "newauth" config namespace;
-you can see the config entries in action below::
- import cherrypy
- from cpstuff import newauth
- class Root(object):
- def default(self):
- return "Hello"
- = True
- conf = {'/demo': {
- 'newauth.check_access.on': True,
- 'newauth.check_access.default': True,
- }}
- app = cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(), config=conf)
- if hasattr(app, 'toolboxes'):
- # CherryPy 3.1+
- app.toolboxes['newauth'] = newauth.newauthtools
-Just the Beginning
-Hopefully that information is enough to get you up and running and create some
-simple but useful CherryPy tools. Much more than what you have seen in this
-tutorial is possible. Also, remember to take advantage of the fact that CherryPy
-is open source! Check out :doc:`/progguide/builtintools` and the
-:doc:`libraries</refman/lib/index>` that they are built upon.
-In closing, here is a slightly more complicated tool that acts as a
-"traffic meter" and triggers a callback if a certain traffic threshold is
-exceeded within a certain time frame. It should probably launch its own
-watchdog thread that actually checks the log and triggers the alerts rather
-than waiting on a request to do so, but I wanted to
-keep it simple for the purpose of example::
- #
- import time
- import cherrypy
- class TrafficAlert(cherrypy.Tool):
- def __init__(self, listclass=list):
- """Initialize the TrafficAlert Tool with the given listclass."""
- # A ring buffer subclass of list would probably be a more robust
- # choice than a standard Python list.
- self._point = "on_start_resource"
- self._name = None
- self._priority = 50
- # set the args of self.callable as attributes on self
- self._setargs()
- # a log for storing our per-path traffic data
- self._log = {}
- # a history of the last alert for a given path
- self._history = {}
- self.__doc__ = self.callable.__doc__
- self._struct = listclass
- def log_hit(self, path):
- """Log the time of a hit to a unique sublog for the path."""
- log = self._log.setdefault(path, self._struct())
- log.append(time.time())
- def last_alert(self, path):
- """Returns the time of the last alert for path."""
- return self._history.get(path, 0)
- def check_alert(self, path, window, threshhold, delay, callback=None):
- # set the bar
- now = time.time()
- bar = now - window
- hits = [t for t in self._log[path] if t > bar]
- num_hits = len(hits)
- if num_hits > threshhold:
- if self.last_alert(path) + delay < now:
- self._history[path] = now
- if callback:
- callback(path, window, threshhold, num_hits)
- else:
- msg = '%s - %s hits within the last %s seconds.'
- msg = msg % (path, num_hits, window)
- cherrypy.log.error(msg, 'TRAFFIC')
- def callable(self, window=60, threshhold=100, delay=30, callback=None):
- """Alert when traffic thresholds are exceeded.
- window: the time frame within which the threshhold applies
- threshhold: the number of hits within the window that will trigger
- an alert
- delay: the delay between alerts
- callback: a callback that accepts(path, window, threshhold, num_hits)
- """
- path = cherrypy.request.path_info
- self.log_hit(path)
- self.check_alert(path, window, threshhold, delay, callback)
- = TrafficAlert()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- class Root(object):
- @cherrypy.expose
- def index(self):
- return "Hi!!"
- @cherrypy.expose
- def popular(self):
- return "A popular page."
- cherrypy.quickstart(Root())
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-Extending CherryPy
-If you need to perform some work that doesn't fit in a page handler, there are
-two ways to do it depending on the scope of the task. If your code needs to run
-on each request, or for only some URL's in your application, use a Tool. If your
-code needs to run elsewhere, such as process start/stop/restart/exit, or thread
-start/stop, use an Engine Plugin.
-.. toctree::
- customtools
- customplugins